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Damaged: The Complete Set Including DIRTY and FILTHY: A Dark Romance (The Damage Romance Box Set)

Page 7

by Michelle Horst

I see her swallow and then she whispers, “River Sinclair.”

  “You’re going to be just fine. If you need anything, just ask myself, Adam, or Miss Ella.”

  She nods, looking a little calmer. A hard road lays ahead for Sophia and Jack.

  Just before dinner, I run into Adam. I’ve been meaning to talk with him. “Do you have a few minutes?”

  “Sure,” he says, and I follow him out on the patio where we both take a seat on the comfy chairs.

  “I’ve been thinking of getting some supplies for Jack. You know, for when he’s better, so he can work in the garden.”

  “I’ll send one of the men to town to get a few things.” Adam gets up, “Is that all?”

  He’s always like this after we return with people. It hits him hard to see all those slaves and to leave them behind. It grates away at me too.

  Another week or so, and he’ll be back to his old self.

  Dinner is a weird affair at the manor. Some will have their food out on the patio, where others sit at the table with Miss Ella. As long as everyone eats, I don’t care where they sit.

  I grab two plates of food, and go to Jack’s room. We’ve moved Sophia in with Diane and Lizzie. I don’t think it’s a good idea to have Sophia and Jack sharing a room. I have nothing against any of them dating, but when they’re raw like this, I try to keep them away from anything sex related.

  I nudge the door open with my elbow and walk in. I’m surprised when I see Jack standing in front of the window. He’s wearing a pair of jeans and a black shirt.

  I’m very careful around him.

  “I brought you dinner.”

  Jack turns his head slightly, giving me a view of his handsome profile. He doesn’t talk much. There are times I worry that Cameron broke this beautiful man.

  “Please come eat with me, Jack.” I sit down on the chair. I fork some mashed potatoes and start to eat.

  It takes a few minutes of eating in silence before Jack sits down on the other chair. His movements are stilted with pain. I wish there was more I could do for him. He starts to eat and that’s all we do until our plates are empty. I’m glad he’s eating all his food. That’s one relief, at least.

  Jack wipes the corner of his mouth, and with his eyes on his plate, he says, “Thank you.”

  “My name is River Sinclair. Use my name and the same goes for Adam, Miss Ella, and the rest of the people living here. I meant it when I said you’re free. You’re not a slave anymore. There are others here who were slaves, just like you and Sophia, but they have made a life for themselves. I hope you’ll be able to do that too.”

  Jack glances up and his eyes pin mine with a challenging look.

  “So, what now? No more sex?” His voice is deep and every word calculated.

  This man is far from stupid. I still don’t understand how Cameron managed to hold him as a sex slave. Something just doesn’t add up.

  I force a smile to my lips. “There will not be any sex against your will. You’ll never be raped again. The only sex you’ll be having from here on out is the kind you really want.”

  He shakes his head and a sardonic smile pulls at his perfect mouth. “Never again.”

  “It’s your choice, Jack.”

  There’s a spark in his eyes, making them shine for the first time since the beating.

  “Was it the truth?” he suddenly asks.

  I frown, not following him. “What, Jack?”

  His eyes are locked on mine with a great intensity, and it makes a nervous tension flutter in my stomach.

  “Are you really celibate?”

  A sad smile pulls at the corner of my mouth. “I am.”

  He stares at me for a while, as if he’s trying to find the truth in my eyes.

  I clear my throat and break the silence. “On a happier note, one of the men will go get you some supplies tomorrow morning. You can start with the garden as soon as you feel better, if that’s what you’d like to do.”

  His features soften for the first time since we’ve met.

  “You’ll let me work with plants?” I can hear the suspicion in his voice, and I don’t blame him.

  “If you don’t want to you don’t have to, Jack. I just thought it was something you would love to do.”

  “It is.”

  I gather the dishes and get up. “Well then, it’s settled. As soon as you’re up to it you can start with the gardens. I’d like to introduce you to everyone.” His features tighten with wariness, so I quickly add, “Just so you know who else lives here, Jack. You don’t have to interact with them. You can keep to yourself if that is what you want.”

  I walk to the door but stop when he asks, “Why would you allow me to stay here but not expect sex from me?”

  My heart bleeds for him. He’s so used to people only wanting him for sex. It makes me cringe that he doesn’t think of himself as worth more than just being some monster’s fuck.

  “The sanctuary is a place where lost souls can find themselves. It is the one place on Earth you are safe. No one will dare to hurt you as long as you stay with us. I want you to remember that you’re free to go, but once you choose to stay here, there is no option of leaving. Everything we do here, and every rule we have, is for the protection of those who live here.”

  Jack’s gaze burns on mine, as if he’s dissecting every one of my words to see how much truth lies in them.

  He turns his back to me and I take it as the conversation being over.

  I feel hopeful after talking with him. He’s not lost to us. He’ll find his way back and it will be a beautiful sight to see the whole of him.


  It’s still early in the morning when I watch a truck pull up to house. Two men get out and they start to off-load plants, flowers, bags, pots, tools, and a hose.

  There’s only one way to find out if anything River has said is true, and that’s by leaving the room.

  My body is still tender, but it’s healed mostly. The rage and disgust keeps growing inside of me. It’s becoming a living thing that’s digging its roots deep inside the very core of me. I crave revenge for what’s been done to me. I want to kill every single person.

  With a simmering rage, I walk out of the room. When I reach the end of the hallway, I take the stairs to the bottom floor. I walk into a kitchen and immediately notice how warm it looks. It’s not clinical and bare like the one at Cameron’s estate.

  I walk to the door just as Miss Ella comes in, carrying a basket filled with eggs.

  “Morning, Jack,” she greets me with warmly. “It’s good to see you’re up and about. I noticed Colby and Ian drove up with a truckload of plants for you. I hope that means you’ll be adding some color around here now?”

  Keeping my eyes on her, I walk to the door and slip outside. Quickly, I take in my surrounding, searching for anything that can be a threat.

  The men are still off-loading stuff from the truck. I keep my distance, not trusting a single soul. One of the men places a bag with pebbles on the ground, and when he looks up, his eyes meet mine. My body tenses as I watch him. I won’t hesitate to kill anyone who threatens me. I won’t make that mistake again.

  The man nods and then he walks back to the truck. Only after they’ve driven away, do I walk closer to the stuff they left behind. Honestly, I’m surprised they didn’t try anything.

  I keep my guard up as I look at everything. Crouching down, I let my fingers brush over the velvet petals of the flowers closest to me.

  I grab the shovel and start to work the ground against the wall, all the way to the back door. When I’m done, I realize that there’s no fertilizer.

  I wipe my hands on the back of my jeans and cautiously look into the kitchen. Miss Ella is busy mixing something. I clear my throat to get her attention.

  When she looks at me, I ask, “Can I get fertilizer somewhere?”

  As the old woman walks towards me, I take a few steps back.

  “Will cow manure do? There’s plenty of that. Those cows just
eat and crap all day long. Let me go show you where.” She walks by me and then calls back, “Bring your shovel and wheelbarrow.”

  This feels like a dream. It’s all too surreal. Nothing in life comes this easily. I keep my guard up as I grab the shovel, and placing it in the wheelbarrow, I follow her. We walk quite a distance, and I can feel that my body’s still out of shape, as sweat starts to trickle down my back.

  Cows, sheep, and pigs come into view and I stop for a moment. I’ve never seen animals up close.

  “Over here, Jack,” Miss Ella calls out.

  I walk to where she’s standing near large heaps of manure. I start to shovel some into the wheelbarrow. When I notice that Miss Ella is waiting for me, I pick up the pace even though my body is protesting.

  “Morning, Miss E,” a man calls out. Quickly, I hold the shovel in front of me, ready to fight. I was told there won’t be any fucking sex. I’m not sure I can believe a word any of these people say.

  “I told you before, and I’m telling you for the last time, my momma named me Ella not E.” Her voice sounds harsh but there’s a smile on her face as she looks at the man. “Theo, this is Jack. He’s new here so be kind and not your usual crazy self.”

  Theo keeps his distance, which is a good thing.

  “Welcome, Jack.”

  I just glare at him, not willing to trust a living soul.

  “Now run along and go work,” Miss Ella says.

  Theo walks back towards a huge building. I watch him disappear inside before I get back to work. When I’m sure the wheelbarrow can’t take anymore, I stick the shovel into the manure, and take hold of the handles. Without a word, Miss Ella starts walking back towards the house. I follow at a safe distance.

  When we get back to the house, she goes straight into the kitchen.

  I bring the wheelbarrow close to the piece of garden I’m working with, and start to work the manure into the ground. It takes me a long while to get all of the manure nicely worked into the dry earth. I’m thankful for the work as it keeps my mind busy.

  I attach the hose to the tap that’s next to the backdoor. Setting the nozzle to a fine spray, I take my time wetting the ground. When I’m satisfied, I grab the first tray of flowers and start to plant them.

  I sigh and it feels as if a tiny piece of my cracked soul has been mended today.

  I don’t keep track of time as I plant tray after tray, arranging them all over the patch of ground.

  Miss Ella calls from the kitchen door, “Come have something to eat and drink. No use in you dying out in the heat. Who’s going to do the gardening then?”

  She disappears back inside, not waiting to see if I’ll listen.

  Reluctantly, I rinse my hands. I dry them on the back of my pants as I walk into the kitchen.

  “You can sit here with me, Jack.” Miss Ella moves around the heavy wooden table and takes a seat. There’s a plate filled with pancakes on the middle of the table. She takes some syrup and pours it over the pancakes.

  She places some pancakes on the plate in front of her, and cuts off a piece. When she pops it in her mouth, I move closer to the table. As she takes another bite, I sit down on the opposite side, so the table can act as a barrier between us.

  I eat fast, wanting to get back outside. Just as I finish, Adam walks into the kitchen, Sophia following right behind him.

  My heart constricts and I watch for any sudden movements from him.

  “Morning,” he says, as he glances at his watch. “It’s more afternoon than morning. You two enjoying your brunch?”

  “You know I love a snack here and there. At my age there’s no such thing as watching my figure. Who knows what kind of foods they have in paradise. I want to get my fill while I still can.”

  “Excuses, excuses,” Adam laughs at Miss Ella. “Nana, do you have two more plates?”

  Miss Ella quickly prepares two plates, and I move to get up when Adam sits down in front of me, and says, “Stay a while, Jack.”

  The food in my stomach turns sour and I glare at him as my body tenses. He pours two glasses of orange juice for himself and Sophia. She’s quiet where she sits next to him. I haven’t seen much of her in the past three days.

  He fills my glass again and then says, “I’ve noticed you’ve started on the garden. I’m glad you’re feeling better. There’s a chapel close to the river. I’d like to go show you. I think you’ll be able to do something with it.”

  He meets my stare and for a moment we just look at each other. I try to keep my voice toneless, but it’s hard and even I can hear the suspicion and doubt lacing the single word.

  “Okay.” I take a step away from the table, every muscle in my body screams at me to run. But I don’t, and instead I ask, “Why did you call yourselves Master and Mistress Ryland if you claim to be different?”

  “That was all a show to fool the fuckers who had you, Jack.”

  I’m shocked by the sudden burst of anger and hatred coming from him. It makes me take another step backwards.

  “No one has the right to keep another human being as a slave. It’s wrong.”

  He shakes his head and gets up so fast that the chair skids over the floor. My heart starts to pound in my chest, my hands fisted at my sides. When he walks by me, I get ready to attack, but instead he heads out the door.

  He stops and looks to Sophia and his voice is tight when he says, “Stay with Miss Ella.” Then his angry eyes find mine. “Come, Jack.”

  I don’t trust him one fucking bit. But if they are going to show their true colors, then being outside will give me the upper hand in a fight.

  I follow him out the door, and the further we walk away from the house, the edgier I get.

  We cross some sort of bridge, wide and strong enough for a car to drive over. Keeping an eye on Adam for any sudden movements, I still try to take in everything. Even though I’m consumed with anger, I notice the beauty around me.

  Adam swerves off to the right and I follow him into a small clearing. On the one side are old trees, reaching high into the skies, and on the other side is the river. I lose my breath from all the beauty around me.

  “This is the chapel, at least that’s what we call it.” Adam stops and stands a distance from the small structure.

  Vigilantly, I move closer. There’s a brick wall on the one side with two benches. It’s currently shaded by the trees. The bougainvillea they brought this morning would do great here. It can crawl up the back of the wall.

  “If you need to get some of your supplies here, just let me know and I’ll help you drive it down. It’s too far to walk up and down with everything.”

  I’m really confused. I stare at Adam, not sure what to make of his kindness. To be honest, it makes me feel uncomfortable. I know how to deal with anger and abuse.

  “You’re safe here, Jack. River and I will make sure nothing happens to you.”

  I’ve been here almost a week, and no one has tried to use me in any way. Could they really be that good?

  I feel like a fish out of water, not really sure how to handle all of this.


  I’ve been keeping an eye on Jack from a distance. He’s been working non-stop. Miss Ella now has pretty flowers right outside her kitchen, and she’s so delighted with them.

  Jack also made a garden with sturdy shrubs out front. I was worried when I couldn’t find him this morning, until I saw Adam drive off with him, in the direction of the river. Knowing he’s safe with Adam, I go to the office to look at the finances.

  We treat the plantation as a business and that means someone has to do the boring job of keeping track of all the funds.

  I work until late afternoon. My back feels stiff from hunching over the computer. After switching everything off, I stretch my body, trying to rid it of all the knots. Rubbing the back of my neck, I look out of the window and catch sight of Adam and Sophia walking in the direction of the wetlands.

  I walk to the kitchen and quickly have a glass of water, before
heading outside. I wander in the direction I last saw Jack heading in. When I reach the river, I wonder where he could be. I stand and listen to the water rushing over the rocks, the sound is a soothing balm on my raw heart.

  When I turn to leave, I spot movement by the chapel. I walk through the clearing and then see Jack’s head pop up from behind the chapel wall. On my side of the wall, he’s already made a garden. I slowly walk around the chapel and then smile. He has clay pots littering the sides of the chapel, all different sizes. A few have tiny trees in them. Jack is rubbing his one bicep while he stares at the pots.

  “You’ve been busy,” I say softly, not wanting to scare him.

  His head snaps up and he takes a step back. His eyes turn dark and I notice how he tenses, as if every muscle in his body is ready for a fight.

  Slowly, I take a step closer and point to the empty pots. “What are you going to do with those?”

  His eyes dart to them, before coming back to me. He watches me for a while, his eyes alive with anger and suspicion. I know it will take time before he’ll stop seeing me as a threat.

  “Bonsai trees.” The two words are curt as he grinds them out from between clenched teeth. He surprises me when he says, “The shade will be good for them.”

  “You like bonsai trees?”


  Patiently, I ask, “Why?”

  His green eyes are penetrating, and I know he’s trying to get a read on me.

  “Even though the tree is restrained and mutilated, it grows into something beautiful.”

  I swallow hard as his words sink in, finding an echo deep in my heart. I try to force a smile to my lips so he won’t see how upsetting his words are.

  Clearing my throat, I say, “Why don’t you make a list of the trees you’d like? Also the tools you’ll need. I’ll send one of the men to get it for you tomorrow.”

  He grinds his teeth and for the first time he looks away. “Why are you doing all of this?” The words explode from his lips. He takes a step closer to me and it makes my heart beat heavily. “What do you want from me?”

  I fight my instinct to run and keep my eyes on him. It feels like I’m trying to tame a wild beast.


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