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An Unexpected Thing

Page 8

by Marcy Jacks

  Jason swallowed hard. “How do you know if I’m feeling anything at all? I might not feel anything for you.”

  Marek got that dickish grin back on his face. “Believe me, I can tell that you’ve got massive feels for me.”

  Jason rolled his eyes.

  “You don’t have to admit it, not until you’re comfortable.”

  “Won’t that hurt your feelings?”

  “Mm, maybe a little,” he replied, stroking his hands up and down Jason’s waist. “But when you do eventually admit it, when you realize I’m the one you’re supposed to be with, you’ll get it then, and it will make your confession to me that much more powerful. I’ll be so wrapped around your little fingers then that you won’t know what to do with me.”

  The way he talked sometimes…it was hard for Jason to believe this guy was a warrior. Maybe he’d been a poet in a past life. That was always a possibility.

  “The funny thing is, I do want to admit to…something. I’m not saying what it is! That’s not where this is going,” Jason said quickly, not all that impressed with the look on Marek’s smug face. “But I do want to be with you. I want to keep being with you, and I want to protect you when you’re down. To see where this goes…”

  Even admitting to that seemed like too much. It felt a little too much like he’d confessed his undying love to Marek.

  And Marek beamed at him as if that was exactly what he’d done.

  “Baby, you can take all the time you need. I’ll wait for you.”

  Jason’s heart pounded so hard it hurt all throughout his chest when Marek reached for him.

  And he gave in, he leaned in when Marek pulled him down and allowed the other man to kiss him. It was a shockingly beautiful kiss. Jason never had a kiss in his life that he would have described as being beautiful, but this was it.

  So, yeah, if this was what Marek wanted, if he was all right with how indecisive Jason was, then why not go with it?

  Jason knew what his feelings were, it was just a matter of puffing up the courage to admit to it.

  Having Marek admit to his own feelings, that he loved Jason, wanted to be his mate, felt pretty damned good. Good enough that Jason was able to relax, to feel as though he were finally home. Finally with someone who loved and cared for him, even if Jason couldn’t put to words how he felt about anything.

  It was a great feeling.

  What came next felt even better.

  Chapter Eleven

  Marek continued to pull back and forth on Jason’s hips, encouraging the forward and back thrusting motion that let their cocks grind softly together through the sheets.

  Jason would rather it was skin to skin, but he got the feeling this was just what the other man wanted in the now.

  “Got all the time in the world, now,” he said, looking up at Jason with that same eager grin on his face. “We’re not going to be interrupted this time, I think.”

  Jason shook his head, confirming Marek’s thoughts. “N-no. The front door is locked, and no one needs to see me right now. Not without any magick.”

  He still felt guilty for not being out there to help with the cleanup, but his mate had to come first with these things, and he wasn’t about to let Marek hang in the wind.

  Besides, this was feeling good enough that Jason was able to forget for a couple of minutes about how much of a horrible person he was.

  The first time he’d been with Marek had been rudely interrupted, the second time lasted hardly any time at all, leaving him desperately wanting more, so now this time Jason was determined to get what he needed. What they both needed.

  Dry humping each other through their clothes and over the sheets was more than enough to get Jason hot and heavy. It shouldn’t have been, but there it was.

  He groaned as his pleasure grew. “Fuck, that’s nice.”

  “You wanted more since the last time,” Marek said, his voice pleasantly breathless. “I could tell.”

  Jason growled at him. “No, you couldn’t.”

  But Marek seemed to think he had one up on Jason, because he couldn’t cut it out with that stupid grin. “Yes, you did. I could tell you weren’t satisfied.” Marekbrought his hand to Jason’s cock. At least, to the bulge of his cock. Jason’s pants were starting to feel way too tight, and he wished he’d worn his robes.

  “You wanted more, and it bothered me that I couldn’t give it to you. Baby, you have no idea how much that bothered me. I wanted to make you howl, but I couldn’t because your damned friends were outside, ready and waiting to rush in there if they thought for one second that I wasn’t treating you right.”

  “Which was annoying as all hell,” Jason said.

  All right, maybe admitting that he’d been pissed off that he couldn’t go on for a little while longer with Marek than he’d wanted to admit.

  “That was then, and this is now,” Jason said.

  Marek grinned. “It absolutely is, now get those pants off, warlock. I want to magickally see you naked in the next two seconds.”

  Jason grinned, shaking his head at the stupidity of that, but he was quick to do as he was told.

  He practically jumped off Marek'’ body, and his shoes and socks were the first things to go before he worked on the belt and fly of his jeans. He shoved them down and kicked them away before he pulled his hoodie off. It also got thrown into the corner.

  Marek hardly wore anything. He had on a pair of clean boxers that belonged to Jason, and while they were a little tight on Marek, Jason happened to think he looked handsome in them.

  The only other thing the man had between their bodies was the slew of bandages, and there was no way Jason was going to approve of having those removed.

  Marek did, however, throw the sheets off his body with clear excitement. He looked up at Jason, that inviting grin pulling him in.

  “Wait, just a second.”

  “Where are you going now?” Marek called out as Jason ran, bare ass naked, out of the room.

  He imagined that Marek was getting sick of him running off like that, but there were some things that couldn’t be helped.

  Like lubricant.

  Thank God, Jason didn’t have to ask anyone else to get him some this time. That had been embarrassing, and he never wanted a repeat of that experience ever again.

  He rushed into his bathroom, and while he had no dedicated lube on him, some cream was all he needed to get the job done.

  Jason hadn’t exactly been rolling in lovers before Marek came to him, after all.

  This stuff was good to use, though. Jason knew from experience. For sensitive skin was what was written on the bottle, no glycerin in the ingredients, and he’d tested it out on himself more than once, well enough to know that it was safe if he wanted to use it for actual fucking instead of just masturbating.

  He rushed back to his bedroom, more than eager to have Marek inside him again, and when he got to the doorway, it was to the sight of Marek sitting up in bed, pillows at his back, waiting patiently for him.

  “You shouldn’t have…never mind.”

  “That’s right, I can do a few things even when you bandage me up all tight like this.” He wiggled a finger at Jason. “Now, get over here.”

  How could he resist?

  Even looking at Marek the way he was, he was a damned sex god. It was unfair how the man managed to make himself look.

  Especially with his cock standing straight up like that.

  As Jason approached the bed, he could hardly take his eyes off it. He didn't have much time before to appreciate it, and now that he did, he found himself eager to experience it again. The head was dark in color from the lust clearly running through Marek’s body. His prick was slightly curved, and there was a distinct throb to it that Jason couldn’t ignore.

  He put his knees up onto the bed, crawling over to Marek, his own cock pulsing in time with the beating of his heart as he became more and more eager to experience the other man.

  “Kiss me,” Marek said, grabbing Ja
son by the shoulders and pulling him close.

  Jason groaned. He put his hand to Marek’s chest and leaned in.

  Their mouths came together, and it was perfect. That feeling of it being beautiful hit him once more. A beautiful kiss from a handsome male. What more could he ask?

  Jason settled himself onto Marek’s lap. He probably shouldn’t, but the more he spoke with Marek, the more time he spent with him, the more convinced he became that maybe Marek really was all right for this. Maybe pressing their bodies together like this as Marek licked at the crease of Jason’s mouth was exactly what they both needed.

  Jason moaned, an embarrassing little mewling noise that made him shiver from top to bottom. He wrapped his arms around Marek’s neck and shoulders, finding himself clinging to the man in an incredibly undignified way as he opened his mouth and let Marek lick deep inside.

  Let him. Jason was more than all right to let Marek do whatever the hell he wished with him. He would be Marek’s. He would belong to him, be his mate, be his protector and the one Marek protected.

  Jason didn’t care so long as he got more of this.

  Marek reached for Jason’s cock again, this time curling his fingers around the base and stroking his dick as he thrust his tongue against Jason’s.

  At some point, between helplessly thrusting into the man’s hand and sucking on his tongue, Jason realized he was forgetting his manners here.

  Marek was going to want some relief, as well.

  He was the man’s mate, so he was going to provide it.

  Jason let his hands roam. At first he kept their positioning on Marek’s chest, gently sliding his fingers over his nipples, enjoying the hard budding of them beneath his fingers, and then he decided to play a little more around his abdomen.

  Marek groaned as though Jason were mouthing the head of his dick, giving him the best kind of pleasure there was instead of just playing around with his chest.

  Marek’s grip on Jason’s dick even tightened at one point, as though he were struggling to hold himself steady while Jason played with him.

  “Baby, that feels good.”

  “I’m barely touching you,” Jason said.

  Holy God, was that really his voice? Jason sounded as though he were out of breath from an intense workout, meanwhile, Marek kept a steady rhythm on his cock while he kissed along the edge of Jason’s jaw, and then gently bit down on the shell of his ear

  “Baby, you’re doing great.”

  His teeth were starting to feel a little sharp. Jason thought he saw some of the grey scales showing from beneath his skin.

  Jason couldn’t help but smile at that.

  Was he really making Marek come undone like this? It was a powerful feeling, to know that he could do that to the other man and still be the one dominated.

  “You are so fucking beautiful,” Marek said.

  Jason doubted that. “Says the dragon who looks like he belongs on the cover of a fantasy novel.”

  Jason let his hands move down south. He took Marek’s cock in hand, stroking it, pleased with how hard he was. Steel wrapped in soft skin, that was the only way to describe what he felt like.

  “Did you ever look at the cover of some of those books? Those dragons look nasty.”

  Jason hadn’t seen the cover of any fantasy books where the dragons looked ugly, but it was possible that, as a dragon, Marek had different standards for good looks than Jason did.

  Either way, he wanted to get this on with. He stroked Marek’s cock in time with Marek’s strokes. He kissed the man again and again, at one point taking command and slipping his tongue between Marek’s lips, if only to taste him from this side of the kiss.

  It was just as good, and Jason needed more.

  The heat, the building pleasure from their playing around like this was more than enough to make Jason feel just a tad impatient. He had to have Marek inside him. He was tired of not having it.

  He needed it. Right now.

  “I need you to fuck me,” Jason begged. “Just like before, but I don’t want it to be over in just a few minutes.”

  Marek stroked Jason’s cheek. “Baby, I can promise you this will last a little longer, but even if it doesn’t, you and I will have more time to recover and start again.”

  Jason blinked. That was right. He’d forgotten about that.

  No one would be checking on them. No disturbances. Even if Jason came too early, which was turning into a bit of a fear now that Marek was bringing him to the brink, he found he could relax a little and let it happen.

  Because Marek was right. They would be fucking well into the night now that they had the chance.

  “Ride me, baby. I want you on top of me, just like this,” Marek said.

  Jason lifted his hips. He opened the bottle of hand cream, but he wanted to do it himself.

  “You get to watch,” Jason said, feeling kind of proud of himself for being able to feel and act this sexy in front of Marek.

  Marek grinned and leaned back into his pillows, and he did watch the show. With much approval and appreciation in his eyes.

  Jason nearly broke eye contact a couple of times, but it seemed important that he not do that, that he hold Marek’s gaze while pushing his fingers inside himself, making himself slick. He didn’t need that much care. After Marek had fucked him only a few hours prior, Jason found himself still ready, his body not requiring that much of a stretch other than what was barely needed to make the experience as pleasant as possible.

  Jason had never brought himself off with his own fingers inside himself, but like this, with Marek watching, he got the feeling that was exactly what he could do.

  “You’re ready, sweetheart, come on now.” Marek took Jason by his hip and his hand, pulling his fingers back. He guided Jason to sit back on top of him, to straddle him.

  And that was exactly what Jason did.

  At first, Jason thought he was back in that little shed. That he would have to take more care to be quiet in this, that they would have to be quick and silent.


  While screaming his lungs out with pleasure while there were people in his clan who were trying to recover wouldn’t be the best thing ever, they could take their time.

  So, when Marek pressed the head of his cock to Jason’s hole and he was able to take his time sinking inside him, Jason was able to properly savor it the way he hadn’t been able to in the shed.

  They were in their bed, in a proper bedroom, with sheets and pillows around them, and no one was in chains.

  Well, not really for Jason, but he would be getting that seen to in short order.

  Jason sighed Marek was fully sheathed inside him. They held still, taking it in, and even having Marek’s cock deep inside his ass was enough to send little shockwaves of pleasure throughout Jason’s body.

  He loved this. He loved Marek. He really did.

  “Oh fuck,” Jason shivered, opening his eyes and looking at the other man. “We’re going to have to speed this up a little and fuck after, because I can’t hold it in.”

  “Fine by me,” Marek said with a growl. He wrapped his arm around Jason’s waist and began fucking up into him.

  Jason sighed. He remembered to keep it down, but the fact that they didn’t have to be completely silent was a Godsend.

  The heavy sound of Marek’s breathing, the sounds of his own pleasured sighs, the sensation of being so beautifully stretched, so wonderfully burned, all came together to make the pleasure that much more difficult for him to hold back.

  His toes curled and his legs cramped up just a little.

  But it didn’t matter, because it was too perfect.

  “That’s good,” Jason moaned. He rubbed his hand through his hair, needing something to do with his hands because otherwise he could only wrap his arms around Marek’s shoulders and hold on tight for the ride. “God, that’s…perfect.”

  “You like that?” Marek pressed heated, biting kisses to Jason’s jaw. His hand found Jason’s dick again, and
Jason hissed, moaning softly as it felt as though he were fucking into Marek’s hand while Marek fucked into him.

  “Tell me you want this.”

  “I do.”

  “Tell me you want me.”

  Jason looked at him, drunk on the pleasure. “I want you. Oh fuck, yeah, just like that. I want you.”

  He didn’t just mean Marek’s body, and he was sure Marek knew what he meant by it, too.

  Marek smiled, his face flushed with pleasure as he fucked harder into Jason. The bed rocked, but not so much that the walls pounded. That would be for another day. Jason knew it.

  When Marek was close, it became more and more obvious. Jason thrust down hard on his cock, trying to pull the man as deep as he could go. He held on tight, and Jason had to hold his hand over his mouth to keep from moaning too loudly when the orgasm finally hit him.

  Jason’s heart pounded as though it were trying to perform a prison break in his chest. He stroked his cock quickly, milking himself of the pleasure as he came on himself, on Marek, even getting the man a bit on the chin.

  Jason barely snorted back a laugh at that one.

  Even while getting off, some things were just crudely funny.

  Marek didn’t seem to mind, probably because of the way he followed after Jason shortly after.

  Jason sighed again, a new wave of shivery satisfaction hitting him when the rush of warmth spurted inside him. And in that moment, he really did feel as though he belonged to Marek.

  They caught their breath, resting easy now because they both knew it was a matter of time before they could go again.

  There would be no one to pull them apart.

  “If your elders will have me,” Marek said, “I’ll stay here with you.”

  Jason lifted his head from Marek’s chest, looking at the man. “What do you…do you mean to live here?”

  “If you want me to. Somehow, I get the feeling you wouldn’t want to leave this place just yet. Maybe even at all.”

  Jason tried not to look too deeply into that. “It’s not because I don’t want something with you.”


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