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The Truth Lies Beneath Your Eyes

Page 8

by Nzingha Keyes

  Chapter 7:

  If blue is for nightmares, what’s purple?

  Soccer games over, Christophe team won and I’m still outside, she thought. Nothing was wrong, it was a nice day but then why did she feel like something was soon to happen. I’m being paranoid, she thought. But the feeling wouldn’t shake from her. She walked along the building through the streets. It was silly, she was being stupid. She wondered around for a moment before noticing there was a little kid that seemed to be following her. Every corner she had turned for the past ten minutes the child had been there. She walked toward the little girl that looked about four with curly blonde hair that covered her eyes. “Are you lost?” she said to the child. The girl moved her hair out of her face to reveal freckles and a wide smile and eyes the flashed from…bright green to dark red once exposed fully to the sun. She said something in Romanian and then waved goodbye and ran away. “What was wrong with her eyes? At least she was happy though,” She said while turning back to go to the house.

  “We were just about to go looking for you,” Alex said. “And I’m certain that Dämon thinks the same,” He said putting the bunny on his head.

  “Aw, he likes you Alex!!!” She said happily.

  “Yeah but he hates me,” Christophe said jokingly.

  “That’s okay, I don’t hate you. Is that a good compromise?” She said softly.

  “A very good compromise, you are adorable,” He said smoothly.

  Such a flirt…ha ha, she thought. If he thinks I’m adorable he would love to know what I think about him…super sexy demon boy. “What are you thinking about?” Alex said.

  “Uh, nothing now…let’s play Mario Kart!!!” She said quickly.

  “Cool, I’ll set it up,” Alex responded as Amethyst went to go put Geliebt-Dämon back into his cage and feed him some food.

  Hotness, a sexy demon boy that makes me think of hotness, she thought. I don’t act right it’s like… he as a force field…he’s dangerous. He looks dangerous and talks dangerous but I’ve never been the type to fear danger. Always the challenger…competitor, why should this be any different? He seems to like me as well. But how do I go about it? I can’t just randomly blurt out ‘I like you’. That so childish and he is sixteen, I want to act fourteen like I am, not four. “I’m thinking too hard,” she said aloud. Putting the rabbit in his cage so he could eat. “What would you do Dämon?” She asked the little bunny jokingly as she put a piece of carrot in his food bowl for a treat. The bunny wrinkled it’s nose adorably and looked up at her innocently after nibbling at the carrot bit. “You don’t care do you?” she asked laughing. “You’re just thinking, “Take me with you!!!” she said with a smile. “Sorry cutie, I have to go kick Alex’s butt at Mario Kart before I play with you some more,” she said closing the door to the cage and leaving the room.

  “Okay let play!!!” she said walking back to the living room. She started playing the game and was in 2nd place at the moment before feeling eyes burning into the back of his neck.

  “Alias, dude, stare at the screen,” she said before getting into first place.

  “How did you know it was…” his voice trailed off.

  “That’s how I met you dude, chill out with the X-ray eyes would you?” she said right before winning the game. “Yeah!!! Got you Alex!!!” she yelled.

  “Rematch!!!” He yelled back.

  “You got it Lex, pick the place,” she said as she watched him pick the next location.

  Dear Journal,

  I don’t know what to think… like being here and I really shouldn’t and didn’t expect to.

  Like I’m in a cool house with my own room and its awesome and everything, it’s so pretty

  here. I’m live here with like three boys, Alex who’s 11, Alias he’s my age, 14 and the

  undoubtedly…uh never mind =D. But yeah theirs also Christophe, he’s sixteen. He

  looks like a living daydream. Which reminds me the three of them are fallen angels

  and evidently I’m half demon. It used to sound like bad news but it’s actually really

  cool. I think that Alias thinks that I’m weak. I just hope he doesn’t make me mad.

  I know what happens when I get really mad. That’s how I got expelled from my first

  middle school…he doesn’t know as much as he assumes. I HATE THAT!!! He acts

  like he knows absolutely fucking everything…well he’ll see one day. Oh yeah I saw

  adorable little girl today but I don’t know what she was saying. PS: I got a bunny!!!

  He’s hardcore adorable!!!

  Amethyst Lyell Alexander

  It was getting later now. She had not noticed it before, how long they played soccer. How long she trained and played the wii and how much time she had spent thinking before and after writing the journal entry. Looking up at the clock she knew that the boys were probably making dinner. She decided to go and help. She walked down the steps and into the kitchen and saw they were almost done with dinner.

  “Okay, since you guys did this…I want to make dessert!” she said happily.

  “You mean sugar shock?” Alex asked jokingly.

  “But of course!!!” She said.

  “Awesome!!!” All three boys said in unison.

  “Oh yeah, this should be fun!!!” she said. She looked in the freezer and all around the kitchen and saw they had what she needed already.

  they ate and talked about…everything that happened today.

  “So how was your walk today after the soccer game?” Alias asked.

  “It was good, I talked to this little girl today while I was coming back…well she talked to me because I don’t understand Romanian,” she said with a laugh.

  “Aw, you don’t understand anyone here,” Christophe said.

  “Uh…” She said feeling her cheeks turn red and instantly tried to hide it.

  “How adorable, do you know what she said like, repeat it?” He asked.

  “Uh fata de demon…I forget the rest but she was smiling and then ran away,” she said. They all continued to eat and then Amethyst looked out the window.

  “I’ll be back,” she said. And got up and ran outside.

  She ran to the park and phased up into a tree. The sunset from up here is absolutely beautiful, she thought. The colors of sunset, the reds the yellows, oranges and purples. Like spectacular finger-paint. It’s like a movie scene, so romantic like it’s just the way a fairytale ends. “And then the prince and princess run off into the sunset and they all lived happily ever after,” she said out loud with a laugh. She could imagine the whole scene and wanted to stay there, until the stars came up.

  “Are you enjoying this sight as well?” A voice said from behind her. She shifted her weight enough to see that it was Christophe flying behind her…and that his t-shirt was on the ground.

  “Um, which sight?” she said too quickly before she could realize that she had said it.

  “Uh, sorry I should…leave” she said unable to stop the blush that was taking over as she was about to phase down from the tree.

  “Stop that please,” his hand was on her shoulder. “You keep trying to hide or run every time your- never mind,” he said softly. She turned around and was slightly confused. Christophe was in her place, blushing and trying to cover it up.

  “You going to finish your sentence?” she said quietly as well.

  “Um…sit under the tree with me, if you don’t mind?” he asked as he landed on the ground, retracted his wings and sat.

  “Okay, hi,” she said. The sight was serene; the sunset colors still in the sky and not much time had passed. It almost seemed as if it had stopped.

  “Can I ask you a question?” Christophe asked.

  “Sure, why not?” She responded.

  “If I told you a secret would you keep it? And understand what it means?” He asked. “Will the secret be in English?” She asked.

  “It’s kind of universal…” he said hesitantl

  “Ok then, I promise,” she said with a laugh.

  “Don’t laugh…okay?” he said sounding shy.

  “Okay,” she said moving in close to hear the secret that he was making such a big deal out of. Hr reached and turned her face to his and they kissed. Oh my god, she thought. And once it was over and they had both realized what they had done they stayed that way, cuddled underneath the tree. The sun had finally gone down, sunsets were for kisses.


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