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The Truth Lies Beneath Your Eyes

Page 9

by Nzingha Keyes

  Chapter 8:

  Talking In Whispers? Now what have I missed

  “Don’t you wonder where they went?” Alex asked. Of course I wonder, where could they have gone? Alias thought.

  “No, I’m sure Christophe went out took look for her, she must’ve gotten lost or something,” He said calmly, trying to keep the concern from his voice.

  “Yeah I guess that your right, I’m tired, I’m going to go to bed,” Alex said getting up.

  “Um alright, me too, good night Lex,” he responded.

  He walked up into his room looking out the window. The sun was gone and it was dark. “Where the hell are they!?” He was yelling. He didn’t like this. This feeling of knowing the Amethyst was out there possibly by herself or the idea of Christophe….It was too much. He pulled out his I-pod and started the song “Dance Floor Anthem” By: Good Charlotte. “Everybody, throw up your hands. Say I don’t wanna be in love, I don’t wanna be in love. Feel the beat now; don’t be afraid to get down say I don’t wanna be in love, I don’t wanna be in love-“He sang along with the music, falling asleep.

  “You like Good Charlotte? Shocker,” A voice chimed in, Amethyst. He looked up slowly at her,

  “where were you?” He asked dazed.

  “I was outside climbing trees and watching the sunset. I forgot about dessert though,” She said smiling.

  “It’s all good but where was Christophe at?” He asked with a yawn. She giggled and then shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly,

  “Don’t know dude, didn’t even know he left,” she said.

  “But you laughed, why?” He asked sounding slightly more awake.

  “I’m being stupid, I can’t have a moment?” She said.

  “I uh guess so, later Amethyst,” he said placing his head back on the pillow barely hearing her exit. Twenty minutes later, Christophe walked upstairs and instantly got Alias’s attention with a whisper so quiet his super sensitive ears barely even heard it,

  “I went to candy-fucking-mountain…and I didn’t even lose a kidney”.

  “Christophe…are you….fucking high?” Alias said not fully opening his eyes of even sure if he was conscious.

  “What?” Christophe asked sounding very close to laughter.

  “I said, are you high. ‘Cause you just walked in here talking about Candy Mountain,” Alias said slurred with his face against the pillow.

  “Uh yeah little bro, high as fuck,” he said laughing. Alias opened his eyes to study his brother expression.

  “Nah you’re not, I just remembered, you’re Straight-edge,” Alias responded.

  “If you know that, then why ask?” Christophe pointed out.

  “Cause common sense and Candy Mountain don’t cross paths,” he said staring at his brother.

  “Okay, later,” he said quickly. Alias noticed that Christophe had a little bit of glitter on his lips and reluctantly remembered Amethyst’s Charlie the unicorn t-shirt. It said “let’s go to Candy Mountain”.

  “Fuck me sideways, you’re not fucking serious!!!” He yelled into the pillows. It can’t be, she wouldn’t I warned her and said that and…he isn’t going to win this time…It can’t happen. He got up and walked into Amethyst’s room. I just wanted to sleep, he thought.

  “Have you not heard anything I’ve told you?!” He said loudly as he pushed the door open.

  “Have you not heard of knocking? What’re you yelling about anyways, weren’t you sleep?” She said looking up from her book while lying on her bed in boxers and a tank top.

  “Why is my older brother wearing your lip gloss?!” He yelled.

  She laughed,

  “uh dude, I think that’s a loaded question…maybe he’s playing dress up?” He stepped back a bit, confused,

  “why did he come home talking about him going to Candy Mountain?” He asked.

  “Fuck if I know, he could’ve been stoned or daydreaming, why are you asking me shit about your brother, I’ll be damned if you didn’t wake up Alex with you yelling,” she said dismissively.

  “What’s wrong with me is that he-shit…I’m sorry…I-”. He closed the door and left. What’s wrong with me is he has you. Even if you won’t say it…it happened and I can’t deal with it.

  Midnight again, it seem that no matter how it’s sliced or pointed out everything is going wrong or strange or just corrupt. Yes, she’s learning and half demon goes to my school, gets along here has her own life and her own friends…she has to love Christophe, figures. Alex can see it and he is a child. I am fourteen and he is sixteen but I fail to see what is so much better about him. He is a troublemaker and I guess that that’s it…but I am not “Cute little brother anymore” because now that I know what it feels like…it’s time for things to change…especially with what is soon to happen.

  He couldn’t ignore the way they looked at each other the next morning. Maybe it was always there and he just noticed it because Alex seemed oblivious. He couldn’t understand why he had this feeling that something bad was going to happen. Something that none of them were fully prepared for. He couldn’t explain why though nothing much had happened to them ever since he and his brother had been placed back on earth. I should ask Christophe and Alex if they think something is going to happen soon…I mean it can’t be just me, can it?

  After breakfast everyone knew how it went now. Get dressed for training. He saw how strong they all were. Amethyst learned how to fly now. That should come in handy, and shes having fun here…it’s all good, he thought. “Can we play soccer now?” She asked impatiently.

  “We’ve been out here for like three hours; can we do something else now?” She stated.

  “It’s just that I want to know for sure that in case anything happens that were all prepared for it and able to fight…and there’s still things you can’t do yet,” Alias said.

  “Well there’s going to be things I don’t know…It’s only been a few days and I can do a lot of things that you can’t, Im not weak so don’t treat me like it. “Now anyways I can prove it to you later but right now…we play!!! Pick teams!!!” she yelled excitedly.

  They played and trained some more. They were all in the living room again and Alias was playing Mario kart with Alex.

  “I’m going to win!!!” Alex yelled.

  “Quit talking and drive, little boy,” he said jokingly. Then the was a crash sound as a…rock flew through the window. “What the hell?” Amethyst said while picking up the rock that had words etched onto it. It said, we will get all of you, no, matter what. Alias had been right; things were soon to happen, and from the looks of it, very soon.


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