Break my heart (Estate Series 1)

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Break my heart (Estate Series 1) Page 9

by Georgia Plumb

  It’s about damn time.

  At 5:45pm Reid comes home from work asking about my day. I tell him about Sherri letting me know she couldn’t come today and that she says she will come over to annoy me tomorrow. I didn’t tell him about the conversation with his mum, that’s for her to tell him if she chooses to. Finally, I tell him about my counselling session “I’m glad it went really well… but I wish you told me. I could have been here for you” he says running his hand through his hair “I know you would have, and I can’t begin to tell you how grateful I am for everything you’re doing for me. But it was something I had to do on my own” I tell him as I grab his hand to hold it “I understand. I just want you to know I’m here for whatever you need, and I’m ready to talk about it when you are” he says as he kisses my hand.

  This man, this incredible man. How can I deserve someone as amazing as him.

  I scooch closer to him as I wrap my hands around the back of his neck needing to be close to him. I brush my lips over his as I feel my sex pulsate with need, softly he presses his lips to mine, finally giving me what I need. Trying to spur him on I climb on his lap making him tense “We don’t have to do anything Beck’s. I’m willing to wait as long as you need” he says gripping my hips. I don’t know if I’m ready for this, but I’m feeling really turned on right now, so surely it’s the best time to try.

  “Just shut up and kiss me” I tell him as I forcefully weld my lips to him, letting out a groan his kisses me back. Feeling the ache deep within me I start slowly grinding on his lap, feeling the hardness in his trousers I start pressing my hips down on him, making him growl. Slowly he winds his arm round my back and lays me down on the bed. Feeling his weight settle on me, I wait for my panic to overcome me, but it doesn’t show, I’m too in the moment. Laying on top of me he starts grinding his erection painfully into the apex of my thighs “Oh god” I say as I feel myself getting wetter by the second “Are you okay” he asks huskily “Perfect, don’t stop” I gasp as I pull his head back down for a passionate kiss. Feeling his hand moving up my ribcage I let out a gasp when his hand comes over my breast “I missed these so much. Perfect” he says as he dips his head to bite my nipple through his t-shirt I’m wearing. Feeling brave, I move him slightly to sit up, looking into his eyes I grab the hem of my t-shirt and pull it over my head, leaving my breasts bare to him. He sits back on his heels clenching his fists at the sight of them “Do you know how beautiful you are?” he says staring into my eyes.

  I will not cry. I will not cry. I chant to myself.

  Sitting up to meet him I grab the back of his neck and pull his head to kiss me more, needing to tell him how much I still love him. He bites my lip as he comes up for air making me groan. This guys is good. Don’t get me wrong, when we fooled around before, it was amazing. But this is rough and passionate, it’s just what I need right now with him.

  Laying me back down he continues traveling downwards, he starts lavishing my nipples with his tongue releasing one with a Pop! He looks up at me as he kisses my belly, I nod at him breathless as he continues downward. With his eyes focused on me he takes hold of my trousers and underwear and starts peeling them off me leaving me bare to him, I feel a little panicky feeling so exposed.

  What if I’m ruined down there?

  What if he sees me as dirty now….

  I start to close my legs feeling embarrassed when he takes hold of my thigh to make me look at him “Beautiful” he says forcefully making me squirm. How did he know what I was thinking? Relaxing my legs to signal him to continue, he dips his head and licks the full length of my slit making my scream out in pleasure “Oh god Reid! Keep doing that” I say taking hold of his hair to keep him going, he tortures me by kissing the inside of my thighs “Please…Please” I beg, needing him back at my centre. He finally gives into my pleas and starts feasting on me, I moan so loud, forgetting his mum is downstairs.

  I hope to god she doesn’t hear, I could do without that embarrassment.

  His hand comes up to put his fist in my mouth to try and quiet me. Taking the hint, I bite down on it to try and stop me from screaming as I come all over his face. Releasing his hand, I look up to the ceiling as I try to catch my breath, that was unreal. I don’t remember it ever being like that before.

  Reid moves up the bed, bringing the duvet with him to cover us up while I recover. He pulls me into his chest as I lay there feeling like jello all over. My eyes well up with the reality of what just happened.

  I did it.

  A sniff escapes me when I cannot hold back anymore. The bed shifts as Reid enters my line of sight “Hey, what’s wrong? Did I go too far? Did I hurt you?” he asks, concern all over his face “I did it” I say on a whisper “I didn’t panic” I say, it’s all I can speak right now. Understanding crosses his face when he kisses my lips for the longest time before laying back down to wrap his big body around me from behind. Feeling more at peace than I have in days, I let my eyes shut, coated in the blanket that is Reid, feeling safer than I ever have.

  Waking up wrapped in strong arms I smile. Never going to get enough of this. Looking down at them I take in all the intricate patterns of the tattoos that claim his skin making him sexier than ever. I always loved his tattoos, I went with him when he got his first one at 16, his mum told him she would give permission as long as it was something meaningful. Looking down at the one on his forearm I see the one I’m thinking about. The big fruit tree, with one shiny apple dangling from its branches. It reminds me of that perfect day at the nature reserve and the reason behind the tattoo.

  We had been out for a couple of hours, walking around the reserve when we found a big apple tree on the very south side. We sat under it as we listened to music caught up in each other. When he looked up to see one last apple on a branch, the idiot climbed that damn tree just to get that apple to give to me with the biggest grin on his face. From then on we named it our tree and often had picnics under it in the summer. When his mum asked him why a tree, he just smiled at me and said it’s his favourite place in the world. I’ve always wanted a tattoo of my own, maybe I should start a bucket list and start doing things that scare me.

  “Morning beautiful” Reid says with a sleepy voice. Kissing my my cheek, he slowly starts moving his hand, traveling from my ribs to stroke my lower belly. Unable to keep my excitement at bay, I release a shiver in anticipation.

  Someone is now very awake.

  Letting out a sigh he continues moving his hand to the top of my mound, kissing the shell of my ear he whispers “I could wake up to you every day” pressing his hard length into my behind making me groan. He pushes his hand even lower, circling my opening “Tell me if you need me to stop at any point and I’ll stop straight away ok” he says as he kisses my neck. Nodding in agreeance, he gently starts swirling my wetness around my lower lips. Bringing his lubricated fingers up to my bud and applies pressure making me gasp, nothing else ever felt so right. I’d been so worried about being intimate after what happened to me, but every touch of Reid’s is helping erase the pain of my memory. Pushing my behind into his hardness he growls into my ear “Stop putting your ass on my dick babe. Unless you want me to lose control”. I try to stop myself, I really do. but I can’t help it when he’s circling my clit making me feel so good. Moving his fingers back to my opening he slowly inserts a finger, testing to see how I react. I expect pain from the penetration, but all I feel is pure bliss, I must have healed up. Satisfied I’m okay, he starts gently thrusting his finger in and out of my sex, while pushing his cock into my behind “Go faster, I won’t break” I tell him as I slide my hand over his to push him into me more forcefully making myself moan. Picking up the pace he pistons his finger in and out of me, with his other hand he pulls down his boxers. I feel his red hot cock between my ass cheeks as he slides in between them, pleasuring himself with my body. Using my own hand, I start playing with my clit, giving it some well needed attention. Applying pressure, I see stars as I start to come all over his finger,
squeezing it painfully tight. Hearing him groan he thrusts one more time between my cheeks and releases over my back and the mattress. I don’t know what came over me, I acted like a wanton hussy, but I don’t have it in me to care. I need to move on and not let what happened control me.

  I won’t lose Reid over it. Never.

  Feeling spent and stated I lie there as he gets up and moves to the bathroom. He comes back in with a flannel and wipes my sex gently, cleaning me up. tossing the flannel in his laundry basket he grabs a towel off the rack in his bathroom and lays it on the bed to cover up the wet patch. Climbing back into bed he wraps himself around me as we lay there catching our breath. Little does he know how much that helped heal a little piece of me. Next time though, it’s my turn to wake him up with a surprise.

  Chapter Thirteen

  The rest of Wednesday is spent pretty much the same. After we finally pry ourselves up from bed, Reid goes to work in the morning like the day before, the difference is this time I don’t hide in my room. I actually spend most the day with Hayley, talking about my counselling session with her and how her and Asher are going. She tells me he isn’t supposed to date his clients, but as he own’s the clinic, he didn’t care much for the rules when it came to her. It’s really sweet and I’m so glad things are going well.

  After my morning coffee with Hayley, I get a call from the detective who interviewed me at the hospital asking to come over to see me. I need to text Reid to let him know, last time it hurt him when I kept it from him.

  Me: I’ve just had a call from Detective Sullivan. She wants to come over to talk to me.

  Reid: Hopefully good news. I can’t get out of work right now, but Brady is on his way.

  Me: Your mum is here, I’m sure I’ll be fine.

  I haven’t seen Brady since the hospital. I’m not sure if he’s stayed away on purpose or if he feels weird around me now.

  Reid: I would feel better if you had a friend there as well. As soon as I can leave I’ll be on my way home.

  Me: Ok, I’ll see you when you are home.

  20 minutes later, there is a knock at the door and Hayley gets up to answer “Hey Mrs Doyle. Looking ravishing today” Brady says as he saunters into the front room “There’s my girl” he says as he comes over to hug me. Wrapping me up in his arms, I breathe out all the tension I was feeling about him visiting “Hey Braids” I say into his chest. Unwrapping myself from him, we make our way over to the sofa and sit down, I can hear Hayley washing up in the kitchen “How you doing girl?” Brady asks me with concern on his face “I’m doing better” I tell him honestly, it’s all I can manage to tell him at the moment “Just know I’m here for you always babe. I would have come over sooner, if the big bastard I work with hadn’t banned me” he says with a laugh “Banned you? Why?” I ask confused, why wouldn’t he let Brady see me? “Yeh, he was worried about you. He didn’t want to bombard you with…. Males” he says forcing out the last word.

  Blowing out a frustrated breath, I try to make sense of Reid’s thinking, sure, I can see why he would think that about some people, but this is Brady, I’ve known him most of my life. I didn’t know how I was going to react to him at first, but that didn’t mean I didn’t want to see him “I get why he did it, but I missed you Braid’s. Aside from Sherri you are my best friend” I tell him making him smile. Bearing another knock on the door, Brady gets up walking to see who it is. It can’t be the Detective, It’s too early to be here. Looking through the peep hole he smiles “Talk of the devil” he says as he opens the door to a flustered Sherri “Are they here yet?” she rushes out as she enters the front room “No, you beat them here” Brady smiles as he watches her take her jacket off “Thank god. Hey Beck’s, missed you babe” she says as she practically leaps on the sofa to hug me “Hey Shez, what are you doing here?” I ask her while she squeezes the life out of me, disentangling herself she says “Reid text me, told me about the Detective coming to see you. Like I wasn’t going to come to support you” giving me a sad smile “Thanks Shez” I tell her with a watery smile of my own.

  Sitting on the sofa we all wait for the Detective to arrive, we are in the middle of talking about a new song the band has when there is another knock on the door. Brady gets up to answer while I try and ready myself for whatever news they have. Sherri reaches over and squeezes my knee, smiling at me for support.

  Detective Sullivan walks into the front room with Brady following “Miss Hughes, thank you for allowing me to visit” she tells me as she takes a seat on the armchair. Brady comes to sit on the other side of me and he slings his arm on the back of the sofa behind my head “It’s no trouble Detective” I say trying to give her eye contact “Please, call me Ella” she says with a warm smile “I assume you know I have some news” she says getting her notepad out “I thought it better to tell you it in person” she says as she clicks her pen “Yes, have you found them?” I ask her digging my nails into my leg “We’ve had a report that your mother has been seen in Ardleigh” that’s not far from here, no more than half an hour’s drive “She was seen at a local supermarket buying alcohol yesterday afternoon. We’ve sent police to the area and we’ve checked the supermarkets CCTV, it was definitely her. The footage from the car park showed her getting into a green Volvo, a man could be made out in the driver’s seat. We cannot confirm, but we believe it could be Gary” she says matter of factly “I want you to know we are doing everything we can to find them. In the meantime, there has been a protection order put in place, so both of them cannot contact or come near you” she tells me,

  I remember Hayley saying she had the same thing put in place after she was attacked “What does that mean for Becca” Sherri asks she holds my hand for support “Well, both Annabelle and Gary cannot come near her or this house. I very much doubt they will, but if you see anything at all suspicious you need to call 999 or me immediately, day or night” she says as she passes both Brady and Sherri her card “Thank you Ella. For taking the time to come and give me an update” she could have just called, but she took the time out of her day to tell me in person “You are very welcome Becca. I have a daughter around your age, so I can assure you I’m doing everything to find them. I will not let him get away with this” she tells me with determination on her face.

  Walking her to the door, I feel emotionally drained. I can’t believe mum is only in Ardleigh, what is she up to? Sitting back down with Brady and Sherri, I let out a sigh as the day’s events weigh down on me “They will find them Beck’s” Sherri says, resting her head on my shoulder. Putting my head against hers, I hope to god she’s right.

  Not long after, Brady tells me he has to go back to work, I give him a bear hug as I walk him out promising to speak to him tomorrow. When I sit back on the sofa with Sherri, Hayley pops her head round the kitchen door “Becca honey, I’ve got to pop out for a little while to grab some shopping. Will you be okay here for a while?” she’s asks me as she puts her coat on “I’ll be staying a while Miss Doyle” Sherri responds giving her a smile “Please, call me Hayley. Miss Doyle makes me feel old” she says with a smile “I’ll be fine thanks Hayley. Do you need any money to help with the shopping?” I ask her, I don’t like that she won’t let me help. I’m low on money, but I’m back at the studio tomorrow, so at least I’ll be getting some cash “Don’t be silly dear” she says as she puts her shoes on “Call me if you need anything” she says as she walks out the door. “Shall I put the kettle on?” Sherri asks, nodding I walk to the kitchen with her and get the mugs from the cupboard.

  We work in silence making the tea. I grab the tin of biscuits off the kitchen counter before we make our way into the front room again, preparing myself for the conversation I knew was coming “So…. you don’t have to tell me anything until you are ready, but I do have some questions. I want you to just nod or shake your head if you can’t answer, okay?” Sherri says in a soothing tone, I gulp and nod at her, knowing she needs to ask this “Ok, my first question is, Are you okay? Like really ok?”
she asks me. My eyes well up as I shake my head “Was your mum there?” she asks, her own eyes welling up. I nod as tears fall down my face “Did she try to help you?” she asks me. I manage a small shake of my head and shut my eyes, trying to force the pain back to its pit in my stomach “Where you a virgin?” she says quietly. I guess she may have assumed me and Reid had sex when we were together before, I never told her we hadn’t as I thought it would make me seem like such a loser. All my friends including Sherri lost their virginity when they were barely 16. I nod my head as a sob breaks free, she wraps her arms around me as I let out my pain “Oh god Beck’s. I’m so sorry” Your first time is supposed to be something you will always remember, mine is something I hope I one day forget “Do you feel safe here? Staying in Reid’s bed?” she asks wiping her face, “I do. I know maybe I shouldn’t but he’s been…. helping erase the memories” I say to her in a shaky voice, she nods at my answer smiling sadly “I’m glad you have him, he loves you so much, so I know you’re safe here… I just had to be sure” she says pulling me into her arms. We sit there in silence while she takes in my admissions “Know that I am here for you completely. I even can’t begin to imagine what you’ve been through. But I will help you with whatever you need to heal” she says wiping a tear from my cheek “Thanks Sherri. I don’t know what I’d do without you” finishing our tea, I feel so much lighter now I’ve spoken to her. Knowing I’ve got her to lean on if I need to makes me feel incredibly lucky. I really couldn’t ask for a better best friend.


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