The Beauty Myth
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cosmetic surgery in, 240, 251
dieting in, 193
eating disorders in, 183
elderly women in, 54
food in, 191
GOQ in, 27, 39
incest in, 161
incomes in, 49
pornography in, 79, 163
rape in, 141–142, 159
Sex Discrimination Act of, 28
sex discrimination in, 11, 39–41
sex in, 141–142, 147, 159
sexual harassment in, 41, 43, 52, 300n
working women in, 21, 22–23, 26, 39–41, 43, 49, 52, 53
Greer, Germaine, 12, 69, 150, 154, 291
Griffin, Susan, 162
Griswold v. Connecticut, 219
Grove, Dr., 110
Guardian (London), 80, 268, 289
guilt, 9, 16, 43, 65, 137
food, eating and, 186, 187, 195
PBQ and, 29–30
Rites of Beauty and, 96, 97, 121
sex and, 131
Gutek, Barbara A., 46, 301n
Hahn, Jessica, 246
hairdos, 40
hairdressers, 49
Hamill, Pete, 69
Hamilton, David, 134
Hardy, Thomas, 61
Hariton, E., 141
Harper’s, 78
Harper’s and Queen, 133, 233, 307n
Harper’s Bazaar, 82
Harris, Marvin, 26
Harris Poll, 160
Hartmann, Heidi, 24
health, 222–227
body image and, 229–232
institutionalized reclassification of, 227–229
in men vs. women, 230
Hefner, Hugh, 32, 148
Helena Rubinstein Foundation, 138–139
Hellenistic Rome, 190
Hemingway, Mariel, 246
Herman, C. P., 187–188
Herman, Stephen, 266
heroines, 59–61, 67
Herstein, Morris, 109–110, 112
Hess, Elizabeth, 143
Hevn, Dalma, 82–83
Hewlett, Sylvia Ann, 209
Hippocratic Oath, 236, 327n
Hite, Shere, 146, 150
Hite Report on Female Sexuality (Hite), 118
Hochschild, Arlie, 24, 50
Holland, TV in, 80
Hollander, Ann, 184, 188
Holy Anorexia (Bell), 189
homosexuality, 168, 289
Hopkins, Ms., 39
Hopkins vs. Price-Waterhouse, 39
hormones, 192
Housewife (Oakley), 64
housework, housewives, 23–24, 62–66
cult of domesticity and, 15–16
work ratios and, 23, 24
Hoyt, Michael, 78
Hudson, Gil, 282
Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs, 23
Hungary, 80
hunger, 179–217, 316n–320n
eroticizing of, 215
great weight shift and, 184–189
mental effects of, 199–200
One Stone Solution and, 186, 188
see also anorexics, anorexia; bulimia
Hungry Self, The (Chernin), 182, 188
Hutchinson, Marcia Germaine, 150
hysteria, 198, 221, 224
Ibsen, Henrik, 17, 295n
identity, 10, 14, 55–56
cosmetic surgery and, 258–259
Rites of Beauty and, 100–101
Illness as Metaphor (Sontag), 220
image, equality of, 44
images of women:
in art, 184
beauty myth and, 9–11, 14–19, 50
Bunny, 32–33, 298n
as feminists, 18–19, 68–69, 208–209
in magazines, 76–77
sex and, 151–152
technology and, 14, 15
In a Different Voice (Gilligan), 90
incest, 161, 220
beauty maintenance expenses and, 52–53
calories and, 197
dominant female roles and, 50
of men vs. women, 49, 53, 115–116
income discrimination, 52–53, 302n
Independent (London), 238
Independent Guide to Cosmetic Surgery, 238, 324n–325n
food in, 190, 193
TV in, 80
individualism, male vs female, 58
Indonesia, 117
Industrial Revolution:
beauty before, 14
beauty myth and, 10, 14–15, 20, 91
women’s work before, 23
infanticide, female, 190
invalidism, female, 220, 221–222, 224
Ireland, 138
Ireland, Patricia, 25
Iron Maiden, 17–18, 51, 73, 78, 135, 228
beauty myth and, 278–280
freeing of, 266–269
hunger and, 184, 185, 186, 188, 189, 192, 195, 196, 198
sex and, 155, 159, 175–177
isolation, 56, 58, 210, 283
Rites of Beauty and, 89
women’s magazines and, 74, 75
Israel, incest in, 161
eating disorders in, 183
food in, 191
housework in, 24
pornography in, 79
Jacobi, Mary Putnam, 233
Jacobs, Gloria, 143
Janowitz, Tama, 168
Japan, eating disorders in, 183
jaw clamps, 261
Jeremiah v. Ministry of Defense, 40
Jews, food and, 191, 195
job discrimination, 11, 21
John Lewis Partnership stores, 41–42
Johnson, Virginia E., 138
Joyce, James, 61
Judaism, Rites of Beauty and, 89, 97
Judeo-Christian tradition, 92–95, 97
antiwoman bias of, 92
Kant, Immanuel, 235
Kaplan, Helen, 146–147
“Kathryn,” 209
Keats, John, 174
clitoridectomy in, 244
work in, 24
Kinsey, Alfred, 131, 146, 160, 161, 311n
Kligman, Albert, 111–112
Kohlenberg, Stanley, 112
Krafka, Carol, 141
labor, in childbirth, 218–219, 255
labor unions, 49, 52, 56, 276
Ladies’ Home Journal, 70, 71
Lakoff, Robin, 213
Lane, James Henry, 68
Lapham, Lewis, 78
Lasch, Christopher, 130
appearance standards and, 32–34
PBQ and, 36–48
sex and, 141–142
lawyers, 25, 49, 54–55
Lear’s, 252
Lecture on Art (Wilde), 93
Less Than Zero (Ellis), 168
Levin, Jennifer, 167
Levitt, Suzanne, 48–49, 254
Lewis, Bud, 160
Lewis, Herschel Gordon, 79–80
Life, 70–71
Life and Loves of a She-Devil, The (Weldon), 245
Lifton, Robert Jay, 195, 236, 265–266
light, Rites of Beauty and, 103–106
Li’l Miss Makeup, 215
“liminal phase,” 100–101
liposuction, 236–237, 261–264
literacy, 14, 15
Liu, Aimee, 185
Livermore, Mary, 233
Los Angeles Times, 160
love, 133, 140, 142–146
self-image and, 168–173
“love bombing,” 127
Love Me Tender (Texier), 168
Love, Sex and War (Costello), 62–63
Loyola University, Sexual Dysfunction Clinic of, 193
Lust (Minot), 168
MacArthur, John R., 78
McDermott, Catherine, 33, 298n
MacKinnon, Catharine A., 50, 57, 137, 300n, 302n
McKnight, Gerald, 109, 112, 120, 250, 324n–325n
“Magazine Crisis” (Hoyt), 78
es, women’s, 29, 61–85
as businesses, 77–78
visual competition and, 78–79
World Wars and, 62–64
Mahler, Vanessa, 190
Mailer, Norman, 69
makeup, see cosmetics, cosmetic industry
Malamuth, Neil, 165
male-female relationship, 14, 16–17, 58
breast surgery and, 247
television journalism and, 34
women’s self-image and, 168–173
Mamanova, Tatiana, 80
managers, 25
Man Made Language (Spender), 106
Mansfield Park (Austen), 60
Marks, Ronald, 113
marriage, 14, 20, 50, 115, 129, 146
labor market compared with, 21
sex outside, 150–151
Martineau, Harriet, 92
masochism, hunger and, 215
see also sadomasochism, beauty
Masters, William H., 138
masturbation, 146, 147, 155, 156, 245–246
Maureen Murphy and Eileen Davidson v. Stakis Leisures, Ltd., 40
medicine, 220–234
ethics and, 234–239, 248–249
health and, 222–232
institutionalized reclassification and, 227–229
profit and, 232–234
sexual surgery and, 241–249
Meehan, Vivian, 215
memento mori, 102–103
aging of, 93–94
appearance of, 34, 35, 43–46, 48–49
beauty of, 13, 295n
earnings of, 49
eating diseases among, 178–180, 289
general culture and, 70–71
health of, 230
housework of, 23–24
meritocracy and, 25
overweight, 186
respect for, 26
sexuality of, 248–249, 273
in television journalism, 34, 35, 48
undoing beauty myth in interest of, 287–289
menopause, Victorian view of, 222, 223, 225
menstruation, 97, 222–223
mental illness, 99, 229–230, 246, 322n
meritocracy, 24–25, 29–30
Meritor Savings Bank, 38
Metromedia Inc., suit against, 35–37
Mexico, divorce in, 117
Michael Reese Hospital, 192
Michaels, Daniel L., 112
Michelet, Jules, 221
Middlemarch (Eliot), 60
Miles, Rosalind, 22, 49, 97, 109, 131, 153
Milgram Experiment, 249–250
Miller v. Bank of America, 37–38
mind, hunger and, 199–200
Minnesota, University of, 193–194
Minot, Susan, 168
Miss America pageant, 68, 185, 267
models, 31, 39, 41, 44, 50
plastic surgery of, 266–267
weight of, 184–185, 192
Moi, Daniel Arap, 244
Molloy, John, 43–45
money, beauty as, 21, 30
monogamy, female, 13
Monuments and Maidens (Warner), 58
More Than Just a Pretty Face (Rees), 95
Morgan, Elaine, 13
Morgan, Elizabeth, 161
Morocco, food in, 190
Ms., 33, 81, 165–166, 252
M. Schmidt v. Austicks Bookshops, Ltd., 39–40
MTV, 163–164
Murkovsky, Charles A., 182
My Secret Garden (Friday), 149
National Airlines, 33
National Council for Civil Liberties, 52
National Endowment for the Arts (NEA), 139
National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), 160, 165
National Institutes of Health (NIH), 187
National Organization for Women (NOW), 31, 33
National Women’s Business Enterprise Policy, 33
natural selection, 12–13
Naude, Beyers, 259
Nazi Doctors, The (Lifton), 236
Nazis, 195, 207, 265
Negoda, Natalya, 80
Neimark, Jill, 263–264
Netherlands, 117, 125, 183
German occupation of, 194–195
sexual abuse in, 159
Never Too Thin (Seid), 182
Newcastle, Duchess of, 23, 296n
New England Journal of Medicine, 193
Newsweek, 31, 238
Newton, Helmut, 134
New Woman, 77, 98
New York Academy of Art, 95
New York City Transit Authority, 139
New York State Human Rights Appeals Board, 32–33
New York Times, 68–69, 95, 112, 118, 120, 136, 137, 182, 211, 215, 227, 229, 238, 261
advertising in, 233, 234
New York Times Magazine, 44
New York Woman, 52, 81
North Africa, food in, 190
Northanger Abbey (Austen), 60
nudity, 280, 288
male vs. female, 139
numbness, pain and, 249–254
Nuremberg Code, 236, 237, 238, 323n–324n
nursing, 226–227
Oakley, Ann, 23, 64, 227
obedience, weight obsession and, 187, 197
obesity, demographics of, 94–95
obscenity, 138–139, 162–163
Observer (London), 133
Obsession, The (Chernin), 96, 188
Occupational Safety and Health Act (1970), 258
O’Connor, Sinead, 168
Official Breast, 247–248
One Stone Solution, 186, 188
Ontario Police Project P, 139
Orbach, Susie, 188, 191, 198, 208, 318n
orgasm, 131–132, 135, 146–147, 200, 244
Orificial Surgery Society, 246
original sin, 95–96
Other Woman, 287
removal of, 245–246
Victorian views on, 222, 227, 245–246
pain, 218–220, 243, 249–257
numbness and, 249–254
food in, 190
housewives in, 23
PBQ, see professional beauty qualification
penis, 138, 139, 153, 242–243
Penthouse, 79, 139
perfection, 93, 134–135
photographs, 82–83, 105
Picasso, Pablo, 174
Piercy, Marge, 77
pinups, 52, 68
plastic surgery, 234, 256, 266–267
Plath, Sylvia, 250
Playboy, 79, 80, 134, 135, 138, 149, 246
playfulness, 290
of beauty myth, 10–11, 16–17, 21
love and, 145
of weight loss, 187–188
Polivy, J., 187–188
polygamy, male, 13
Pomeroy, Sarah B., 190
pornography, 10, 17, 51–52, 79–80, 140–142, 147–149, 246, 305n–306n
Cavett’s story about, 212–213
see also beauty pornography
Pornography and the Sex Crisis (Cole), 138
Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man (Joyce), 61
Positively Beautiful, 100
posttraumatic stress syndrome, 166
poverty, of elderly women, 54
power structure, power:
beauty as, 46
beauty myth used to undermine women’s access to, 20–27; see also professional beauty qualification
immigrants’ access to, 21–22
maleness of, 210
subjectivity of beauty and, 36
pregnancy, 40
Victorian view of, 222, 223
“Prices” (Wells), 120
primates, sexual behavior of, 13, 132
Private Eye, 61–62
professional beauty qualification (PBQ), 27–57, 276
background of, 31–37
guilt and, 29–30
legal upholding of, 36–48
social consequences of, 48–57
television journalism and, 34–37
vital lies and, 28
women’s magazines and, 71
professions, display, 27
profit, medical system and, 232–234
Prometheus, myth of, 61
prostitutes, 15, 50
Protestantism, 89, 91, 92
psychology of women, PBQ and, 48, 52–54
Psychology Today, 248
punishment, sex and, 219–220
purification, cycle of, 98–102
Pyke, Magnus, 195
Rabidue v. Osceola Refining Co., 51–52
radiance, 103–105, 261
Radiance, 161, 187
rape, 38, 115, 136, 159, 161, 162, 164–168, 220, 313n–315n
date, 165–167
fantasy of, 137–138, 141, 162
survey on, 164–167
Redbook, 43, 72, 300n
Reed, Evelyn, 13
Rees, Thomas D., 95, 244, 256
Reich Committee for the Scientific Registration of Serious Hereditary and Congenital Diseases, 265–266
religion, 11, 86–130, 308n–311n
decline in influence of, 89–90
feminization of, 91–92
Goddess, 13
solidarity and, 90
see also Rites of Beauty
Re-Making Love (Ehrenreich, Hess, and Jacobs), 143
Renaissance, 103
“Report of the World Conference for the United Nations Decade for Women,” 23
reproductive rights, 9, 11
Retin-A, 105, 111, 239, 258
Rich, Adrienne, 155, 255
Rites of Beauty, 86–130
caste system and, 87
Creation story and, 93–95
cult sales and, 106–128
food and, 96–98
light and, 103–106
medieval Catholicism compared with, 88–89, 100, 102
memento mori and, 102–103
original sin and, 95–96
purification cycle and, 98–102
social effects of, 128–130
structure of, 93–128
ritual, female, 279–280
Roddick, Anita, 110–111
Rodin, Judith, 187
Roe v. Wade, 134
role models, 74, 210
male vs. female, 58–59
Romulus, laws of, 220
Room of One’s Own, A (Woolf), 181
Roosevelt, Eleanor, 71
Rossetti, Christina, 216
Rumania, 120
Russell, Diana, 159, 160
sadomasochism, beauty, 132, 133, 136–138, 140–142, 163
St. Cloud State University study, 166
St. Cross, Margarita, 32, 38
St. Cross v. Playboy Club of New York, 32–33
salespeople, 49, 56
cult sales and, 107–108, 121–122
Sarler, Carol, 81
Sarton, May, 104
Saudi Arabia, 220
Sawyer, Diane, 36, 299n
Scherr, Raquel, 213
Schlafly, Phyllis, 150–151
Schmidt, M., 39–40
Scientific American, 192
Scott, Steve, 241
Screen Actors Guild, 137
Screw, 148
Second Shift, 25–26