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Tempted by Love: Jack Jock Steele (The Steeles at Silver Island Book 1)

Page 20

by Melissa Foster

  “You look deep in thought.” Daphne bent to wipe ice cream from Hadley’s cheek and said, “Are you thinking about what you wrote today?”

  “I’m trying not to think too hard about what I’ve written. I don’t want to jinx it.”

  “Good idea. I’m so happy you were able to write.”

  “Me too. I was actually thinking about home just now.” He leaned against the side of the stage, looking out at the boats as he ate his ice cream. “I spent a lot of time at the marina when I was young. Being here brings back memories.”

  “You mentioned that at dinner the other night. Are they good memories?” Daphne asked.

  “Yeah. I had a great childhood. How could I not with so many brothers and sisters? It was filled with adventures and driving our parents nuts.”

  Hadley put her back against the stage beside him, mimicking his stance as she licked her cone. Her pink hoodie had drops of strawberry ice cream down her belly, and Owly was stuffed in the pocket. Jock placed his hand on her head, giving her a little pat. He didn’t get the twinge of discomfort that he had yesterday.

  She tilted her face up and said, “Twade ice cweams?”

  Daphne laughed. “Sorry, Jock. We do that sometimes. Honey, I don’t think Jock wants your half-eaten ice cream. Why don’t you trade with Mommy?”

  “I want gween ice cweam,” she said with the most adorable pouty face.

  It struck Jock that the sudden jolt of apprehension he usually felt at the sight of a pout didn’t come; instead he felt the urge to do what he could to make her happy.

  “It’s okay. I like half-eaten strawberry ice cream,” he said, and exchanged cones with Hadley. He’d never seen such an enormous smile on a tiny human being, and it tugged at all his heartstrings.

  “Thank you.” Hadley clung to the double-scoop cone with both hands, eyes dancing with delight as she held it up and said, “Look, Mommy!”

  Mommy was looking all right. She was looking at Jock like he’d hung the moon. And damn, he loved that. He blew her a kiss and finished the child-size cone in three bites.

  As soon as his hands were empty, Hadley’s arms darted up, nearly dropping the ice cream off the cone, and she said, “Up!”

  Daphne was quick to snag the cone, looking hesitantly at Jock. She was ready to save him, but after last night and that morning, it was time he started saving himself.

  He wanted to hold Hadley, to kiss her sticky cheeks and be the guy who could carry her on his shoulders. He had every confidence that he would get there, but they were having too nice of a night to risk it, so he said, “How about if we sit together?” He lifted her up and set her on the edge of the stage. He hoisted himself up beside Hadley, and put his arm around her to keep her from falling.

  “That’s fun,” Daphne encouraged, giving Hadley back her cone, flashing an adoring smile at Jock, which made him feel like a king.

  Hadley took a bite of her ice cream and beamed at him. She put her hand on his knee and said, “My Dock,” and kept it there as she ate her ice cream.

  Daphne was watching them with a dreamy expression. He winked and hugged Hadley to his side. He was literally holding Daphne’s heart in his hand, having no idea how he had ever kept his distance from either of them.

  “Maybe you can share Jock with Mommy,” Daphne said, her dreaminess turning seductive as she licked around her ice cream with an enticing tease in her eyes.

  Oh yes, his sweet, innocent Daphne had a wild side, and he couldn’t wait to explore it further. She’d awoken the sleeping giant, the man who had known only how to pursue and conquer. Now he didn’t want to imagine a day without her and Hadley in his life. He knew in order to deserve them, he had to conquer all of the ghosts, not just get ahead of the triggers that losing Liam and Kayla had left behind, but also finally resurrecting his relationship with Archer. The trouble was, as much as he wanted to fix things with Archer, he wasn’t quite sure how yet.

  After they finished their ice cream, they headed back to the resort. Hadley chattered on about her yummy ice cream and how next time she wanted to get gween like Dock.

  Jock hung out in their living room while Daphne bathed Hadley and got her ready for bed. He liked being there, listening to their nightly routine. Hadley had a lot to say and Daphne gave her daughter her full attention, answering every question without rushing. She laughed a lot, reminding Jock of his own mother. His mother had never just been in the same room with them; she’d been mentally present, paying attention to everything they said even when they didn’t think she was. Jock remembered times when he and Archer would argue quietly and call each other names and their mother would give them one of those looks that only a mother could give, instantly silencing her rowdy boys. His mother also knew when he needed space. Like he had for the last decade. But suddenly the two-hour phone calls they had every few weeks didn’t feel like enough.

  The chains on his dungeon were rattling again, only this time it wasn’t the ghosts trying to come out. It was Jock trying to figure out a way to get back to all the people he’d shut out, back to the life he’d left behind. Sure, he had a couple of short visits with his family each year. But after spending time with Daphne and Hadley, he was feeling the distance. And if he was feeling it now that his head was clearing, how strongly had his family been feeling it this whole time? They didn’t know about Archer’s scathing declaration standing between Jock and the island. They saw only a son or a brother who had taken himself away from their family.

  Hadley toddled out of the hallway in a pair of yellow pajamas and jumped into his lap. His chest tightened and his throat clogged as she threw her arms around his neck and planted a tiny wet kiss on his cheek.

  “’Night, Dock. Love you.”

  She wriggled off his lap before he could react, darting toward her mother. Daphne’s mouth hung open as Jock touched that little wet spot on his cheek and said, “’Night, Had. Sweet dreams.”

  Daphne’s eyes glistened.

  “’Night!” Hadley yelled, and ran toward the hallway. “Story, Mama!”

  As Daphne carried Hadley down the hall, Jock sank back against the couch cushion, steeped in new emotions. His pulse raced, but it was a good feeling, the kind he wanted to run to, not away from.

  AS DAPHNE READ to Hadley, she knew she’d never forget the sight of her little girl launching herself at big, broad Jock and giving him a good-night kiss as if it were the most natural thing in the world. In just a few seconds, Jock had gone from sheet-white to exuding the warm emotions people couldn’t help but emit when they were around a child they cared about. She’d thought nothing could compare to Jock swapping his ice-cream cone for Hadley’s slobbered-on cone, but witnessing his transformation and the adoration in his eyes had made her heart soar.

  Daphne finished reading and closed the book. As she set it on the nightstand, she noticed Jock leaning against the doorframe watching them with that same warm expression and wondered how long he’d been there.

  “I’ll just be a second,” she whispered. “I usually sing to her.”

  “No rush. Do you mind if I stay?”

  “Stay, Dock,” Hadley said sleepily, reaching her little hand out to him.

  Goose bumps chased over Daphne’s flesh as he came into the room and sat on the floor beside the bed, leaning his back against the nightstand.

  He took Hadley’s hand and pressed a kiss to the back of it. “Close your eyes, princess.”


  Daphne had no idea how she wasn’t melting into a puddle of goo and soaking into the mattress. The smile on Hadley’s face as she nestled deeper beneath her blankets got her all choked up. With her heart in her throat, she whisper-sang to Hadley. It didn’t take long for Hadley to nod off. Jock carefully placed her hand on the bed, his eyes meeting Daphne’s as she sang. She felt as though she and Hadley were cocooned by him, and he wasn’t even touching her. But in the next breath, he sat up taller, his expression turning serious. He pulled his phone from his pocket and began thumb
ing something out. She wondered what had changed. Was he having second thoughts about what he felt for them? Was it all too much? Did he need an escape?

  Her nerves twisted into knots.

  He was still typing when she finished singing, and he didn’t look up as she climbed from the bed. She touched his shoulder, startling him. He glanced at Hadley, and a distracted smile lifted his lips as he took Daphne’s hand and rose to his feet.

  “She’s really something.” He was still clutching his phone as they went into the living room. “You’re amazing with her.”

  “Thanks, but is everything okay? I’m sorry she got away from me and ran to you like that,” she said.

  “Sorry?” He looked confused.

  “You’re typing furiously, like something is wrong.”

  “Are you kidding? When she ran to me, that was the second greatest moment of my life.” He pocketed his phone and put his arms around her. “Daph, you two are changing my world. You’ve opened some kind of vortex inside me. I’m typing because when I was sitting there, I got an idea for my book. It changes everything I’ve already written, but I think it’s good. Maybe even fantastic. I just don’t want to forget any of it.”

  Relief and excitement swept through her. “Then what are you doing standing here? Go write while it’s still fresh.”

  “Really?” he asked, brows knitted. “I don’t want you to feel slighted.”

  “Jock, this is what you have been trying to do for a year. How can I feel slighted after the morning we spent together and how you were with Hadley tonight? I’m not going anywhere. But those words in your head? I don’t know much about writing, but I’d imagine it’s like when I used to plan events. When inspiration hit, I’d get into a zone, pull a million things together, and sometimes I still couldn’t work fast enough to capture every idea before it flitted away.” She pressed her lips to his, elated for him, and for them. “Go write for an hour, or five. Write all night if the inspiration lasts. Whatever it takes, soak up the ideas and turn them into something magical.”

  “God, I—” He closed his mouth, the muscles in his jaw bunching, but the depth of emotion in his eyes was as inescapable as a warm summer breeze. He crushed his lips to hers and said, “I am so lucky to have you.”

  He kissed her again, so sensually she couldn’t resist putting her hands beneath the back of his shirt just so she could feel more of him.

  He made a hungry noise, his muscles flexing against her palms, and said, “The hell with writing. I don’t want to leave you.”

  Her heart leapt, but her mind reined it in. “You have to.” She gathered her courage and said, “Besides, you know where those steps to my bedroom door are if you feel like celebrating after you’re done writing.”

  Flames flashed in his eyes, but in the next second worry pushed to the forefront. “What about Hadley?”

  There it was again, the very special extra mile. “We’ll just have to be quiet.”

  “Hm…” He arched a brow. “Another challenge.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  HADLEY DARTED INTO the kitchen Thursday morning as Daphne went to the window, hoping they hadn’t missed Jock leaving for his run. She and Hadley had been ready a few minutes early every day this week, which was a refreshing change. That was a nice side effect of Daphne and Jock’s relationship. Their coupledom was doing great things for him, too. The writing bug had hit Jock hard. Sunday night he’d written until nearly two in the morning. Then he’d come to Daphne’s bedroom door to celebrate, and oh, what a glorious celebration it was! He’d been writing up a storm ever since, though he wouldn’t let her read anything he’d written yet. He had come over after dinner Monday and Tuesday night and had helped put Hadley to bed. Last night they’d taken Hadley down to the beach after dinner. Hadley had loved it, and so had Daphne. It was wonderful being a real couple, holding hands and enjoying themselves. Once they were sure Hadley was asleep each night, they’d fallen into each other’s arms. Every time they were together was better than the last. Not just because the sex was incredible, but because it brought them even closer together. They’d lie there talking, holding each other, sharing stories and secrets. Daphne should be exhausted, but she felt more alive than ever. Sexier and bolder, too. He made her want to explore her sexuality with him, and he made it easy by making her feel safe and not only desirable, but cherished. She wondered how she could have ever felt loved by Tim, when Jock was so much more caring and attentive, interested in every facet of her life and her feelings.

  She spotted Rick out the window, heading for Jock’s cottage, and called out to Hadley, “Come on, Had!”

  Hadley toddled out of the kitchen holding an apple. “Bweakfast for Dock.”

  Daphne didn’t have the heart to tell her that he wouldn’t be able to eat it while he was running. She worried a little bit about letting Hadley get too attached to him in case things didn’t work out between them. But Hadley had been smiling more these days, and not just for him. Her transition from daycare to preschool had been seamless, which Daphne had hoped would be the case. Maybe it was the start of preschool, or just a coincidence that she and Jock were getting along so well. But Daphne had noticed that she and Hadley were bringing new light to Jock’s eyes, too. It turned out that Jock did know a few things about baby steps. He hadn’t taken the plunge and picked up Hadley yet, but every day he and Hadley got a little closer.

  “Grab Owly and let’s go see the girls for breakfast.”

  “After Dock’s bweakfast,” Hadley said emphatically as she snagged Owly from the coffee table.

  “Of course.” Daphne shouldered Hadley’s backpack and her own bag, and they headed out the front door.

  “Huwwy, Mommy!” Hadley said as Daphne locked the door.

  “Yes, ma’am,” Daphne teased. “Let’s go.”

  Hadley slid down the steps on her bottom, making her usual singsong “Ahhaahha” noise as she went. The minute the front door was open, Hadley hurried down the steps and ran toward Jock, Rick, Jett, and Dean, who were talking by Jock’s cottage. “Dock!”

  Daphne put their things in her car and followed her daughter toward the man who was rocking her world—in and out of the bedroom. Jock crouched in the grass with a genuine smile as Hadley plowed into him, giving him a big hug, and presented him with the apple. Daphne filled with admiration, and something so much bigger she didn’t even try to name it.

  Jett looked at Daphne with a quizzical expression and said, “This is new.”

  Rick appeared as confused as Jett, but Dean was smirking. Daphne wondered about that smirk. She’d told Chloe about her and Jock’s relationship, but she’d made her swear not to spill the beans until she and Jock were ready to tell everyone themselves. But they had been so swept up in each other, they hadn’t even talked about telling their friends yet. And now she swore the sun was shining on them like a spotlight.

  A bead of sweat dotted her brow as Jock rose to his feet, putting a protective hand on Hadley’s shoulder. He met Jett’s gaze and said, “Yeah, we’ve been working on it.”

  “Anything else you’re working on?” Rick asked, eyeing Jock.

  Dean sidled up to Rick and said, “That’s none of our business.”

  The look that passed between Jock and Dean made Daphne wonder if he’d already told Dean about them. But Jock looked at her with that approval-seeking gaze she already knew by heart. She nodded, touched that he’d given her the chance to wait.

  “Actually, the answer to that is yes,” Jock said. “We are.”

  Jett and Rick looked at her, and she felt her cheeks burning. Would she ever stop blushing, or was she destined to blush forever like her mother?

  “Well, damn.” Jett slapped Jock on the back. “Great—”

  “No hit Dock!” Hadley snapped, scowling at Jett, making everyone laugh.

  Jett held his hands up and said, “Sorry, Had. It was a nice touch. I like Jock.”

  Hadley wrapped her arms around Jock’s leg and said, “My Dock.” />
  A flutter of worry rose in Daphne’s chest at Hadley’s clinging to Jock’s leg, but Jock looked at her with something akin to pride in his eyes, washing those worries away. She was amazed at how far he’d come.

  “Looks like Uncle Jetty has been replaced,” Rick teased.

  As the guys teased each other, Jock leaned in and kissed Daphne. “Hey, beautiful. I guess we’re out of the closet. Want to have lunch today?”

  She nodded. “I’d like that.”

  “I’ll bring sandwiches around noon,” he offered.

  “I’m hungwy, Mommy.” Hadley tugged on Daphne’s hand as she called out, “Bye, Dock!”

  They headed over to Summer House, where Emery, Desiree, Chloe, Tegan, and Harper were deep in conversation over waffles and berries. Cosmos darted out from under the table as Hadley made a beeline for Aaron’s bassinet.

  “Awwon sleeping, Desway?” Hadley whispered as Cosmos sniffed her legs.

  “Yes. He’s very tired today,” Desiree answered. “He was up a lot last night.”

  “I kiss’m soft?” Hadley asked.

  “Maybe you should wait until he’s awake,” Daphne suggested. “Do you want to eat, or play with Cosmos first?”


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