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Taken by Temptation

Page 6

by Liberty Parker

  “I got it from your wallet before I got started, I hope you’re not mad I got it.”

  “Not mad baby, happy I don’t have to leave the bed to go grab one. I have to ask one more time if you’re sure, once this condom goes on there’s no turning back for me.”

  “I’m so ready, I’ve been ready.” That’s the answer I was hoping for. I open the condom wrapper with my teeth and slide the condom down my shaft that is pulsing hard in need of some relief. Not able to draw this out any longer I pray that she’s ready for me. We’ll take our time next time, for now I need her. I line up my dick and slide in nice and slow enjoying each grab and pull of her pussy walls surrounding me. This is the most intense feeling of my life, I’ve been with plenty of women but none of them make me want to stay buried deep inside of them for the rest of my natural born life.

  “Sweet cheeks, you feel so fuckin’ good, your pussy is pulling me in and not wanting to let me go. So tight, so good, never want it to stop,” I tell her.

  “Don’t stop! Never stop,” she pants in my ear. Her pants make my body go into overdrive as I speed up my thrusts. I drive into her deep and hard in an assault on her pussy that I can’t seem to stop. She drives me crazy and my need for her is too strong to hold back. I can feel as her orgasm comes upon her, and she moans, “Yes, right there, don’t stop Brady!” I lift up her legs and push them towards her chest to give me a deeper angle. I set a steady pounding rhythm and she loses her fight to hold back, her pussy squeezes me so hard I’m afraid my dick might break off. I pump into her five more times before I lose my own fight and my orgasm hits me strong and fast causing my body to convulse.

  “Fuck, sweet cheeks!” I scream out in pleasure. I fall forward and her arms wrap around me holding me close to her. Coming to my senses I go to move, only to have her wrap her arms tighter around me.

  “Don’t move,” she says trying to catch her breath. Finally catching mine, I roll over and bring her with me.

  “That was the best thing to ever happen to me,” I tell her, and it’s the truth, I’ve never felt anything like this in my life. “I need to get up and get rid of this,” I point to the condom still attached to my dick. I get up to go to the bathroom and dispose of the offending item, I can’t wait till the day I get to take my girl bare. After taking care of myself I grab a warm wash cloth and head back to the bedroom to take care of her as well.

  “Thank you,” she tells me with a blush on her cheeks.

  “No need to be embarrassed, not after what we just did.”

  “I know, it’s just no one has ever done that for me before, it’s going to take some getting used to is all.” I smile knowing that I am the first man to take care of her in this way.

  “My pleasure, I will always take care of you,” I tell her. “Let’s get up and get dressed and packed, we have a long day ahead of us.” Lifting her up from the bed to get her moving I notice the smile she’s sporting on her face. I might be in trouble, with how much I already love this woman, I see my feelings only growing stronger with each passing day. How much of her am I going to allow to own me? Every inch, that’s how much the answer comes to me the second I ask myself that question.

  Chapter 15


  A couple of hours later I’m sitting on the back of Brady’s bike reflecting on the day so far. I had the most amazing sex of my life with this man that I currently have my arms wrapped around. I feel like my life is just beginning, I’ve been trapped for so long that the freedom I feel while being with this man is so indescribable. It’s unexplainable but I hope he can feel what he’s done for me through my actions and the feelings I show him.

  Pulling up to the clubhouse doesn’t fill me with the dread I thought it would, coming home without my friends is heartbreaking, but at the same time I’m excited for what life has in store for me. Getting off the bike with Brady’s assistance, I wait for him so we can head inside. I’m excited to get into our very own home, but I think I need a couple of days to rest and I’m hoping he feels the same way. Until then we can get online and start shopping for furniture to fill our new space. We’ll need everything and I’m getting excited at the prospect of picking out my own stuff, with his help of course, I wouldn’t want to make it too girly, it will be his space as well, after all.

  After he backs the bike up, we grab our stuff and head to his room, I’m ready for a nap, but I’m sure there’s stuff to be done. As soon as we enter the room I head straight for the bed and plop down, face straight into the pillow and I can hear Brady laughing at me. I pick up my head and look at him and the look of amusement on his face has me smiling up at him. “God, you’re beautiful,” he says causing my smile to grow on my face. No one before him has ever told me I’m pretty, let alone beautiful. You can’t imagine how good my heart feels every time he says this kind of thing to me. I roll over on my back and blow a kiss at him, and he takes that as an invitation and comes over to me and leans down giving me a kiss. I love the taste of his lips on mine.

  “You sleepy, sweet cheeks?”

  I reply with a, “Mmmhmm,”

  “Alright sweet cheeks I’m gonna let you get a nap in. I’m going to check in and make sure we don’t have anything going on and if not, I’ll come back and lay down with you. I’m a little tired myself.”

  “Sounds good,” I get out before I drift off to slumber land. I feel him slide into bed not too long after I drifted off and he pulls me into his arms and falls asleep shortly afterwards. I fall back to sleep in his arms feeling safe, secure and protected.

  I’m woken up to a loud knocking on the bedroom door and Carson is screaming, “Ghost, emergency meeting. Now!” And I feel Brady jump up and grab his pants from the floor, he’s running to talk to Carson, tripping while putting his pants on.

  He screams out, “I’m coming, hang on.” He finally gets his pants on without face planting into the wall. “What’s going on?” he asks Carson once he gets the door opened.

  Carson responds, “Man I don’t know, Wasp has called an emergency meeting and we’ve got to get there, now.” I’m freaking out and getting up to get dressed myself.

  “Stay here sweet cheeks, I’ll be back as soon as I can,” he says to me, yeah, because that’s going to happen. He runs out the door and I continue getting dressed worried about what’s going on. I hope our friends haven’t found trouble, is the first thought that’s going through my head.

  I make my way to the common room to sit and wait to find out if there’s anything I can do to help. Not being able to sit still, I start cleaning the tables, chairs and the bar. Once that’s done, I grab the broom, dust pan and vacuum cleaner. I need to find something to keep myself occupied and cleaning always keeps my mind busy.


  I walk into the room and notice Wasp and Tic have their heads together. By looking at their facial expressions, I know that this isn’t going to be good news. Once everyone makes it into the room and grabs their seats, Wasp’s head pops up and he and Tic stop their conversation. Wasp slams his hand on the table bringing the rowdy brothers to order. Then he begins to speak, “The Throwdown Riders contacted us this morning with some intel. I need to know if the name Johnny Valdez means anything to anyone. Has anyone heard of that name before?” We all shake our heads no, the name is being stored in my head so I can look into this asshole later, whoever he is I know he’s trouble from Wasp and Tic’s facial expressions.

  Everyone pipes up asking the same question running through my mind. “Who is he?” Tazer asks.

  “Do I need to go grab the laptop and do a search on him?” Bomber asks.

  “We have some intel,” Tic speaks up, “We just wanted to know if anyone knows the name or not, or if anyone has heard anything on this guy.” Again, we all shake our head no. Wasp picks the conversation up from there. “Indie called me about an hour ago, and sent me over what he’s got. For you newbies, Indie is the President of the Throwdown Riders. According to him, his informant got in touch with him when he st
arted hearing some talk from underground.” I see Wasp nod his head to Tic and he gets up and comes to stand behind me. Fuck! This is something that’s going to set me off. The only time one of the brothers stands behind me is if they’re afraid I’m going to go nuclear on someone.

  Wasp picks up where he left off. “According to the informant, this Valdez character has put out feelers for information on our Bristol.” It takes me a second to let what he says kick in then I fucking lose it. I stand up so fast that my chair rams into Tic, causing him to lose his balance for a second before he’s on me. He tries to pin me down on his own, without success. Next thing I know I’m fighting my brothers, I need to get to Bristol and keep her safe, I need her in my sight, in my arms. I’m trying to break through the fog I’m lost in, all I can think about is that it is Bristol that’s in trouble. When I come back to my senses, I’m being pushed back into my chair by Tic, Tazer and Bomber. This is fucking bullshit! They should be as pissed about this as I am.

  “Ghost!” Wasp screams out at me. “You need to calm down now! We need to go over this and figure out what’s going on before we take action. Sit down and let me finish so we can come up with a plan, none of us want to lose your woman. We all love her and don’t want to see anything happen to her, we need you to work with us here son.” I calm my body down and attempt to breathe through my anger, he’s right, we need to know more and make plans to take care of this Valdez asshole.

  “Are you good?” Wasp asks me.

  “Not sure I’m good, but I need to know what’s going on. I can’t lose her man, I won’t survive it,” I say as I look at my brothers letting them know with my expression that I mean every word that just came out of my mouth. I won’t take any chances with her safety, that’s not something I’m willing to budge on. If I have to become her shadow to keep her safe until this situation is resolved, that’s exactly what I’ll do. Nobody is going to take my life away from me without finding themselves six feet under first. I will torture, maim and kill anyone who comes after her. There is a reason I’m called Ghost, it’s because you never see me coming, until I sneak up on you and cause you to meet your maker. I come out of my thoughts when Wasp continues.

  “The information I received was that he had an arrangement with Cordozo and Bristol’s dad, that she was supposed to be his. There was a deal exchanged and promises made, and Valdez is pissed off and wants what he believes to be his.”

  “No!” I scream as I jump out of my chair, “She’s mine, she’s my Ol’ lady and he’s not getting his grubby hands on what’s mine! I’ll kill him and any motherfucker who gets in my way,” I growl out the last part.

  “Am I to take it you’re claiming Bristol?” Tic asks me.

  “Yes!” I tell them, “She’s mine, my Ol’ lady.”

  “Votes for Bristol to be Ghost’s Ol’ lady,” Wasp calls out. “Ayes, will be yes, nays will be no, when we vote in Ol’ ladies if there’s even one nay it will mean that she can’t now or in the future become Ghost’s Ol’ lady. Let’s start with Tic and go around the table to his left.” I’m not worried about the vote since Bristol has become friends with all of my brothers and their women. Once all the votes go around the table and get back to Wasp, I see what I believe is hesitation in his eyes and it causes me to straighten my spine. Never thought I’d feel this way, but if he votes nay I’m turning in my resignation and taking Bristol and running as far away with her as I can get. My goal in life is to keep her happy, safe and free.

  And if that means leaving to do so, I will with no questions asked. She didn’t ask for this bullshit and I will stand where I’m supposed to—by her side. I’ve made promises to her and myself and I plan on seeing those through. She’s mine, till the end, no questions asked. I mentally start preparing myself to take off my cut and think of where I can go to get my club emblem removed from my skin. That is, until I hear the words that come out of Wasp’s mouth.

  “Bristol was part of us from the day we brought her home. She’s been family from day one, both by blood and by bond. She would’ve been protected either way Ghost, but by you making her your Ol’ lady, and with all of us brothers agreeing, she will never be harmed. I vote aye and know this—no motherfucker hurts what’s ours. If there is danger coming her way it’s our problem to deal with. We don’t let this touch her. Tazer, get her jacket ordered and delivered, and make it a rush job. I want to show everyone she’s protected by us all. She is, as of this minute, officially Ghost’s Ol’ lady.” There are a lot of whoops and hollers, and bro hugs and I accept every one of them with glee.

  “Tazer, get me information on this motherfucker, meeting adjourned for now,” Wasp says.

  Bomber walks up to Tazer, “Man, let me help you out. I’m not as good as you are, but I’m no slouch either. No one messes with one of ours.”

  Tazer slaps him on the back and tells him, “All help is welcomed, meet me in the IT room.” With that they both walk away leaving me with my mouth hanging open. I love my brothers and the fact that they’ve accepted Bristol wholeheartedly into our family. They’re both hard men to get to know and are untouchable. Neither show emotions or feelings and that display is the first I’ve witnessed either of them show or tell how they feel about anyone or anything.

  I almost feel bad for this motherfucker—almost.

  Chapter 16


  As soon as the meeting is adjourned, I head to my room in search of my woman. When I enter the room, panic takes hold, she’s not in bed or in the bathroom. I start to freak out and run out of the room in pursuit of her, she can’t be gone, no way I believe she’s left the compound. I tell myself trying to calm my racing heart down. Going through the common room I still don’t see her. So, I run through the dining room and into the kitchen where I find her preparing dinner. I nearly forgot what time it was and that she’s always making sure we’re fed at meal times. I give myself a verbal lashing at not using my head instead of letting my fear take hold. I couldn’t help myself after receiving the information I did during our meeting.

  “Hey sweet cheeks, what’cha making?” I ask her as I come up behind her and wrap my arms around her waist.

  She leans her head against my shoulder and asks, “Is everything okay?”

  To which I reply, “Not yet, but it will be soon.”

  “It’s not our friends, is it? That’s all I could think about is that something went wrong after we left.”

  “No sweet cheeks, our friends are good, it’s something I can’t discuss right now, but when I can I’ll fill you in, I promise,” I reassure her, not wanting her to think for a second that something’s wrong with those she loves.

  “I know you will, thank you, and to answer your question I’m just getting burgers ready to go on the grill. Tic wanted to grill out tonight and this is the fastest thing I could prepare,” she tells me as she turns around and gives me a quick kiss. She tries to pull away quickly which isn’t working for me. I pull her face back to mine and plant a proper kiss on her, once we separate I can see her chest rising and falling with anticipation.

  “Later,” I tell her as I wash my hands to help her get the burgers ready.


  I know something’s going on, but I trust my man and know he’ll tell me when he can, so I enjoy him helping me with the burgers and put the rest out of my mind. We make a good team as we get thirty burgers ready to grill and I make some baked beans, potato salad and prepare some cupcakes for dessert. If I’ve learned anything, it’s that these guys have a sweet tooth, I make chocolate, red velvet cheesecake and vanilla cupcakes. I love to bake, it’s the one reprieve I had as a child and it’s followed me into adulthood.

  I always hum when I cook or bake and didn’t realize until Ghost was smiling at me that I’m doing it now. I smile shyly at him since it’s the first time I’ve been lost in my activities around him. “Don’t stop on my account,” he tells me.

  “It’s just that I don’t normally have an audience. It’s embarrassing fo
r me to forget myself sometimes around you. I’ve never done that before, unless it was with our cook. Humming, singing, anything of joy wasn’t something allowed for me as a kid,” I tell him and start to feel a little sorry for myself.

  “Sweet cheeks, there’s absolutely nothing to be embarrassed about here. Your humming and smile makes me feel like I’m doing something right. It means you’re happy here with me, with all of us.”

  “I am, I really am Brady.” And it’s the truth, I don’t remember ever feeling so happy in my miserable life.

  “Good, it’s my personal goal in life to see you smile every day and live life to the fullest. I’m so happy you’re here and that you’re mine,” he says to me, as he leans down and kisses my forehead. These little actions he does tells me how he feels more than his words ever will.

  “I can’t wait to see what the future holds for us, for me,” I tell him and look up at him from my mixing bowl. I see him lost in thoughts with a frown on his face. I hope it’s not me or anything I’ve said, but those insecurities from childhood creep up on me and I wonder if I’m really what’s good for him.

  “Are you sure you don’t want to talk about it?” I ask him to try to get to the bottom of what’s going through his head.

  “All good sweet cheeks, we’ll talk later. Alright?”


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