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Taken by Temptation

Page 7

by Liberty Parker

“Sure, I’m all ears and will listen to anything you tell me and not share it with another soul...pinky swear,” I say to him with a wink. Where this false confidence is coming from I couldn’t tell you. Personally, I think I’m just trying to be cute so he won’t be mad at me. Not saying that he is, but the way he just spaced out has me a little concerned.

  “Sweet cheeks look at me please.”

  I do as requested not realizing that I’d looked away from him. “Nothing for you to worry about right now. I’ve got this covered, I promise to talk to you, later though, I want to enjoy tonight with you and our family.”

  “Okay Ghost.”

  “What happened to Brady?”


  “You heard me, you call me Brady when it’s just us. We’ve been over this, sweet cheeks.”

  “Oh, sorry. I was lost in thought and didn’t think before I spoke. Are you mad at me?” I can’t help but ask. My nerves are frazzled and I need to know that it’s not me that has him in this mood.

  “What the fuck? Why would you think that?” He looks truly confused by my question. It makes me stop and think, guess it wasn’t me after all.

  “You just spaced out on me after I brought up our future, it just got me worried is all,” I tell him, speaking what was on my mind without a second thought.

  “I spaced out because of something that came up in our meeting, sweet cheeks. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to worry you. You know I can’t talk about this with you yet, but once I can I promise you’ll be informed. I promise.” I smile at him thankful to know that he doesn’t plan on keeping whatever is bothering him from me. At some point, anyways.

  Chapter 17


  As the night wears on I’m anxious to find out what Tazer and Bomber have come up with. I can’t seem to tear myself away from Bristol’s side though. I have this feeling of impending doom and being away from her is the last thing I want to do. We’re all sitting outside by the campfire, I have Bristol in my lap and a beer in my hand. Listening to my brothers tell stories about their conquests and past indiscretions is enough to make me forget what’s going on, for now.

  I look down at Bristol and notice she’s passed out. I decide to finish my beer then carry her into our room. She’s exhausted from the last couple of weeks and I want to make sure she gets plenty of rest tonight. I have plans for her in the morning, and she’s going to need all the rest she can get. Sitting my beer bottle down, I tell my brothers good night as I stand up with my girl in my arms. Life doesn’t get any better than this. I carry her through the clubhouse and into our room, my girl doesn’t even move a muscle. I get us into our room and lay her down, I start removing her clothing and she’s still out like a light, I can’t help but to chuckle at her lack of movement. I get her situated under the covers and rid myself of my own clothes.

  I crawl in behind her and get her settled right next to me. Never thought I’d be the spooning type, but I can’t help but want her as close to me as possible. “Night sweet cheeks, rest well,” I tell her as I close my eyes and succumb to sleep. I wake the next morning with the sun beating down on my face and I want to go back to sleep. Only I can’t, I can’t because I’m thrown into the sweetest fantasy known to man. My dick is standing at attention and I have the most delicious mouth wrapped around my cock. Opening my eyes to that sight is one to beat all—I see Bristol’s head bouncing up and down and it’s enough to almost make me shoot my load instantly. Knowing that I don’t want to cum down her throat, I put my hands in her hair and remove her mouth from me.

  “Not coming down your throat, beautiful, I want inside my pussy,” I tell her.

  “You do, do you?” she asks me with a devilish look in her eyes.

  “What are you up to, sweet cheeks?”

  “Nothing Brady, I swear, I just woke up needing you.”

  “You have me, you have all of me. Now scoot on up here and put that pretty pussy around my cock and ride me like there’s no tomorrow.”

  She slowly climbs up my body and I can’t help but look at her glorious tits as they sway on her ascent up my body. Once she gets into position I lift my upper body up and grab one of those delicious nubs with my mouth. I suck on it like it’s the last dessert on the planet and it’s all mine. She moans as I make out with my treat. Nipping the tip with my teeth I decide I need to show the other one the same amount of respect. I use my tongue and teeth, nipping and licking my way over. I grab her other nipple in my mouth and show it the same treatment. Then all the breath leaves my body since I wasn’t prepared for her to slam herself down on me.

  Once I’ve recovered and take a deep breath I tell her, “Damn, sweet cheeks, you feel so fuckin’ good.”

  “Uh huh,” she says to me as she rides me like I asked her to. Such a good girl I’ve got, she takes me places I’ve never dreamed of going when I’m inside of her. I grab her hair and pull her mouth down to meet mine. I put all my feelings into the kiss—love, sacrifice, protectiveness and devotion. I tell her all of this with my mouth and she returns the kiss with her own declarations. I can feel her love pouring through her and it makes me feel like I should puff out my chest and bang on it like Tarzan. I finally have my Jane and I’m never letting her go. We will swing through the jungle on our vines making our way through life together. Getting out of my head and back into the moment I am hypnotized by the bouncing of her breasts and the sounds coming from her mouth and realize I’m only seconds from blowing.

  “Babe, how close are you? Don’t. Know. How. Much. Longer I can last!” I rush the last of the sentence out knowing that it’s coming quicker than I first anticipated. I’m having to hold my breath and think of anything other than her tight pussy wrapped around me. I need to make sure she gets at least one before I go.

  “I’m there Brady, so close!”

  Wanting to help her along I take my thumb and make circles with it around her clit which sets her off immediately. I happily follow her lead and let go myself. I see stars, blinding white lights and feel like I’m waiting on the room to stop spinning. She may just yet be the death of me.

  “Best morning ever,” Bristol says as she recovers her breathing.

  “I couldn’t agree more,” I tell her, and mean every single word.

  Chapter 18


  The last couple of weeks have been busy, trying to get a lead on this son of a bitch that wants my Ol’ lady have been a pain in the ass. Every time we think we have a lead he’s already gone. It’s like he’s one step ahead of us at every turn. My brothers and I are getting really antsy in anticipation of what this weasel has planned. We don’t want any past mistakes to repeat themselves so Bristol has a shadow everywhere she goes, including the clubhouse and she’s getting pissed off and taking it out on everyone.

  I can understand where she’s coming from since no one has told her exactly why she can’t even take a shit on her own. Her words not mine, but she’s right, we don’t let her move without someone being a pace behind her. I just can’t let her out of our sights, my gut says it doesn’t matter if she’s here behind the walls of our clubhouse, she’s not safe.

  I know I need to sit down and tell her what’s going on, but I’m afraid she’ll get spooked and run off to Kid and the others. That’s something I just can’t allow to happen, I’m a selfish bastard and need her here with me. She starts school soon, and since she still can’t make up her mind on what she wants to do, she’s getting her basics started and out of the way. I’m so proud of her and know she needs her independence which means I’m going to have to tell her soon what’s going on or she’ll never understand why things are the way they are.

  I can’t lose her, I won’t survive it—she’s the love of my life. For the first time ever I understand what it means—love. It’s been something I’ve thought of in passing but never thought it would be something that would happen for me. It’s something I thought I had before, but I was wrong. Love isn’t selfish, it’s understanding and patience. It’s kind
ness and tenderness, something I’ve never shown anyone else in my lifetime. Only Bristol has shown me what that is and what it means and I will give her every piece of myself.

  Out of the blue I hear yelling coming from the kitchen so I get up from the bar and my musings and head that way to see what is going on. “I mean it, get away from me and let me breathe, I’m only making myself a sandwich for fuck’s sake,” I hear Bristol screaming. Upon entering the kitchen I see she’s standing toe to toe with Carson. He looks sick to his stomach like he doesn’t know which way to turn. He’s not a Proby any longer but he’s taken on the job of one, only because I trust him and know he would lay down his life for her. That’s why he’s her main shadow and no one else.

  “Calm down, sweet cheeks, he’s only doing what he’s been ordered to do,” I tell her in defense of Carson.

  “And why exactly would that be Ghost?” she sneers at me. Fuck that!

  “Enough!” I boom out at her a little harsher than I intended, but damn that woman could suck the paint off the walls with her snippiness.

  “You know what?” she says to me standing taller and puffing out her chest, which only brings my eyes to her tits. “Fuck you and fuck you,” she says first to me, then points at Carson. “I’ve had enough of this bullshit, either tell me what’s going on or leave me the fuck alone!” she screams at us as she stomps her way out of the kitchen, sandwich forgotten.

  “Guess I’m making her something to eat then having a conversation I’m not ready for,” I mumble to myself not ready to have this talk.

  “Good luck with that brother,” Carson says as he too stomps out of the kitchen. Guess everyone’s going to be a tit bag today. Not what I’m necessarily in the mood to deal with, but what else can I do? I can either not tell her and watch her pull away, or man up and deal with her hysterics and anger.

  “Fuckin’ women,” I mumble to myself as I finish what she’s started, slapping some mayo and meat and cheese between two slices of bread while throwing my own temper tantrum. I toss her sandwich on a plate and grab a mini bag of chips and then grab a bottle of water, better make sure all my bases are covered before I go deal with the hornet’s nest that’s waiting for me in our room.

  We’ve moved into our house, but I won’t let her stay there without me and bringing in one of the brothers is an act of congress. None of them want to deal with the fall out that is my Ol’ lady. She’s gotten pretty pissy with them when they refuse to leave or let her have her own way. Which is usually alone, she hates the feeling of being baby sat. A lot of that is due to her upbringing and the way she was treated growing up. I get a feeling of despair every time I think about how she’s been treated, it’s not that I’m trying to hurt her or infuriate her, I just want her safe.


  “Fucking hard-headed motherfuckers! All of them,” I mumble to myself as I slam the door to our room behind me. I’m so fed up and tired of this bullshit, I have to get permission for everything I do. It’s annoying the shit out of me and I’m ready for Ghost to either tell me what’s going on, or get everyone off my back. There’s only so much I can take before I lose it and I’m at my last string. Sitting down on the bed I decide to watch a little television to help soothe the temper and keep it from flaring and saying something I shouldn’t.

  It’s not easy for me to sit back and relax these days. What I really want to do is give Brady a piece of my mind and I intend to do just that the next time we’re alone together. Tonight, it has to be tonight because I don’t know how much more of this I can take. I feel smothered and I hate that feeling, it reminds me of my childhood and the way someone was always watching over me. Telling me what I could and couldn’t do, it’s not setting well with me.

  Chapter 19


  Tic and Levi are out on a fact-finding mission today and I haven’t heard from them yet. This whole situation has the hairs on the back of my neck standing on end. Who is this guy and why won’t he leave Bristol alone? There’s more to this story than we know and it’s time for Ghost to sit his girl down and find out if she knows something about this fucker. I don’t want anything happening to her, but this club’s safety is my responsibility, the lives of my brothers and their families is my top priority. We’ve been through enough over the last few years, my family has seen its breaking point. I won’t let the women in my life suffer any more than what they already have.

  My phone rings and I see it’s Tic who’s calling. Finally! I know it takes time to get intel, but I feel like I’ve been sitting here twiddling my thumbs. I can’t stand to sit on my ass while my family may be in danger once again.

  “Talk to me,” I answer the phone.

  “It’s not good brother,” Tic says. What information he’s been able to get has the hairs on the back of my neck standing on end. “Get back here now, I’ll call a meeting in the next hour.”

  Johnny Valdez is a dead man walking...I just wish Kori’s dad and Bristol’s were still breathing. I’d love to give them a beat down for what they’ve put their daughters through—both in the past and in the present.

  Let the games begin.

  Chapter 20


  Heading into our room I prepare myself for a battle, a battle I’m not looking forward to. I know this won’t be an easy conversation, her father and Cordozo have struck again. I just hope my girl can handle the shit I’m about to tell her. Johnny Valdez, we don’t know much about him yet, but I plan to find out as much as I can and take this motherfucker to ground. His days of breathing are few and far between, he’s about to learn why I’ve earned the title of enforcer. It’s not just because I have a mean streak a mile long either, it’s because I take care of business with no remorse. And when it comes to him, he not only threatens my brothers and family, he’s a huge threat to my girl. My sweet cheeks. My world. Nobody threatens my girl and breathes to talk about it.

  Taking a deep breath, I open the door and see my girl sitting on the floor Indian style and she doesn’t look happy when she looks up at me. “I brought you some food,” I tell her as if it isn’t obvious what I’m holding in my hands.

  “I’m so pissed off Brady, I don’t know if I could eat anything right now.”

  “I know baby, and I’m sorry you’re being put through this, but there’s a reason why.”

  “Care to share what that reason is, or am I supposed to not know what’s going on in my own life? I get that you guys are protective and all, but don’t you think this is a little extreme?”

  “No baby, if anything I wish we could do more than just have a man on you at all times. This is some serious shit, and it’s all thanks to yours and Kori’s dads.”

  “Oh no, what did they do?” she asks me and it sounds like she’s out of breath. She’s petrified and I don’t like it one bit.

  “Have you ever heard the name Johnny Valdez?” I watch as the color drains from her face, she jumps up and runs to the bathroom with me on her heels. She rushes to the toilet and empties her stomach’s contents. What the fuck has her so freaked out, what has this son of a bitch done to my girl? I kneel down next to her, and pull her hair back in one of my hands, getting it out of her way so she doesn’t dirty her beautiful locks. When she’s done, she sits back on her legs and hangs her head down, I go over to the cabinet and get a wash cloth and wet it down, then proceed to clean up her beautiful face. A face so full of fear I want to put my hands through the wall, but knowing that will scare her I refrain from freaking her out further.

  “Talk to me?”

  “He’s one of the guys who met with my dad about purchasing me. I don’t know what exactly he wanted me for, but then my dad struck a deal with Cordozo to exchange me and Lil’ bit instead. What does he want Brady?”

  I can’t hide this from her so I tell her the truth, “You, he wants you.” She reaches over the toilet and starts vomiting again, this guy really made an impression on her, and not a good one from her reaction. “It’s going to be alright, I won’t let
him anywhere near you. I swear it on my life.”

  “I know, I’m scared. Is the club in danger because of me? I couldn’t take it if anything happened to any of you.”

  “Nothing’s going to happen to any of us...I swear to you we will end this. I just need to keep you safe and out of sight for a little longer. I need you to trust me, trust us and do as we say.”

  “I can do that, as long as you promise me everyone will be safe.”

  “Don’t worry about us sweet cheeks, we know what we’re doing. Alright?”

  “Okay Brady.”

  “Now let’s get you something to eat.”

  “I don’t know if I can.”

  “Do it for me, please.”

  “I’ll try, for you.”

  Once we make our way back to the bedroom I get her settled on the bed and hand her the plate. She chicken pecks at it, but at least she’s trying. I can’t fault her for that, I just wish this nightmare would go away for her. The sooner the better is my preference.

  Just as I settle back on the bed to spend some time with my girl, there’s a knock on the door. I get up to go answer and see Levi standing there.

  “What’s up?” I ask him.

  “Wasp has called a meeting. Need you there, Brother.”

  “Be there in a few,” I tell him as I shut the door. I’m not trying to be rude, just need to get a kiss from my girl and make sure she’s alright before I leave her.

  I walk over to her and bend over and give her a brief kiss on her lips. “I need to go, are you going to be okay?”

  “Yes Brady, I’m fine. Go, and tell everyone I’m sorry for this mess.”

  “There’s absolutely nothing to be sorry for. You’ve done nothing wrong. None of us feel that way, and I need you to get that thought out of your head.”


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