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Beast Bites Box Set

Page 1

by Amber Foy

  Beast Bites

  Books 1 - 5

  Amber Foy

  Creature Features

  Beast Bites

  Books 1 - 5


  Amber Foy

  © 2019

  The Manticore’s Mate © 2016 Amber Foy

  Under Her Stallion © 2017 Amber Foy

  Taken by the Cat-Beast © 2017 Amber Foy

  Hounded by the Alpha-Dog © 2017 Amber Foy

  A Dragon Rides Her © 2017 Amber Foy

  All Rights Reserved

  This book is for adults only and will contain:

  Unprotected sex, beasts of all persuasions, monster cocks, shifter/monster cunnilingus, mating bonds and virgin heroines


  Beast Bites

  The Manticore’s Mate

  Under Her Stallion

  Taken by the Cat-Beast

  Hounded by the Alpha-Dog

  A Dragon Rides Her

  About the Author

  Also by Amber Foy

  Beast Bites

  The following stories play with the taboo of sentient monsters and the joy they share in having sex with their women.

  If it’s not your kink, turn back now.

  However, if you’re curious…

  It’s time for some taboo snacks.

  The Manticore’s Mate


  The beast licked me from cunt to ass, twisting its wet, rough tongue into the cleft. With an obvious pleasure. Drawing me up. Nothing more than a bruised and tattered rag doll to its immense strength.

  A growl rippled from it, deep and soft, and an unexpected roll of velvet chased over my bared skin, forcing my fingers to dig into the dark earth. And I squeaked as a cold nose nuzzled its way into my sex, the vibration of that long, low growl driving a hot and reluctant pleasure into my straining belly.


  Another broad lick, rough and so fucking slow, deliberately slow, as if the…creature knew what it was doing, how it was almost demanding I react to the forced pleasure. And I was reacting. My legs splayed, open to the great bulk of its furry head, that bestial mouth and that insanely delicious tongue…

  No. I couldn’t let it lick me. I’d always buried those illicit thoughts. It was wrong, so wrong to find bliss—

  It curled its tongue and fuck, fuck, my clit.

  I squealed, arching my spine, presenting my ass, my cunt for more, an involuntary action. Fuck. Shit. What was I doing?

  But it couldn’t be deliberate. A conscious act. It wasn’t. He was a beast driven by instinct. And I…I was just a bitch in heat. Nothing more. My thoughts spun around that dark and delicious thought. No, no… My survey record proved there were no higher life-forms on Alpha-Leonis-3. None what-so-ever.

  It—he—was just a huge fucking male—I’d nicknamed him a manticore—getting me to present my ass for… My mind jerked away from where this would end. I glanced behind me, my heart in my throat.

  In the ancient forest’s green glow, he was all wings and fur and thick-muscled, golden power. A giant beast. Lord of this stretch of wild land. A creature I’d lost moments in seeing him soar and hunt from my survey platform.

  He held my gaze now. A shining gold, sharp with intelligence. He really was so very fierce and beautiful…but my gaze dropped to the exposed length of his huge dick. My belly tightened, my mouth falling open. Shit. It was a monster. It would split me in two.

  That’s what he wanted from me. To stick in me. To mount me. To fuck me with that…animal dick. No. No. Not happening. I’d always had the fantasy, but the reality was too much.

  I was still staring. Much too much.

  I lurched forward, hauling my bruised body over the leaf-thick forest floor. The beast had dragged me free from the collapse of my high canopy viewing station. Lying there, in the remains of the polystructure and the bright fizz of my broken mimetic shielding, I thought I’d be a quick and bloody snack, but it—he—planned to eat me in a completely different way.

  A great paw landed in the middle of my back, driving me into the earth. I screamed—but my cry choked off as he drove his muzzle between my legs, a growl and his rough, thick tongue attacking my pussy.

  I panted, my leaf-dirty fingers digging into my scalp, desperate to ignore the tightening of my belly and the wild fire in my blood. I couldn’t find pleasure. I couldn’t. But…fuck. Fuck. I couldn’t stop the twist of my hips, the turn and lift to match the quick, hard rhythm of his tongue. The brush of his cool fur against my licked-damp thighs. And the sounds he made. The rippling growl mixing with the wet lashing and the mortifying juiciness of my cunt. They caught me. Drove forced pleasure into my flesh.

  In that moment, I couldn’t fight it. Didn’t want to. My body was his. Completely his. I arched into him, giving him more, giving him all of my cunt, my ass. Uncaring that I was writhing naked on a forest floor with an animal licking me to ecstasy.

  And it was complete bliss. I’d never… No one had ever…

  His tongue curled, finding my clit again, and—gods—the pressure, the need to push back, to find his broad muzzle buried in my untouched cunt, working it harder, deeper—

  I screamed. Thrashed. Swept up in the surge of golden fire under my skin and a wild, flash of white-hot bliss chasing it. Consuming it. Caught in a maelstrom of pleasure…and a sure and steady paw pinned me, held me down, even as the beast nuzzled and lapped, teasing the last twitching shadows of my release.

  Gods. Fuck. That had been—

  “You invaded my domain. Why?”

  I froze. A voice. A male voice. Deep and smooth and in my head. What the—?

  I turned my head to stare up at the beast above me. Golden eyes fixed on me, narrowed and firm. Was it his voice in my mind? But that was impossible. I’d never once, not in the seven missions I’d been on, ever come across a telepathic race. This…manticore wasn’t even humanoid.

  “I’m going mad. An insane orgasm rattled my brain loose. That has to explain it. You can’t—”

  “Project my thoughts into your mind?” His lip curled over a long, glistening-white canine. “You are wrong. Obviously.”

  I blinked. He was telepathic. Did that extend to his whole race? He had to be a race, though I’d never spied another of his kind. I strangled my thoughts. I had to focus. Fuck. The company had sent in a xenobiologist under the assumption that there were no higher, sentient life-forms. I was only there to catalogue this wild and beautiful planet.

  I didn’t have the authority or skill to negotiate—

  I slammed down on that failure. He couldn’t know…but he wasn’t reacting. I frowned. “Is this telepathy one way?”

  “For now.”

  A shiver prickled over my skin. It came from the chill of a twisting breeze on my sweat-damp body or the fact that he’d just huffed a hot breath over the curve of my ass. It had nothing to do with the implicit threat in his tone. Or was it a promise?

  “Answer my question, wingless beast. Why are you in my domain?”


  I couldn’t tell him the truth. That I was a part of a company that strip-mined a planet of its resources. All of it—minerals, vegetation, animal-life—harvested for human consumption That his planet was next on our long list.

  “My name is Doctor Lacy Abbot.” I strained against his restricting paw, the soft pads a tingling shift against my skin. “May I sit up?”

  “You may…roll over.”

  Heat burned in my face, but I had to take it as a part of the negotiations. And this…beast had seen more of me naked than anyone else. Animal or human.

  I jerked a nod and he lifted his huge paw. Taking a breath, holding it, trapping it in my tightening chest, I turned over. Leaves and detritus clung t
o my damp skin, but not nearly enough to cover my full nudity, hiding it from his sharp gaze.

  “Keep your paws where they are.”

  It was a low, dark rumble through my thoughts and my twitching hands stayed above my head. He pushed his nose up between my breasts and I gasped, fighting not to smack his huge, leonine head—

  I squealed. His tongue had curled around my nipple, tugging it to a hard and aching nub.

  “You’re unexpectedly delicious for a wingless beast.” Golden eyes fixed on me. “I may…keep you.”

  Panic flushed hot through every inch of my body. I fought to breathe. But every hard lift of my chest was met with a wicked lick from that bestial tongue.

  No. No. Fucking him wasn’t a part of the plan. I was supposed to agree a deal. What rights the company would take, what I would offer in return… My belly tightened. His wanting to…to fuck me was no doubt simply an opening to those negotiations.

  “Why are you here, little creature?”


  I twisted into his broad muzzle, chasing contact with his tongue as it lapped a wet path lower, lower… This was good. Fine. Deliciously so. But, I wouldn’t go further than this. Even if my fingers ached to thread through his thick fur, to draw the heat of it into me, and tangle my fingers in his mane. I ignored the prick of curiosity, the wondering of what that monstrous dick would be like buried in my tiny cunt.

  I sucked in a breath. “We would like…” Already, I was caught and fighting against the rising want. I gritted my teeth, trying to focus. As strange as it was, I was still negotiating. “Rights, the rights to your land.”

  Golden eyes speared me. “This land is mine.”

  A heavy paw pressed my thigh to the earth, opening me to his mouth. I swallowed, my heart thudding. How was I falling so easily to his lust for him? He was an alien. A beast. My long secret fantasy was playing out on my flesh and he was a part of this strange, vibrant world with which I’d already half-fallen in love. And he, he was its lord.

  “I do not share. I never share.”

  “We’d ask only—” I arched into his long lick, my voice broken. Shit. Did his race always cross species fuck in this way? Because this, this would be worth a king’s ransom. I swallowed, my mouth dry, my thoughts dizzying. “Something small.”

  “It is all mine. Everything that flies and crawls and swims. The earth and sky.” With terrifying ease, he flipped me back onto my belly. “Everything I fuck.” He jerked my ass into the air. “Definitely mine.”

  My heart stopped. His belly fur was a cool slide against my ass, the bulk of him passing over me in shadow. I was caught, frozen, under the crouching heat and power of his huge body… And there. There. Pressing against my unprotected pussy was the blunt head of his monstrous cock.

  My fingers dug into the earth. Gods. Fuck. Panic slicked my flesh and words tumbled from me. “I haven’t… I’ve never. No one has ever…”

  He stilled around me, taut, almost vibrating, though his long, gleaming claws pushed from their sheaths and cleaved the dark earth. Something about it fired under my skin. Did my virginity excite him?

  “You are…unmated?”

  “Yes.” I jerked a nod, my blood pounding.

  His dick, pulsing and alive, was a searing pressure against my cunt. Tormenting me. The ache of it. So close to breaching me, into flesh still damp and sensitive from his thorough tongue. My hips twitched and the sudden spiral of pleasure from the push of his cock, of fur and heat and strength broke a gasp from me.

  He would take me. Mount me like a bitch in heat. Like so many of the animal matings I’d witnessed, a fierce, wild rutting, all power and dominance…and used for one purpose. Being bred.

  My belly clenched. Something tight and hot. Illicit. Wanted. An unexpected cry escaped me…because I was rolling my hips and the bulbous head of his huge dick had breached my pussy.


  It was a low, wild growl through my thoughts, his body straining around me, coiled strength in his crouched form. I wanted this. Him. For him to fuck me. The forbidden need always there, the one I’d pushed down over the years, pulsing just under my skin to submit, to be fucked and bred by a great alien beast—


  A raw satisfaction wrapped around the single word.

  “Is that what you want, little…human?”

  Shit, he could hear me now—

  I shrieked as his hips snapped and he buried his cock in my screaming flesh. Shrouding me in heat and fur, slapping hard against my ass, spearing me… I panted out the pain, the shock, my fingers forming my own claws into the earth.

  His pleasure rolled through me, hot and fierce, melding and mixing with my own. The wild darkness of it. Vast. Overwhelming. Fuck. Fuck. I was in his mind, in Renke’s thoughts.

  “Is this why? Why you licked me, why your dick…” His haunches rolled against me, a slow, slow grind that sparked a dizzying pleasure along every stretched and straining nerve. I wet parched lips. “What…?”

  “Sharing telepathy was a secondary reason. Your scent…called to me. I’d catch it on the wind. Temptation itself.” A low, rumbling growl vibrated against my spine and he eased back. The friction, the tightness of my practically virgin pussy danced light before my eyes. “Sweet. So sweet. I will keep you and fuck you and breed you.” He stroked forward, hard and sure and my shoulders slammed against the solid muscle of his fore legs. I cried out, caught in a wild twist of pleasure and pain. “Taste this sweet cunt every dawn. Fuck it every night.”

  No. No. He couldn’t. I was employed by the company. They…they would come for me. Take me away—

  “No one will hunt you out. Not now. Not ever.”

  Renke drove into me again, burying that monster dick in my tight cunt, his possessive growl wrapping around me. I groaned, falling into the bliss, into what I’d always ached for. No fantasy. No having to sneak into an enclosure to see if their latest caught creature was…friendly.

  A fierce snarl ripped from him and his thrusting dick was hard and brutal. I cried out, fire and lust a mad twist in my flesh. “Others. You sought out others to meet you need?”

  “Yes… No!”

  “There will be no one else. Only me. Mine. My mate.”

  His promise dug into my brain, my flesh, stabbed there with every powerful stroke of his relentless dick. I was lost, caught up in him, in the sweet and bitter musky scent of sex, of his heat and fur, his incredible power, the wild push-pull of my frail human body under his, all of it, taking me, moulding me into this manticore’s—into Renke’s—mate.

  I could only cling to the earth, my fingers biting, my knees and toes digging down as he took me. A great, ferocious beast fucking me, breeding me on the forest floor, satisfying the ache that I had never ever found in my own species.

  My belly tightened, the twisting tension making my limbs shake, my heart pound and my thoughts scatter to the wind. There. I could almost taste it. The sweet, sweet promise of my release. Almost… Almost…

  Renke was a coiled, pounding beast, ramming his cock into my oh-so-willing cunt in an insane mix of pain and bliss. I wanted this. Him. Buried so far in me, dragging back, only to hammer harder and deeper, carving a new me out of his fierce fucking.


  His snarl ripped through my spiralling thoughts.

  “Mine to fuck. I will fill you. See your fertile belly grow round with my cubs. Then pound my dick into you. Again.”


  My own thought slammed back into him, wanting that, wanting him. I had always ached for this. Always. An illicit need that drove me to leave Earth, to hunt out strange alien beasts. The desire to be fucked, to be taken by a monster with fur and fangs and this huge cock pounding me, breeding me.

  Fuck, I’d been hunting for him. Always for him…

  Fur, the coil and thrust of an animal’s haunches, his snarl and growl…and the thought of how it looked. A frail little human woman fucked into the earth by a wild unea
rthly monster—

  I wailed my release to the sky, shocking birds from the green-gold of the great canopy. Renke’s fierce animal joy smashed over me, melding into my own, driving both of us higher, a blistering wave of deep, golden pleasure. Beautiful. Relentless.

  His roar shattered the air, the arch of his wings a thick black shadow across the earth. Declaring his found mate. And his final thrusts found my willing flesh, pulsing the last of his potent seed into me. A final flash of pleasure swept over me. Deep into my waiting womb.

  I sagged beneath him, tired and blissfully aching, tugging myself free of his still-hard cock.

  Renke sat back on his haunches and his nose nuzzled through the wild tangle of my hair. I turned, letting myself fall between his paws, curling up against the broad, furry warmth of his chest. His solid heartbeat thudded under my ear and for a long moment, I drifted, sated and happy. Finally home. Finally in the right place with him. With my wonderful beast.

  His smooth voice eased through my mind. Welcome. Wanted. And bringing me out of my lull. “You’re one with me. As this planet is mine, so are you, Lacy.”

  I tunnelled my fingers through the thick, golden mane. His full, deep purr throbbed through my aching flesh…and ignited yet more fresh want.

  Anticipation was a white hot fire in my veins. I needed more of him. To tease and lick and fuck me. I dropped to my knees before him and his dark amusement threaded through my thoughts as I presented my naked ass ready for a good beast fucking.

  Renke’s rough and eager tongue found my cunt and “Yes, I’m yours!” burst from me in an excited squeal.


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