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Beast Bites Box Set

Page 2

by Amber Foy

  I was his. His to fuck. His to breed.

  His mate.


  —Survey List amendment—

  Alpha-Leonis-3 redacted due to previously undetected advanced organic shielding.

  No human life-signs detected.

  Xenobiologist, Doctor Lacy Abbot missing, presumed dead.

  —Mission closed—

  Under Her Stallion


  Soren had said to stay out of the Dark Wood if I wanted to remain…untouched. That shadow-horns wove between its twisting, black trunks and would ravish anyone caught within the Wood’s boundaries.

  But I hadn’t listened, had I? I’d been stupidly curious, as only the desperate and so-very-much sexually frustrated could be. And now, well, there was this fucking great horned stallion, right there, and I…I was cornered and lost and most definitely stripped bare by unseen hands.

  White breath huffed around the beast’s black muzzle and I was certain the git was laughing at me.

  What were my chances of getting out of this dark forest still a virgin? I took the bet on an even zero.

  “You were warned.”

  The rich, smooth voice wove through my mind and I blinked. Telepathy? Soren hadn’t said anything about that. But then he was as much of a git as the strange, alien beast currently trapping me into a thick knot of trees.

  “It’s not the dark ages.” I lifted my chin even as my heart pounded. My fingers dug into the rough bark of the tree at my back, willing courage. “D-E-4 has been colonised for two whole centuries. You’re considered a myth. Something to beat new settlers with. New settlers like me. Why would I believe you’re actually,” I waved a bark-dirty hand at him, “real?”

  His head tilted, the twisting, black horn jutting straight from his forehead gilded silver by a shaft of first-moon light. Dark eyes fixed on me. “Only fools believe we are a myth.” That fierce gaze slid down my nakedness. “And it is the foolish who discover just how real we are.”

  I shivered, from fear or from…something else, I wasn’t sure. I mean, he wore the shape of a huge, black-coated horse, though he was an alien. Still, he was an animal. Was my lack of opportunity really making me desperate to be, well, to be fucked by a beast?

  “You can let me go. I can happily tell people you exist now.”

  I shuffled sideways…and there were those hands again, the ones that had shredded my clothes from my back as I ran from thundering hooves. Soren hadn’t mentioned those either…

  In fact, Soren—for all his smooth talk—had hardly told me a bastard thing.

  Shadowy fingers, cool but strong and quick, dug into my arms and yet more bound my thighs, holding me still, fixing me to the dark earth.

  “So what now?” My hand flipped forward, but it was caught in the half-formed grip of strong fingers. Muttering, I tried to wrench free and failed. “We’re hardly physically compatible. I’m human and you’re…whatever you are.”

  “You have a cunt.”

  A palm, chilled and wide, pressed to my belly and I gasped. Fingers slid lower, lower, through the thatch of my sex, to slip a broad tip over my clit—

  I jerked against the touch, crying out, my pulse racing. Fuck. Shit. This was real.

  “And I…”

  He reared, exposing the long, dark barrel of his chest and fuck… Fuck. But for the hard grip of too many hands, I would’ve staggered back, fucking ran. Because silvered light coated the length of a monstrous horse-cock. Thick and long. Impossibly long—

  The beast’s great hooves thudded back into the soft earth.

  I shook my head, my thoughts scattering in my panic. “That’ll never fit. Not in me. Never—”

  I squealed as the unseen hands lifted me, carried me and turned me over a thick, high log, its smooth chill pressing to my belly and breasts. Somewhere in the silence, the beat of a drum began, matching the pounding rhythm of my heart. And…there. Voices. Chanting. Was this some sort of ritual for the Dark Wood?

  I was seriously going to beat Soren to a pulp for telling me exactly nothing.

  And now those invisible hands tilted me up, spreading my legs wide. My heart was in my throat, my head light. Fuck. Fuck. This was happening. My pulse jumped at the large fingers that squeezed a bare cheek, before a loud and painful slap broke a startled cry from me.

  My arse stung in the night air, but hard hands kept me still, fixed to a fucking log. This was not the way I’d ever planned to lose my virginity. I stared down at the forest floor, only the hints of first-moon light catching on rotting leaves. “Not what I call a romantic moment for—shit—how many of them are you? A bit of a beat, some chanting. But no nice food. We do have the moonlight—”

  A hot huff of breath steamed across her my cunt and I squeaked. A broad muzzle nudged my flesh. Fuck, that was, that was strange and hot…and oh fuck, I gasped at the scorching tip of a wet tongue that licked me from clit to ass, that curled through the cleft. Fuck. Fuck. That was wrong… So deliciously…wrong.

  I grabbed at the trunk, almost welcoming the hard hands that pinned me down as my body ached to squirm. My eyes squeezed shut, even as I wanted to look, to stare at the animal with his wicked tongue between my legs. The ache was there to pull away from the raw, bestial sensation…and some part of me liking it, wanting it. Wanting more. Wanting that fucking monstrous cock—


  The strange, deep voice wrapped around me—eager and thick—and fingers flexed against my pinned flesh. No one else had touched me there. Neither man…nor beast. Not in all of my twenty two years.

  My own strained breathing mixed with the long lick of his tongue, of the smacking juiciness of my pussy. Fuck, that was mortifying—

  “You want this. My tongue in your cunt.”


  My mouth had dried. I could hardly think, never mind talk, because the rhythmic lap of his broad, animal tongue, the long lick and heart-stopping curl, consumed me. Hot. So hot, with the wide brush of his fur-thick muzzle against my wet thighs, making me aware that the pleasure wringing me out was from someone, something far, far from human…

  “Sweet and sticky. And no one else has stuck their tongue here. Good. Good.”

  The words were a pleased rumble across my scattering thoughts and caused my ass to jerk up, to offer myself to the beast that slurped my cunt like it was candy.

  His agile tongue curled around my clit and white flashes danced across my eyes. Fuck. Fuck…that was. Oh… My whole body tensed, strained, caught on the very edge of pleasure and words broke from me. “Please, please… More. Lick me. Make me come!”

  A dark surge of joy smashed over me—not mine, his—but I didn’t care. Not for a minute. Because that tongue. The heat. The fact that it was a strange alien beast that drove wild pleasure through my straining body, that I could feel… Could feel—

  Golden fire swept over my flesh in a blistering, joyous wave and I screamed into the night, into the blackness of the Dark Wood. And still the animal who commanded my cunt, licked and lapped, chasing my orgasm, driving it deeper and harder until I was a boneless, twitching mess splayed over a rather juice-sogged trunk.

  And then his tongue vanished. A churning rush of air and heat swept over me. A surge…and solid hooves slammed down either side of me, driving into the soft earth. And fixing me beneath him.

  I couldn’t find my breath. A wild, insane mix of fear and new excitement flooded my flesh. I couldn’t want this. Licking me was one thing, but more? No, no… He was an alien. An animal—

  A whimper broke from me as thick fingers played across my still sensitive pussy and strong hands regripped my thighs. Kept them wide open beneath the dark heat of the beast. Splayed. Ready for that fucking massive horse-cock.

  My heart hammered.

  This was insane.

  This wasn’t happening.

  I was passed out over a table drunk and drooling, with Soren and his cronies laughing at yet another light-weight new sett
ler drowning under the vicious local brew—

  Something hot and long and thick drew along my naked spine. Strange and smooth…and some instinct, some need arched me against it. Waiting. Offering…

  Fuck. Fuck. That blunt…bat? That was the shadow-horn’s dick.

  My belly twisted hard and tight. Oh, this was all too real.

  Knuckles and fingertips stroked across my back, fleeting touches over my ribs and the hollow of my spine. Shit, they—the unseen hands—were moving that immense cock. My belly swooped. Aiming it. Fuck. Oh, fuck. The want bubbling through my flesh deepened. I didn’t understand this, this desire to have him—an animal—fuck me.

  The strange hands moved his cock. His great body quivered above me—all leashed power and the ache to rut and fuck— and his need, his impatience chased through my own flesh. Why? Why was I so fucking desperate to have a monster cock split me in two?

  The shadow-horn huffed, a cloud of white steam thickening the air and a hoof stamped against the leaf-littered floor. “This time—my cock in your untried cunt—is written into your skin and bones.”

  The beast’ smooth voice sparked through my tensed flesh and words broke from me, “I’m human!”

  A spike of dark amusement shafted through my mind. “You have never been fully human. Not to want something as filthy as my dick.”

  And with his words, that something—blunt and hot and fucking huge—pressed against my pussy. The heat of his body, his alien scent charged across my senses. I panted. Fuck. Fuck. I couldn’t want this. The fucking thing would split me wide open. “Please, I… That…”

  “Oh, it will all fit in your sweet little cunt.”

  His words were strained, as strained as my body as I pushed against the hands that pinned me in place, against the head of a monstrous horse-cock thrusting, shoving, breaking into me.

  I cried out at the first stretch. Heat flashed over me, panic and terror warring with the fucking insane want that screamed that this was right, that him stretching my tiny pussy with that…that thing was what I needed. Had ached for. Why I’d never had any desire for anyone, anything else in my whole fucking twisted life.

  His breath steamed around me as the echo of his animalistic bray chased around the beat of the ritual and voices drums and out into the heart of the living Wood.

  “Mine. Mine to fuck. I will breed you. Fill your hot cunt with my animal seed. Yes. Yes…”

  The last word was a fierce growl through my shattered thoughts as his pulsing dick—something dangerously hot and alive—fought its fierce path into my flesh. Hard hands grabbed my ass and thighs, biting into the muscle to keep me wide, wide open and still, as the shadow-horn’s massive cock thrust deeper.

  Deeper. Tears bleed from me. Oh so much fucking deeper.

  The tempo of the booming drum caught the rate of my pulse, faster, drowning my mind as a human tongue licked my pussy—hot and wet—lapping at my clit, chasing around my obscenely stretched flesh.

  And still the shadow-horn drove his great horse-cock into my poor cunt. What must I look like? Splayed over a tree trunk, twitching and caught with a fierce black horse slamming his massive dick into my defenceless pussy. With the aim to fuck me till I screamed. To fill and breed me—

  My breath stopped, that thought—that wicked, unclean thought—driving as fierce a pleasure as the throbbing cock filling me to the brim. As deep as he could go. Fuck. Oh, shit. He was all the way in, up to his seed-filled balls and I wouldn’t think, couldn’t move, the only thing consuming me was ‘move, fucking move, make me yours’.


  And he drew back and thrust again, just as deep and hard, so fucking hard, and I screamed down the night.

  But more. I had to have more.

  “Yes. Mine. My mate. The one I will fuck. Always.”

  Another slam of his cock, driving me against the rough trunk and still the tongue licked, finding my clit, drooling over my aching flesh, easing the pounding of that dick into my flesh.

  The beat of the drum matched the thrusts of his horse-cock. Faster. Harder. The tree trunk creaking under the snap of his muscled haunches. His snorts, the air white with steam, with my grunts and squeaks and pants. Because fuck…it was wild, and wanted, and so right, so fucking right—

  A surge of blistering pleasure smashed over me, and I cried out, straining against the wild joy that shook every inch of my body.

  And my beast thundered on, taking me, driving his dick into my cunt again and again. I couldn’t resist him. I didn’t want to. I wanted his release. I wanted that hot splash of come that would find my womb. That would breed me. Make me his—

  His cock swelled and he came, his bray more of a bestial roar, wild and wicked, drowning the drums and voices and my own orgasmic scream.

  The mouth at my cunt still lapped and licked, slower now, tasting me as the beast’s dick eased into easy thrusts…working his seed into my fertile womb.

  Hands moved over my damp skin and against my will, my want, his cock was eased from my stretched pussy. I groaned as fresh tongues followed the first, licking my sensitive flesh, tips flickering, eager it seemed to taste my juices mixed with the animal seed spilling freely from me.

  I closed my eyes, lost to new mouths and the heavy presence of the shadow-horn standing over me, his chest heaving, muscles quivering and heat steaming off his thick, black coat.

  Fuck. Yes, so…I wasn’t a virgin anymore.

  I wanted to huff a laugh, but that would take energy. I didn’t have an ounce of it to spare. Who would think being ridden hard by a great black stallion would be quite so…taxing?

  So I lay there, with sweet mouths on my cunt as sated exhaustion sat on me. The rich scents of fur and skin and juices and the musky odour of fierce wild sex wrapped around me. I pulled in the tang, letting the great gulp of air settle in my lungs.

  My belly hollowed as the shadow-horn reared up and away, leaving me to the chill of the night. I shivered. Missing him. His heat, his protection, the knowledge that I was his. Even the mouths and hands drifted away with a few final caresses.

  It was over.

  My body was now my own again. I caught dirty fingers in my wild hair. My flesh still throbbed, the chasing thrum of my very thorough fucking still there between my legs.

  I started as a large hand pressed against my damp spine, the slow stroke of callused fingers a tease…but not enough. Not right then, with the desire for my beast still thick in my flesh.

  “I knew it would be you.”

  Words, softly spoken, barely rising above the chitter of insects and the rush of the wind through the living Wood.

  I frowned, the voice threading through my scattered thoughts…until I recognised it. I wet parched lips. “Soren?”

  His large hand cupped my ass cheek in a very over familiar fashion, his thumb drawing a line down the cleft. I twitched at the skin of his thumb-tip over my other hole.

  Finding my last ounce of strength, I hauled myself away from the trunk and winced as I gave the git of a man a full-frontal view. There wasn’t a bit of conveniently placed bark or a leaf to offer even a hint of modesty. Well, fuck it.

  He’d very likely seen me fucked—very fiercely fucked—by a giant mythical horse. So a flash of tit and pussy didn’t—shouldn’t—rate that high as mortification went.

  Still, I crossed my arms over my breasts. I’d liked this man. More than liked and well, what he’d witnessed…that had to screw everything sideways for my chances with him.

  First and second moonlight layered light and shadow over his stark face. His long black hair caught in the increasing winds, flicking it back over his broad shoulders. His eyes—as dark as the Wood—fixed on me. There was a glint there. Something swirled between us and it caught my breath.

  I staggered back but his strong hands grabbed and held me. “What…?”

  “As you stepped from the transport hulk, I knew.”

  He pulled me him, wrapping muscled arms around my nakedness, his face at my
neck , his hair falling about me in a fine, silken mane. Fierce fingers grabbed my ass, bring me up fast—and surprised—against the firm line of his hard dick.


  I froze.

  The mane of black hair. Eyes as dark as the living Wood. An erection for a human male that was more of a club…

  Him. Soren was him.

  My beast.

  What the ever-loving-fuck was going on?

  I struggled free of him, stumbling back against the fallen tree, one with which I had become so familiar. I stared up at him. This man I had known for months, this…stranger.

  A wry smile twisted his mouth and I wanted to smack it right off his face. “Why didn’t you say anything? Anything at all? Like—I don’t know—‘Hi, Carissa, I’m a fucking great big alien horse once in a while, and I’d love to shove my massive horse-cock up your twat!’” I snatched at my hair, a growl breaking from me, the anger at being played, being used a sour burn in my belly.

  I’d more than liked him…

  I pressed my hands to my face, breathing in the odour of woods and the lingering scent of the beast, the shadow-horn that had given me such pleasure…


  “Is this what you do?”

  I couldn’t hold back the disappointment churning through my chest. The need to cry choked me. I thought… More than it being Soren—and I won’t deny that was a fucking spike to my heart—I’d finally felt a part of my new world. Caught in the flow of life and ritual, in the wildness of the Wood. I had belonged for the first time.

  I’d loved him fucking me. And thought perhaps—stupid, idiotic me—that it would…continue.


  I glared at him, tall and wild—and I could see it now—the whisper of alien written into his flesh. “Is this how you and your cronies get their kicks? Sucker a naive new settler into fucking you? That it’s all a big laugh?”

  “Those like us, Carissa—me and you—with something in our blood that this planet calls to, we can’t resist the need to find our mate.” He caught long fingers in his hair, sweeping it back from his face. “I became a shadow-horn the minute your flesh touched this earth. Look…”


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