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My Only Reason (Men of Monroe Book 2)

Page 32

by Rachel Brookes

  “Want me to cook you a greasy breakfast, and then we’ll be lazy all day?”

  I rolled over and rested my chin on his chest and grinned up at him. “I knew I loved you for a reason.”

  “What?” He fake gasped, his eyes shooting wide. “You’re telling me it’s not because of my hilarious personality, thick cock, or spaghetti making abilities? Geez, way to cut me deep, Marnie.”

  My laughter sliced through the room before I cringed and dropped my head back to his chest. “Ahh, don’t make me laugh. My head hurts.”

  “See, I’m hilarious.”

  I wrapped my arm tightly around his waist and sighed contently. Even though my head pounded with a champagne-induced hangover, my feet throbbed from dancing the night away, and my stomach growled for fatty foods, I’d never felt happier or more at ease as I was right now. I closed my heavy eyes and felt myself sliding back into slumber.

  Three hours later, I stumbled out of the bedroom and into the living room and shrieked.

  “Whoa, look at your hair!” Finn piped up from the couch, and his mention of my hair was not made in an impressed tone.

  “Boy, never mention anything about a woman’s hair. The first lesson of getting a girlfriend is never to criticize what they look like while suffering a hangover,” Crazy John advised from the other end of the couch.

  “Oh, and always, always mention a new hairstyle numerous times when they first get their hair done.” Baron lifted his mug to his lips, looking mighty pleased with his offer of advice.

  My head swung between Finn, Crazy John, and Austin’s dad sitting in my living room with the TV on and looking like they’d been here for hours and were settled in for the day. There was no sign of Austin.

  Baron stood from the couch and came to me. “Do you need water? Let me get you some water.” He darted into the kitchen and returned quickly. “Here, have this. Take a seat.”

  “What is happening?” I held the back of the couch for support because I wasn’t sure if I was still drunk from the wedding, still half-asleep, or dreaming. “What day is it?”

  “How much did you have to drink last night?” Crazy John hollered and lifted his hand to his mouth and made the drinking motion. “It’s Sunday.”

  “Austin is helping me work out the next plan of attack for the renovations at my house, so I stopped over. Finn and Clancy were here when I turned up. Is it okay that I’m here?”

  Austin and Baron had been working on their relationship since Baron called the meeting between me, Austin, Ashlyn, and Josh. It was rough to begin with, but it would seem we were a family of second chance givers. It started slow, and there were definitely some hiccups, but over time, Austin started dropping into Baron’s house and helping him out around his new house. Baron had even started to come over for the occasional family dinner. He was still anxious around us. There was the fear that we’d retract our decision to get to know him at any time, but I kept reminding him that it was a new beginning, and new beginnings meant a clean slate.

  “Of course, it is. I just wasn’t expecting to find anyone other than Austin out here.” I patted his arm softly and smiled, and his demeanor began to relax. “When do you need me to come and look at paint colors with you? Also, we need to get some gardens happening. There is a lack of flowers in your life, and I’m the flower queen.”

  “How does next weekend sound?” he asked, hopefully.

  “It’s a date. Bring your credit card because I go a bit crazy when flowers are involved.”

  I left him chuckling and quickly ran upstairs and took a quick shower and dressed in a pair of denim cutoffs and a simple tank top. After throwing my hair up in a crazy top-knot, I walked back into the living room and found a bottle of water and some aspirin on the coffee table. Baron winked at me after I sat down and nodded toward it.

  Half an hour later, Austin walked in the door carrying bags of food, and my stomach immediately growled. After leaving the bags on the kitchen counter, he walked to me, tilted my head back, and gave me a long, slow kiss.

  “Hey, Freckles.”

  I smiled up at him, blushing as usual. “Hey, yourself.”

  “I’ve got a question.” We both looked toward Crazy John. “Now that Ben and Sasha are married, when are you two getting engaged? I love a good wedding, and I’m thinking yours will be flowing with whiskey, so that sounds like a damn good time!”

  Austin and I looked at each other. We hadn’t spoken about marriage, but we both knew it was in our future. I’d spent years thinking we’d never have a second chance a love, but the universe had other plans.

  “February 29th.”

  We both spoke at the same time, saying the same date. Even though it once saw our end, it was only fitting that it would be the beginning of a new chapter for us.

  “You two are perfect for each other!” Crazy John hooted, then turned to Baron. “Did you hear that? They said the same date.”

  Austin winked down at me and then walked back to the kitchen and straight back to the bags. I jumped off the couch and followed him, and as soon as I reached him, I wrapped my arms around his waist and pressed my chest to his back. He hummed and linked his fingers with mine. We stood, connected, staring out of the kitchen window and onto the porch.

  “February 29th?” I whispered, my heart feeling about ready to burst.

  “February 29th,” he replied, squeezing my hand with his.

  February 29th.

  “Will you be happy living here?”

  He spun around to face me and wrapped his arms around my waist. I stared up at him and quickly found myself getting lost in his gentle eyes.

  “From the time I met you, this has been your dream house. When have I ever stopped you from living your dreams?”

  It was so true. Everything we’d done, everything we’ve been through, and everything we were headed toward was connected to my dreams. He changed his world to give me a shot at changing mine, and every day I fell more in love with the boy I’d met out in front of Ben’s house, who turned into the man who held my heart in the palm of his hand. Never in my wildest dreams did I expect a love like this, a love that was once battered but now bloomed brightly.

  “What’s your dream?”

  His face grew soft, his eyes twinkled, and he ran a fingertip down my cheek and traced my bottom lip. I waited, holding my breath, and clutching onto the edge of his shirt.

  “My dream, Freckles? My dream has always been a life with you.”

  This concludes Austin Hart and Marnie Lavender’s epic second chance at love.


  Scroll to the next page to see a fun, text message exchange between the girls about Missy’s weird behavior at the wedding – it’s a hint for Missy’s book.

  Men of Monroe #3

  Marnie: Why did you look like you were about to pass out when you were walking down the aisle?

  Sasha: Did I?

  Marnie: No, not you, Missy. And why are you texting? You should be having wild, crazy honeymoon sex with your husband!

  Sasha: We have been. I sent him out to get ice cream, and I needed a break. I think I’m the one suffering from a broken vagina now.

  Marnie: Where’s Missy?! MISSY!

  Missy: I’m here, I’m here.

  Marnie: So, what was going on yesterday?

  Missy: I don’t want to talk about it.

  Sasha: Ahh, yes, you do! Spill!

  Missy: Don’t make me say it!

  Marnie: What is going on? You looked like you were going to pass out!

  Sasha: Missy Louise Rogers, spill!

  Missy: FINE! You know how I had sex with that guy who came to the diner. You know the one who had a cock the size of my forearm, and he broke my vagina because the sex was that good?

  Marnie: Oh yeah! That was all levels of hot. The mystery man who sweeps through town, bangs you silly, and leaves you with a lifetime of X-rated memories? How could we forget! But how is this relevant to the wedding?

  Missy: The man who broke my vagi
na was at the wedding! There, are you happy?!?!

  Sasha: WHAT!

  Marnie: WHO?!?! Wait, but you looked like you were about to pass out when you were walking toward the guys.

  Missy: Exactly.

  Sasha: I am so confused right now!

  Marnie: OH MY FUCKING GOD! Fletcher?

  Sasha: Ben’s cousin?

  Missy: Yes!

  Missy: Do NOT tell Ben or Austin!

  The Men of Monroe series continues with Missy and Fletcher’s story.

  Coming September 2019

  Add it to your TBR list

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  Firstly, thank you to my incredible family for their continued support, love, and general awesomeness. The last couple of years has been a whirlwind and I couldn’t have got through it with having each of you by my side. I am beyond proud to be a part of this forever growing family, and I love each and every one of you.

  A massive thank you to my amazing team who gets me to the point of publishing. I simply write the words, it’s the amazing team I work with who gets me to the point of being able to publish, and I am so thankful for each of you.

  Jenny from Edits4Indies – what can I truly say to express how much you mean to me. You jumped in to help when I felt like I was drowning. Your support and friendship mean the world to me. Thank you for polishing my words, correcting my aussieness, and being my editing queen.

  Lauren from Perrywinkle Photography – Thank you again for finding the perfect people to portray my characters… again! When I look at this photo, I see Austin and Marnie, so thank you! I cannot wait for the next shoot. You blow me away every single time!

  Robin from Wicked By Design – Book number 7! Can you believe it? Thank you for taking this crazy ride with me! Your ability to crawl inside my head and pull out exactly what I want astounds me. My books would not be the same without you! #TeamR

  Tash Drake from Outline with Love Designs – Thank you so so so much for putting up with my crazy messages, my ‘can we do this?’, and my random questions. You are an absolute gem! Bring on my future ‘crazy’ ideas!

  Stephanie, Natalie, and Tiffany – Thank you for reading My Only Reason in its rawest form when I’m calling people by the wrong name, making random people make out, and general sending you a hot mess of a story. Your feedback helps me create the best book I can, and I cannot thank you enjoy! Bring on Missy’s book!

  Dave – Thank you for being my final eyes and being loving my characters as much as I do! I promise to continue to write loads of book girlfriends for you! I adore you!

  Lyra Parish – I wouldn’t be able to do book world without you! Thank you for our virtual office dates, our sprints, our laughs, our chats, and more than anything our friendship! I adore you and cannot wait for all our plans to happy! 1.0 forever!

  Bloggers and Bookstagrammers – Your passion and love for books inspire me daily. Thank you for all that you do, for your support, excitement, and dedication to the book world. I am blessed to call many of you friends, and my gratitude to each of you is beyond measure.

  The Bombshells – my safe place, my cheerleaders, thank you for your excitement, support and encouraging me to write, write, write! I adore all of you so much!

  To my amazing readers - thank you for taking a chance of me, for being patient between books, reaching out to me, leaving reviews, telling your friends about my books and chatting to me about all things books! You continue to inspire to keep writing and I cannot thank you enough for allowing me to continue living my dream. Thanks for being by my side while I take on this amazing journey, and I cannot wait to bring you more books in the future.

  Also by Rachel Brookes

  The Breathe Series

  Just Breathe


  Breathe Again

  * * *

  The Crawford Brothers

  Be My December

  Be My Temptation


  Men of Monroe

  All That I Am

  About the Author

  Rachel Brookes is from the east coast of Australia and writes angst ridden love stories with a pinch of craziness, a dash of drama, a cup of romance, and a bucketload of sexiness. An avid reader, Rachel can often be found with her kindle in her hand, and getting lost in a happily ever after. She has an unhealthy obsession with The Walking Dead, and social media, and loves hearing from readers.

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