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Deputy's Dilemma (Big Rock Romance Book 3)

Page 12

by Nora Nolan

  Evie found herself affected by the spanking the same way she had been the first time. Her hand wandered to Aaron's thigh and she hoped none of the others at the table knew what she was doing. As her hand moved up his leg, he winked at her but caught her hand, not allowing it to move any further upward. He wanted to let her know that he got her message, though, so he rubbed and massaged her hand in a very sensuous manner. It was enough to let her know he was thinking along the same lines she was.

  Somehow in the midst of the arousal, an idea came to her. "Aaron, it sounds like Harriet is just bored. Would you mind if I invited her to come over to visit one morning while her husband's at work?"

  "Well, sure, sweetie, of course, it's all right. That's a nice idea. I need to start back to work anyway, so you ladies will have the house to yourselves."

  "Amy, why don't you come, too?"

  "Yes, I'd love to!"

  Arthur had stopped the blows, and all they could hear were Harriet's quiet sobs and Arthur's muffled voice. They couldn't make out his words, but his tone was much gentler now. A couple of minutes later, Arthur walked back into the dining room, followed by Harriet holding her spoon. They sat back down at their table and resumed eating as if nothing had happened.

  Aaron wanted to get Evie back home while she was still aroused, so he said the appropriate goodbyes and got up to pay.

  Evie turned to Harriet and Arthur's table. "My name is Evie Glover. I'm Deputy Glover's wife. I apologize if I'm being forward, but, Harriet, I'd like to invite you over to visit Monday morning while your husband is at work. That is, of course, if it's all right with your husband." She smiled at Arthur. "I can come to the hotel and walk you to our house. It isn't far; it's the two-story house behind the jail. I'm new to Big Rock, and I only know a very few people. Amy and I—Amy's the sheriff's wife—would love to get to know you better. We're still getting to know each other. I haven't even been here a week yet!"

  Harriet looked at Arthur. "Would that be acceptable to you, dear? I would enjoy a visit with some ladies."

  Evie added, "We can have her back to the hotel in time for lunch with you, or we can walk her to meet you here, if you prefer."

  Arthur looked at all the ladies in turn and smiled. "Why, yes, I think that might be a lovely diversion for Harriet. Thank you, Evie, for the invitation. I know she'll be looking forward to it."

  They made arrangements for Evie and Amy to come to the hotel Monday morning and escort Harriet back to Evie's house then walk her back to the hotel in time for lunch with Arthur.

  Aaron and Evie walked back to their house from the restaurant. Evie couldn't help but wonder aloud if overhearing Harriet's punishment had the same effect on other people.

  Aaron didn't necessarily want to get into a philosophical discussion right then, but since they weren't home yet, he gave a quick opinion, "I don't know what makes a woman react to it, but for a man, I think it brings up a primal power instinct. It's in a man's blood to be in control. When we see a man take control of a situation, it stirs up that gut impulse in the rest of us." He lowered his voice. "It doesn't hurt that we knew there was a woman in the next room with her backside bared to receive what she had coming to her. Imagining that, well, sometimes makes a man imagine his own woman like that."

  "So, it made you imagine paddling me with a spoon?"

  He looked at her. "Or a belt. Or a switch. Or something."

  When they arrived at the house, Evie went to the bedroom and removed her clothes. Aaron closed the windows and shades and locked the door before joining her. "No, don't get in bed just yet. Go get the spoon."

  "But Aaron, have I done something wrong?"

  "No, sweetie, you haven't."

  "Then why are you going to use the spoon on me?"

  "Because I want to. Don't be afraid. Go on and get it."

  LATER, as they lay in bed snuggling together, Evie brought up the plan to man the jailhouse around the clock. "Aaron, I don't want to spend the night here while you're there."

  "Sweetie, you know I'll only be right there." He pointed in the direction of the jail, reminding her how close it is.

  "I know, but I don't want to spend a night away from you. There are cots in the cells. Can't I stay there with you?"

  "Well, there's an idea. I hadn't thought of that. As long as I'm there, it shouldn't matter that you're there, too. But sweetie, you realize if you're there, you'll see your father and brothers if they're brought in. And Walters, too. Do you think you're up for that? If you're here at home, you wouldn't have to see them."

  "I thought of it. If they're brought in, I do want to see them. I want them to know I'm the one who provided the information that led to their arrest. Mainly, I want them to know I married the handsome deputy and I'm putting an end to the family business. I want them to know they don't have me to push around or beat up anymore."

  "Sweetie, believe me, I'm going to make sure they know that last part." He squeezed her closer to him.

  "Can I sleep in the same cell where those mean women were held?"

  He grinned. "Yes, ma'am, that'll be fun. You can pretend you're one of them, and we can find out what happens to women who break the law and act like brats."

  "Hmm. That could be fun. I have a feeling you can be very creative." She noticed the beginning swell of his fullness under the sheet.

  He laughed. "You do know me well in so short a time! I'm already thinking of all kinds of scenarios." She giggled a bit as she took his length in her hand and crawled astride his hips.

  ON MONDAY MORNING, Amy arrived at Evie's house at the appointed time and they walked the short distance to the hotel to find Harriet in the lobby waiting for them. She smiled and greeted them as she stood. Evie and Amy saw that she was carrying her wooden spoon, but both chose to ignore it. After exchanging more pleasantries, Evie led them out the door toward the jail. Instead of going inside the jail and out the back door on the worn pathway, she turned between buildings and guided them behind the jail. She thought it might spare Harriet's feelings if she didn't have to parade in front of the sheriff and deputy.

  When they reached the house, Evie led them in and decided to entertain for a while at the kitchen table rather than in the parlor. She heated water to make a pot of tea and produced a plate of cookies that were part of the goodies she had made to take to the jail for the men.

  While waiting for the tea, they took turns with basic introductions about where they grew up, how long they'd been married, and things such as that. Evie didn't divulge yet that her family was the subject of a current manhunt of sorts. Conversation flowed easily, and the ladies found themselves enjoying each other's company. Evie had been afraid that Harriet would be a snob, based on what Mary had mentioned to them earlier. But it wasn't the case, and Evie just attributed it to the fact that Mary had probably met Harriet at one of Harriet's lowest moments.

  When she had poured the tea into the teacups, Evie offered sugar and milk to the ladies. "Is there anything else I can get for you?"

  Harriet hesitated just a moment. "Well, if you don't mind, I have some of my own flavoring to add." She pulled out a flask of Irish whiskey and tipped it over her cup then offered it to Evie and Amy. "Here, take a sip of mine if you aren't sure."

  Evie took a sip from Harriet's cup then made a face. "Ew! I've never had alcohol before."

  Harriet let out a deep belly laugh. "Oh, well, then you definitely need to drink some." She took the liberty of pouring some into Evie's teacup. "It'll taste better with each sip you take." She poured a little into Amy's cup, too.

  "Evie, will Aaron mind if you're drinking?" Amy asked.

  "I really don't know. It's never come up. I have no idea how he feels about it. I saw him take a drink on our wedding night, so he's not a teetotaler. What about Jim?"

  "I don't know. He takes a drink occasionally. But he has strong opinions about the drunks he has to arrest. I know I'd be in trouble if I were to get drunk. But a little bit of alcohol? It might be all right."

  Harriet interjected, "Well, ladies, I won't get you drunk, I promise. You'll only have enough to be a little more relaxed."

  "Does Arthur not mind if you drink?" Evie wanted to know.

  "He doesn't always know about it, but a little won't bother him. Like the sheriff, he wouldn't want me drunk, though. That would surely be a reason to break out my new little friend, this spoon." She picked up the spoon and swung it at an imaginary victim.

  Evie took that as an indication that it was acceptable to talk about it. "You know, about that spoon. I mean, isn't it horribly embarrassing when he uses that on you at the restaurant? How do you get through it?"

  Harriet laughed but gave the ladies an amused look. "Well, embarrassing, yes, but horribly? Not really. Take a few more sips. You may need them to hear this. Arthur might seem like a monster to you, and I can understand that, based on what you know. But let me tell you, he's the kindest, sweetest, hottest, sexiest man there could ever be." Evie and Amy exchanged looks and took another sip. "A long time ago, I was a hellion like you wouldn't believe. Arthur saw something in me that he liked, though, and he pursued me. I was a spoiled little brat who'd never developed a lick of self-control. Arthur decided he was going to remedy that. It was after we were engaged that he first took action. I decided to see how well I could dangle him from my little finger, and he wasn't having any of it. We were outside at the time, taking a walk around the grounds. He'd had enough and pulled me behind a grove of bushes and reached down and pulled up the back of my skirt and petticoats. He let me have it but good. I ended up a crying, sniveling mess." She paused in reflection.

  "Anyway, that worked for a few days. But before long, my meanness came out again and I couldn't stop myself from acting up again. Damned if he didn't do the same thing again. Told me to expect it from now on. 'Harriet,' he said, 'I don't want to break your spirit. It's part of what I love about you. But I will damn sure stop this kind of unacceptable behavior.' And that's how it got started. But over time, the spankings seemed to have less and less effect, except for getting us both excited." Harriet winked. "Then came our wedding day. I was a mess; I was tired from all the planning and problems with arrangements. Everything was beautiful, but I still wasn't happy and I complained. Oh, I complained! The ceremony was over and we were standing in the receiving line, hugging and shaking hands with well-wishers. I was rude and sarcastic to several people in a row when, finally, Arthur'd had his fill. He jerked me around, right there in front of everyone, reached behind me again and pulled up the back of my skirts. He let loose on me like you wouldn't believe. At least he didn't drop my drawers! I was a blithering mess, and Arthur made our excuses and we went on up to our room. We were both so excited, we almost couldn't wait to get inside the door before we were ripping each other's clothes off. My behavior improved for quite a while, too. That's when Arthur realized that public punishment works on me much better than private, and it gets us both hot as firecrackers."

  Amy and Evie looked at Harriet in disbelief. "But how can that be? I would be mortified!" Evie said.

  "You'd think so, but that's not how it works with me. I don't know why. Let me ask you this. Amy, you said earlier that you'd be in trouble if you got drunk. May I assume that means you'd likely be punished?"

  "No 'likely' about it. I would be. I'd be over his lap in no time."

  "Let me ask you this. Afterward, do you sometimes feel a little, um, amorous?"

  Amy blushed a little. "Well, yes. A lot of times, actually."

  "So it shouldn't be so hard to believe that I'm the same way. Except for some reason, the knowledge that other people witnessed it or knew about it makes it even more titillating for me. I know I'm not like other women like that, but there you go, that's how it is with me. When Arthur exerts that kind of control over me, it turns me to mush. Pain notwithstanding, by the time I quit crying, I'm ready for Arthur to exert sexual control over me, too. As soon as possible and as hard as possible." She grinned devilishly. "And for as long as possible."

  Evie suggested they all have more tea, and her suggestion was met with giggling agreement.

  They all walked back to the hotel, and they agreed to meet again on Tuesday morning for another visit.

  EVIE AND AMY decided to go to the jailhouse to see their husbands. They let them know that they had such a nice time with Harriet, they planned to meet again the next morning. After a quick visit, the ladies left to go to their respective homes to prepare lunch.

  When they walked out the back door, Aaron turned to Jim and asked, "Is it my imagination, or have they been drinking?"

  Jim burst out laughing. "You caught that, too? I can't wait to hear more details about that visit with Harriet. Must have been a hell of a tea party they had."

  THEY DIDN'T TALK about Harriet the rest of the day; rather, the topic of the stagecoach and other mundane things needed to be discussed. But that didn't mean Evie didn't spend quite a bit of time thinking over what Harriet had said. She was gratified that she wasn't the only woman who became excited in certain situations. She thought about how she identified with Harriet in some ways but, in others, was her opposite. She did like it when Aaron took control, both in bed and out. She liked to see and feel his strength. She wondered if maybe she liked it even more because, for so many years, she had to be in control of her own life. It was nice to have Aaron now to lean on.

  THE NEXT MORNING, the three ladies again found themselves around Evie's kitchen table. Tea and cake were served, and Harriet again brought Irish whiskey. They didn't drink any more than they had the previous day, but they seemed to enjoy it more.

  Harriet quietly spoke up. "I hope I didn't offend you ladies yesterday. When I drink, it seems to loosen my lips somewhat. I realize my topic was inappropriate, and I can't believe I told you so much when we'd only met."

  Evie patted her hand. "Don't give it another thought. If you'd offended us, we wouldn't have invited you back today! As a matter of fact, I spent a lot of time thinking about some things you said. I think I'm like you in a few ways. Well, I know I am. But not in others." She laughed. "Maybe when I've had some tea, I'll feel free to talk about it." They all laughed at that.

  Amy gulped down her tea all at once and took a deep breath. "Jim likes to play games, and I almost always end up over his knee or over the table or over the couch and I get walloped. That always leads to incredibly hot relations. There! I said it!" She laughed, proud of herself for saying the words, and it made them all chuckle.

  Evie took a few more sips of her tea and had a bite of cake, followed by more tea. "Harriet, does Arthur ever, um, want to, um, oh never mind." She was embarrassed to ask.

  "What is it, Evie? Surely, after all we've talked about, nothing's off limits. It's just us girls here. What's on your mind?"

  "Does Arthur ever want to put his, um, oh no, I can't ask that."

  "Honey, are you asking me if he ever wants back door sex?"

  Evie's eyes widened, amazed that Harriet knew what she'd been referring to. "Well, yes."

  "Well, yes," Harriet replied, echoing her words. "A few times. I was pretty young the first time and had no idea it was ever done at all. I'd been extremely rebellious, and he did it as part of my punishment. I want to make sure you understand this part. He was forceful in that it was going to happen regardless of my protests, but he wasn't forceful in the act, at least not to begin with. He wouldn't hurt me that way. He knew I was aroused by spankings, and he wanted to reinforce the idea that punishments aren't to be pleasant. He knew I would never agree to that kind of penetration and would definitely find it unpleasant. I fought him with every ounce of my strength. Even though he's strong as an ox, he had trouble keeping me still so he could proceed. He finally held me immobile and got right in my ear and told me he'd tie me up if he had to, but it was going to happen, one way or another. He asked me if I wanted him to tie me. I said no. As much as I hated the thought of what he was going to do to me, I was aroused by Arthur's command of the situation and his power and au
thority over me. I promised to be as cooperative as I could because, really, I didn't want to be tied up. That idea scared me. Anyway, he made me bend over the table while he got some butter and began to work it around me and in me. Then he put some on him and made sure there was plenty. He used his fingers first to invade me and massaged all around. I didn't want to admit to him that it felt almost good. Actually, it did feel good, at least with his fingers. I think I moaned a little bit because he took his fingers out and gave me a few more strong licks before he put his fingers back in, rolling them around and exploring. Then he pulled his fingers out and put himself in me, just the head, and stopped moving to let me adjust to it. Before long, he was thrusting deeply inside me, and it was a combination of pleasure and pain for me. He didn't allow me my own satisfaction. When it was over, he led me to the sink and made me clean him. And, ladies, that was the first time."

  Evie and Amy both realized they'd been breathlessly listening to her, enthralled in her story. "Oh, my," Evie finally intoned, hardly believing Harriet had shared that much.

  Harriet laughed. "You ladies look like you need more tea," she said as she picked up her flask. "I can understand why some people find it awkward to speak of such things, but it's a natural part of our lives. Why should something we all do, or at least think about, be inappropriate for conversation among friends?"

  Evie mentioned that she sometimes was uncomfortable even discussing these things with Aaron.

  "Oh, Evie, I hope you can overcome that. Arthur and I can talk about anything. We've been that way since the beginning because Arthur insisted upon it."

  "Aaron's insisting on it, too. He says there should be no embarrassment about such things within a marriage. His theory is that if he makes me do more things I find disagreeable or uncomfortable, it'll become easier and easier for me."


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