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Deputy's Dilemma (Big Rock Romance Book 3)

Page 13

by Nora Nolan

  "I envy you, Evie," Harriet admitted. "I recall my own days as a new bride, learning my way." She smiled at Evie and patted her hand. "It was the most heady and erotic time of my life. You're lucky to have a husband like Aaron to guide you."

  Evie agreed. "Yes, I do think I've been most fortunate in finding Aaron." But she still had reservations about Aaron's plans for her.

  THAT NIGHT, it was Aaron's turn to stay at the jail. Evie joined him for supper, feasting on the foods she and Amy had provided. Since it was after hours, the jail doors were locked so there were no fears of being interrupted. Evie found the thought of spending the night in a jail cell risqué, nonetheless. What if the outlaws arrived while she and Aaron were not dressed? Would they guess what they'd been doing?

  "Sweetie, you never told me about your visits with Harriet," Aaron said, taking a big bite of buttered biscuit. "Tell me all about it. Did she have anything to say about that spoon?"

  "Yes, she did. Amy and I were a bit surprised. She mentioned things I couldn't imagine."

  "Really? Like what?"

  "Well, she, she, um, she is affected by spankings. You know, aroused."

  He grinned at her, amused. "Sweetie, you know you are, too. Why would you find that surprising?"

  "Because," she lowered her voice and leaned in toward Aaron, "she's even more aroused when it's in public."

  Aaron sat back in his chair. "Whoa! I wasn't expecting that!"

  "Yes, or at least when it's public knowledge. He wouldn't actually bare her all the way in public. But he has punished her with people watching. At the restaurant, he took her in another room, but he hasn't always done that. That started on their wedding day!"

  "Well, who would have thought Arthur had it in him? He doesn't look particularly authoritarian. I thought he was just a man finally fed up with his wife's nagging."

  "Apparently, he is like that. Harriet indicated he's quite commanding and controlling in their private relations. She finds his domination stimulating. She indicated he can get," Evie found herself reluctant to mention any specifics such as sodomy, "fairly creative."

  Aaron mused. "Well, good for Arthur."


  "Yes, sweetie?"

  "I want to be open and free with you, the way Harriet and Arthur are. She says they can talk about or do anything. I'm not there yet, but I do want to be. I know you want that for us. Thanks to Harriet, I'm beginning to see things in a different light." She looked earnestly into Aaron's eyes. "But please, Aaron, I want these things to be between us. Please tell me you'll never do anything to me in public. I'm not like Harriet in that way."

  "No, I wouldn't do that. I'm not like Arthur that way, either. Just you and me, sweetie. No one else need know, unless you share it with the ladies." He winked at her. "I take it the alcohol loosened you ladies up enough to talk about these things?"

  "Aaron! How did you know about that?"

  He laughed. "Oh, Evie, Evie. Jim and I have years of experience with people who drink. Don't you think we know you and Amy well enough to know when you're just a bit tipsy?"

  "Are you angry?"

  "No. I take a drink now and then; there's no reason you can't, either. I wouldn't like it if you were drunk, but a little bit won't hurt."

  Evie smiled, relieved because she had wondered if Aaron would be angry with her. "Harriet carries a flask of whiskey. She added it to our tea."

  "There's a bottle in that bottom desk drawer if you want some now."

  "Oh, no, I don't think so."

  He thought about the plans he had for that evening. "You might change your mind."

  AFTER THEY ATE, Aaron helped Evie clean up. They left out the cookies, thinking that a snack later would be nice. Evie had prepared a pot of coffee but didn't put it on the fire. They might want a fresh pot later with the sweets.

  Aaron steered the conversation to the stagecoach. "It's Tuesday night, so the stage is stopped in Cooper's Gap. It'll be here around lunchtime tomorrow. We haven't decided for sure yet, but either Jim or I might ride out for a few miles to accompany the stage when it leaves Big Rock. It might depend on whether we feel confident with the men who are providing protection."

  "I'd be all right with you riding with them, but you'll be alone riding back. Do you think you'd be in danger then?"

  "No, I don't think so. There aren't enough of the robbers to afford them the luxury of splitting up. It'll take all of them to rob the coach. They'll all be sticking close to it." He was careful to refer to them as robbers, rather than her family.

  "I suppose you're right. Besides, you'd be coming in the opposite direction of where they'd be traveling." She walked over to the chair where Aaron sat and dropped into his lap. She nuzzled his neck a little bit. "Still, I'd rather Jim be the one to go."

  "Maybe neither of us will have to go." He lifted his hand to her breast, teasing a nipple.

  "So, Deputy, now that you've arrested this mean and contemptible villainess, what do you plan to do with me?"

  He eyed her, glad that she'd initiated their game. "I'm going to get you back in that cell and make you behave."

  She jumped up and ran from him, making him chase her. She eluded him, turning over a chair in the process. She turned and ran in the other direction and knocked some things off one of the desks.

  "Woman, you'll regret that." He knew full well he could overpower her in a second, but he was having fun. The more she fought him, he thought, the more fun later.

  Evie turned away again. Aaron lengthened his strides and came up behind her. He twisted her around and slung her over his shoulder, giving her backside a couple of sharp slaps as he walked toward the furthest cell in the back.

  "Ow! You can't do that to me!"

  "I'm the law here. I can do whatever I have to. Right now, I have to do this." He put her down in the cell.

  "You can't keep me in here!" She kept complaining just as the real female criminal had.

  "One more word from you, and you'll find out how we make our women behave around here. You won't like it."

  "You can't do anything to me that hasn't been done before. Your threats don't hold water."

  "Let me prove just how wrong you are. Take off your skirt."

  "I will not!"

  "You will, or I will, and I'll most certainly rip it to shreds. I'll give you ten seconds, and if that skirt's not on the floor, I'll have it in tatters in another ten seconds. Your choice."

  Evie's adrenaline was pumping and she found herself highly aroused. She reached to her left side and unbuttoned her skirt, letting it fall. But she couldn't let her character acquiesce just yet, so she looked at him defiantly. "Is that what you do with your women? Keep them undressed so they can't escape?"

  "Lady, you aren't undressed yet. Petticoat next. Come on. On the floor with it."

  "No! Then I'll only have my bloomers on!"

  "Don't kid yourself, lady. They're coming off, too. Now do it."

  "No! You can't make me do that!"

  "I'm going to get my saddlebags and some things. When I get back, you better be bare from the waist down. You got that?"

  "You can't mean that!"

  "But I do. And you won't like what's going to happen if you don't mind me." He walked out, shutting the cell door behind him, then disappeared into the main office.

  Evie tried to follow him, but found the cell door locked. She decided to let her character comply and stepped out of her petticoat. He returned before she had the bloomers untied.

  "You're about to wish you'd minded me."

  "But I was removing them!"

  Aaron unlocked the cell door and walked in. He dropped his things on the cot then grabbed Evie to him and ripped her bloomers off, throwing them in the corner. While he still held her, he guided her to the cot. "On your knees, right here."

  She got on her knees toward the edge of the cot. She heard his voice behind her. "Now bend over with your elbows on the cot." She gasped, thinking about how exposed she would be. Trying to remembe
r that this was a role she was playing, she did. After all, this wasn't real. She found the thought liberating.

  "So, Deputy, is this how you treat your women around here?"

  "We do if they commit crimes and get themselves arrested then won't behave in custody. Now spread your legs."


  He quickly pulled his belt through the loops, doubled it up, and applied a few swats to her backside.


  "Are you going to mind me? Spread your legs apart."

  Evie minded, wondering what would be next. She turned her head around, trying to see him as he dug in his saddlebags. She heard his order to put her head on her arms and face the other direction. As she did so, she realized just how vulnerable a position she was in. It's all right. It's not me. This is just the character I'm playing.

  She couldn't see what he was doing, and it heightened her anxiety. She heard a jar being opened but couldn't tell anything else. She soon felt his finger at her back opening, and it felt greasy.

  She lifted her head and shouted "No!" before she realized what she was doing.

  Aaron was emphatic. "Yes. Nature, in its wisdom, provided women with the perfect place for chastisement in the form of a nice round bottom and shapely thighs. For all the trouble you've caused me, I plan to punish yours inside and out."

  Evie's mind hardly knew what to think. Aaron's authority and roughness were exciting her. The position she was in was embarrassing, as was the thought of what he intended to do. I'm just playing the role. In a way, this is happening to someone else.

  She felt his fingers at her little puckered rosebud again. She closed her eyes and tried to remember what Harriet had said that morning. She felt his successful invasion and marveled what it felt like to have his finger inside her. Although it felt very different, it didn't hurt, at least not yet. He moved his finger around and around, and she wondered if he would stop at one finger. Harriet had mentioned two. As if he read her mind, he retracted his finger and slid in two at once. She inhaled sharply but soon realized it didn't hurt as she'd expected. As he slowly scissored them inside her, circling as he did, she found herself moving with his rhythm.

  She was almost disappointed when he removed his fingers. But when she felt something hard at her hole, she couldn't keep quiet. "What is that? What are you doing?"

  "It's part of your punishment. You shouldn't have given me so much trouble. This is a plug, and you're going to wear it tonight."

  He pushed it at her opening, but she fought it. He backed up and gave her a few more swats with his belt. "This is going in, one way or another. You can help by pushing out, or I can let it hurt you going in. Again, your choice."

  "All right, all right! I'll try."

  "Good. That would be in your best interest." He continued to push, circling it a bit to ensure the lubrication covered it.

  Evie pushed out, convincing herself this wasn't her acting so shamefully; it was a role she was playing. She felt the tip of the plug slip in and she stilled, expecting pain at any moment. It stretched her and kept stretching until she thought she would tear. Finally, the girth of it lessened and it sort of popped into place, not moving in or out. She realized she'd been holding her breath.

  She felt Aaron moving his hands over her bottom and around and between her thighs. "I thought so. You're sopping wet. Criminals shouldn't enjoy their punishments. Get up."

  She struggled a little with the unusual fullness in her backside, but she stood. He directed her to go stand in the corner until he decided what he wanted to do next. She obeyed and reached down to her bottom to feel the intruder.

  "No. Clasp your hands behind your head. Hold them there until I tell you. Elbows against the wall."

  She did, feeling the cold, rough concrete blocks. She wondered what the plug looked like in her backside. Could he see it when he looked at her? She hadn't seen it, so she could only guess what it looked like by the feel of it. She knew it graduated in diameter then got small again. She wondered how much was still outside her body.

  She sensed Aaron watching her from his chair across the cell. She could picture him, leaning back in the chair with his long legs stretched out before him. After several minutes, she heard him stir and do something at the cot. Then she felt his mouth nibble her ear as his hand came around her to unbutton her shirtwaist.

  His voice was husky. "This is no longer deputy and prisoner. This is deputy and wife, and I want to fuck you so hard right now." His words ignited her.

  He pulled off her blouse and threw it on top of her skirt, then he pulled her back to the cot and she saw that he'd put a clean sheet on top of the bare mattress. He told her to get back on it, positioned like before. He reached under her and held her dangling breasts before kneading them and rolling her nipples. She moaned and moved back into him, begging for him with her movements.

  Aaron lowered his britches and entered her, and they both moaned with pleasure. He began thrusting, enjoying the sensation of feeling the plug as he moved. It made her channel feel so much tighter.

  When they both were spent, they collapsed on the cot. Once he regained his breath, Aaron refastened his britches. As he did, Evie said, "I guess I should dress, too, or at least put on a nightgown."

  "No, I like you naked."

  "But we aren't at home! We're at the jailhouse!"

  "Yes, and the doors are locked. Nobody's coming in until I let them in. You'll have plenty of time to dress if need be."

  Amy knew he was right, but it still felt a bit wicked to be naked in the jailhouse with a plug up her backside. As if he read her mind again, he reached down and gently tugged on the flange of the plug that was outside her body. "How does that feel?"

  "If I'm totally still, I can't feel it. But when I move or when you play with it, I can feel it."

  "Does it hurt?"

  "No, but I can feel it. At the very worst, it might be mild discomfort in some positions. Mostly, it's just, um, awareness, I guess."

  "Good," he said, grinning at her. "When you feel it, I want you to remember whom you belong to. Remember who's in control."

  She smiled back at him. "That's exactly what I was already thinking."

  He left the cell and she tidied up her clothes and the other things that had been strewn about. When he returned, he brought a pillow and quilt. "The cot's narrow, but so was the one in the cabin."

  She smiled at the memory. "Oh, I'm sure we can make it work."

  She saw him remove his britches, but he left on his shirt. He turned the lantern down as low as it would go and put it in the corner, out of the way. She crawled on the cot after he did, curling up in front of him.


  "Yes, sweetie?"

  "Do you mind if I ask where you got this plug?"

  He laughed. "Are you sure you want to know?"

  "Yes," she said, allowing herself to laugh with him.

  "I got it in San Francisco. At a whorehouse in Chinatown where they sell various toys—grownup toys. Does that bother you?"

  "No, I don't think so. Maybe the whorehouse experiences are a conversation for later."

  "All right, good. Would it bother you to know that I have three more plugs, all increasingly larger than that one?"

  "Really? You do?"

  "Yes, ma'am."

  "Oh, my. My guess is that you have plans for me to become acquainted with them. Am I right?"

  "Yes, ma'am." She felt him pull her closer to him. "You know, sweetie, I'm proud of you. When I planned this, I was afraid you'd be too embarrassed to do all the things I asked of you."

  "I almost was. But you know what helped? We were role-playing. I wasn't me and you weren't you. I was an incorrigible prisoner, and you were the lawman. It's like it was happening to someone else."

  "Interesting. So if we were at home, regular old Aaron and Evie, would you be able to do it all again?"

  "I don't know." Then she turned her head a bit toward him. "I bet we're going to find out, aren't we?"

m almost certain." She felt him punctuate his point by reaching down to tug and twist on the plug, making it wiggle inside her. She squealed. "By the way, I'll remove this in the morning," he added.

  "Yes, sir." They were quiet and still for several minutes.



  "I'm glad you're a man who wants to be in control. For so many years, I was forced to be, and it never felt right. I always wanted someone else to be in control and to take care of me."

  "Sweetie, I believe that's the way it should be. I want to take care of you. As your husband, it's my responsibility to take care of you and provide for you. I vowed to do that when we married. I want to take care of you in every way I can. You vowed to obey. So," he smiled as he continued, "it's my job to make sure you do."

  "I don't have any doubts about that. You've proven yourself equal to that task."

  THE NEXT MORNING, Aaron awoke just before dawn. He lay there for nearly half an hour, enjoying the memories of the night before and savoring the feel of his naked wife in his arms. Finally, he crept off of the cell cot without waking Evie. He dressed and went into the front office, firing up the stove. When the fire was lit, he put the coffee pot on it that Evie had prepared the evening before. He ate a couple of cookies before he righted the chair Evie knocked over and straightened the desk she'd left in disarray. Once the coffee started percolating, the aroma wafted back to the cell and woke her.

  EVIE GOT up and dressed in the clothes she'd worn the previous day. She smiled as she picked up the bloomers Aaron had ripped off her, deciding she'd just have to go without any today. Aaron liked it when she did that, anyway. She wadded them up and stuffed them in the pocket of her skirt then made her way to the front office and gave Aaron a kiss before pouring herself a cup of coffee. He handed her a cookie. Then he lowered his hand to the plug.

  "Let me know if you need me to remove this."

  Evie blushed. It seemed embarrassing to be discussing it with Aaron in the light of day, first thing in the morning. "I don't have that need, at least not yet."

  "Good. I think we'll go to Mary's in a few minutes before we go home."


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