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Bittersweet She

Page 4

by Grace Parkes

  “I can’t believe it, I really can’t,” Tasha replied with unconvincing certainty, looking beautiful and unsure all at the same time. She still didn’t know if this was the right decision, but it felt too late to question it anymore.

  Everybody was ready and the car arrived to take Tasha to the church.

  As they drove through Wheatford, Tasha thought about how this should be an exciting happy moment of her life, but instead she still didn’t know who she was. She knew Steven couldn’t wait for the marriage, and the party that was to follow.

  It was a dreary day as usual; the leaves were slowly falling away from the tree and the wind curled through the air. Tasha arrived at the church ready to accept the next chapter of her life.

  As she made her way out of the car, which was covered in decorations, she noticed a familiar figure.


  Lexi was stood at the side of the street staring at Tasha. She waved and Tasha immediately diverted over towards her.

  “What the hell are you doing here Lexi?” Tasha stood staring at this woman who she still felt love for.

  Lexi stared at Tasha admiring how beautiful she looked. “I messaged Jaz. I’ve thought about you every day since I last saw you. I miss you Natasha. I couldn’t miss this chance. Come with me. I know you better than he does, I’m sure of it,” Lexi touched Tasha’s hand.

  Tasha began to feel panic. She turned away from Lexi and started to walk towards the church. Jaz and Sarah didn’t know what was going to happen next and neither did Tasha. Lexi’s eyes filled up and she sat down on the curb watching her walk away into the arms of a man she never really loved.

  Stewart (Tasha’s dad) was waiting to walk her down the aisle. Tasha kissed him on the cheek and walked straight past him. Jaz and Sarah looked at each other anticipating what was going to happen next. Tasha stormed down the aisle to see Steven staring at her in shock/disbelief, knowing that something was wrong.

  Tasha turned around the face everybody in the church.

  “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry to everybody here today, and most of all I’m sorry to you Steven,” Tasha turned to face Steven, noticing Julie’s face turning beetroot red in the front row next to Aunty Sue – who looked surprisingly good. “You’re a good man Steven, but I love you as a friend. I can’t pretend anymore. I’m not happy. I do not want this, and I cannot do this.” With each word a brick lifted off of Tasha’s shoulders.

  Everybody in the church gasped.

  “The thing is I’ve been lying to myself for years. I can’t remember when I last felt alive.” Tasha took off her uncomfortable shoes which she hated and exited the church. Jaz ran after her.

  “Tash what the fuck are you doing?” Jaz grabbed her to make her stop.

  “You know how hard it felt losing Sophie? And how good it felt having her back in your life? I’ve found that… with Lexi,” Tasha looked over her shoulder to see Lexi still sat by the curb.

  Jaz smiled at Tash. “I knew it. I knew you were a bit gay deep down. Follow your heart but make sure you keep me updated okay? I love you mate.”

  Tasha walked over to Lexi and kissed her, feeling all of the emotions she felt a year previous.

  It was almost perfect until Julie walked out of the church like an angry bulldog searching for snacks. “Oi, what on earth are you doing young lady? I’ve put money towards this wedding, and you should be lucky to have a husband like Steven. Everything I’ve done for you. You are a cruel bitch!”

  Tasha walked up to Julie and punched her straight in the face. “I can’t stand you Julia! Maybe you need to marry your precious son instead.”

  Julie held her cheek as her jaw dropped in horror as blood ran out of her nose. Tasha ran back to Lexi and they got in the car. They began to drive, and Tasha felt free. Her wedding dress may have been splattered by Julie’s blood, her family might never understand it, but at least she was genuinely smiling like never before, knowing deep down that Steven would be just fine in time. She cared about him still but knew it wouldn’t be fair to pretend any longer. Lexi and Tasha drove into the countryside and started their own adventure together.




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