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Lucas: A MM Mpreg Shifter Romance

Page 4

by Fel Fern

  “You did this all for me?” He whispered. “When did you have the time?”

  Lucas winked. “That’s a secret. Actually, I just roped in some of the staff to help me set this all up. “

  Incredibly touched, he sat down. He grabbed the napkin from the table and spread it over his lap. A waiter soon arrived to pour them glasses of wine. Their salad and soup came next. Milo fidgeted with his napkin.

  He didn’t know how to start a conversation. Milo opened his mouth, about to thank Lucas again for everything he did. He closed his mouth. He already said that. Why was he so nervous? This Alpha had seen him at his worst—lying on his back with his chest all torn up.

  “So you were nervous about tonight?” Lucas asked.

  “The last time I went out on a date was five years ago.”

  “With Harvey?”

  He nodded. Lucas seemed to be able to sense he didn’t want to talk about his ex, because he spoke again, “well, that’s nothing. I’ve never gone out on a proper date. This is my first.”

  He blinked, staring at the Alpha in shock. “For real?”

  Lucas nodded. “Relationships are messy. I wanted to avoid all that. I thought I’d be able to remain content with hook-ups. I was wrong.”

  “Wow. I’m the first guy you liked well enough that you’d agree to go on a date with me?” Milo asked. “Now I’m feeling the pressure.”

  Lucas chuckled. The Alpha’s laughter, made him feel all warm and fuzzy inside. He relaxed as the night wore on. Their main dish arrived. The steak was amazing. He told Lucas so.

  “Billy’s great, isn’t he? Before he came along, Logan used to cook for the guests. What a disaster that was,” Lucas said.

  “Billy didn’t seem to be a fan of mine.”

  From what little Lucas told him about his family, Milo could immediately tell he was very fond of them. Lucas not only seemed close with his brothers but also his brothers’ mates and their kids. It almost seemed like they formed their own little pack.

  A pack. Envy unexpectedly hit him.

  “Don’t worry about it. Billy’s suspicious of newcomers. He’ll warm up to you eventually.”

  Eventually? Milo was only staying here for a week. He had his old life to return to. Why had he agreed to go on this date in the first place? Milo was just setting himself for more hurt later on. Lucas had a good heart and there was no denying there was heat between them.

  Lucas reached out across the table to touch his hand, bringing Milo back to reality. “What’s up? You look like you’re thinking deep thoughts.”

  “It’s just,” he began. Milo took a deep breath. He didn’t want to lie to the Alpha. “I’m having doubts. About us. About this date.”

  “Steak not to your liking? Or maybe it’s just me?”

  Lucas asked that in a teasing voice but he could tell the Alpha genuinely wanted to know the answer. Lucas had amazing patience for an Alpha. Harvey would’ve snapped at him right now. He’s not your ex, Milo reminded himself.

  “It’s not that,” he blurted. “I’m actually enjoying myself so much, I wonder if it’s a sin.”

  “A what?”

  “You know, good things don’t usually happen to me. It’s too easy to like you.”

  “That almost sounded like an accusation.”

  “It is. If I fall for you, what’s going to happen?” His breathing turned hard. Lucas squeezed his fingers.

  “Hey, you’re overthinking things. Breathe. Relax. That’s it.” Lucas’s soothing voice instantly calmed his nerves. “You’re too high-strung. What’s there to think about? We’ll cross that bridge when it happens unless you’re telling me you want to break things off?”

  Break things off? Date number one wasn’t even over. They weren’t even anything to each other and yet despite all the concerns he voiced, Milo still wanted to find out where this was going.

  “No,” he said firmly. “I just want—I don’t know. Clarification.”

  “Look, from my viewpoint, it’s simple. I like you and you like me. There’s no reason to think about what may or may not happen in the future.”

  “Just like that?” He asked. “I’m warning you. I’m not the kind of guy who deals well with changes. I like everything all planned out.”

  Look what happened with Harvey, a voice inside him said. Milo thought Harvey and him would be officially mated by now. They’d have a home, kids.

  Well, it wasn’t like Milo was hung over his ex or anything like that. Harvey was old news. Maybe Lucas was right. He did have a tendency to worry. It was time to try a different method.

  “Okay,” he finally said. “We’ll do it your way.”

  “Great. You up for dessert?”

  His neck and cheeks heated as he remembered what Lucas said to him earlier. Was it his turn to suggest they head back to his room? Eat me up. I’m all yours. If he said those words to the Alpha, would Lucas do just that?

  “Flourless chocolate cake. That’s what I meant,” Lucas added.

  That only kicked up his embarrassment another notch.

  “Oh right. Of course. I’d like some dessert. It sounds good,” he blurted. Whew. Good thing he didn’t say anything too ridiculous.

  “Were you thinking about sex stuff?” Lucas teased.

  He crossed his arms and glared at the Alpha. “No.”

  “You’re lying.” Lucas wagged a finger at him. “Admit it. Tell me you were thinking about offering yourself to me like a sweet treat.”

  He groaned. “You’re impossible.”

  “Baby, you’ve barely scratched the surface. I’m complicated like an onion.”

  “Did you just use a Shrek reference on a date?” He demanded.

  Lucas shrugged. “That’s Sophie and Ella’s favorite movie right now. Ooh. Here’s our cake.”


  Lucas/ Milo

  As Lucas and Milo walked out of the restaurant, he tried to think of unsexy things. He knew Milo and he only had a week to get to know each other. Still, he knew moving too fast wasn’t the right thing to do.

  He decided he’d take things slow. No sex on their first date was a given. Maybe a taste wouldn’t hurt. Milo seemed eager to offer himself as dessert, despite the fact the Omega claimed he wasn’t thinking about that at all.

  Milo leaned his head against his shoulder once they were inside the elevator. Lucas studied Milo. The Omega looked all tuckered out. Milo shut his eyes for a moment. The Omega’s scent wrapped around him like a vise.

  He gritted his teeth and reeled in his self-control.

  “You’re sporting an erection for me,” Milo said in a dazed voice.

  The Omega squeezed his dick through his jeans, making him groan. Oh hell. Lucas was a saint for holding his desire back. Thank God the elevator reached Milo’s floor.

  “I want it,” Milo whispered in his ear.

  For a second, Lucas thought he misheard the Omega. “What?”

  “I want to play with your dick.”

  Lucas groaned, steering Milo quickly to his door. “We’ll do that another time.”

  “Why not now?”

  “Because you’re barely awake and I want you to be aware when we do sex stuff.”

  “Sex stuff. I like your words.” Milo giggled. “When are we getting to that part?”

  “Soon.” More like next time but Lucas just wanted to get Milo safely back to his bed.

  Was the Omega drunk? That was impossible. Milo only had one glass of wine, unless he was one of those types who got drunk easily. Lucas studied him. Milo’s cheeks, neck, and ears were a little pink. So cute. Lucas wanted to take a picture of him but Milo might not be happy about that once he was sober again.

  Lucas helped open Milo’s door since the Omega kept fumbling with his keycard. Milo did bring up a lot of valid points over dinner. A week. That was all they had. Seven days. Milo was right. The mature thing was to break this up before things got serious but how could Lucas do that? He’d already grown so fond, so protective of his Omega.

  His Omega. Dang, it. Liam called Milo that and he started to like it.

  Lucas somehow managed to get Milo in bed.

  “There,” Milo suddenly said, taking off his shirt. “Ravish me, Mr. Sexy.”

  Lucas swallowed, staring at him intently. Milo looked so tempting on the bed and the Omega seemed so eager. All the reluctance and shyness Milo had displayed earlier, was gone. He clenched his jaw. He could see himself blanketing his big body over Milo’s slender one. Holding the Omega’s wrists captive above his head.

  Kissing and touching him. Fucking him.

  He sucked in a breath. A growl slipped from his lips. His grizzly wanted Milo as much as his human half did. The beast wouldn’t be denied. Unlike Lucas, it had no hesitations. He approached the side of the bed tentatively. Lucas speared his fingers through Milo’s hair, tugging the strands down and forcing Milo to look up at him.

  The Omega looked a little lost and uncertain. Then Milo broke into a huge-ass smile. He lowered his mouth to Milo’s. God but Milo tasted sweet. A little like the chocolate cake they shared. Wine and chocolate. He thrust his tongue down Milo’s throat and Milo sucked down hard on it. Milo gripped his arm.

  Lucas pulled away because he was pretty certain if they go any further, he wouldn’t be able to stop himself anymore.

  “Go to sleep, Milo. We’ll talk again tomorrow.”

  “Aw. Fine.”

  “I’ll tuck you in.” Lucas offered, only because he didn’t want to leave that room yet.

  “Okay.” Milo took off all his clothes.

  Lucas swallowed, aware of his dick, pressing up against the zipper of his jeans. He pulled the comforter over Milo’s body, finally hiding Milo’s tempting skin from his gaze.

  “There, good Omega.”

  Milo scowled at him. There it was. The snarky Omega he knew so well.

  Lucas walked towards the door. He was about to turn the lights off.

  “Wait,” Milo blurted. “Keep the lights on.”

  He paused, glancing over his shoulder. Milo looked so small and vulnerable in that big king-sized bed. The Omega looked like he could use some company, except if Lucas joined him, things would heat up. He wouldn’t be able to climb inside that bed and keep his hands to himself.

  “Okay. Sweet dreams, Milo.”

  “Can’t you stay the night with me?”

  He blinked. “What?”

  Seriously? Lucas could only control himself so much.

  “I’m afraid to sleep alone. I’ll have nightmares.” Milo swallowed and dropped his gaze. “Of the attack.”

  The Omega’s voice had dropped at those words. Sex was now far from his mind. Lucas softened. Of course, Milo didn’t want to be alone after what happened to him yesterday. Lucas crossed the room and took a seat in the armchair next to the bed.

  “Fine. I’ll be right here if you need me.”

  “You don’t want to join me? There’s plenty of space in bed, even if you’re big.”

  “I’m comfortable right here.” Lucas lied.

  Boundaries, he told himself. He didn’t mind playing guardian for Milo for one night. He doubted he’d be able to get any sleep though, especially knowing that Milo was just a foot away from him. Within easy reach.

  “Okay. Thanks, Lucas.” Milo closed his eyes.

  “Good night,” he murmured. Lucas leaned against his chair. He had a feeling this was going to be a very long night.

  Milo woke to a series of clicks. He groaned and turned on his side. This bed was amazing. So soft and nice. He wished he had sheets like these at home. Another click made him open his eyes. He squinted at Lucas.

  The Alpha had his phone out and had it pointed at him.

  “Hey,” he grumbled. Milo wasn’t a morning person. He was always grouchy when he woke up. “Are you taking pics of me without my permission?”

  “It’s my reward for behaving the entire night.” Lucas beamed at him. “Morning sunshine. Did you sleep well?”

  “Huh?” Milo rubbed at his eyes.

  Lucas was still wearing the same clothes he did last night. Milo remembered crawling into bed…and begging Lucas to stay with him. He’d acted like a child terrified of the dark and not a grown adult man.

  “Oh, crap,” he whispered.

  “Hmm? I thought you were so cute last night, asking me not to leave your side.” The Alpha grinned at him. “Don’t worry. I didn’t touch you inappropriately although I was tempted to.”

  Milo took deep breaths. A retort was ready on his lips but that would make him seem like an ass. Lucas didn’t need to keep him company last night. Hell, he remembered being a little disappointed the Alpha acted like a complete gentleman last night.

  “Did we only kiss last night?” He asked.

  “Yeah. It was a good one, too. You tasted like wine and chocolates.”

  “Did I?”

  “Well, you’re awake and you probably want to get on with your morning routine.” Lucas stood up. “I’ll chat with you later.”

  “Wait. My pictures,” he blurted.

  “Oh? They’re mine. This one of you snoring is the best. I think I’ll make it my phone wallpaper,” Lucas drawled.

  “Wait. No. Don’t do that. It’s embarrassing.”

  “Don’t worry. It’ll be for my eyes only.” Lucas blew him a kiss before he taunted out of the door. “Later, baby. Let’s hang out again soon.”

  “I’m not your baby.” Yet.

  No one ever gave him a term of endearment before. Baby sounded cheesy as hell but Milo kind of liked it. He stared at the door, half expecting Lucas to waltz back in. Silly Milo. The Alpha was probably busy. Milo looked at the armchair Lucas slept on. He got out of bed and sat down.

  Uncomfortable. He doubted Lucas managed to get any sleep at all.

  Milo wandered to the bathroom. He splashed plenty of water over his face. Milo really did enjoy himself last night. Would Lucas ask him out on another date? Lucas did imply he wanted to spend more time with him. The Alpha wanted to hang out, whatever that meant.

  He walked inside the shower. Milo needed caffeine ASAP. He couldn’t start the day properly without breakfast. Milo thought he’d go for a little hike today. The skies looked clear and bright. As he turned the water on, his thoughts went back to last night. He blushed, remembering how he’d taken off his shirt and practically told Lucas to come and get him.

  His behavior appalled him because he’d never been one of those overconfident and sexy Omegas who immediately went for what they wanted. No questions were asked. Lucas mentioned their kiss. Milo curled his fingers over his shaft. Closing his eyes, he envisioned Lucas bending down to take his mouth. Lucas caging his big body over his smaller one.

  The Alpha had rocked a hard-on for him. What would Lucas’ bare dick feel like, pressed against his stomach? He worked his shaft furiously. His cock went from half-mast to full in seconds. He groaned, imagining Lucas bending him over and sliding that thick and big cock inside his ass.

  He groaned, spilling his seed all over the tiled walls. Milo rested his palm against the wall to recover his breathing. That was intense. Milo bet the real thing would feel so much better. Lucas held off sex last night. Maybe the Alpha thought it was better to give him space.

  Milo could respect his decision but didn’t Lucas remember they were running on borrowed time?

  “Why don’t I add another week to my stay?” He asked himself.

  It wasn’t like anyone was going to miss him at the office. His boss had plenty of worker bees to do his reports and follow his bidding. Milo always thought about quitting his job anyway. He’d been unhappy working at the firm. Milo only kept that job because it annoyed Harvey to no end. He had a good chunk of savings in the bank and a good work record if he decided to find a new job.

  Hold on a second. Was he thinking of doing this, altering all his plans over one Alpha?

  “An incredibly thoughtful and protective and not to mention hot Alpha,” he said under his breath.

  He fin
ished his shower. Milo grabbed some fresh clothes and went downstairs for breakfast. He tried to look out for the Alpha but he couldn’t see Lucas anywhere. The reservations he made came with free breakfast, so he headed to the restaurant. Breakfast was buffet style, so he grabbed a plate.

  “Morning, Milo,” greeted a voice.

  He jumped, seeing Eli suddenly standing next to him. An adorable grizzly cub snoozed on his left shoulder. Eli scooped eggs into his plate.

  “Hey,” he said warily. Curiosity got the better of him as he peeked at the cub. This one was a boy. He remembered Lucas mentioning Sophie had a sister but not a brother. “You have a son as well?”

  “Nah. This is Ollie. He’s Billy and Logan’s kid. Mind if I join you for breakfast?” Eli asked.

  He shook his head. “Sure. I don’t mind the extra company.”

  Lucas seemed close to members of his family. It wouldn’t hurt to get to know them better. After piling their plates with food, they chose a table near the window.

  Ollie still hadn’t woken up and was still draped over Eli’s shoulder. If Lucas and he were mated, their kids would either inherit Lucas’ animal or his. He rather his kids have Lucas’ fierce animal rather than his small and tiny chipmunk.

  Kids? With Lucas? What was Milo thinking?

  “So, how did your date with Lucas go last night?” Eli asked him.

  “You know about that?” He asked.

  Eli laughed. “Milo, everyone knows.”

  He gulped. “Everyone?”

  “Billy and I have been trying to set Lucas up with someone for ages. None of them was the perfect match for Lucas. Luckily, you came along.”

  “Right. I’m feeling no pressure at all,” he muttered.

  Lucas told him they’d take things easy. How was that possible when Lucas’ family seemed to think Milo was the one for Lucas?

  “Oops. Sorry. I said too much, haven’t I? Just ignore what I said.”

  Ollie finally woke. The cub immediately eyed their plates. Eli fed him a strip of bacon.


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