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Lucas: A MM Mpreg Shifter Romance

Page 5

by Fel Fern

  “Did one of your daughters inherit Liam’s bear?” He asked.

  Eli considered him for a few moments. “No. Liam’s not their biological father.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to pry,” he quickly said.

  Liam must love Eli a lot to adopt his daughters. Alphas were usually territorial by nature. He hadn’t heard of an Alpha who was willing to take in cubs who weren’t his own flesh-and-blood.

  “It’s fine. I’m used to it,” Eli said with a smile. “You know, when I first came here, I was pregnant and on the run from my ex. Back then, the lodge looked like something out of an old horror show. Everything was falling apart.”

  “Wow. I can’t imagine that.”

  Eli nodded. “Liam and his brothers took me and my unborn babies in. We fixed this place up, turned it into a booming business. Changed the local’s minds about the brothers’ reputation.”

  “What reputation?” He asked, suddenly curious.

  Lucas did mention last night that he and his brothers didn’t get along with the townsfolk.

  “You have to ask him yourself. I’m being super talkative again.” Eli paused. “Lucas is a great guy, you know? He likes to joke all the time but deep down—“

  “He has a good heart,” Milo finished. “I know. Don’t worry, I like him, too. I never want to hurt him.”

  “Good.” Eli looked satisfied. “So what are your plans for the day?”



  Spotting the fresh paw prints on the ground, Lucas halted. He studied the prints and sniffed. The scent of copper filled his nose, along with other unpleasant things. Rot and decay.

  He also spotted a patch of sandy-colored fur caught on a tree root. Lucas had finally found what he’d been looking for. Clues. He’d been circling their territory, scouring it for traces of the runaway Rogue that had mauled Milo.

  Lucas told Milo they’d hang out again soon but three days had passed since their date. Repairs around the lodge kept him busy, so did the hunt for the Rogue that had escaped.

  His brothers offered to help with their search but Lucas politely declined their offers. Liam and Logan had their mates and offspring to look after. They had to also make sure the lodge was running.

  The trail led him to the northern part of the mountain and towards the entrance of a dark cave. Lucas didn’t enter right away. This could be a trap. Rogues might’ve abandoned their human side, but some of them retained a measure of cunning.

  He didn’t need to wait long. The Rogue must’ve scented him because it let out a snarl of challenge. Lucas spotted movement in the dark. The panther shifter came at him, claws out. Lucas met him on a head-on collision. His grizzly versus a savage cat. Who would win?

  Thinking how this monster permanently scarred Milo for life fuelled his rage. The panther shifter was fast. He avoided Lucas’ lethal blow, which he aimed towards the Rogue’s neck. They clashed and tangled.

  Claws and teeth sunk deep into his fur, drawing blood. A growl rumbled from his chest. He swiped the panther from his face. Lucas sent the Rogue crashing into a nearby tree but his enemy didn’t stay down.

  The shifter came at him again. He managed to knock Lucas to the ground, which was exactly his plan. The Rogue snarled at him, flashing his teeth. His breath smelled horrid.

  Just as the panther shifter went for his throat, Lucas shoved his claws upward. His claws sliced right through the Rogue’s throat. Shock reflected in his enemy’s eyes. It was only for a moment, but Lucas thought he also spotted relief there.

  He killed his share of Rogues and knew some experienced regret at the moment of their deaths. Lucas threw the corpse off him, panting. He lay there in the dirt and dead leaves for a few moments to recover his breathing.

  He’d gotten all cut up from that one fight. He was a mess. Lucas had acted recklessly. He let anger get the better of him. Whatever. At least he got the job done. That was all that mattered.

  Lucas got back to all four paws. He didn’t scent any other predators nearby. For now, the mountain was cleared of any intruders. He made his way back to the lodge.

  He used the hidden door that led to his room. This way, none of the guests would freak out after seeing a giant bleeding grizzly. Lucas practically tumbled down the stairs like a furry brown bowling ball. He crashed inside his room.

  Huh. He was more tired than he thought. Lucas lay there on the ground and decided it wouldn’t hurt if he took a short nap. Once he recovered his energy and cleaned himself up, he’d go looking for Milo.

  He did promise the Omega they’d hang out. This time, they’d go a lot further than a simple kiss. Now that Lucas had taken care of the bastard that hurt Milo, his Omega had nothing else to fear.

  “Oh my God, what happened to him?” Demanded a familiar voice. Milo.

  Lucas groaned or rather, growled. Was he still in animal form? He remembered taking a quick nap. Maybe he overslept. That or he could be dreaming. Milo being in his dreams didn’t sound so bad. At least they could get down and dirty in la-la land.

  “Liam said he went hunting for the Rogue that escaped,” Eli said.

  “Lucas never said anything.”

  He could almost imagine Milo giving him that scary death stare of his. For an Omega, Milo sure had spunk. It was one of the things Lucas loved about him.

  Love. Right. That might be stretching it a little too far, but he certainly cared for Milo. Why else would he spend the last few days hunting a monster when he and Milo could be making more progress?

  “Can I touch him?” Milo asked.

  Oh, nice. Lucas debated changing back to human form but that would inform both Omegas he was conscious

  “He’s all yours. Doesn’t look like he’s badly injured. He’s snoring.” Eli pointed out.

  Hmm. Lucas wondered if Eli knew he was playing dead. Well, it didn’t matter. Eli better needed to get his ass out of his room soon. He wanted some alone time with Milo.

  “Are you joking? He’s covered in dried blood…” Milo trailed. “He already got hurt for my sake once and he’s done it again. I’m not sure how I could ever repay him.”

  “It doesn’t take much to make Lucas happy. Why don’t you grab a first-aid kid and play doctor with him?”

  “Play doctor?”

  Oh, Eli, Lucas thought, don’t pollute my sweet Omega’s mind.

  “I think there’s a kit in his bathroom. Maybe you can go check?” Eli suggested.

  He heard Milo’s fading footsteps. Eli bumped into him and patted his back. He twitched his ears.

  “I’ll leave the two of you alone. Go easy on him, Lucas,” Eli whispered.

  Milo must’ve returned, because Eli spoke again, “I gotta go. It’s Sophie and Ella’s bath time.”

  “You’re leaving him with me?” Milo asked, sounding surprised.

  “Don’t worry. He’s not going to bite unless you ask him to.” Eli left, chuckling at his lame joke.

  He felt Milo hesitantly approach him. The Omega reached out, touching his rump. Ooh. Lucas knew Milo liked checking his butt out in secret but fondling him while he was so-called unconscious?

  To be fair, Milo was probably worried about him. Maybe he shouldn’t be joking around. He turned, opening his eyes to look at his Milo. Milo let out an adorable squeak. The Omega took a few steps backward. Lucas changed back to human form.

  “I knew I smelled something good,” he commented.

  He didn’t miss the way Milo eyed him up and down. The Omega’s gaze lingered on his dick. Milo looked away guiltily.

  “Wait a damn second. Were you awake this entire time?” Now Milo looked mad. The Omega placed his hands on his hips and glowered at him.

  “Huh? What are you talking about? I just woke up.” He stretched and rubbed the crick in his neck. “What’s with that first-aid kit?”

  “In case you need some help,” Milo muttered. “But Eli’s right. You’re fine, aren’t you?”

  “I heal pretty fast. Look, all the cuts I’ve s
ustained in the fight are fast fading,” he said. Lucas showed Milo the healing gash on his arm. The Omega flinched.

  “Why didn’t you tell me you were hunting down the Rogue who hurt me?” Milo asked.

  “I wasn’t hiding it from you or anything like that. I planned to tell you soon,” he admitted. “I just didn’t want you to worry anymore.”

  Milo bit on his lower lip. “So he’s dead?”

  “Yeah. I’ve checked the mountain. For now, it’s Rogue-free.” Lucas sniffed himself. He smelled like dry blood and dirt. “Wait here. I’m going to take a shower.”

  “What about your injuries?” Milo asked. “I’m no doctor but at least let me take a look at them.”

  “Shower first.” Lucas decided. He winked at Milo. “Unless you want to join me?”

  “Not at all,” Milo blurted. Judging by the Omega’s pink cheeks, Lucas bet Milo had been thinking about it.

  Lucas went inside the bathroom. This must’ve been the quickest shower he’d ever taken in his life. Lucas put on a fresh pair of jeans. He toweled his hair.

  He half expected Milo to have left but the Omega was still there. Milo sat at the edge of his bed, still hugging the kit to his chest. Seeing him, Milo stood up.

  “Sit. Let me do the honors.”

  Chuckling, he sat. Lucas normally didn’t take orders from bossy Omegas. He always made fun of Logan when Billy ordered him around. He wasn’t laughing anymore.

  For Milo, he’d make an exception. Only Milo could give him commands. He sat still and tried not to make any funny jokes. Milo disinfected the wounds and bandaged them up.

  Lucas didn’t have the heart to tell the Omega the injuries would heal on their own. Heck, Milo probably knew that as well. Lucas just went along and let Milo fuss over him, knowing that would give the Omega a peace of mind.

  “There, better,” Milo said. The Omega examined his work critically. He lifted Lucas’ left arm and peered at the bandages on his wrist. “Did I tie this too tightly?”

  Lucas took that opportunity to grab Milo’s hand. He tugged the Omega close until Milo ended up straddling his lap. Milo didn’t get up right away.

  When Lucas slid one possessive arm around Milo’s ass, the Omega looked up at him. Milo didn’t protest when he gave Milo’s cute ass a push so their chests were now touching.

  His dick was wide awake now. It wasn’t just him who sported a boner for Milo. He could also feel the bulge in Milo’s pants. His need rose inside of him like a storm. Milo let out a breath.

  “Don’t ever worry me like that again,” Milo whispered.

  “I’ll do my best,” Lucas promised.

  Truth was, if Milo got himself into a mess again, Lucas wouldn’t hesitate to defend him again. He’d rip apart the bastards who thought they could toy with his Omega.

  “Lucas, why am I on your lap?”

  “If you want to get off, no one’s stopping you.”

  Milo sucked in a breath. “I like it here.”

  “Guess what, baby? Me too.”

  “Kiss me?”

  How could Lucas resist? He took Milo’s mouth, the kiss all heat and bite. Milo gripped his shoulders, widening his lips so Lucas could deepen the kiss. Nothing else mattered but the two of them.

  Lucas would’ve fought off a thousand Rogues if it meant Milo would always end up on his lap. He reached for the hem of Milo’s shirt after the kiss. Milo raised his arms so he could take it off. The Omega bit on his lower lip.

  “Any second thoughts? Tell me now before this goes on any further,” Lucas said. He would never rush Milo.

  “It’s not fair you’re already naked. I need to fix that.”

  Milo hopped off his lap, only to peel off his pants and underwear. Once that was done, Milo straddled his lap again. Their bare flesh kissed. Lucas groaned.

  “You’re so fucking sexy, you know that?” Lucas asked.

  He ran a possessive hand down Milo’s chest, his stomach, watching the Omega shiver in anticipation.

  “You’re not so bad yourself, bear,” Milo said, making him laugh.

  Milo sucked in a breath when Lucas closed his hand over his shaft and began to stroke him. Lucas alternated between fast and slow pumps. It didn’t take long for Milo’s prick to go from half-mast to full.

  “Tell me, Omega,” Lucas whispered in Milo’s ear. “Do you want to come? Because I want to see you come undone.”



  Lucas’ fingers felt too good on his dick. Unable to talk, Milo could only nod. One pinch to his leaking tip and Milo was a goner. He groaned, spilling his seed into Lucas's waiting hand. He lifted the Alpha’s fingers to his mouth and licked them dry. Milo did it slowly, loving the Alpha’s intense expression.

  His gaze moved to the impressive package between Lucas’ legs.

  “It’s time to take care of you,” Milo said.

  Who was this bold stranger talking with his voice? Milo had never been direct with his lovers. Almost always he took a backseat. With Lucas, all his inhibitions easily flew out the window. He was seeing someone wild, confident, and different.

  He sort of liked this new him.

  “You’ve read my mind,” Lucas said.

  The Alpha didn’t breach him right away. Lucas pushed one, then two fingers inside his hole. Milo moaned. That was amazing. Omegas were self-lubricating.

  Lucas didn’t need to prep him long but the Alpha took his time, finger banging him. Once Lucas brushed against his prostate, he gasped. The Alpha kept stroking at the sensitive spot, making him hot and needy.

  “Fuck me already,” he whispered, hoping Lucas heard the plea in his voice.

  Lucas pulled out his digits and guided his shaft into his entrance. The Alpha pushed in. He groaned, digging his nails into Lucas’ shoulders as the Alpha made his way inside him.

  Once Lucas pushed past the stubborn ring of muscles, the passage became a lot smoother. The Alpha didn’t rush. He drove his dick inside his tight ass slow and easy.

  By the time Lucas had fully seated himself inside his ass, Milo was panting. Sweat coated his front his back. He became intently aware of Lucas’ massive girth, stretching the walls of his ass to its limits.

  “Good job,” The Alpha murmured in his ear.

  Lucas began to pump in and out of him, motions slow at first.

  “Faster,” he whispered.

  Lucas picked up the pace. Soon, he found himself anticipating the Alpha’s thrusts. His dick was starting to become hard. Recovering quickly was one of the benefits of being a shifter.

  Lucas reduced them both to panting and groaning animals. The Alpha found his prostate, making him gasp. He arched his back, unable to contain the sensations rippling through his body.

  Ecstasy. Heat. Desire.

  He knew he was leaving nail marks all over Lucas’ shoulders and upper back but the Alpha didn’t seem to mind. Each time their bodies fused, it felt like a part of his soul was reaching out for Lucas’ own. The Alpha felt like a missing piece of the puzzle he’d been searching for all his life.

  His balls tightened against this body. Milo was on the verge of exploding.

  “You close?” Lucas asked.

  “Yeah.” He could barely grit that word out.

  “Come for me. Do it now, baby.” Lucas squeezed his dick.

  Just like that Milo splintered. The room fell away from his line of sight. His climax ripped out of him. He panted, painting Lucas’ abs and stomach with his jizz. The Alpha pounded in and out of him a few more times, before filling his ass with his warmth.

  Milo didn’t even care they forgot to use a condom. Lucas’ bare dick inside him felt too amazing for words. The Alpha must’ve remembered it as well because Lucas swore.

  “We forgot about protection.”

  “I’m clean,” he reassured Lucas.

  “Me too. I just had myself tested a week ago. I could show you.”

  Milo rested his head against Lucas’s impossibly warm chest and closed his eyes. “No need.
I trust you.”

  Lucas wounded his arms around him. The Alpha stroked his back and he nearly purred like a cat. They said nothing for a few moments. Milo could stay right here forever, tucked in Lucas’ big muscled arms.

  “Tell me, is your animal a cat?” Lucas asked when he purred again.

  He snorted. “No.”

  “What is it then?”

  “It’s too embarrassing. I won’t tell you.”

  “Why not? I’d know anyway when we go for our run.”

  He frowned and looked up at the Alpha. “What run?”

  “You know our next date. We’ll go exploring in the woods in our animal forms.”

  “What? When did you ask me?” Milo asked.

  The presumptuous Alpha was already making plans for the both of them, was he? He wasn’t too surprised. Besides, how could he refuse when Lucas looked so damn gorgeous, grinning at him like that?

  It felt too good, too easy being with Lucas. If they spend any more time together, Milo was seriously going to fall head over heels for him. Not good. Milo wasn’t mate material.

  Harvey and he had lived together for five years. He thought Harvey was it, but that asshole ended up walking out on him. What if Lucas woke up one day and decided Milo wasn’t his rightful mate after all?

  “Hey. Look at me.” Lucas’ soft voice yanked Milo back to reality. “You look like you’re thinking deep thoughts. Care to share?”

  “I like you,” he blurted. “A lot.”

  Lucas laughed. “I noticed. I like you plenty, too, Milo.”

  “It’s terrifying,” he admitted.

  Lucas and Harvey were like night and day, he reminded himself. With his ex, Milo had to fight for any crumb of affection. Lucas, in contrast, gave it easily. It was time he stopped thinking about his ex and the past.

  “I’m scared, too.”

  “You?” He asked, skeptical. “You killed Rogues for me.”

  “And I’ll do it all over again if the need arrives.”

  He clutched at Lucas’ biceps. “I don’t want to see you hurt again.”


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