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Lord of a Thousand Steps: An Age-gap, Sexy Babysitter, Single-dad MM Romance (Love in Laguna Book 4)

Page 21

by Tara Lain

  Franklin said, “Thank you for your ruling, sir.” She started dragging Taylor to the door and managed to pull her out into the hall.

  Braden just breathed. “Sadly, she’s probably right. I brought a lot of grief and pain to many people.”

  McCracken leaned forward. “Society and the law haven’t exactly made life easy for gay men, Mr. Lord. I wouldn’t blame myself too much if I were you. You have some great kids. Enjoy them. And enjoy your life.” He stood. “But I want those children in your custody right away. Today, if possible.”

  He nodded, sheer joy choking him. “Yes, right away.”

  They all shook hands, and Braden found himself in the hall with Percy. “Sweet Jesus, I don’t know how you did this, but I’ll love you forever.”

  Percy smiled. “I showed the photo to the judge and told him the witness thought he’d seen drugs. I asked the judge to observe Taylor. Obviously, he did.” Braden hugged Percy until the guy wriggled to be free. He laughed. “I’m happy this came out the way we wanted it. Do you need help getting the kids?”

  “No. I’ll call Elena. Since I pay her, she officially works for me, so I’ll be taking her with the children. At least, I hope she’s willing. God knows, she may have had enough of the Lord family.”

  “No, she seems devoted to your kids.” They walked toward the entrance to the building. “What about Carney? The kids really like that guy. Even Joseph.”

  “Yeah, I’m going to call him. Honestly, I’m not sure where he stands. It’s kind of complicated.”

  They’d made it to the front steps. Percy turned to Braden. “It’d be a shame to go through all this and then have him bail.”

  “Yes. Yes, it would.” His heart hammered. “Thank you again, and send me your bill.”

  “Never fear.”

  Braden took off at a lope toward his car. He fished for his phone and dialed Ian. No answer. Probably in the conference room. The creative team was scheduled to meet right now, and Shirin brooked no interference.

  In his car, he tried again, but no luck, so he called Elena.

  Her voice sounded warm. “Hello, Braden. I’m very happy.”

  “Oh thank God, Elena. Will you stay with me and look after the kids?”

  “You’re my boss. I go where you want me.”

  “Music to my ears. I’ll be there in five.”

  Thanks to traffic on the 405 Freeway, it took fifteen minutes to get to Taylor’s house. Elena stood on the porch with both kids and some packed suitcases.

  He ran up the porch, knelt down and scooped both children into his arms, and hugged like there was no tomorrow. “You got all your stuff you need now? We’ll come back for more another day.”

  “That’s good, Daddy. Because Mommy is very angry.” Mireille clutched her Frozen doll.

  “She’s not mad at you, baby. She’s mad at me. She’ll get better soon.”

  “I don’t know. She’s been mad a lot lately.”

  Jo put his hand on Mireille’s shoulder and gave Braden a look. Braden picked her up. “You’ll see Mommy real soon, and she won’t be angry. Meanwhile, we’re going home, okay? And Elena’s coming too.”

  Her eyes looked shiny, but she nodded and smiled.

  He loaded the kids in the car, Mireille strapped in the back and Jo-Jo in the front, with a bunch of their stuff in the trunk. Elena piled more in her car to follow. They’d always kept a lot of their toys and games and clothes at Braden’s, but most of their school stuff had been at Taylor’s. Braden started some music and drove off on what had to be one of the happiest trips of his life. Halfway to Laguna, Mireille fell asleep. She needed time to recover from an overdose of stress.

  Jo-Jo leaned his head back on the seat. “Dad. I’m sorry.”

  “Nothing to be sorry for.” He wasn’t sure what else to say, so he shut up.

  “I thought about it a lot. I think I like Ian so much as a friend that I wasn’t ready to see him as a grown-up, you know?”

  Braden glanced over, then back at the windshield. “Jo, that’s damned profound. I’m really impressed that you have so much self-awareness.”

  He shrugged. “I probably would have been an idiot longer, but the judge made me think about what I really wanted, and that was no contest. I knew I wanted to be with you and that it was important for Mir. You’re a good dad and I really like Ian, so I think it’s great that you do too.”

  Braden quietly sucked in a breath. “We’re just kind of exploring what we want to be to each other. Nothing’s definite.”

  “Oh.” He sounded disappointed.

  “We’ll see what happens.” He pulled into the driveway of the house and he, Jo-Jo, and Elena started unloading. Mireille barely woke up, and Elena carried her to her room and tucked her in for a nap. After everything was out of his car, Braden looked around at the clothes, school supplies, games, and stuff lying all over the living room. Chaos, but of the best kind. “Do you all mind if I take off for the office? I’ve got a couple of important things to do. I think there’s plenty of food in the fridge, and if not, Elena can take you shopping.”

  Elena waved a hand as she piled clothes in a neat stack. “No problem. We’re probably going to need a few more storage cabinets for the kids.”

  “We’ll get something on the weekend. Meanwhile, just pile stuff up anywhere.” He grabbed Jo in a tight squeeze. “Second to the days you two were born, this is the happiest day of my life.”

  Jo wiped at his eyes. “Wow, Dad.”

  “I’ll see you at dinner.” He hurried out and leaped into the car. One essential piece of this perfect puzzle still felt missing. He tried Ian’s phone. Shit! His foot pressed the accelerator.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Braden practically flew off the elevator. Stop, take a breath. Running straight to Ian’s desk probably wasn’t cool. With an inhale, he walked rapidly to his own office. Gloria, his assistant, looked up. “Hey, how did it go?”

  He smiled, and it turned into high beams.

  “Yahoo!” She leaped up and gave him a hug. A couple of other people heard and came over to congratulate him. “Did you get joint custody?”

  “No. Sole custody.”

  “Wow. That’s incredible. I’m so happy for you.”

  He glanced around. “Is anyone dying without me?”

  “They were in the design meeting for about a hundred hours, so you probably want to check with Shirin.”

  He breathed a soft sigh of relief. So that’s why he didn’t answer. “Good. I’ll do that. I need to check in with Carney on a design issue. On Romign.” He cleared his throat.

  Her lips quirked like she was trying not to smile. “I saw him go by when the meeting broke up. He may be at his desk.”

  “Thanks.” Okay, so they were laughing at him. Who the fuck cared? He strode down the hall. As he got closer to the elevator lobby, a really good-looking, dark-haired man he’d never seen before peered down the hall. Braden flashed him a smile. “Hi. Can I help you?”

  “Uh, yes, please. I’m looking for Ian Carney’s desk.”

  “Oh.” His stomach tightened. Don’t be stupid. “Sure. I’m going that way. Come with me.” Ian’s cubicle was only a few yards down the hall. Braden walked ahead, but glanced over at the man. “I’m Braden Lord, by the way.”

  “Oh my. Honored. I’m a big admirer of your work.”

  “Oh? Are you familiar with our designs?”

  “Yes, very much so, I—” The guy stopped because they’d just gotten to Ian’s space. He stared in at Ian, who was on the phone.

  Ian looked down at his phone. “That’ll be fine. Thanks. I—” He glanced up, his eyes widened, and his face paled. “Bye.” He fumbled the phone back into its cradle. “What the fuck are you doing here?”

  “Hi.” The guy’s head turned to Braden, but his eyes lagged behind, gazing at Ian. “Sorry. I’m Rico Gonzalez.”

  Ian sprang out of his chair. “Like I said, what the fuck are you doing in my office? Why aren’t you somewhere fucking
your giant brainless fiancé?” He came around his desk with his fists clenched.

  Braden backed up. Ian’s business. Have to give him privacy. He took another step back, but he stared at Rico as though he were a beautiful Mexican snake.

  Rico’s voice was soft and melodious. “I know you must hate me, and I’m so sorry, Ian. I was out of my mind with worry and grief, and I let them suck me in. I can hardly believe I was so weak.”

  “Weak? I should think deciding to throw over the man you said you loved took a lot of strength.” Ian’s eyes flashed fire.

  Rico glanced around, saw Braden, and swallowed hard. “My apologies for making a scene.” He looked back at Ian. “May I take you to lunch and explain?”

  “I can’t imagine what there is to explain. It looked pretty clear to me.”

  “Please. For any feeling you ever bore me, please let me talk to you.”

  Can’t breathe. Don’t want to breathe. Braden staggered back, turned, and fled to his office. He closed the door softly, cast a hateful look at the fishbowl glass walls, and tried to pretend he wasn’t dying as he sat behind his desk. Rico. Young, handsome, penitent. He’d come home for Ian. Who could resist such a package? Not in favor of some fifteen-years-older closet case with a passel of kids and responsibilities.

  He tried to stare at his drawings. Not happening. Can you bleed from a broken heart? Sweet God, yes. Broken. He hadn’t known how bad this would hurt. How much Ian meant. How much—gotta go home. No. Can’t fall apart in front of the kids.

  Suddenly his door burst open, and Doug powered in like a thunderstorm. Shit! Not him too.

  “Am I to understand that Ian Carney is the center of yet more drama in this damned office?”

  Braden just stared at him.

  “Is that boy about to go have a heart-to-heart with some damned guy who cheated on him?”

  Braden nodded.

  “Are you sitting here letting it happen, for fuck’s sake?”


  “I may think you’re crazy, but what the hell do I understand? If you care about that guy, then go tell him. Fight for him. You told me to fuck off. What about the loser who’s trying to claim him?”

  “You’re serious?”

  “And on top of that, I’ll be fucked if I’m going to lose the best young up-and-coming designer in Southern California. Get out there.”

  Braden leaped up, circled the desk, kissed grizzled old Doug Kendrick on the cheek, and ran down the hall. When he got to reception, he stopped. “Where did they go?”

  She grinned. Clearly, everyone in the fucking office knew all the details of his love life. “They were going across the parking lot to Aliso’s.”

  “Thanks.” He raced to the stairwell and ran down the stairs. Outside in the entry, the bright sun shone off Ian’s fair hair halfway across the parking lot. Braden broke into a run. “Ian!” He sped up. “Ian!”

  Ian turned, frowning, then saw him and cocked his head.

  Braden stopped a few feet from him. “I want you to know that I won the court case. Full custody.”

  Ian’s smile burst out like sunshine. “Wow. That’s great, Braden.”

  “Jo-Jo realized he loved you so much as a friend, he wasn’t seeing you as an adult. But now he is, and both he and Mireille told the judge how much they liked, no, loved you.”

  Rico looked confused, but Ian wiped a hand over his cheek. “Thanks for telling me.”

  “I wanted you to know.” He glanced at Rico. “But most of all, I want you to know that—” He swallowed. “—I love you.”


  “I love you. I guess I have for a while. I know what a crappy bargain I am, but there it is.”

  Rico frowned. “What’s going on here?” He looked back and forth between Ian and Braden. “Ian, this man is years older than you. Don’t let hero worship cloud your vision.”

  Ian nodded. “Thank you for telling me, Braden. I’m so happy for you and the kids.”

  Braden nodded. No words came out of his tight throat. All he could do was look deeply in those green eyes and try to show how he felt. Show how he loved. Slowly, he turned and dragged himself back across the parking lot, climbed in his car, and drove home.

  When he walked in the living room, order had replaced chaos. Jo-Jo sat on the couch playing video games while Mireille watched Frozen for the thousandth time.

  Mireille hopped up. “Daddy, you’re home.”

  He swept her up in a hug. “Did you have a good nap?”

  “Yes. I’m too old for a nap, but I was very tired today.”

  Man, he knew just how she felt, but they all needed some fresh air and exercise. “How would you guys like to walk on the beach and then go for an early dinner? Or late lunch, whichever.”


  Jo cocked his head. “Aren’t you home early?”

  “Yeah. I got everything critical done, and I wanted to be with you guys.” He called into the kitchen. “Hey, Elena, we’re going to walk on the beach and get dinner. Want to come?”

  She peeked around the corner. “No, I still have some organizing to do, plus I need to be home for dinner at my house. They haven’t seen me much lately.”

  He smiled and nodded. I’ll bet. “Leave as soon as you want to. We’re good for the night.”

  They all dressed in shorts and T-shirts, added light sweaters for the evening chill, and walked down the beach, soaking in the sun—if it could make it through the sunscreen and hats he’d piled on the kids. During a late afternoon meal at Coyote, they scarfed down Mexican food like the government was thinking of deporting it.

  Mireille pushed a bite of cheese enchilada into the corner of her mouth. “Daddy, can we go see Anderson after this?”

  Control your expression. “Probably not, honey. I think maybe Ian has a friend from out of town. But what if we were to go on the weekend to the shelter and find you a cat as much like Anderson as we can?”

  Instead of the cheer he hoped for, she frowned. “That might be nice—if Anderson liked him.”

  Jo-Jo stared at him far too knowingly. “Did you and Ian—?” He glanced at Mireille and seemed to think better of his question. Was he going to say “break up”?

  “A friend of his came to visit him at the office while I was there, so that’s how I know he’s busy.” Man, if Mireille thinks Ian is gone, I’m not sure the kid can handle the whole thing. Break the news a little at a time. “So, shall we walk back on the beach and watch the pelicans fly home for the night?”

  Mireille still looked worried, but she nodded.

  He paid and they all headed out on the sidewalk, then walked down the shorter staircase to the beach. Slowly, they strolled toward the Thousand Steps. Sandpipers chased the surf in front of them, gleaning food from the sand. The sun shone low, though still bright as it neared full summer. Braden looked up at a phalanx of pelicans, flying with a volunteer leader who changed arbitrarily. They all knew where they were going. Shit, wish I did.



  “Daddy!” Mireille ripped her hand from Braden’s. “Daddy, it’s Ian.” She ran like a deer. “It’s Anderson!”

  Walking toward them, like he had all the time in the world, strode Ian, with his white mane of fur around his neck.

  Jo-Jo laughed as Ian squatted down and accepted the full assault of the Mireille torpedo. She giggled and laughed. “Ian. Anderson. Ian.”

  Ian hugged her and somehow managed to pick her up without dislodging Anderson. She started to pet ecstatically as Ian walked toward Braden and Jo. When they got close, he stopped. “Hi.”

  “Hi.” Braden didn’t want to ask, but he just had to. “Where’s Rico?”

  “Not sure. Maybe flying back to Mexico. Don’t much care.”

  Braden cleared his throat. “I, uh, I thought—” His voice broke on a soft sob and both Jo-Jo and Mireille looked at him in surprise. Get it together. Shit. No. He let tears escape. “I thought I—we’d lost you. I mean, not tha
t we ever had you exactly, but—”

  Ian laughed a funny, happy, free sound. “Oh you have me. You had me at hello, as the old movie says.”

  “No, you had Rico.”

  “I loved the idea of Rico. A young, handsome architect who mentored me a bit while we grew together into a family.” He snorted. “Pretty picture. Then I met you. This old dude who never came out of the closet until he’d been married for fifteen years and had a ton of baggage. Hey, nothing to love about that idea. But I don’t love the idea. I love you.” He looked at Jo. “And you.”

  “Do you love me, Ian?” Mireille patted his cheek.

  “More than life, sweetie.”

  “Does Anderson love me?”

  “I suspect more than anyone on the planet.”

  She sighed. “I’m so glad.”

  Braden smiled. “I know I’m a pretty crappy alternative to your picture.”

  Ian stepped closer and looked into his eyes. “Are you kidding? I get to love one of the men I most admire in the world, who’s handsome and sexy and incredibly inspiring, and who happens to have the perfect ready-made family all for me.” A paw clasped his neck. “Oh, and Anderson, of course.”

  Mireille giggled. “So will you come home now and tuck me into bed?”

  “Yes, I will, dear. It’s time to go home.”

  He’d now seen every moment of Frozen. Every song and line. I hope it’s the first of a hundred viewings. He’d also played three video games with Jo-Jo and managed to lose every one. Anderson had his cat box on the kitchen service porch, his food across the room from it, and his bed curled next to Mireille. All’s right in the cat world.

  Finally, Ian sat on the couch, staring at Braden. What to say? “It’s going to be hard, you know?”

  Braden leaned his head against the back of the couch. He smiled lazily. “What?”

  “I’m not even out of school. You’re going to watch me studying for finals and then working my ass off to get my license, and you won’t be able to believe I’m so dense. People will ask if I’m your kid brother—or maybe even son. And they’ll assume I’m Mireille’s babysitter. At work, there’s going to be jealousy because they’ll think I’m your favorite and that you’re giving me the plum jobs because of that. Your peers will whisper behind their hands at functions and call me your boy toy.”


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