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Lord of a Thousand Steps: An Age-gap, Sexy Babysitter, Single-dad MM Romance (Love in Laguna Book 4)

Page 22

by Tara Lain

  “Fuck ’em.”

  Ian snorted. “I’m serious.”

  “So am I.” Braden sat up. “I spent my life worried about what people think. That approach got me two great gifts and not much else. I’m done. If they don’t like it, fuck ’em.”

  “What about Doug? He’s your partner.”

  “Oddly, it was Doug who made me run after you and tell you the truth in that parking lot. He said I had to fight for you.”

  “Son of a bitch.”

  “He’s hard on me, but he’s really my friend.” He touched Ian’s neck. “I can tell you’ve thought about this a lot. Will you be uncomfortable?”

  He shrugged. “Maybe sometimes. It’ll be hard to have people think I didn’t earn my stripes but had them given to me.”

  “No one who knows you will think that. You’re extraordinarily talented, Ian. And I say that as an architect, not the man who loves you. Plus, Doug said he didn’t want to lose you as a designer. The fact that you make my life complete was entirely secondary.” He laughed.

  Ian grinned. “And everyone else? Fuck ’em.”

  “Right. We’ll have it carved into a gate for our house.”

  “Our house?”

  “This one—if you don’t mind. The kids are comfortable here.”

  “Are you asking me to move in?” His eyes widened.

  “Of course. Didn’t I make myself clear about the ‘love you and never want to leave you’ part?”

  Ian hurled himself at Braden. “Yes! Yes. Yes. Yes.” He laughed and kissed Braden on all available surfaces. “Uh, you know that gate we’re going to erect?”

  “The fuck ’em gate?”

  “Um-hm. I hope that’s not just for other people.”

  “The fucking part?”

  “Yep. Do you think we can be quiet enough?” He grinned.

  Braden’s face sobered. “Man, I’m asking a lot of a young guy. A life of quiet fucking—until the kids are grown and out of the house. That’s a long time for Mireille.”

  “Right, but I’ll only be thirty-four when she goes to college.” He wiggled his butt. “Still in my sexual prime.”

  “You think so?”

  “But not as prime as I am right now, baby, so get your beautiful ass into the bedroom and hammer me into a very quiet oblivion.”

  Braden grabbed Ian. “Jesus, I love you. It’s like I was just marking time in my life until you were old enough for me.”

  The thought dove straight to Ian’s heart.

  Braden curled an arm around Ian’s neck and led him into the bedroom. They closed and locked the door. Ian walked to the closet. “Is there room for my jeans and T-shirts in here?” He looked over his shoulder. “Or will I need to upscale my wardrobe to be the significant other of the greatest architect in the world?”

  Braden perched on the edge of the bed. “You can wear anything you want, anywhere you want. No matter what, everyone will envy me having such a beautiful partner. And I’m definitely not the greatest architect in the world.”

  “One of them, for sure.”

  “I’m glad you think so.”

  Ian walked toward Braden, swaying his hips. “You know what I am?”

  “An adorable wiseass?”

  He ripped his board shorts to the floor, releasing a Flying Wallenda of a cock that flew up and smacked his belly. With a hand on his hip, he peered at his butt. “It may not be a wise ass, but it is one of the finer pieces of ass you’ll find.”

  “Care to supply me with evidence of that?” Braden pulled his own shorts down below his balls and let that superheroic cock stand at attention. Captain America, at your service.

  “Yep. Sit there on the bed.” He pointed toward the headboard.

  “Bossy bottom.”

  “Wait until you see me top.”

  Braden’s eyes widened. “When do you think that might be?”

  “Sometime after we get you prepared. The couple that picks out butt plugs together, stays together.”

  Braden swallowed hard but scooted back until he leaned against the headboard.

  “Pants off.”

  He complied with a grin but draped his T-shirt over his erection and started humming the organ grinder music from the circus.

  “Who’s the wiseass?” Ian pawed through the bedside table for condoms and lube, squirted some cool gel in his own hand, then tossed the tube and box to Braden. Ian bent over and started shoving two fingers of slick into his own ass.

  “Love the posture.”

  “Hey, if I’m moving in, you’re going to see me in all kinds of compromising positions. On the john. Drooling in my sleep. Scratching my ass.”

  Braden gazed at him, eyes deep. “I can’t wait.”

  Ian smiled back. “Me either.” He scrambled across the clean white sheets, which he intended to make much less pristine in the near future. Braden looked eager, cock all jacketed, shiny with lube, and ready for action. Ian crawled up beside Braden’s lap, lifted a leg to straddle him, rose on his knees, and slowly lowered himself onto the ready and willing dick. As he descended, Braden’s eyes closed in ecstasy, and Ian echoed the sentiment. Oh yes, this is one good position. He could see Braden’s face clearly and feel him all the way to his tonsils.


  Ian grinned. “Yeah, cool, huh?” He rose and lowered as Braden gasped for breath, and Ian’s heart rate sped to light speed. “Oh shit, that does get the nooks and crannies.” Knees firmly planted, he began to ride. “I picture this as a great way to have lovely conversations at the end of the day.” He raised up until Braden almost slipped out—but only almost. “How was your day, dear?”

  Braden gasped, “It was great, honey. How was yours?” The s came out on a long hiss.

  “I’m so glad. What’s for dinner, darling?” He took a deep breath and wiggled his butt on descent, finding new adventures in prostate stimulation.

  “Oh Jesus! Yes. Just like that.”

  Ian laughed, wrapped his arms tighter around Braden, and just pumped away. Good thigh exercise, even better fucking.

  “Oh God, I love you. I can’t believe you’re here. I get to have you. How can that be?”

  A soft smile spread across Ian’s face. “You waited, my darling, and I came.” He kissed Braden’s parted lips. “Now you get to come.” Like a little jackhammer, he pounded away until Braden’s head thrashed and he pushed up like a crazy man into Ian’s hot hole.

  “Oh my G—”

  Ian clamped his lips over the yell coming from Braden’s mouth before it could wake the kids. Wake the kids. My kids—kind of. My life. My love. Oh yes, sometimes dreams do come true. And he giggled all the way through his orgasm.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Ian peered out the window of Braden’s Jaguar as he pulled it into the CEO’s parking space in the garage below the office. Whew.


  “Like a gay cross-dresser at a Republican convention.”

  Braden laughed. “Remember the front gate.”

  “Got it. Buried deep in my heart.” He crawled out of the car. Braden reached for his hand and he shied. “Seriously. You want to make that much of a statement?”

  “If it’s okay with you.”

  “Shit. Guess I gotta practice my preachin’.” He grabbed Braden’s hand and swung it.

  They rode all the way up the elevator like that, playing thumbsies, until the doors opened and both of them stiffened. But, bless him, Braden held on. When they walked into the lobby, the receptionist stood up and yelled, “Yahoo!”

  Braden laughed, and they released hands as they walked into the office, but the fact that they appeared to be arriving together pretty much made all the statement they needed. People looked and mostly smiled. Some even offered a thumbs-up or a high five. When Ian got to his cube, he peeled off and went to his desk. Braden stopped and sent him a quiet kiss. “Don’t forget our Romign meeting at ten.”

  Ian nodded, and Braden walked toward his office.

  Ian bare
ly had his screen on and files open when the knock on his cubicle made him look up. Ted appeared—neutral. “Uh, hi.”

  “Hi.” Ian smiled but kept clicking his keyboard.

  “Uh, are you—”


  “Are you and Braden together?”

  “You mean did we arrive together?” He grinned evilly.

  Ted snorted. “You know what I mean.”

  “Yeah. And the answer is yes. We are.”

  “Well, hot fucking damn. I gotta tell you, I’m super jealous and really happy for you.”

  “Thank you for both sentiments.”

  “But you’ll still work with me, won’t you?”

  Ian laughed. “Are you kidding? It’s an honor to work with you, Ted.”

  “Hey, I’ve got a feeling I should have recorded that. Someday I’ll be able to say that the great Ian Carney was honored to work with me. Congrats, kiddo.” He slapped the wall as he always did and walked away.

  Ian opened the Romign drawings and peered at the changes. Yet another tap on his wall generated a small sigh and a glance up. “Oh, sorry, Max. Hi. How can I help you?”

  “Would you come to my office?”

  “Uh, sure.” Hell, was this it? No fraternization? Go find another internship? He swallowed and followed Max down the hall.

  Inside the office, Max said, “Close the door, please.”

  Shit! Max never closed his door. Ian perched on the edge of a guest chair.

  Max went behind his desk and picked up some papers. “I want you to know we planned this discussion before—well, before you and Braden were officially an item.”

  So that’s how they’d justify firing him. Say it had nothing to do with his relationship with Braden. He nodded and stared at his hands.

  “Doug and I prepared this document. Of course, we want your input.” He slid it across the table.

  Ian glanced at it. Frowned. Looked again, then pulled it closer. “Uh, it’s an offer.”

  “Yes, an offer of full-time employment. Remember, I told you we could improve that microscopic paycheck? We’ve tried to work out a plan whereby you can get in hours while you finish your last semester and study for your license, and then go on to a more action-packed schedule after that. Of course, if Audrey has her way, you’ll barely get to finish school before you’re designing her next building.” He laughed.


  “I’ll let her tell you at the meeting. Meanwhile, check over the offer and—”



  “Yes, I accept.”

  “You haven’t read it.”

  “For the chance to work with Braden Lord, I’d work for free.” He grinned. “Oh, did I forget to mention that?”

  Max shook his head and laughed. “Am I not correct that you two will be living together soon?”

  “This week, if I can get my ass in gear.”

  “That’s really great, Ian. I haven’t seen Braden happy in a long time. Maybe ever. Until he met you. Daisy’s about to float away, she’s so ecstatic.”

  “It’s a two-way street, Max. He’s everything I could ever imagine wanting—and so much more.” He leaned over and signed the bottom of the offer page. “And this doesn’t change anything around here. I’m still the snot-nosed kid who has a lot to learn.”

  “You kidding? Now I’ll be twice as hard on you.”

  “Maybe we should have kept it a secret?”

  Max chuckled. “I’ll draw up a contract and present it to you.” He glanced at his watch. “See you in ten for the meeting.”

  “I’ll get my stuff.” Ian floated back to his office. Full time at Lord and Kendrick. What a coup. Funny. For an instant his brain thought, I should text Rico. He snorted. Their lunch hadn’t really happened. After Braden’s wonderful, marvelous, earthshaking revelation, Rico had tried to make a case. Ian could barely hear him for the rushing in his ears. Finally he’d turned to Rico and said, “What you just saw is love. Taking a chance even when it’s embarrassing or inconvenient. Take notes. You’ll need them in the future. Thank you for three years of growth. But now I’m grown and ready for my real family.” He’d trotted away to his car, called the house and talked to Elena, then planned the meet-up on the beach. And here I am. Wow!

  With laptop in his arms, he slipped into the conference room and got a big smile from Audrey. “How’s my favorite cat herder?”


  Braden, Max, and Shirin arrived, and they got down to final details on the plans for the headquarters. When they finished, Audrey sat back. “This has been a very satisfying experience. I know we go to working drawings now, and everything will get harder and more technical, but I’ve loved working with all of you on this project so far.”

  Braden smiled. “Total pleasure, Audrey. You make loving our clients easy.”

  “I’ve mentioned to Max that I have a small project I need designed. It’s a beach house for me and my family.”

  “Beach houses are us.”

  “Yes, well, since it’s a personal project, I’m not quite up for Lord and Kendrick fees, so I suggested to Max that maybe my house could be something like a senior project for a talented intern.” She grinned at Ian.

  Heart stop. “Holy crap.” He slapped a hand over his mouth.

  She laughed. “Of course, I happen to know that said intern has a design collaborator who might peek over his shoulder occasionally to be sure he stays on budget.” Her eyes twinkled. “Like over coffee at breakfast or something.”

  Ian leaped from his chair and threw his arms around Audrey’s neck. “Thank you. Thank you for everything. I promise to be completely professional—after this.”

  After he let her go, Audrey cocked an eyebrow at Braden. “See. I’m really good at picking projects.”

  Braden flashed his dimples. “Yes, ma’am. You are.”

  Ian walked Audrey to the door along with Braden and Max. She gave him a kiss on the cheek, which definitely plopped the cherry on top of a totally perfect day.

  As he walked back to his cubicle, Linda, one of the younger designers who gave Ian a lot of suspicious looks, stopped him in the hall. “Hey, Ian, how cool. I heard you’re Braden Lord’s new babysitter.”

  Well, hell, what did he say to that to not make yet another scene?

  A voice came from behind him. “Yes, Linda, you heard right.” Braden stepped up beside Ian. “I roped him into babysitting as an excuse to seduce him.” He laughed, wrapped an arm around Ian’s shoulders, and guided him down the hall, leaving her with her mouth open.

  Who knew this day could get any better?

  Ian bounded down the steps to the beach, carrying a huge metal cooler full of soda cans for the kids—all the kids of all the families in the office. Unlike at the early summer party, most of the parents were also gathered on the beach, even though they’d had to maneuver over two hundred steps that were sure to feel like a thousand going back up. Reason for this sudden beachy passion? Ian grinned. He’d invited Shaz and Billy to join the party, and Ru, the brilliant fashion designer who shared offices with Shaz. Ru just happened to be married to Gray Anson, one of the biggest movie stars in the world, who was currently playing Frisbee with Jo-Jo and a bunch of the other kids. Gray just happened to only be wearing board shorts. Should have brought some extra towels to wipe up the drool. Fortunately, Gray and Ru had managed to get to the beach from their house a few miles south without paparazzi surveillance—at least so far—so no drones circled overhead. Just party guests circled like admiring sharks.

  Ian’s feet hit the sand. Shaz lay in a beach chair, wrapped in a towel, with an umbrella over his head. Redheads don’t do well in the sun—even if it’s dyed red, apparently. Shaz waved a hand. “Do you need help with that, darling? Billy’s right there.”

  Ian laughed. “I’ve got it.”

  Billy spied him and did save him from carrying the cooler the last few steps to where the caterers had the soft-drink bar set up. “Why didn’t you
let me do that?”

  “I wanted to show off for my guy.” He grinned at Braden, who was wiping sand out of Anderson’s coat after the cat had been half buried by Mireille. Ian walked over and plopped down next to Braden.

  Bray wiped a sandy hand on his shorts, then petted Ian’s cheek. “Your guy is duly impressed.” He leaned over and kissed Ian lightly.

  “Thank you.” Ian nuzzled him.

  “For what?”

  “For going from in the closet to PDA, just for me.”

  “I’m proud to love you.”

  “Daddy.” Mireille took over the petting exercise, and Anderson rolled on his back, undoing most of Bray’s hard work. “I don’t believe I’ve ever seen you so happy.”

  “You’re right, honey. This is the happiest I’ve ever been.” He hugged Ian close.

  She looked up with her bright blue eyes. “Me too.”

  Ian pulled her into the group hug and hid his sniffle.

  “Is this an exclusive hug, or can anyone join in?” Jim plopped down next to Ian and Ken next to Jim. They’d worn themselves out on the sand volleyball court.

  Ian wrinkled his nose. “Oh, I don’t know. You two are pretty sweaty.”

  Jim pressed up against Ian’s bare back. “And we love to share.”

  “Ew, you guys, get a room.” Jo-Jo stood with hands on his hips, staring down at all of them. He grinned. “But I’ll tell you one thing. If Gray Anson was still available, I could become gay real quick. Shee-it!”

  Mireille frowned. “Bad language, Jo.”

  “Sorry, Mir.”

  Ian leaned back against Braden as the guys kibitzed and ragged on each other. Max and his family laughed at the water’s edge and gave Ian a thumbs-up.

  Jim leaned over and whispered, “Having fun?”

  “Yeah. I didn’t know there was this much fun in the world.”

  Ken flashed those perfect white teeth. “So I thought you and Braden and the kids might like to come visit my family next weekend.”

  Ian raised his brows. “Really? Thank you.”


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