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Dungeon Walkers 1

Page 30

by Daniel Schinhofen

  “Stern, you’ll get your kiss later,” Trish winked.

  “I’ll look forward to it,” Stern replied, meaning it.

  Trish walked away and Stern watched her go for a moment.

  “She’s beautiful, isn’t she?” Cyra asked softly.

  “She is,” Stern agreed. “So are you.”

  Cyra’s emotions tangled for a moment. “Thank you. I wasn’t fishing, though.”

  “And I don’t needlessly flatter,” Stern said, looking at Cyra. “You might not feel you are, but, to me, you’re just as beautiful as Trish.” He smiled at her. “Don’t put yourself down, okay?”

  Cyra’s heart surged and she returned his smile. She felt like she was walking on air as they went home. “I’ll try my best.”

  Stern fell into step beside her, his own emotions tangled. He admitted to himself he was attracted to them both, but wasn’t sure a relationship with either was the best idea. Cyra was still trying to find out what she felt and was dealing with her trauma. Trish was a mystery to Stern— he had no idea if she was looking for a fling or more, nor how that would impact his plans.

  Chapter Thirty-six

  Stern checked on the mashed potatoes before adding a little more butter and salt. After mixing it well, he moved the pot off the stove to rest and started in on the gravy.

  I hope they both enjoy this, he thought as he worked. Steak and potatoes is a good, solid meal, and there’s some salad to go with. I hope Jensen will have the bread here before too much longer.

  There was a knock at the door, and he pulled the gravy off the stove so he could check it. Looking through the peephole, he opened the door. “Thanks, Jensen.”

  “Not a problem,” Jensen said, holding a basket in his hand. “That smells good. I had no idea you could cook.”

  “When it was just me, there wasn’t a reason to,” Stern shrugged.

  Jensen grinned. “Cooking for Cyra?”

  “And Trish,” Stern added.

  Jensen’s eyebrow waggled. “Both of them, eh?”

  Stern sighed, holding out his hand for the basket. “Yeah, no. It’s nothing like what you’re thinking.”

  “Oh?” Jensen asked, clearly surprised. “I thought you and Cyra were already hooked up.”

  “Just friends,” Stern said. “She’s not ready for a relationship, yet.”

  “Huh? With the way she looks at you, I’d thought for sure…”

  “She’s had difficulties and hasn’t recovered from them yet,” Stern said flatly, still waiting.

  “Sorry,” Jensen said, holding up a hand placatingly before passing the basket to him. “What about Trish?”

  “I don’t know,” Stern admitted. “Come on in. I’ve got things on the stove.”

  Jensen followed him into the room, looking around. “Pawly?”

  “With them,” Stern said. Getting back over to the stove, he set the basket of bread on the counter.

  Jensen’s lips pursed, but he didn’t comment on Pawly. “So, what’s up with Trish?”

  Once he had the gravy back on the heat, Stern shrugged. “I think she might be interested. I don’t know in what, though. One night or more, I have no idea.”

  “Does it matter?” Jensen asked with a raised eyebrow. “Seriously? I mean, if she wants you for the night, are you going to say no?”

  Stern stared at the gravy. “No… It’s complicated.”

  “Stern, no offense, okay? But seriously... you aren’t going to get many chances. You have to know that.”

  “I’m fucking aware,” Stern said tightly, his jaw clenched.


  “I don’t like the idea,” Stern admitted.

  “I don’t get it. She’s damned good-looking. If she wanted to pull me into bed for just a single night, I’d be more than willing. Same with Cyra.”

  Stern ground his teeth and took a deep breath. “Yeah, I understand wanting to. Both of them are beautiful... vastly different, too. Trish is the brash female warrior who’d have your back in a fight, and Cyra... she’d be the one you stand in front of, protecting her against everyone.”

  “I’m not arguing that. I just want to know why you’d tell either of them no.”

  “I have my goals, and I won’t be here in the city when my lease with you runs out. Cyra will be a member of the crew and Trish… Trish will still be here.”

  “All the more reason to have some fun if she’s willing.”

  “What if that night of fun means more to her? Maybe she’d ask me to stay.”


  Stern frowned, looking up to Jensen. “What do you mean, ‘and’?”

  “And what if she did ask? Why does that matter here and now? What if you do and she never asks?”

  Blinking, Stern’s mouth opened and closed a few times as he started to answer, then stopped. Finally, he set the gravy aside and turned the stove off. “I didn’t think of that.”

  “I’m sure it’d hurt you a little, at least,” Jensen said. “You’re the kind who wants a connection with the woman you’ll be with.”

  “Yeah... I do. Blame my parents for raising me that way.”

  “Nothing wrong with that,” Jensen shrugged. “I’m just saying, as a friend, if she offers, you’d be a fool to say no.” He stuck a finger out, touched the gravy, and tried it. “Damn, that’s tasty.”

  Stern snorted and grabbed a loaf of bread, then cut a hunk off. Pulling over a small bowl, he poured a small puddle of the gravy into it. “Eat up.”

  “You, sir, are a gentleman,” Jensen laughed as he dipped the bread in and took a bite.

  “And that’s my problem,” Stern snorted.

  “That’s true. Now, if it was me and Trish—”

  “We’re home,” Cyra said, opening the front door and cutting Jensen off.

  Both men looked to the door where Cyra and Trish were coming in. Stern’s breath caught as he took them in, and Jensen softly whistled.

  Trish was wearing a red dress that stopped just above her knees. It hugged her tightly, showing off her figure while keeping it covered. Cyra was wearing a long green dress that stopped at her calf. It was loose and flowing, the waist cinched with a belt. The front had a short vee-cut that hinted at her bust, but kept it modest.

  Cyra blushed when Jensen whistled. Trish smirked, though, canted a hip, and gave them a saucy smile.

  “Jensen,” Stern said, seeing Cyra’s blush and feeling her uncertainty, “I’ll get the bowl back from you later.”

  Jensen blinked, looking back at him, then nodded. “Right, right.” Picking up the bowl of gravy and his bread, he gave the women a smile as he went past them. “Goodnight, ladies.”

  “Told you the dress looked good on you,” Trish laughed when the door shut.

  Cyra glanced at Stern, clearly worried.

  “She’s right. It does look good on you,” Stern said. “Brings out your eyes. It suits you... it has an appeal to it, but is still modest.” He looked over at Trish. “While Trish is the opposite. She went for eye-catching and figure-flaunting. It proudly declares she’s sexy and that she’s not ashamed of that fact.”

  “You like?” Trish asked with twinkling eyes.

  “Both of you look beautiful,” Stern said. He gave Cyra a smile. “Very beautiful.”

  Cyra’s cheeks heated and she smiled back. “I couldn’t wear what she is. I tried one on, but…”

  “You looked good in it,” Trish said. “The only difference was in attitude. You shrink in on yourself and doubt your own beauty. I challenge them to keep looking.”

  “There’s nothing wrong with being more reserved,” Stern told her. “It has a charm and appeal. Don’t think you have to be the same as Trish. There are few women who are as self-assured as she is.”

  “Okay,” Cyra said. “Did you cook for us?” she asked to change the topic.

  “Well, I thought you’d both like a nice dinner,” Stern said. “Let me get the last sear on these steaks. It’ll be maybe another three minutes to make
sure they’re done.”

  “We’ll be right back out, then,” Trish said. “Come on, Cyra. Let’s drop this stuff off in your room.”

  Pawly chuffed— she’d gotten into her seat at the table and licked her chops as she stared at Stern.

  Stern laughed. “I have some for you, too, fur-face.”


  “That was so good,” Trish sighed, patting her stomach.

  “Can you show me how to make the potatoes and gravy?” Cyra asked.

  “Sure. There’s nothing very special about it. The potatoes are simple, and the extra butter is what makes them so good. A little bit of garlic and a lot of butter. The gravy is made with the juice from the meat. I’ll show you tomorrow?”

  “I look forward to it,” Cyra smiled broadly.

  “On that note, I might need to come by tomorrow… for reasons,” Trish grinned.

  Cyra giggled. “You can come by whenever you want. It’ll make me feel better about you helping me so much.”

  “I’ll have to pick up some steaks on the way home from training, like I did today, but it’s fine,” Stern said. “Glad you like it.”

  “Oh, I liked it,” Trish smirked. “You can fill me up anytime.”

  Stern coughed as he got up and collected the dishes. “Sure.”

  Cyra stood and helped him. “I’ll clean them, okay? You cooked, so it’s only fair. Just give me a few minutes.”

  “Sure,” Stern said.

  “I’ll be right back,” Cyra said, leaving the suite and heading for the communal bathroom.

  When the door shut behind her, Stern knew this was his chance to talk with Trish.

  “Trish, I had something to ask,” Stern said as he came back to the table to collect the rest of the dishes.

  “What’s that?” Trish asked, standing up and helping him.

  “About the kisses and the... uh... comments. I get the feeling you might be interested in me, but I could be wrong, too.”

  Trish watched him with a wide smirk. “Where’s the question?”

  “Are you?”

  Trish’s eyes twinkled and she stepped over to him, her arms going around his neck. “Maybe…” Leaning in, she kissed him.

  Stern’s arms went around her waist and he kissed her back. The kiss was passionate— Stern felt his heart racing and face flushing as her passion flooded him. When she suddenly broke the kiss and stepped back, he panted, staring at her.

  “Does that answer your question?” Trish asked, slightly breathy.

  “Yeah,” Stern swallowed.

  “Good. So you know, though, I’m not going to do more. Not tonight, at least.”

  Stern exhaled roughly as he tried to push his libido down. “Okay.”

  “Hmm... You’re singular, Stern.” Trish took a step back and looked away from him. “I’m not trying to be mean, just so you know. I am interested, and am more than willing to tumble you.”

  “But...?” Stern asked, his throat tightening as he feared the answer.

  “Cyra. I think it might hurt her. A month ago, I didn’t care as much, but now…” Trish shook her head and looked at the front door.

  Stern blinked, not having expected that. “Oh... You don’t want to hurt her, either.”

  “No. She’s precious. She’s so damned cute when she gets tongue-tied.”

  “Yeah, she is.”

  “How do you feel about her?” Trish asked.

  Stern froze for a second, then decided to be honest. His father had always touted honesty as one of the three pillars of any relationship. “I care for her as a friend, and would like to care for her as more than a friend. But she has… trouble that she has to get past first. On top of that, she and I are going to be running together for the foreseeable future. Things can get complicated when that happens.”

  “Some relationships thrive when you’re beside the one you love,” Trish said. “My mother and two of her husbands sure did. Dad stayed home and took care of me, but she showered him in love when they did come home.”

  “Yeah, I know how that is,” Stern said, thinking about his parents, “except mine were always together on a run. We were watched by friends when they went.”

  “So that last reason isn’t valid,” Trish asked, “is it?”

  “Probably not,” Stern admitted.

  “Okay,” Trish exhaled as if coming to a decision. “I understand.”


  The door opened and Cyra came in wearing a smile, but the smile faltered when she looked at them. “Is everything okay?”

  Trish laughed. “Of course it is.”

  Stern nodded, putting a smile on his face.

  “Oh, okay. Are you staying the night, Trish?”

  “Are you asking to sleep with me again?” Trish grinned, wiggling her eyebrows at Cyra.

  “You’re horrible,” Cyra giggled. “You’re going to make Stern think we’re being bad.”

  “Be as bad as you want,” Stern snorted. “I doubt you’d shock me.”

  “Really?” Trish smirked, giving him a glance as Cyra came toward the kitchen. “Challenge accepted.”

  Without warning, Trish snagged Cyra, spun her around, dipped her, and kissed her. Stern’s eyes went wide and Cyra grabbed Trish to keep from falling, then held her for a few seconds as the kiss happened.

  When Trish stood Cyra up, Cyra’s face was beet-red and she was breathing fast. “U-uhh…” She stammered before bolting for her room.

  Trish froze for a second, then sighed as the door shut. “Damn...”

  “Trish!” Stern snapped.

  She spun on him. “Shut it! She kissed me back. I’ll go talk to her and, if she asks me to leave, I’ll give her space. Okay?”

  Stern grimaced and nodded. “Fine. If she yells, though…”

  Shaking her head, Trish went to Cyra’s door and knocked gently. “Cyra? Can I come in, please? I want to apologize.” She paused, then after hearing something, cracked the door open and peered inside. “Are you sure?”


  Trish stepped in and shut it behind her.

  Stern stared at the door, then looked at Pawly sitting at the table. “Guess I’ll do the dishes... Want to lick some of these plates first?”

  Pawly jumped down and came to his side, purring.

  Chapter Thirty-seven

  Stern woke up slowly— he’d slept badly that night, waking on and off. At one point, Pawly slapped him and asked to be sent home when he kept jostling her. Lying in bed, he exhaled slowly, thinking about the previous evening.

  Trish and Cyra never came out of her room... I even stayed up late with some tea, just in case. It means they made up, I hope, but I didn’t want to interrupt them to make sure, either. What the fuck was Trish thinking, kissing her like that?

  Stern sighed when his body responded to the memory of that kiss. “Yeah... no, you asshole.”

  With a grunt, he sat up and swung his legs over the edge of his bed. The cold stone floor under his feet helped kill the little excitement that his libido had started. Rubbing his eyes, he hoped they were okay.

  Maybe they made up…? Perhaps they’re going to be more than friends. Would Cyra stay here in Darkstone with Trish, then? That’d be good for her... really it would, but why does it hurt me to think about it? Fucking hell, do I like her that much?

  The lowest murmur of voices from the main room caught his attention. With a deep breath, he started collecting his clothing. Getting dressed, he readied himself to hear what the women had done and decided.

  He found Cyra and Trish in the kitchen once he’d stepped into the living space. The low light from the pre-dawn sky coming in through the window gave just enough illumination for him to see them.

  “Morning,” Stern said.

  They both looked up suddenly— Trish with a wide grin and Cyra with a worried smile. “Good morning to you, too, Stern,” Trish said. “We were going to surprise you with breakfast.”

  “To apologize for last night,” Cyra added softly.<
br />
  “No need to apologize,” Stern said quickly. “You two are okay?”

  “I’m fabulous,” Trish said. “Cyra is pretty damned good, too.”

  “Stop...” Cyra sighed before looking at Stern. “We’ve made up. I panicked last night. The shock of her kissing me and what I felt from it… it was more than I wanted to confront.”


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