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Dungeon Walkers 1

Page 31

by Daniel Schinhofen

  “It’s okay,” Stern said. “You don’t have to explain it to me. I was just worried about you.”

  “We saw the kettle you left out,” Trish said. Nodding toward the kettle on the stove, she grinned. “We cleaned it and have a fresh kettle brewing now. How long did you wait up for us?”

  Stern looked away from them. “A few hours.”

  “You don’t look like you slept well,” Cyra said worriedly.

  “I didn’t. Pawly made me send her home because I kept waking her up.”

  “I’m sorry,” Cyra said.

  “It’s fine. A day of little sleep is something that happens. I’ll just call it training.”

  “Smart,” Trish said. “Sleep isn’t always going to be easy to come by in the later dungeons.”

  “Yeah, I’ve heard,” Stern nodded.

  “Umm... there was something we were going to discuss with you over breakfast,” Cyra said, changing the subject. “I guess we can do it now.”

  “Hang on,” Stern said as something finally clicked in his brain. “Trish, you’re human, aren’t you?”

  “Last I checked.”

  “How is this enough light for you to see by?” Stern asked, motioning to the nearly-dark room.

  “Perk,” Trish said. “Carrying light sources in dungeons can be a real problem.”

  “Okay. Sorry, Cyra. Please, go ahead.”

  “Well, it was about dungeons, so it’s fine,” Cyra said slowly.

  Stern felt his gut clench. He was afraid she’d step back. I’m going to be alone again, he thought darkly.

  “Trish used to be a bulwark and was curious if you’d be okay with her coming with us,” Cyra went on, not knowing what was going through Stern’s head.

  Stern’s thoughts came to a sudden halt and he blinked at them. “Huh?”

  Both women exchanged a glance, and Trish was the one to speak up, “You need a bulwark, and I can do that. Running is always better with friends and, well, I like both of you. I asked Cyra if she’d be okay with me coming along with you.”

  “But… your shop…” Stern said slowly as his brain tried to wrap around the idea.

  “I know another former Walker who’d be happy to take over for me,” Trish explained, “if you’re willing to have me along.”

  “Please?” Cyra asked with hope.

  Stern exhaled slowly. “I thought you were going to say you were staying here with her, Cyra.”

  “And leave you?” Cyra asked, shocked.

  Stern staggered back a step— the emotion that hammered him from Cyra was potent. “Yes.”

  “Cyra, tell him,” Trish said gently.

  Cyra’s face flushed and she swallowed. “But…”

  “Tell him,” Trish repeated a little firmer.

  Stern was about to say she didn’t have to when Cyra started speaking hurriedly, “I like you, Stern. More than just friends, but I can’t… do more… not now.” She paused and her words faltered, “I want to, but…”

  Trish put her arms around Cyra’s waist, resting her head on her shoulder as she looked at Stern. “She wouldn’t just leave you. Her feelings for you are pretty intense. And frankly, I like both of you in a more-than-just-a-friend way. Cyra and I agreed that I could help her through her problem, and she said she’d be okay if you and I got to know each other, too.”

  Stern just blinked at them as their emotions and words made his face start to heat.

  “Now, for that to work at all, I’d have to go with you. Over the last week, I’d been thinking about going back into the dungeons beside the two of you. I considered asking but figured, ‘Why would they want a washout like me along? Yeah, I’m a bulwark, but you can find one easily with Cyra in the crew.’”

  “I’d like her to be there with us,” Cyra said, placing her hands on Trish’s arms. “I don’t know if our idea will work, but I want to try. I have feelings for you both... it was hard to admit that before, but the kiss last night made me realize that maybe women are what I’m interested in.”

  Stern rubbed at his face. “Fucking hell. You’re seriously okay with Trish dating both of us?”

  “I think so,” Cyra said, though there was uncertainty in her heart. “I would like to try it and see, at least. Even if I find I’m not interested in either of you romantically, I still want you both beside me.”

  “What if you grow jealous of Trish and me?” Stern asked.

  “Why would she?” Trish asked. “She can have either of us or both of us if she wants, can’t she? Would you be jealous of her and me?”

  “No. I mean about me being jealous. If you knew my family...” Stern snorted. “As for Cyra,” he met her eyes, “I know it’s only been a little more than a month, but I’ll admit that I’ve grown attached to you. My heart ached this morning thinking you’d stay here with Trish.”

  Cyra’s breath caught and she swallowed hard. “Okay. So... we can try?”

  “Hell yeah,” Trish said, kissing Cyra’s cheek. “Anything my fluffy bunny wants.”

  Stern took a deep breath. “I’m willing to try. It’s going to be crazy, though. We have to all agree to a few things— honesty, communication, and trust. Dad always said relationships are built on those three things. Only speaking the truth, trusting each other to listen, and working on it together. No holding back because you think it’s a small thing, either. Small things become big things if left alone. Agreed?”

  “Yes,” Trish said, her arms tightening around Cyra.

  “Agreed,” Cyra said as a bright smile appeared on her face.

  The hope and love in the room flared bright, and Stern found himself grinning, too. “Okay. Cyra, I’m not going to initiate with you. I have a good idea what’s holding you back and, if I tried, it would probably make things worse. I want you to know that I’m willing to accept whatever you’re willing to give me, though.”

  “Told you he knew, and that was why,” Trish giggled, kissing Cyra’s cheek again.

  “You were right,” Cyra admitted. “So, if I wanted to kiss you… it’d be okay?”

  “More than okay.”

  “Let’s make sure the jealousy isn’t an issue,” Trish said with a smirk. She turned Cyra to face her and kissed her soundly.

  Stern didn’t feel any jealousy— he did feel lust watching the two women, from both them and himself. He swallowed and took a deep, slow breath.

  Trish broke the kiss slowly, whispered to Cyra, then moved past her to Stern. “So, what do you think? Jealous?”

  Stern smirked. He reached out to pull her closer before bending his head and kissing her with the same passion she’d kissed him with. Trish let out a happy sound as she pushed into him, kissing back with equal intensity.

  Stern was panting slightly when they came apart. Face flushed, he turned to ask Cyra if she was okay when her lips brushed his cheek and she quickly stepped back. Stern just blinked at her in shock.

  Cyra bit her lower lip as she backed away. She hadn’t felt jealousy when Trish and Stern had kissed, but she’d felt anxious that he’d never show her the same if she couldn’t move forward. Trish had whispered to her that she should try a kiss on the cheek before she’d gone to kiss Stern, so Cyra had taken her advice and surprised Stern.

  “Fucking hot,” Trish said. “Good job, Cyra.”

  “Uh… I liked it,” Stern said, feeling the uncertainty pouring from her. “Anytime you want to surprise me like that, go ahead.”

  The relief that flooded through Cyra made her feel light. “Okay. I will.”

  “But did you feel jealous?” Stern asked. “I was caught up in a kiss and couldn’t feel you.”

  Cyra giggled. “No, no jealousy at all. Some fear that if I take too long, you won’t actually want me, though.”

  Trish snorted. “Yeah, neither of us is going down that road. Ever. But, I can understand your uncertainty.”

  The sun peeked over the edge of the horizon, sending real daylight through the window, and they all looked that way.

�Breakfast,” Cyra said, rushing back to start cooking.

  “We can help,” Stern said.

  “We. I like the sound of this already,” Trish said, bumping his hip with hers. “Things are going to be interesting over the next month.”

  Stern could only agree. Fucking Dad will laugh his ass off when he finds out. “A chip off the old block, eh, son?” Yeah, that’ll be exactly what he says. Glancing at Cyra, he smiled. Goddess, please... please let this work. For all of our sakes.

  Chapter Thirty-eight

  They finished breakfast quickly, as Trish had to get back to her shop, and Stern and Cyra needed to be at the dojo. Their stretching and running routines were briefer than normal, and Trish skipped both.

  Master Winla asked Stern what was distracting him an hour into their training. He apologized before giving him a brief synopsis of what they’d decided that morning.

  Winla laughed. “Well, that happened quickly.”

  “It did,” Stern admitted. “Now, we’ll see how things go over the next month.”

  “I wish you all the best of luck,” Winla said. “Balancing one relationship was difficult enough for me when I was a Walker.”

  “Did she go with you?” Stern asked, taking up the ready position on the mat.

  “No. I think that weighed on her, the uncertainty of if I would be back or not,” Winla admitted as he bowed his head to Stern. “There was a trio in my crew that were in a relationship, though. Blanche was the one in charge of Henry and Lionel, and the three of them rarely fought. When they did…” he shook his head. “It would get bad, very bad. Keep that in mind.”

  “I will,” Stern said, advancing on Winla. “I’m ready to focus again.”



  Stern groaned as he picked himself up for the last time. “Brutal today, Master Winla.”

  “I could say the same,” Winla said as he rolled his shoulder. “You almost had me with that last match.”

  “‘Almost’ only counts for horseshoes and hand grenades,” Stern said.

  “Horseshoes I know. The other, I do not,” Winla said.

  “A dadism,” Stern shrugged.

  “Ah. One day, I would very much like to meet him.”

  “He’d like you, but he isn’t the one you want to fight. He’s second compared to Mom.”

  “Intriguing,” Winla smiled. “I will see you tomorrow. Also, if what you say is true, you might want to get some group training in for the three of you. I can arrange for the mock dungeon to be set up for you.”

  “Hmm...” Stern paused, looking thoughtful. “Let me ask the ladies. I think that’s a good idea, though. It would also mean I’d have to let Pawly join. She’s going to be a big part of the crew.”

  “I am looking forward to seeing her,” Winla said. “Have a good day.”

  “You as well, Master,” Stern said, bowing to the old man before heading down to the lobby.

  Cyra was chatting with Velina and, when she saw him, she instantly cast Minor Life on him. “You looked beat,” she said.

  “Thanks. He pushed me hard today.”

  “Cyra says you’ve found a bulwark,” Velina said. “Are you considering using the mock dungeon to get a feel for how you’ll work together?”

  “Your grandfather asked me the same thing. I want to check with Trish and Cyra, but probably. I’ll ask tonight,” Stern said, then turned to Cyra. “You’re making dinner, remember?”

  “Oh, right,” Cyra said, looking chagrined. “I forgot.”

  “You had a lot of other important stuff on your mind,” Stern smiled. “Let’s pick up the meat and head home.”

  “Have a good night,” Velina said. “Tell Trish she needs to come and train when she can, as well. She was rusty when she was here last.”

  “We’ll let her know,” Stern said. “Thank you again for helping.”

  Velina grinned. “My student is eager to learn and is quick at adapting. I was thinking about having you come down for the last hour tomorrow.”

  “Sure,” Stern said, “if Cyra’s okay with that.”

  “I think so,” Cyra said uncertainly.

  “It’ll help with the other problems you have,” Velina said softly. “It will reinforce that you aren’t helpless.”


  With one more set of goodbyes, they left the dojo behind.


  The knock on the door was answered by Stern. “Trish. Oh, let me help.”

  “Thanks,” Trish said, handing off one of the bags she had with her.

  “What did you bring?” Stern asked.

  “Cyra’s armor,” Trish replied.

  “Really?” Cyra asked from the kitchen. “I’ll try it on after dinner.”

  “That would be for the best. We’ll need you to check to make sure it all fits right or let me know if I need to alter anything.”

  “You finished it today?” Stern asked, setting the bags by the door to Cyra’s room.

  “I did. I also talked with my friend. They’ll take over the shop for me. They have one less perk for leatherworking than I do, but will be good enough for Darkstone. I’ll be working on your armor over the next couple of weeks.”

  “What about armor for you?” Cyra asked.

  “I pulled it out of storage. I’ll need to fix it up a little, but it’s still good. My hammer is still good, too. I just need to get some more practice in with it.”

  “Velina said you can come by and train with me.”

  “And Master Winla suggested that we use the mock dungeon to get an understanding for each other,” Stern added.

  Trish whistled softly. “That’s expensive.”

  “He’s taking it out of my hide every day,” Stern snorted.

  “Oh?” Trish asked.

  “Cyra’s training and the mock dungeon are paid for because I’m sparring with him.”


  “I give him a challenge,” Stern said. “We don’t use any perks, just fighting hand-to-hand. If he used his perks, he’d wipe the floor with me.”

  “I would expect him to,” Trish nodded. “You can really keep up with him, otherwise?”

  “No. He wins the majority of our spars, but I do enough to keep him happy.”

  “Dinner’s ready,” Cyra smiled. “I hope you like it.”

  “I’m sure I will,” Trish smirked. “I could eat you for hours… your food, that is.”

  Cyra turned red and snorted. “You really are terrible.”

  “Yeah,” Trish said happily. “I’m glad you can both tolerate me.”

  “I’ve been around enough innuendo to be fine with it,” Stern said. “My family lets it fly thick and heavy.”

  “I can’t wait for you to do that with me,” Trish said with a wink.

  “Enough,” Cyra giggled. “Dinner.”

  “As the fluffy bunny wishes,” Trish replied, taking her seat. “How are you, Pawly?”

  Pawly chuffed, staring at the platter that Cyra had brought to the table.


  Cyra did well with copying Stern’s dinner. He pointed out what could have been done to make it better than his— she’d excelled with the potatoes, but had slightly overcooked the steaks.

  “I’ll do better next time,” Cyra said, a little disheartened.

  “You nearly had it perfect, and it was your first time making this dish,” Stern said. “Focus on that.”

  “He’s right,” Trish nodded. “You’re too hard on yourself. None of us is perfect.”

  Pawly yowled lightly.

  “Except Pawly, of course,” Trish laughed.

  Cyra and Stern laughed, as well, and Pawly nodded.

  “Cyra needs to try her armor on,” Stern said, “but before that, there’s something to discuss. If we’re going to be a crew, it’d help if we knew your perks, Trish.”

  “Oh, that’s a good point, and I don’t know all of yours or Cyra’s, either.”

  “Mine, you know about,” Cyra said. />
  “The healing, yes, but not any of the others,” Trish replied.


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