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The Eternal Purpose

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by Burak Koç




  Subconscıous serıes

  All the books in this series are narrated by the narrator, inspired by the narrator's subconscious.

  Also, sometimes it is possible to see the narrator in the events.

  Events have nothing to do with reality and are completely fiction. I hope you have a pleasant time reading the book.

  Thank You All :)


  Burak Koç


  The Dark that surrounded me.

  That was all I saw for a while by being unconscious. This nothingness completely surrounded me and I was very peaceful in an endless sleep. There was no problem that I had to deal with. All I have to do was to accept this nothingness. After my surroundings were brightened with great light, my consciousness woke up and I got my questioning ability again.

  I was in the middle of a long straight road. The end of the road wasn’t visible, it was too long. Before checking out my surroundings I paid attention to clothes on me. I dressed up completely black: a t-shirt, a pant, and shoes. It was the same as I dressed up a normal day. The only thing that was different than my normal clothes was there was a writing on the t-shirt's up-left:

  “Listen Carefully!”

  It was weird that kind of writing was on my t-shirt but I didn’t much care because there were other things got my attention.

  When I looked around I noticed that there were houses on both sides of the road. All houses were the same: white color, 2 floors, same door, and they were lined up along the road. The nameplate on my right was staring towards me by standing inclined. There was big writing that was written with black color on it: “ Welcome To Deen Town ”.

  I had never seen any place like that and never heard this name. Apparently, my brain created this place by using my subconscious. It was clear that the story that I was in was going to be interesting. I didn’t want to waste much time so I started walking to the end of the road. The view that I saw was always the same: the same white houses. It seemed like I was in a loop. As long as I walked the only thing I saw was the same houses. I was exhausted and bored, because of the thought of stuck inside this loop was killing my soul.

  At that desperate time, I noticed something I didn't notice before. The end of the road was visible this time. There was not much left, so I got my motivation again. While I walking towards the end of the road again, now things were like kind of that I love. It was the best season: autumn. The wind was blowing so slight and it was touching my skin so soft. I had a great time until I arrived at the end of the road.

  When I arrived at the end of the road, I wasn’t sure what should I do. There was a forest in front of me. I hesitated to get inside the forest because the weather was almost dark. I admit that I was not enough brave to get into that forest. But the things that I saw when I looked at the behind forced me to get into it. So, I started walking into the forest. At that moment, I heard a swing sound that came from in front of the house that was on my right. I thought every house was the same but that one was different: gray color and 3 floors. Now I was sure what should I do.

  I checked the front of the house and there were 2 girls swinging on the swing. They were talking with each other but I was far away to hear them. So I approached them by slow quiet steps. I was behind them and they didn’t notice me. Now, their voices came clear:

  “Come on Tina, Let’s do something.”, Tina was the girl on the left side.

  “Lena, please I told you. I don’t want to do anything today.”

  “But this is our last day, we should have a great day.”

  I could understand how the girls were close to each other. Their movements, their clothes, their hairstyle were all the same. I thought they were siblings because only the siblings could be like that. But then I realized they are friends.

  “Yeah, that’s the problem. You’re moving out of the town. How can I have a great day?”

  Tina looked very unhappy about this situation, but Lena was trying to entertain her friend even though she was as sad as Tina.

  “Now forget about it, I don’t want you to be unhappy today. Let's talk about our fun memories. Do you remember the day I came to school with the slipper?”

  “Yes, how can I forget it? That day you ran with your bare feet in a physical education class.”

  This the adolescent talk took a while. I should say clearly I didn’t listen to them, most time because I am not a patient guy so I didn’t pay attention until they spoke something else.

  “Let’s do our last race. What do you say? Before you reject it, if you win it, I will forget all races we did before.”

  “Noo, you know you are faster. I won’t let you win over again.”

  Tina looked cheerful after her speech with Lena and it was obvious that she was not going to decline Lena’s proposal, from her facial expression.

  “ What if I give you an advance. We will race in the forest and I will run on the long road. Whoever reaches the old house first, wins. ”

  Race in the forest? This sounded crazy for me. The weather was almost dark and the forest was so deserted. These girls were almost 13 years old and they wouldn't defend themself if something happens. I knew where this story was going, so someone should have warned them. I went in front of them and waited for them to notice me before I made my adult talk. But they didn’t notice me because they couldn’t see me. I was invisible and I didn’t notice this before. Also, they couldn’t hear me. This situation made me relax because I was like a ghost so nothing would threaten me. But I was worried about these girls. I wish I could warn them. I was hoping that this story ends well for them.

  They stood up from the swings and came in front of the forest. They came in front of 2 roads into the forest. After they were ready, they started running into the forest. I had to choose one of them to follow. My choice was to follow Lena because her road was longer than Tina’s road and I thought the possibility of she comes across something bad was higher. So, I started running behind her with all my speed.

  She was fast enough for 13 years old kid even though the road was not straight. I couldn’t catch her speed until we reached out to the house. The running took 5 minutes and finally, we reached out to the house. Lena went in front of the house, she looked tired and took deep breaths for a while. Tina wasn’t around so she sat on the ground and started waiting for her.

  While she was waiting, I took a look around the house. This big old house was surrounded by rusty iron fences. There was a big pale gray door at the entrance. There were some figures that remind 1500s architecture on the house’s wall. I walked around the house and in the backyard, I saw 3 tombs. There were names on the tombs stones. So I approached them to see clearly: “ Edwardo Williams, Barbara Williams, Alfonso Williams. ”

  Those tombs belonged to a family. Probably they lived a couple of centuries ago and they were buried here. That theory was good enough to believe but the interesting thing was they died on the same day, “ 11 December 1596 ”, This situation put two possibilities in my mind: They were either killed by someone or died because of a tragic reason.

  When I heard the sounds that came from in front of the house, I stopped thinking of these possibilities and ran there quickly. The source of sounds was Lena. She was looking for Tina by shouting. Almost 10 minutes had passed after we arrived here but Tina had not come yet. I saw Lena was going to the road that Tina should have come. I ran after her to look for Tina. So we started walking towards Tina’s house on the short road. The forest was too dark and deserted, it was hard to see around.

  While we were walking on the road, some footstep sounds came out. Lena stopped
suddenly and looked her around to find the source that sounds came from. There was nothing around and the sounds stopped. It was impossible to see clearly around. She was preparing to step forward to continue walking but when she looked ahead, she saw the man standing there. The man dressed up completely black clothes and he had a creepy mask to hide his face. The man was doing nothing, but standing without a move. This man’s goal was not good for Lena so she started running towards Williams’ house without hesitation. She was running as fast as she could and I was following her. When she reached in front of Williams’ house, she headed to the door of the house to enter the house. She pushed the door and disappeared in the dark inside the house.

  I wanted to check out inside this old house so I got into the house after her.

  When I first looked inside, I saw the candles brightening inside. That was proof that someone lived in this house and probably it was the masked man. On my left, there was a staircase for the upper floor. On my opposite side, there was a corridor leading to the hall. I decided to check out the hall first. There wasn't much stuff around: dining table, old fashioned armchairs, etc. They were extremely dusty and old. Also, there were portraits of family members on the wall. I didn’t spend much time here and I turned back to check out the upper floor. There were 5 rooms on the upper floor. One of them’s door was closed and the others were slightly open. It was clear where was Lena. I was preparing to go that closed room but at that moment Lena got out of the room on my left with quiet steps. She hid behind the wall and took a look below to check out if the masked man was there or not. It was obvious nobody entered the house after she entered because the outside door was standing the same situation as she left it. She seemed to pray to god by putting her hands on her chest. But with the door opening sound that came from the first floor, she hid inside the room quickly again. I looked at the first floor and saw the masked man was standing there. He came to the upper floor without checking out the first floor. He seemed he knew where could she hide in because his movements didn’t contain any hesitation.

  Now I could clearly see him but it was impossible to identify him because his skin didn’t appear. He wore completely black clothes to cover his skin completely. The mask on his face was preventing his eyes from even appearing. The only thing that I could see clearly was his huge body size. He was the size of 2 adult men and Lena had no chance against him. While I was checking out his body, he looked at each door then he made a choice perfectly. He started walking directly towards the room that Lena hid in. The man opened the door and entered the room slowly.

  There was nothing so special in that room: an old bed, an old wardrobe, and other kinds of stuff. Also, there was Alfonso’s portrait on the wall so that meant this room belonged to Alonso. There was not any window in there and the door was the only option to leave the room, but I couldn’t see Lena in the room. She was hiding somewhere in this room and if you think logically, 13 years old kid would hide one place: inside the wardrobe. The masked man approached the wardrobe, held its door handle, and opened it slowly. Meanwhile, Lena came out behind the door and she was approaching him by holding an iron stick in her hand. She approached him enough and hit his head with an iron stick.

  The result wasn’t like Lena was expecting. Nothing happened to the man and now what he looked for was standing in front of him. The man took the stick from her hand and threw it to the floor.

  “It’s enough, you naughty girl, it’s over.”

  He held Lena’s hands by using his left hand and with the other, he gave a punch to Lena’s face. With the effect of the punch, she fell down to the floor and couldn’t stand up.

  After he was sure that she couldn't resist anymore, he got out a syringe needle of his pocket. The liquid inside the syringe wasn’t like normal drugs. It was blue and shining. He held his hands tight again and prepared to inject it to her. Lena was hopelessly screaming for help at that time:

  “Heeeelp! Please don’t do that. Please, pleaseeeee!”

  At the moment that the man tried to inject it to her, a sound came from the other room. The masked man stopped at that time, stood up slowly, and looked to the source of the sound. The sound came from the room's door which stood closed when I first came to this house and there was someone else standing in front of that room.

  He was staring at the masked man without any move. He was a little bit far and his face did not look clear. It was obvious that the masked man didn’t like this, so he started walking towards him with quick steps to kill him. They clenched their fist and gave each other a punch. The man who was standing in front of the door looked fine after the fight, this situation was not the same for the masked man. He fell down to the floor and died. Even though the iron stick couldn’t kill the masked man but this man’s punch did it. Now he was a murderer and he could have killed Lena.

  He came to check out who else was in the room. Lena was standing in the middle of the room by holding the iron stick on her hand. With the light that brightening in the room his face became seen clear. He was Alfonso Williams the guy should have died in 1596. But he was here and alive. He was taking deep angrily breaths to his nose. It seemed he wasn’t happy to see Lena there. He looked at Lena and said loudly:

  “What are you doing here?”

  Lena's sound was shivering and she said:

  “I am sorry sir, I was just hiding there. The masked man tried to kill me.”

  Alfonso waited for a while without move to made a decision. He killed a man and Lena was the witness. He was going to either kill Lena or let her go. After he had a choice, he approached Lena and held the girl’s arms tight.

  “Listen to me carefully little girl. Everything that happens in this house is a secret. Do you understand? ”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “You will forget this face and what happened here. Do you understand?”

  “I do, sir.”

  “If I see you around here again, I will kill you without hesitation.”

  “No sir, I won’t come here again, I promise.”

  “Now, get out of here and don’t come here again.”

  Alfonso released the girl free and Lena quickly left the room and reached the outside door of the house. She ran away without looking back.

  I was still at the house and I wanted to figure out what was hiding under these mysterious events. How could Alfonso still be alive? Who was that masked man? What kind of liquid was in the syringe? There were a lot of questions in my head. Alfonso took the masked man’s body to the room that he came out. I followed them but when I reached the door of the room, suddenly I found myself outside the house. The story threw me out of the house because it didn’t want me to know what was in that room. I tried again to get into the house but I couldn’t. There was an invisible barrier that prevented me from entering the house. So, hopelessly I decided to turn back to the front of Tina’s house. I started walking on the road Lena came because even though I was invisible, still that other road made me nervous.

  While I was walking quickly on the road, I noticed something different. The season seemed to change but without stopping. Winter, Spring, Summer, Autumn then again Winter… It was in a loop. That meant time was passing fast. The story was doing this for the rest of the story. When I arrived in front of Tina’s house, the time flow turned to normal speed. Tina’s house looked not the same as it was. The wall paint was old and faded. Nobody seemed to be living at home anymore. I was aware that a long time had passed over the events but for me, it was 10 minutes ago. This story was getting very strange.

  Chapter 2: Similar Purpose

  After I reached out in front of Tina’s house, I heard a car engine sound came from next to the house. I checked out it and saw a beautiful woman got out of the car. She was a brunette beautiful woman. While she was coming closer, her face became more familiar: she was Lena.

  Apparently, it was almost 15 years since I was walking in the forest and she wasn’t 13 years old kid anymore. Probably this was the first time she came he
re again after the event that happened in Williams’ house. Her purpose was so obvious when she went in front of the forest directly: to figure out the mysterious event and to save her friend if it’s possible.

  She seemed confident but still, she was scared of the other road that Tina was kidnapped. So, she started walking on the long road and I followed her as well. Actually, I was worried about her because there was a murderer inside that house and he warned her to not come there again. Furthermore, that guy should have died a couple of centuries ago, but he was alive. Probably he was immortal and that made me more worried. Then I noticed she was holding a gun in her hand and she was carrying a police badge on her back pocket. That made me a little bit relaxed because she should have learned how to deal with this kind of event, at least she would shoot down the guy if she has to.

  After we reached out to the house I didn’t have much time to check out the facade of the house because Lena entered the house without wasting time. I took a quick look at the house and the house looked the same as the past, nothing had changed. Also, everything inside the house was the same as we left them. It seemed like time stopped there. Anyway, Lena entered the house with quiet steps and went to the upper floor directly to check out the rooms. Her target had set already. She opened the door of the room which Alfonso came out, and entered inside the room. The room was not the kind of room that I expected. It was a library and there were a lot of shelves standing in the room contained books. The books were science books and most of them were about medical. This meant that a scientist lived there and this person was very likely to be Alfonso. This situation also explained why he was still alive. Probably he found a way to stay alive and didn’t want anyone to know that. But now he wasn’t around maybe he left here after Lena saw him.

  Lena checked out around the room completely, nothing was interesting for her. After that, she took the books in her hand and started to check out them. She was throwing the book that she checked out, on the floor. After a while, all books were standing on the floor but she couldn’t find anything. Desperately and angrily she left the house to take some clean breath. While she was walking around the backyard the tombs got her attention. She approached them to check out but apparently, they meant nothing for her. She didn’t care them much and reluctantly opened the faucet next to the tombs to water them.


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