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The Eternal Purpose

Page 2

by Burak Koç

  At that moment, a sound that came out of inside the house got her attention. It was a door closing sound and that was proof that someone was inside the house. Lena went inside the house again without any hesitation. And yeah, the library’s door was closed by someone and he was still hiding in there. Lena took her gun into her hand and opened the door slowly. She took a quick look inside the room and again there was nobody there. But the books she threw to the floor were on their shelf and this situation was enough to distract her attention. She got into the room to take a close look at the books. Meanwhile, Alfonso came out from behind the door and gave a punch to Lena’s head. Lena fell down to the floor with the impact of the punch. She was lying on the floor unconsciously without any move.

  After he made sure that the girl is unconscious, he approached the shelf located on the right and took off 7 books in order from the shelf. That action was the key to get the secret door visible because after a couple of seconds a door appeared on the wall behind the door of the room. He put the books on the shelf again, took Lena on his lap, and opened the door. The first thing I saw behind the secret door was a narrow corridor that was brightened by candles along the path. At the end of the corridor, there was another door that was the last door to reach out to the secret room. Alfonso opened the room’s door and with the light that came from a bulb, it appeared what kind of room it was. We were in a laboratory where some kind of medical drugs were tested. There were many tables next to the wall and various drugs on the tables. Also, there were a couple of fridges in there and a wooden dentist chair in the middle of the room.

  Alfonso put Lena on the chair, and he tied her with a thick rope to the chair. After that e stood in front of her like a psychopath and waited for her until she is awake. After 20 minutes of waiting, Lena started being awake. She looked around with meaningless eyes and tried to understand where she was. When she saw Alfonso was standing in front of her, she tried to get up but noticed that she was tied up to the chair. She looked at him and said with rage:

  “Where am I? Where is this place?”

  He looked so calm and confident, so answered her question with this way:

  “Ok, first of all, be calm. You are in my laboratory and you are safe.”

  “Safe? As being tied up in a deserted place?”

  “Well, sometimes we have not a choice.”, he said sarcastically.

  “Then I recommend you to free me because if you don’t do it, it wouldn’t be good for you. Because I am...”

  Alfonso interrupted the girl's speech and said:

  “Don’t bother to tell me who you are. I know who you are. You are the girl that I told you to don’t come here again 15 years ago. But you didn’t listen to me, you are here again. Actually, I must say that I glad you to be here.”

  “How dare you threaten a police officer? Do you think you can escape this easily? The whole city will be looking for you. You are at the end of the rope.”

  Alfonso was still cool even though he heard that speech.

  “I didn’t threaten you yet, Lena, as you know. I hope I won’t have to. I am here for a deal. We have the same purpose. Both of us had a mysterious past because of that organization.”

  “Organization? Is it the organization that filled with masked psychopaths who kidnapped the kids?”

  “Yeah, but it is not like you think. They are doing it for a purpose that we don’t know but I am sure it is bigger than to sell children’s organs. We are going to work together to figure out this purpose.”

  “How do you be sure that I will work with you. You are a murderer. The only thing that I would do with you is to put you into jail.”

  “Well, this is the reason why I tied you up here. If you reject to work with me I am afraid, you will be knowing a lot of things about me. So, I am going to prevent that.”

  At that time, Alfonso approached a table standing next to the wall and took a tube that contains blue liquid. He looked at Lena by pointing the tube inside his hand.

  “If I inject this drug into you, it will purify your blood completely. You will be unconscious for a while because there won’t any oxygen left in your blood. But the most important thing this drug does is deleting recent memories. So you won’t remember me, this place and other things and my identity will still be unknown. Now I ask you again. Will you help me to prevent this organization to kidnap more children, or not?”

  Lena made her choice after thinking for a while.

  “Convince me.”

  “Good now, first of all, I must ask you. Why you came here again?”

  “Well, on that day my friend Tina vanished. I think one of the masked men kidnapped her. I didn’t tell anyone what happened there and I’ve lived with this remorse so far. I am here because I have to know what happened to her.”

  “So, that explains why there were 2 masked guys that day.”

  Lena looked at him with a surprised facial expression.

  “Did you see them on that day?”

  “Yes, this is where my story comes in. When I opened my eyes, I was under a tomb and alive. I didn’t have any idea about what happened. Even I didn’t remember who I was. All I knew was I felt bad and wanted to get out of there. So, I pushed up the ground with all my power and got out there easily because of my extraordinary strength. Then I saw 2 other tombs next to mine. I checked out them if they were alive but they were not alive. The tombs next to me belonged to my parents. We were buried on the same day and that made more mysterious my past. I tried to find a sign to guide my past in this house and I finally found this room. My family was a scientist and this was their laboratory but still, I couldn’t find enough answers to learn what happened to us. One day I heard a faucet sound came from the backyard. I checked out it from the window and I saw a masked man standing next to our tombs and he was watering them. I understood that this guy has something to do with my past. He went to the center of town and 30 minutes after, he came back with an unconscious child in her arms then he disappeared in the forest. Apparently, this man thought I was dead and it should have kept going like that because if he knew I was alive he would kill me properly this time. So, I hid for hundreds of years. But when I heard your screams I couldn't let him kill you. I had to kill him because he could tell that I am alive to other masked men. I punched him with all my power. That's why I told you to won't tell anyone about this event.”

  Alfonso went to the opposite table and took a knife. He approached Lena quickly and he scratched his left hand with a knife. His left hand started to bleed but the interesting thing was his blood color was dark brown. He took a drop of blood with his finger and brought it closer to Lena's nose.

  He said: “Smell it.”

  Lena's facial expression after she smelled the blood showed something was different.

  “I think normal blood doesn't smell like that.”, Alfonso said.

  At that moment I and Lena looked Alfonso’s hand surprisedly. The wound in his hand was healing fast.

  “The drug inside my blood gives me a couple of superhuman abilities. This is one of them. I believe that the organization injected it into me and probably your friend can be the same situation. If you help me we can save your friend and I will know what happened to me.”

  Lena looked at him with convinced eyes and said:

  “Ok, untie me now and tell me the plan.”

  Alfonso untied her and give a sign to her to follow him. He went in front of a fridge and opened the fridge door. There was a dead man’s body lying in the fridge. He took his body and put on the table.

  “This man is who attacked you.”

  He put the syringe in the man's arm and took some blood. The blood color was light brown.

  “The drug inside that man’s blood is like mine but it is a little bit different. I injected this drug into various animals to understand the difference.”

  He opened another fridge door and there were many animals' dead bodies.

  Lena looked at him in disgust and say:

�This is not legal.”

  “I had to understand the differences.”

  “So what's the difference ”

  “It affects the brain's decision mechanism. The person to whom the drug is injected fulfills the commands without question and completely. But it doesn’t damage the brain.”

  Alfonso took one of the tube bottles standing at the table. He put some of the man's blood and the liquid that in the tube bottle into an empty glass. The blood color turned a normal human's blood color. Alfonso pointed to the tube bottle in his hand and he said:

  “This drug is what the masked man tried to inject you. The injected person experiences a loss of consciousness for a certain period of time. They use it to kidnap the children easily. But this is not all. It also cleans the blood. Your friend can still be alive. If we can sneak into the organization, we can save your friend’s life. ”

  “How do we sneak in there?”

  Alfonso held the man’s hand and showed the palm of his hand. He had a lot of scratch marks on his palm.

  “Well, they check blood color when entering the center, so if we want to enter that place we should have the same blood color as him. I will inject the drug to you then you will enter that place to save your friend. When you come here again I will inject the blue drug to you and Tina, then you will be fine and you will tell me what you saw.”

  “Why don’t you do it yourself? You are strong. You can beat them with a punch.”

  “It would be great but I can’t. There are many of them. I can’t fight with a group. We have to do this job secret. The drug that inside this man’s blood would kill me if I inject it to myself. ”

  “How do you know that?”

  “I tried the drug on the animals. First I injected them my blood then the masked man’s blood. The result was all the same: they died. We should inject it into clean blood. This is why I need you.”

  Lena knew that she has no other chance. She had to save Tina’s life.

  “I am in.”

  “Great, the plan is simple. After I inject the drug to you, you are going to lose your decision-making ability. I'll give you the commands you have to do. You will save your friend’s life and get back here. I will inject the blue drug to you and Tina so you can be fine again.”

  “So that’s all: simple.”, Lena said.

  “Yeah, but there are a couple of problems in our plan. This guy is staying here for a long time. Going to the organization place instead of him may attract attention. The other thing is you can’t dress up as him. You are a woman.”

  “So what we are going to do?”

  “There is only one way to sneak in that place. We should wait for the right moment. One time I saw a masked woman came here. If you go to the organization instead of her, you can go inside without attention.”

  “What about the kid that she kidnaps?”

  “Yeah, I know this sounds crazy for you but you have to take the kid to organization place.”

  Lena was crazy after hearing Alfonso:

  “We will help them to kidnap an innocent kid? Are you crazy? I am a police officer. How can I do that?”

  “You know what, if you don’t do that then you will let them kidnap more kid. You have to sacrifice one to save all.”

  “We are not saving all of them, our plan is saving Tina and giving you stupid knowledge.”, Lena said.

  “No, if we know their secrets, their weak side then we can make a plan to save all. We are at the first step of our plan. At the end of the plan, you will arrest the criminals. But now we have to do it as they do: Secretly.”

  This speech seemed convinced Lena.

  “How do we do?”

  “We will wait until she shows up. It may take a long time, I don’t know. I hope it will be soon. After she goes to the town center, she will return here with a kid. You should take the kid from her and bring the kid to this house. When she comes inside the house I will give her what she deserves. Then you will dress up as her and go to the organization place with the kid. Deal?”

  Lena nodded to confirm.

  After a long conversation, I could see these duo shaking hands. And while they were doing that a sound came from the backyard. They went in front of the window to check it out. At that moment, I realized that the time has come.

  Chapter 3: The Organization

  While they were looking out of the window, I approached them to check out what they were looking at. I saw the masked woman was watering the tombs. She dressed up completely black like the others. She was 1.70 cm and had a fit body. We were lucky because she was an ideal woman for Alfonso’s plan. The woman's clothes would fit Lena's body perfectly. I could see that this situation put a smile on Lena and Alfonso’s face. Everything was perfect for the plan. There was only one thing left: doing what plan says.

  Alfonso turned to Lena to remind her of the plan one last time.

  “Ok, we don’t have much time, we have to do it as fast as possible. She will go to the town center. You will hide in the backyard. When she comes here again with a kid, you will show up. She will want to kill you because you will be a witness that she kidnapped a kid. All you need to do is taking the kid from her and bring the kid here. You will hide in my room and I will get her attention.”

  Lena listened carefully to what he said and nodded to confirm him. She seemed confident and concentrated. She was like a strong woman should be.

  The masked woman walked to the town center and she disappeared in the forest. Lena went to the backyard and hid there. Alfonso was looking out of the window and checking if the woman comes. I was standing next to Alfonso. We waited for 30 minutes but nobody came there. I decided to go outside and waiting there. It was almost dark, just like 15 years ago. The wind was blowing slowly and touching my skin. Normally, nothing could touch me but for this story, there were some special things that I could love, and that was one of them. I felt peaceful when the wind was touching my skin. But that peaceful moment didn’t take so long.

  The masked woman finally appeared between the trees. She was carrying a kid in her lap. I approached them and looked clear at them. It seemed she took a bigger mission than the others because he wasn’t a kid but 21-22 years old a young man. I couldn’t see his face because he had a mask on his face like her. I could understand how much she was strong while she was carrying him. The young man was almost 70 kg and she was carrying easily. While she was walking slowly towards the other side of the forest, I looked at the window that Alfonso used to look outside. He was not there. Probably, he was waiting at the library. I didn’t know where Lena was hiding so I followed the masked woman.

  The masked woman stopped walking when she arrived next to the backyard. She was standing where she was. Alfonso didn’t say that she was going to stand next to the backyard. I thought she understood their plan. I stopped guessing what happened and started watching what was going to happen. She put the young man on the ground and started walking towards the door of the backyard. Until then, I had not noticed the sound coming from the backyard. “ Tick, tick, tick. ”, There was a low tone sound. it was like the sound of a stone hitting another stone. I followed her. She opened the door and look at inside the backyard. There was no one. Apparently Lena was good at hiding. The masked woman checked the around carefully with looking. Then she approached Alfonso’s tomb and leaned over. There were a couple of small stones in front of the tombstone. It meant only one thing: someone threw stones. Lena had tried to distract her attention and had done this.

  While the masked woman was trying to figure out what happened, I saw Lena was going out the window of the first floor. What a genius girl, she was following the plan perfectly. Alfonso had asked her to bring the young man without a fight with the masked woman. Quickly she jumped over the iron fence and went to the approached the young man lying on the ground. She seemed not very happy with what she saw. According to the plan, the person lying on the ground was supposed to be a kid. Still, she tried to lift the young man without making a sound. She took
the young man on her lap and started walking to the door of the house. She was carrying him with difficulty, therefore, she could step slowly.

  At that moment the masked woman saw her and ran towards her. She jumped over the fence and kicked Lena's back. Lena and the young man were knocked down. Lena quickly got up from the ground and looked at the masked woman. After a short mutual glance, Lena tried to punch but she missed. Then she tried again and again but the result was the same. The masked woman's reflexes were very advanced, she easily escaped from Lena's punches. Lena tried to punch one last time and the masked woman caught her fist. She held her arm tight and punched Lena’s face. Lena knocked down again. Apparently, the punch had so damaged her. She tried to get up but she couldn’t. The masked woman leaned towards Lena lying on the ground, punched her face again and again. Lena wasn't moving anymore and was unconscious. The plan was not going as it should be, it was getting worse. The masked woman began to squeeze Lena's throat with 2 hands. Lena was about to die and Alfonso was doing nothing. He dragged the girl to death like a pawn.

  I was watching this disastrous scene helplessly. I almost cried. Suddenly I felt something on the ground was touching my feet. I looked at the ground and it was an iron stick standing on the ground. With great determination, I took the stick off the ground and hit the masked woman head with it. The woman knocked down and lost consciousness. The stick fell to the ground from my hand. I lost my touching ability but I was happy because I saved Lena’s life. That moment was a sign that I was going to help them with the critical moments of this story. While they were lying on the ground, I was a little bit worried. I didn’t know which one was going to wake up first. I was hoping Lena would be first. I waited a short time to see that.


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