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A Rake's Redemption

Page 34

by G. L. Snodgrass

  Nathanial’s face grew hard for a quick moment, then he nodded across the room. “Oh, I am sure there is more.”

  Alice followed his gaze and gasped once again. Lord Brookstone had just entered the room and looked as if he wanted to hang someone as he furiously scanned the room looking for his victim.

  Why him? Why now? she thought to herself. Wasn’t one shock enough for the evening. Had Nathanial invited him as well? Surely not. The man was an enemy.

  Johnathon turned to see who Nathanial had pointed out. He gulped for a second, took a deep breath, and then nodded. Without a word, he started towards Lord Brookstone.

  Alice held her breath.

  “Why, Caldwell?” Her mother asked, obviously coming to the same realization as herself. She had known instantly that Johnathon was only apologizing because he had been forced to by Nathanial. Like Alice, she had no clue as to how he had done it. But most assuredly, it had only happened because of Nathanial’s actions.

  The big man held up a hand, silently asking for patience. “I want to see this,” he said with an evil smile. “I was wrong. Having him know who did this to him is so much better.”

  Alice’s insides clenched up into a ball. Nathanial was like a wolf who had cornered his prey. His steady stare refused to leave Lord Brookstone as he took in every detail, every nuance.

  “Whatever is going on?” her mother demanded.

  Nathanial’s smile softened. “Lord Weston is informing Lord Brookstone that he and his friends will be unable to support Brookstone’s investment scheme.”

  Alice watched as Lord Brookston’s face began to turn red. He’s fighting to hide his anger, she thought and not doing a good job of it. Cousin Johnathon looked as if he would rather be anywhere but there at the moment, but he squared his shoulders and continued on.

  “And now,” Nathanial said, “Lord Brookstone is learning why.”

  Nathanial was right. Whatever had been said had affected Brookstone terribly. His face lost all its color and his jaw fell open. Alice’s heart almost went out to the man. Whatever had been said had just devastated Lord Brookstone’s world. He had discovered something that both surprised and terrified him.

  “He is learning that tomorrow, the Dutch Government will announce it has decided not to issue a license to a British company and that the money he had invested in bribes and payments is lost. What is more, the money was borrowed. And that is why Jonathan will not be investing in his scheme. It seems your nephew, Lady Weston, has avoided a great calamity.”

  Her mother scoffed, “The only way Johnathon ever made a wise business decision is if someone led him to it. The man couldn’t find the inside of a bucket if you dumped it on his head.”

  Alice continued to watch the two men across the room. Lord Brookstone was becoming more agitated. He had forgotten where he was and who surrounded him. His hands began to wave in the air and people in his vicinity began to edge away. Frightened less they be impacted by the gathering explosion.

  Nathanial continued to smile. He had done this, she realized. This was why the ball had to be today. He wanted the information delivered here, at this party. He wanted to watch the defeat of Lord Brookstone personally.

  “Why?” her mother asked. “Why did you do this? Not that I am complaining. Just curious.”

  Nathanial pulled his eyes away for a moment and said, “Lord Brookstone upset Alice, what more reason did I need? Besides, once people see what kind of man he is. They will remark on her good sense in avoiding matrimony to him. Even more importantly. His threats and bullying will no longer be tolerated.”

  Her heart melted at his words. He had done all of this for her. He had arranged for her cousin to apologize in public. He had ensured Brookstone was humiliated in public. All for her. How could she not love this man?

  Lady Weston paused for a moment, glanced at her daughter, then returned to studying Nathanial. At last, she dipped her head in admiration and said, “Well played, Sir. You must provide me the details at a later date. But for now, I believe you need to ask Lord Brookstone to leave before he does something to ruin Olivia’s night.”

  Nathanial smiled and shook his head. “No need,” he said as he indicated across the room.

  Alice turned in time to see Jocko step up behind the Earl of Brookstone and whisper something in his ear. It was as if someone had shoved a blade between the man’s ribs. A look of disbelief crossed his face as he froze in place.

  Jocko said something more as the two men turned and started for the door. Jocko staying close.

  Alice checked with Nathanial. Yes, this was part of the plan, she realized. The man had been destroyed and now he was being escorted from the room before he could create a scene. What had Jocko said to the man? It was perfect, she thought. So perfect. Every step carried out flawlessly. Every goal accomplished.

  Who was this man? she wondered for the hundredth time.

  The crowd began to murmur as the story began to spread. Several of the men in the room knew enough to deduce what had happened. When added to the obvious distress of Lord Brookstone. Two and two were put together.

  The twitter and shocked giggles spread like a fire in an old barn. Soon, the entire room knew what had happened. And tomorrow, all of London would know. The ball would be talked about for ages. Olivia would receive dozens of invitations just so the story could be discussed once again. Not only that. But Nathanial had subtly reminded people of the danger of crossing him.

  Yes, it was perfect.

  “What did Jocko say to him?” she hissed at Nathanial.

  He laughed, “Probably something like, ‘The pistol in my pocket is primed and cocked. Please give me an excuse to use it.’ At least that is what I assumed he said. Knowing Jocko, he might have lightened things up with a curse word or two.”

  Her mother snorted for some reason. Alice had to fight back a laugh that threatened to erupt from her throat. She turned to look at Nathanial. Her heart softened as she took in the man before her. Everything about him was so right.

  He turned and smiled at her. He had done all of this for her, she realized. Just her.

  Surely no woman in England could have felt so lucky.


  Later that night, long after the guests had departed. Long after the servants were abed, Alice donned her robe and silently slipped out of her room. She had to do this. Her soul demanded it. Yes, it was dangerous. Yes, it was wrong. But she could no more have stopped herself than stopped breathing.

  Smiling to herself, she tried to calm her racing heart as she crept down the hall, her hand guarding the candle flame. With every step she risked discovery, yet, every step brought her closer to her goal.

  Standing before his door, she took a deep breath and tapped lightly. Would he hear her knock? Was he already asleep? Surely, he had known she would come to him. How could she not?

  Her insides felt as wobbly as a plum pudding and her heart beat so hard she was afraid it might escape her chest. Please, she begged, please understand.

  The seconds seemed to drag on forever as she waited. Her heart beginning to falter. Perhaps he had not understood her silent looks all evening. Perhaps he had understood and dismissed her as a silly girl.

  No, he had looked at her with longing. She had seen it in his eyes whenever no one else was looking. That glare of the predator eyeing his prey.

  Please, she thought as she raised her hand to knock again. Louder this time if necessary.

  Thankfully, a subtle click of the lock let her know that he had heard.

  Now she worried if he would accept her. Would he be mad that she had risked discovery? Would he be upset that she was wasting his time? Her heart stopped as she awaited her fate.

  His smile in the candlelight was all she needed. He was happy to see her. Reaching out, he gently pulled her into the room and into his arms.

  “Alice,” he whispered as his arms engulfed her in an embrace for the ages. She melted into him and sighed heavily, becoming lost in the subtle
scent of sandalwood and all Nathanial.

  Without a word, he took the candle from her hand and placed it on a side table. Alice took the moment to examine her surroundings. This was her first time in his room and her curiosity pushed at her like a dog at a bone.

  His room was just as she had imagined it. A man’s room. Wood, simple, function over form. A large bed. A nice fire casting yellow light across the floor. Heavy brocade curtains keeping out the night chill. Yes, all man.

  Just like the person in front of her. Bare-chested, wide shoulders, and eyes that seemed to see right through her. As if he could see the true person she was and wasn’t disappointed in what he saw.

  Her heart hitched as she watched his eyes slowly change over from merely observing to wanting. Eyes that demanded she be his. As she continued to stare up at him, she saw the passion began to build behind them, a passion that set her own heart afire.

  “Nathanial,” she began. “I am …”

  He smiled and slowly shook his head. “No words,” he said, “we need no words to know what lies between us.” And with that, he took her hand and led her to his bed. “We will never need words,” he added as his fingers untied her robe and pushed it off her shoulders, his lips kissing her shoulder as his hands roamed over her body.

  “Yes,” she whispered to herself. This was why she had come to him tonight. Not to thank him as she had told herself. But to feel this. To feel him. This was why she had come.

  Her body shivered with his touch as her own hands began to explore, pushing down his trousers so that she might obtain what she wanted. Her insides grew hot with need, her very core already demanding him.

  “Please,” she begged. “I need you now.”

  Without a word, he smiled as he lay her on the bed and positioned himself between her knees.

  “Nathanial,” she whispered as she reached for his hardness.

  “Shush,” he said as he placed a finger on her lips. “We are the only two people in the world that matter right now.”

  She nodded as her body grew tense with anticipation. Please, she silently begged him. I need you.

  He smiled back down at her. Locking her gaze in place as he slowly entered her. Spreading her, filling her.

  “Yes,” she exclaimed as she threw her head back and arched up to meet him. “Yes.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  Last night with Alice had created a quandary for Nathanial. A problem not easily solved. A problem wrapped in jasmine and lush flesh. The kind of problem that could drive a man mad.

  As he always did when he had a problem, Nathanial paced back and forth in his study, evaluating plans, different scenarios. Judging best and worst outcomes. Weighing risk against reward.

  No, he thought, this must be done just right. One wrong move and much could be lost.

  Sighing, he turned and covered his tracks as he walked a blank spot in the rug. This was different, he thought. This wasn’t some business deal. This wasn’t something that could be solved with the application of money or leverage. This wasn’t someone who could be intimidated into doing what he wanted.

  No, this was Alice.

  Last night had been wonderful. More than wonderful. It had confirmed something that he had long feared. Lady Alice Weston had ruined any chance he might have at happiness. He now knew that he would judge all future women by the standards of Lady Alice. And that every woman would be found wanting. Of that, there was no doubt in his mind.

  The woman was enchanting. She had cast him under a spell of some type. He couldn’t stop thinking about her. The way she looked under him in bed. The way it felt to be buried inside of her. How she could make his day better just by being a part of his world.

  No, there would never be another like her.

  The thought depressed him. It was a problem without an easy solution.

  He had not been surprised to see her at his door last night. Not surprised, but very pleased. The woman was a Goddess. She had woven her way into his life with every breath. However, she had never pushed, never demanded. No, not sweet Alice.

  Smiling to himself he remembered how it had felt to hold her in his arms. How he had stared up at the ceiling, Alice buried in the crock of his arm, her hand gently caressing his chest. He thought of the power and joy that had flown into him at that moment.

  The world was right and he was where he was supposed to be. What is more. Alice was where he wanted her.

  Even now, the thought wouldn’t leave him. Alice had gently pestered him for details about what he had done to make her cousin apologize and how had he destroyed Lord Brookstone. He could tell that her curiosity was eating her alive. But even then, she did not demand. She would have accepted his refusal.

  But how could he ever refuse Alice? So instead, he had assured her that he had simply steered her cousin away from a bad investment and provided him an opportunity to make a better one. An investment that would pay him handsomely for years.

  “Let me guess,” she said, “Enough to cover our allowance.”

  “And then some,” he replied with a gentle laugh.

  A heavy silence fell over them for a moment until she asked, “And Lord Brookstone?”

  “I assure you, Alice, I did nothing illegal. I became aware of his interest in a very poor investment and purposely did not warn him. I also may have warned a few of my friends not to make such an investment nor lend him money. As a result, he obtained money from people who, shall we say, are not so forgiving. They will demand payment. Forcibly if necessary. These are the type of people who make the concept of debtors prison the better option.”

  “What will happen to him?” she asked.

  “I don’t know. But I wouldn’t be surprised if Lord Brookstone left England for a while. Perhaps a long while.”

  She had halted her caressing and looked up at him. “You’re not to do that again,” she said with all seriousness.

  “What?” he asked

  “Save me,” she said with a deep frown. “I am not your mistress. What we have is not like that. You don’t have to do nice things for me. You will not risk yourself or your fortune to save me. Are we understood.”

  He had looked back at her, studying the woman lying in his arms and laughed. “No.”

  “What do you mean, no?”

  “I mean no. I refuse to promise not to save you, not to help you. So, I am afraid you will just have to accept it when I do.”

  She had continued to frown at him for a long moment, then pinched him hard on the side. “Damn you, Nathanial Caldwell, you are just too good to be true.”

  He had smiled to himself as he continued to pace in his study. He realized that this was the first woman who had ever said such a thing to him. Usually, they wanted more. Alice wanted less. The sudden awareness shocked him. Alice believed he was a good man. The thought surprised him, especially when he realized how happy it made him feel. A woman like Lady Alice Weston thought he was worth something.

  “Damn,” he said to himself as he slammed to halt in his study and stared out the window. There was but one answer.


  Alice examined her work and smiled. A wolf on the prowl embroidered on a fine white cloth. She had been working on it for ages and hoped to give it to Nathanial in a quiet moment. Only he would understand the significance.

  She had called him her wolf last night. He had laughed and told her that she could call him whatever she wished.

  The memory saddened her for a moment. It would be their last time together. She could not risk the scandal. Not now. Olivia’s success depended upon it. If anyone had discovered her slipping into Nathanial’s room. Everything would have been ruined.

  No, it had been selfish of her to put everyone at risk like that. It could not happen again. Instead, she would remain the model of an English Lady. Strong, stoic, assured. All the while, she would be quietly dying inside of a broken heart. This was to be her lot in life, she realized.

  Smiling sadly, she returned to the embroidery hoo
p when the parlor door opened and Nathanial stepped inside.

  Her heart jumped and her smile widened. Butterflies. Always there were butterflies in her stomach when this man entered her world.

  Do not let him see your sadness, she thought to herself. It is not his fault. He had done so much already. Under no circumstance could he be blamed for her heartache.

  “Mr. Caldwell?” she said as she glanced behind him to see if anyone else was there.

  “Lady Alice,” he said as he made his way to the decanter to pour himself a whiskey.

  He looks nervous she thought. Why? Was he upset about their night together?

  “Benson tells me that your mother is abed and that Olivia is visiting Miss Amanda. Is that correct?” he asked.

  She nodded, “Yes, I do believe that last night’s party took a lot from my mother. Then earlier, we three received many callers. All of them very interested in finding out exactly what happened last night.”

  Suddenly, the possible confusion her words might create occurred to her as her cheeks turned warm with embarrassment.

  “I mean, about Lord Brookstone.”

  He smiled back at her, obviously aware of her embarrassment, which only made matters worse.

  Pulling herself together, she pushed on as if nothing had happened.

  “Mother will be fine. I am assured she will be back to full form by tomorrow. As for Olivia, she was worried about Amanda. She told me it was not normal for her friend to beg off and that she truly believed her to be ill. She has gone to check on her and should return in time for dinner.”

  Nathanial nodded as he studied her over the top of his glass. His eyes glazed over as if he weren’t really listening to her. He really is worried about something, she thought. Then his brow knit in worry as he wrestled with some problem. Probably business, she thought to herself. What other concern could the man have in this world?

  “Yes, well,” he began as he started to pace, “I thought perhaps you might enjoy some company. I do worry about you being left all alone to entertain yourself.”

  Now it was her turn to frown. Why was he being so formal? Last night he had cried out her name as he had exploded inside of her. Now, here in this room. He acted as a distant acquaintance.


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