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Beautifully Damaged

Page 21

by L. A. Fiore

  "Ember, it's so nice to see you again."

  "Mrs. Michaels, hello."

  "Please, call me Vivian." A chair was immediately brought over for her as she settled into it with such regal elegance she reminded me of a queen.

  "I understand that you are dating my nephew, Trace."

  Pablo's hands stilled, an unmistakable sign that he heard that tidbit, before he resumed his cutting efforts.

  "Yes, I am."

  "The conflict between my husband and the last of his family has been going on for far too long. I was so hoping that you could talk with Trace and get him to agree to join us for dinner. We don't have to have it at the house if it would be more comfortable for him to meet at a restaurant." She reached for my hand before she added, "You don't have to answer right now. If Trace is anything like my husband, I understand your hesitation but think about it, won't you?"


  "Wonderful." She stood and her movement was so fluid and graceful before she smiled and rested her hand on my shoulder.

  "I do hope we can all be friends since we are family after all."

  And with that she breezed out the door -- the faint scent of her Chanel No. 19 still lingering in the air. I sat there after she had gone wondering how she knew I was here. A more interesting question was what the hell was the real purpose of that visit? It was Pablo who pulled me from my perplexing thoughts.

  "Wow, I've never seen someone so politely railroaded before. You okay?"

  "My head is spinning."

  "No doubt."

  I thought about Vivian's impromptu visit for the rest of the day and later, while I was working at Clover, I made the decision to not mention it to Trace just yet. There was enough going on he didn't also need to feel the pressure of getting re-acquainted with absent relatives who, more than likely, not only didn't give a shit about him but could be faking interest as a means to get close to him and possibly cause him harm.

  I moved to one of my tables to the new guests that had just been seated but when I saw who was occupying the table my heart lodged in my throat because it was my would-be rapist, Dane, and Heidi, Trace's cast-off turned stalker. Was it a coincidence that these two were together? I didn't believe in coincidences.

  As soon as Dane saw me a smile spread over his face and to say it gave me the major creeps wasn't an exaggeration. His voice was just dripping with condescension and venom when he spoke.

  "Ember Walsh, you're looking particularly..." he eyed me from head to toe, lingering a moment too long on my breasts, before his eyes found mine again "...fine this evening. How have you been? You don't call or write."

  "Can I get you something to drink?"

  He leaned back in his chair and grinned -- the sight of which was very creepy. "So professional."

  Heidi's voice pulled my eyes from Dane and when I looked at her I saw sympathy in her expression.

  "I was truly sorry to hear about you and Trace. I thought if anyone could reach him it would have been you."

  Like she wanted me to make it work with Trace. The woman had a spy network weaved around the man so how likely was it that she would concede defeat graciously? What the hell were these two up to? Talk about holding onto a grudge. A part of me was tempted to share with them that Trace and I were still together but it wasn't any of their damn business.

  Dane's voice had a chill going down my spine when next he spoke.

  "You can imagine my delight, Ember, learning that your guardian is no longer an issue."

  His hand shot out and wrapped painfully around my wrist which had me wincing as I tried to pull free of him.

  "I have every intention of finishing what we started, Ember."

  Trent appeared then and his eyes were burning with fury as he stared down at Dane.

  "Get your hand off of her."

  Dane released my wrist with a grin before pushing back from the table and reaching for Heidi's hand. He spoke loud enough for the tables around us to hear.

  "I think we'll eat elsewhere since the service here isn't very good."

  I watched them leave and couldn't deny that I was a bit freaked out. Trent's concerned voice had me looking over at him.

  "Are you okay?"

  I reached for Trent's hand and squeezed. "Yes, but thank you."

  "I don't like the look of him, Ember, you need to be very careful with that one."

  His words echoed exactly what I was thinking as I released on a breath. "Don't I know it."

  Chapter Eighteen

  The following evening there was a knock at the door and when I checked the peephole it was to see Rafe standing there. I pulled open the door and leaned against it as a smiled spread over my face.

  "Hello, Rafe."

  He grinned as he stuffed his hands into the front pockets of his jeans and rolled back on his heels. "Ember."

  We studied each other for a few moments and then we moved into the other for a hug. Rafe released me and took a step back as his eyes sought and found mine.

  "I'm so glad you're back."

  "I am really glad to be back. Please come in."

  I moved to the side so Rafe could precede me into the apartment and then I closed the door and flipped the lock before I turned to him and asked, "Can I get you something to drink, iced tea, coffee, water, soda?"

  "Iced tea would be great."

  "Coming right up." I said as I started towards the kitchen and knew that Rafe had fallen into step behind me. "So to what do I owe this lovely treat."

  "Does there have to be a reason?"

  I threw him a smile from over my shoulder as I walked to the refrigerator. "No, in fact, it makes the visit all the more sweet without one."

  "I came to say hi but I did want to mention that Trace's birthday is coming up on April 21st. I wasn't sure if you knew."

  "I do, but thanks." I handed him his glass before moving to the other side of the kitchen to lean up against the counter.

  "How does Trace typically celebrate his birthday?"

  Rafe took a nice, long swallow before he replied, "He doesn't."


  "I think this year he'll make an exception but nothing big, like a party, he wouldn't want that."

  "What about a dinner, here, you, Chelsea and me?"

  A big, wide smile spread over his face as he lifted his glass and saluted me.

  "That sounds perfect."

  "Okay, I'll arrange it."

  Rafe put his glass in the sink before he turned to me. "Let me know if I can do anything."

  "Okay. Hey, since you're here can I talk to you about something?"

  "Sure, what's up?"

  "I don't know if Trace told you about the time he overheard my ex-best friend's boyfriend and friend talking..."

  Rafe's face went completely rigid and he started clenching his jaw.

  "...yeah, I heard about that."

  "Well, the guy Dane, he came into Clover last night."

  Rafe's response to that came out in nothing short of a roar. "What?!"

  "Rafe, he threatened me and I know I should tell Trace but he'll hunt Dane down and possibly do something he won't be able to take back."

  "What, like kill him?"


  "He has it coming."

  "Agreed, but I just got Trace back I'm not ready to lose him to a life sentence in prison."

  Rafe pulled a hand through his hair as he started to pace the kitchen. "Okay, that's fair so what do you need me to do?"

  I smiled, really couldn't help it, and I know my smile threw him off since he stopped pacing and looked at me with an adorable mixture of confusion and wariness.

  "Can I just say I love that you asked me that without any prompting."

  He grinned. "You're Trace's woman and he's my best friend so that makes you and me, family."

  "I really like the sound of that, Rafe."

  We both were wearing matching goofy grins, a combination of embarrassment and affection, but I managed to pull myself from that to continue
with my request.

  "Trace and Trent are both aware of the situation but I just wanted you to know as well so there was another set of eyes keeping watch. I can show you a picture of Dane and Todd."

  "I already know what they look like. Trace showed me their pictures right after the first encounter. Yeah, I'll keep a watch out but if you see either of them hanging around where you are I want you to call me immediately. You have my cell number, right?"

  "Yes." I exhaled on a sigh. "Thank you, Rafe, I feel better."

  He walked over and pulled me into a hug. "Any time."

  That night, I lay in bed with Trace as he ran his finger up and down my spine leaving me arching my back and purring like a kitten.

  "Trace, would it be okay for me to take Chelsea out shopping and to lunch?"

  His fingers stilled on my back and I wanted to protest since he was igniting little fires under my skin but then he spoke and the tenderness in his voice had my heart melting.

  "You would do that?"

  I looked up at him to find that he was looking at me with such unbridled affection. "I would love to do that."

  "Yes, Chelsea would love spending time with you."

  "Great. So, I can just call and make the arrangements?"

  "Yeah." He rolled then and pinned me under him as he held himself up on his elbows. His fingers gently caressed my face but his eyes never left mine and then he lowered his head so his mouth lingered just above my very eager lips before he whispered, "I love you." And then he sealed that vow with a kiss.

  Chelsea was dressed in a lovely sundress in the color of buttercups and her pretty brunette hair was pulled back in a thick black head band. She didn't wear makeup but then she didn't need to because she was just stunning. She was waiting for me in the lobby and as soon as she saw me she jumped up from her chair and ran to me before throwing her arms around me.

  "Hello, Chelsea. It's so good to see you again."

  "I can't wait to go shopping with you. I haven't been shopping in forever."

  "Is there anywhere you would like to go?"

  "Anywhere." She said with a big smile before she reached for my hand to hold.


  We walked along Fifth Avenue and stepped into Cartier and Tiffany. Seeing Chelsea's wide-eyed expression at the jewelry was so fun to watch. She fell in love with a daisy necklace, with the Tiffany blue enamel, so I bought it for her. We watched as the saleswoman wrapped it in the pretty robin's egg-blue box before slipping it into a shopping bag. As soon as we were on the sidewalk outside the store, Chelsea peeled open the box to hold her treasure a moment before slipping it over her head. She looked at me with guile-less gray eyes and offered me such a heartfelt thank you that I was completely and totally undone. After our shopping we went to the Plaza hotel for lunch at the Rose Room. Our waitress approached and I looked up to see a friendly face.

  "Kelly, hi."

  "Hi, Ember. How are you?"

  "I'm good, thanks. Kelly, this is my friend Chelsea. Chelsea, this is a friend of mine. Her name is Kelly."

  Chelsea held out her hand and smiled, a child-like grin, before she said very enthusiastically, "Hi, Kelly."

  I watched Kelly for her reaction to Chelsea and was prepared to step in to protect Chelsea's feelings but I need not have worried about that because Kelly handled it beautifully.

  "Hello, Chelsea. It's very nice to meet you." And then she lowered herself and studied Chelsea's necklace after seeing the Tiffany bag on the bench. "I love your necklace."

  Chelsea's hand wrapped around it as her eyes moved to me. "Thank you. Ember bought it for me."

  "Do you know what you would like to eat?" Kelly asked Chelsea which seemed to pull her thoughts from her necklace as she scrunched up her nose and seemed to really ponder the question.

  "I don't know."

  "Do you like chocolate?"


  "We have a frozen hot chocolate drink that is just yummy."

  "Does it have whipped cream?"

  "Of course."

  Chelsea's eyes turned to me. "Can I get that?"

  "Anything you want, Chelsea."

  "Okay, I want that please."

  I smiled at Chelsea before turning my gaze to Kelly. "And the chicken lollipops and shrimp cocktail and I'll have the Queen of Berries."

  "Sure thing."

  Kelly started to walk away but I stopped her when I volunteered, "He misses you. Didn't think you were ready but he misses you. If you are ready, Kelly, you should call him."

  Kelly turned and I saw that her eyes were overly bright before she whispered, "Thank you."

  Lunch was probably the nicest lunch I could remember. Chelsea was really wonderful company. I wondered how Trace would feel about having Chelsea come to live with us. I knew she loved Rolling Acres and had friends there but I wondered if she wouldn't like it more being with her brother. I'd find a way to bring that up to Trace.

  We were getting ready to leave when a familiar voice came from behind me seconds before Lena appeared in front of our table. She looked terrible. She was too thin and had purple smudges under her eyes but there was meanness pouring off her. She looked over at Chelsea and I saw her intent in those spiteful eyes before she opened her mouth.

  "Well, hanging with a retard now, Ember, my how you've hit rock bottom."

  Kelly appeared immediately at Lena's side and asked Chelsea, "Would you like to see the kitchen?"

  "Oh, yes, could I?"

  Kelly helped her from the booth. "Absolutely." As she led Chelsea away Kelly threw me a concerned look from over her shoulder. I smiled at her before I turned my eyes to Lena which had my smile turning into a sneer.

  "You look like shit. I see that being with Todd is clearly not good for you."

  "Shut up about him. You've no right to speak of him."

  "Whatever." I stood and started to collect my and Chelsea's things before I added, "I'd say it was nice seeing you but it wasn't so I won't lie."

  I started around her but she stopped me with a hand on my arm.

  "Who's the retard?"

  "None of your business." And then I stepped closer to her and pulled myself up to my full height which wasn't much but it was a few inches taller than her.

  "I let it go the first time but you say it again and I'll make you eat your tongue."

  There was a flicker of fear in her eyes but it was immediately replaced with loathing. I didn't understand why she hated me and before I realized it I asked that very question out loud.

  "Why do you hate me so much?"

  "I was suppose to be the superhero and you the hero support not the other way around."

  The Sky High reference threw me for a minute since Lena hated that movie but I moved past that to ask, "Why does one have to shine over the other?"

  "Because the shiny always looks better next to the dull."

  "I'm sorry you feel that way, Lena, I truly am." And then I turned and started towards the kitchen but she followed after me talking as she did.

  "Don't judge me, isn't that what you're doing with your little retard? Hell, anyone would look good next to that."

  We were in the back near the restrooms so I turned on her and took a few menacing steps closer.

  "I warned you."

  Before I could talk myself out of it I curled my hand into a fist, stepped into it, and nailed her right in the mouth. She fell backwards into the wall and though she was still standing she was disoriented so I took the opportunity and moved closer to leer at her.

  "Next time you see me, Lena, go the other way or I'll leave permanent damage. We clear?"

  She nodded her head as her eyes glazed over with pain and satisfied that I made my point, I turned and walked away.

  After I dropped a very happy, but sleepy, Chelsea home I returned to Trace's and was greeted to the smell of grilling steak. As soon as I closed the door and turned, there he was coming from the kitchen. He didn't stop until he pulled me into his arms and pressed a kiss to my head

  "How was your day?"

  "Wonderful. I really like your sister."

  "She called to tell me that she really likes you." He pulled back to wrap my face in his hands.

  "Thank you for giving her today."

  "It was as much fun for me as it was for her, Trace, I'd actually like to do it more often."

  He pulled me to him again as he buried his face in my hair.

  "I don't deserve you."

  It was my turn to wrap his face in my hands as I said rather fiercely, "Nonsense!"

  And then I covered his mouth with my own to silence any further arguments.

  The day of Trace's birthday, I sent him off to the store while Rafe and Chelsea arrived for his birthday dinner. Balloons and streamers were everywhere courtesy of Chelsea. A table was setup in the living room and the cake that I had baked at Rafe's sat in the center of it. The lasagna was baking, Rafe and Chelsea were making the salad as I prepped the garlic bread. The phone rang, two rings, that was the signal from the doorman that Trace was on his way up.

  "Hurry guys." I said as I turned off the lights and we waited in the living room. A few minutes later we heard the heavy sound of Trace's footsteps seconds before the key turned in the lock. When the door opened we waited a beat before screaming.


  It took him a minute because he really looked surprised and then a grin curved his mouth. He pulled his key from the lock and shut the door behind him as he placed the bag of groceries on the entrance hall table. Chelsea ran to him and hugged him.

  "Happy Birthday."

  Trace's expression as he looked at his sister was just beautiful. He wrapped her in his arms before he said, "Thank you, Chelsea."

  He lifted his head and the tenderness in his eyes as he looked at me had my heart flipping over in my chest. He held my gaze a moment before he was pulled away by Chelsea who wanted to show him the decorations and the cake. Rafe came up next to me and bumped his shoulder into mine.

  "I'd say that was a success."


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