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The Ties That Bind (Brie's Submission Book 22)

Page 6

by Red Phoenix

  Brie bit her lip.

  As Sir continued to play with her G-spot, he repositioned himself so he could kiss her on the lips. Brie returned his kiss with all the pent-up desire he’d created earlier after telling her about tonight’s adventure.

  The boosted blood flow to her clit caused by the toy made her pussy tingle without it even being touched. When Sir’s hand brushed against her clit as he penetrated her with his fingers, she experienced a burst of intense sensation.

  She moaned into Sir’s mouth, completely overwhelmed by the feel of it. “More…” she begged.

  “I can only leave this on for ten minutes.”

  She pouted.

  He tsked gently. “We don’t want to do any damage to this beautiful clit no matter how good it feels, now do we?”

  Brie shook her head.

  He stared at her intently as he continued to play with her, building up the tension of her impending climax. When it finally became too much, she cried out even though she was enjoying his exquisite torture.

  Thrashing her head back and forth, she moaned loudly as her pussy throbbed with every beat of her heart. She’d thought the Magic Wand was challenging, but this stimulation was equally so—but in a completely different way.

  Sir bit her lower lip before pulling away from their kiss. He stared at her hungrily as he licked his fingers. “I’m still addicted to the taste of Brie.”

  The man was pure primal masculinity!

  “Time’s up,” he announced as he moved between her legs to remove the clamp. He looked over her bulging stomach and smiled. “Now, for the real fun.”

  Brie breathed sharply in and out. She had no idea what he meant but trusted him completely as he took off the clamp. A squeak escaped her lips when the blood flooded back in.

  The tingling sensation the clamp had caused increased tenfold and felt incredible!

  That’s when Sir settled between her legs and she felt his first long lick…

  Oh, my God!

  The softness of his tongue mixed with the heightened sensitivity from the clamp was out of this world. She never thought such a thing was possible.

  When Sir chuckled, she could feel the low vibrations of his lips against her pussy, driving her even wilder.

  “Yes, téa. You now have my permission to come.”

  Brie cried out as she gave in to the incredible sensations. The orgasm that rocketed through her body not only stole her breath away, but all intelligent thought. Caught up in a wave of ecstasy, she felt tears of erotic bliss roll down her cheeks. She rode the crest of each wave that followed, giving in to the magic he had created.

  When it finally ended, she let out a shuddering breath. Her thighs were still quivering from the power of it.

  Sir looked up from between her legs.

  “Color, téa?”

  Brie made a sound, but she had no idea what came out.

  He smiled knowingly and returned to her pussy. Brie stared up at the ceiling, completely enraptured by her reflection.

  There she was, naked on the table, with her long curls framing her face, her breasts full and inviting, her belly round and beautiful, and the sexiest man alive between her legs as he went down on her with gusto.

  Brie felt like she had died and gone to erotic heaven…

  Welcomed Distraction

  Several days later, Rytsar called with an update for them. “Before you ask, radost moya, I am fine.”

  Brie laughed and then opened her mouth to ask her next question, but he was quick to answer that too. “Yes, the Wallace boy is doing as well as can be expected. It seems the cold weather agrees with the wolf in him.”

  “What about Lilly?”

  Rytsar’s low groan made the hairs rise on the back of her neck.

  “Is there a problem?” Sir asked with concern.

  “With her, always, moy droog.”

  “Do you need me to come?”

  “Nyet. You would only complicate things.”

  “How so?”

  Rytsar cleared his throat. “Do you remember the issue the Reverend Mother was having with her?”

  Sir gave Brie a troubled glance before answering, “Yes.”

  “Apparently, she’s become so obsessed that they’ve had to lock her in her room. The creature must be supervised by two people at all times whenever she is released.”

  Brie gasped. “What happened?”

  “I am ashamed to say, radost moya.”

  Sir squeezed Brie’s hand in reassurance, telling Rytsar, “It is important we know.”

  Rytsar hesitated for a moment before granting his request. “She has continually cornered the Reverend Mother when she finds her alone and begs her to…” His voice trailed away.

  “Go on,” Sir insisted.

  “To penetrate her with a stick.”

  “Dear God.” Sir closed his eyes, shaking his head.

  “It’s gotten to the point where the Reverend Mother fears for the creature’s safety.”

  Brie was confused. “Why was she afraid for Lilly?”

  Rytsar let out a disgusted sigh. “When the Reverend Mother refused to do the act, Lilly attempted to do it herself while the venerable woman was watching.”

  “Oh, hell,” Sir said with revulsion. “The poor Reverend Mother.”

  Brie felt physically ill. She could only imagine how horrifying it must be for the godly woman to be confronted with that. But it also upset Brie to know Lilly was that unhinged.

  “It is unfortunate that I cannot take the creature off her hands immediately. However, the Reverend Mother and I agree securing the best facility is crucial and she is willing to wait it out.”

  “I should have anticipated it would only get worse,” Sir muttered.

  “One good thing has come of it.”

  “What’s that?” Brie asked, needing to hear something hopeful.

  “The effect it has had on the Wolf Pup. After hearing the Mother Reverend’s story and seeing Lilly for himself, he is as driven as I am to extinguish the threat.”

  “We’re just talking about finding a suitable facility, right?” Brie pressed.

  “Naturally, radost moya. I will do nothing against the creature until you give the word.”

  Brie shivered, noting he’d said until rather than if. She sincerely hoped that day would never come.

  “So, would you say Wallace is improving?” Sir asked him.

  “I wouldn’t go that far,” Rytsar answered bluntly. “However, this situation has given him something to focus on, which is crucial right now. The boy needs time to process through the loss. In his current state, time is not his friend—but it will be.”

  “So, Faelan’s not any better?” Brie whimpered.

  “Not yet, radost moya. It will take time. However, there is a fire in his eye when he talks about the creature. It is not only you and Hope he is concerned about protecting, but his own child. His wish to help will serve well enough for now.”

  Brie was relieved to hear there was still fight left in Faelan, but the world was a truly twisted place when Lilly could inspire something positive.

  “Now that you’ve had time to assess the situation, how long do you think it will take to build the facility?” Sir asked.

  “Honestly, moy droog, I don’t foresee any of this going quickly.”

  Brie could hear the defeat in Sir’s voice. “I’m afraid I agree. But I am sorry, old friend.”

  Rytsar laughed. “For what? I have the power to build an environment that is guaranteed to eliminate the threat. That is priceless to me. As far as Wallace, I welcome the challenge he presents.”

  Sir’s voice was tinged with regret. “I have had to lean on you too many times in the last few years.”

  Rytsar’s tone became deadly serious. “Moy droog, you and I both have jobs to do. You must take care of radost moya until the birth of the child, and I must deal with this creature.”

  “My problems should not be placed on your shoulders.”

  “We are
brothers,” the Russian replied passionately. “That is the way of family.”

  “I…” Sir suddenly choked up and had to clear his throat. “I don’t know how to repay you for everything you have done, Anton.”

  “You forget what you sacrificed for me when we were younger—but a Durov never forgets.”

  “Like an elephant,” Brie interjected, wanting to bring levity to the difficult conversation.

  “Da, but more like a prehistoric mammoth with massive tusks that will rip apart all of its enemies.”

  Sir smiled slightly, nodding to Brie.

  “Is there any chance we could speak to Faelan?” she asked, needing to hear his voice.

  “I would put him on the phone, but he is still licking his wounds and is not up for the task.”

  Brie frowned. “Can you let him know we are thinking of him, and Grace is being well cared for?”

  “I will,” he assured her.

  “Durov, give me something I can do to help, damn it,” Sir demanded.

  Rytsar thought for a moment. “There is something, moy droog…”

  “Name it.”

  “I have a craving for a particular donut. Radost moya knows the one.”

  Brie smiled, remembering when Rytsar had shared his secret obsession with her. “I’ve never forgotten those donuts.”

  “Better send one for the Pup, as well. It would be unfair not to share, but I don’t like sharing—with anyone,” Rytsar added with an ominous growl.

  She giggled, recalling how upset he’d gotten with her when she’d snuck a bite of his Blueberry Bourbon donut.

  “I will see to it, but I would like to do more,” Sir replied.

  “Fine. There is something else you can do. Enjoy this time with your wife and unborn child. You were denied that chance with Hope, so make the most of it now, moy droog.”


  “Knowing you are both happy sustains me,” Rytsar stated. “I promise to call if anything changes.”

  “Call even if nothing changes,” Brie begged.

  Rytsar chuckled. “Fine, just to keep you from worrying because it is not good for the growing babe.”

  Brie rubbed her stomach. She realized Rytsar might not be back in time for the birth, and the thought made her extremely sad. “I hope things go better than you expect, and you come back soon.”

  “What will be, will be, radost moya,” he answered somberly. “I cannot leave until the creature is locked away and Wallace is strong enough for the challenges he must face.”

  “We are grateful to you,” Sir replied, his voice gruff with emotion.

  Brie could almost hear the smirk in Rytsar’s voice when he answered, “Do not concern yourself, moy droog. I am a man with multiple talents.”

  Before he hung up, Rytsar told Brie, “Do me a favor, radost moya.”

  “Of course.”

  “I am sending you a recording. Play it for moye solntse and the new babe.”

  Tears filled Brie’s eyes, touched by his request. “It would be my honor, Rytsar.”

  With each passing day, Brie found herself growing increasingly anxious, and it frightened her. “Sir, I think something is seriously wrong, but I don’t know what.”

  Taking her fear seriously, Sir had her sit down so they could talk about it. “What’s foremost on your mind right now?”

  She rubbed her stomach. “I keep trying to convince myself the delivery will be fine, but after Hope’s difficult birth and knowing what happened to Kylie…” She looked him in the eyes, her heart racing. “I’m scared, Sir.”

  “That’s a completely reasonable reaction. I’m sure, like me, you have done plenty of research and found that what happened with Kylie is rare and there is no reason to suspect it will happen to you.”

  It brought Brie comfort to know Sir had been concerned enough to research the issue himself.

  “What else is bothering you?”

  “I can’t help worrying about Faelan and the effect his absence might be having on his baby.”

  Sir nodded, a thoughtful look on his face. “We have to trust Durov can guide Wallace through the loss of Kylie. As far as the child is concerned, I have been checking in with Celestia. As you know, they have been overwhelmed by the generosity of the community. The last time we spoke, Celestia told me Grace is crying less often and smiling more. I think you can set those concerns aside for now.”

  Brie smiled, grateful to hear the baby was doing better.

  “Is there anything else?” Sir asked, looking at her intently.

  Although she was deeply concerned about Mary’s toxic relationship with Holloway, she kept her promise not to share what was happening with Sir. Instead, she brought up her lingering disappointment about the film director, Finn, turning his back on her.

  “I understand his actions left you feeling disillusioned, babygirl. But it’s better to know now who your friends are. As unsavory as this experience with Holloway has been, he inadvertently helped you by revealing who you can trust in the film industry.”

  “Sir, that’s just it. I can’t trust anyone.”

  He corrected her. “Mary has had your back the entire time. Put your trust in the people who would never betray you. One true comrade is worth a thousand wannabes.”

  Brie nodded, his words cementing her decision not to break her vow with Mary. She sincerely hoped Sir would understand when the truth eventually came out.

  “Is there anything else, babygirl?”

  Brie let out a nervous sigh. “Lilly.”

  He frowned, his eyes flashing with a mix of anger and concern.

  “Even though Rytsar is securing a new facility, I still worry about her, Sir. I don’t know if I will ever stop being terrified of Lilly.”

  Sir sighed heavily. “Until that creature draws her last breath, she will remain a threat to us. However, you and I made a choice we can both live with. You understand the alternative, so you must hold onto the reasons behind that decision whenever fear threatens to overwhelm you.”

  “I’ll try, Sir.”

  He raised an eyebrow.

  “I mean, I will, Sir,” Brie amended, deeply grateful for his understanding and insight.

  Sir looked at her thoughtfully. “Baron keeps inquiring about you. Would you be up for a visit tomorrow?”

  Brie smiled when she heard Baron’s name. “I would love that, Sir. It’s been a long time since we’ve seen him.”

  He nodded. “I agree. Are you still interested in doing a lesson together before the birth? It might prove a welcome distraction.”

  She looked at her large belly and laughed. “Do you really think he would want my help in this state?”

  “It wouldn’t be an issue unless you’re uncomfortable with it.”

  She gazed into Sir’s eyes and realized that he needed the distraction as well. Being able to give him the gift of teaching again, even if it was only for one session, would make her profoundly happy.

  “I would love to, Sir.”

  He leaned down and kissed her tenderly. “Then I will let Baron know.”

  Baron insisted they bring Hope with them because he hadn’t seen her for months. As soon as he opened the door and saw their little girl, he shook his head in disbelief. “There’s nothing like children to show how quickly time passes.”

  Baron then glanced at Brie’s stomach and grinned.

  With a nod from Sir, Baron gave Brie a long, warm hug. “It has been far too long, kitten,” he said in his low, velvety voice.

  “It sure has,” she agreed, squeezing him tight.

  Brie felt a deep sense of gratitude to Baron. He was the Dom who first introduced her to the fun of a jeweled butt plug. He’d been so tender and gentle during her first session that she had never forgotten it. Baron had also helped her overcome the abuse from her past with Darius.

  Baron was her hero in the true sense of the word because he’d saved her when she had been drugged by a predator posing as a Dom while visiting the Kinky Goat years ago
with Lea and Mary. His need to protect defenseless subs was something she sincerely admired and would be forever grateful for.

  “How have you been?” she asked, smiling up at him.

  His hazel eyes sparkled as a grin spread across his face. “Working hard and enjoying every minute of it.”

  “So, your classes are going well?”

  “We’re thriving—which is both good and bad.”

  Brie furrowed her brow in surprise. “How so?”

  “Word spread fast about what we are doing here. It crushes me whenever I have to tell a desperate sub there is a long waiting list.”

  “Have you thought of expanding?” Sir asked him.

  Baron shook his head. “Captain, Candy, and I have spoken extensively about it. We feel good about the program we have now, but we are at full capacity as it is. We cannot expand without compromising the curriculum, since each sub we work with needs extensive care and individual attention.

  “What the three of you are doing is truly beautiful,” Brie told him, bursting with gratitude as she hugged Hope against her.

  Baron’s smile widened. “It is the most fulfilling thing I have ever done. I know Adrianna would be proud of our efforts.”

  Sir clasped his shoulder. “Of that, I have no doubt.”

  Brie looked at Baron tenderly, knowing how much he still cared for the submissive he’d lost years ago.

  “So, tell me. What’s kept you two so busy, besides the obvious,” Baron asked with a knowing wink.

  Only a select few in their circle knew the hell they’d suffered because of Lilly, or Brie’s failed offer with her documentary. So, Brie told him, “I’ve been busy researching my next documentary about Alonzo Davis.”

  “Is that going well?”

  “It’s been exciting,” she gushed. “I love learning about the man behind the talent.”

  “And you, Sir Davis?” Baron asked, turning to him.

  “Work never seems to end,” Sir replied, unable to divulge more.

  “I’m curious—do you miss your training days at the Center?”

  Sir let out a low chuckle. “Actually, it’s one of the reasons we came tonight.”

  Baron’s eyes lit up. “I was hoping you’d say that.”


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