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The Ties That Bind (Brie's Submission Book 22)

Page 7

by Red Phoenix

  “While we don’t have much time before the birth, we would like to be involved with your program.”

  Baron looked at both of them excitedly. “You can’t know what this will mean to our subs. To see a healthy D/s couple building a family together would be inspiring and comforting to them.”

  He looked at Brie, his voice tinged with sorrow. “So many of our student have been deeply scarred and no longer believe such a future exists for them.”

  Her heart hurt for all the submissives who had been abused by predators posing as Doms. She couldn’t begin to imagine the trauma they’d experienced and truly hoped she could bring comfort to them in some meaningful way.

  “Would you like to come with me to see The Power Exchange?”

  “Is that what you call your dungeon?” Brie asked, charmed by the name.

  “Yes, we find our students react negatively to the word ‘dungeon’ due to past experiences.”

  “How many have graduated from the course?” Sir asked him as they walked down the stairs to Baron’s secret room.

  “Twenty-two, so far,” he stated proudly. “We never force anyone to leave until they are ready. Eleven have moved on to healthy D/s relationships, while the majority are active in the community again. Two of our subs have chosen to pursue vanilla relationships. We consider each a win.”

  “Considering the maltreatment they’ve had to overcome, it’s truly remarkable,” Sir said with admiration.

  “Like the Training Center, once a student, always a student. Any of our graduates can contact us if issues arise. It’s another reason we chose not to expand.”

  Knowing how important Lea and Mary were to her during and after her training, Brie understood the importance of what they were doing. “It’s like you are creating a big family for the submissives who attend here.”

  “Yes, we want them to feel that way. They understand each other and can support one another better than anyone else. Our main goal is to establish the acceptable standards they should expect from their Dominants, and help guide them to a point where they can trust again.”

  “Not an easy task,” Sir stated.

  “No, it requires patience and time, but the reward is seeing their confidence blossom.” Baron smiled again. “It’s a unique high I never tire of.”

  They walked down an enchanting circular staircase. When Brie entered the room, she gasped in delight. Baron had described the room to her once, but words could not do justice to the far wall covered in a mosaic of erotic scenes of Rome. It was breathtaking and brought an element of elegance to the chamber that no other dungeon had.

  Brie glanced around at the antique St. Andrew’s Cross, the whipping poles with gold chains, sumptuously padded spanking benches, intricately carved wooden stockades, and the decorative cages. Every piece of equipment matched the opulence of the mosaic.

  “Wow, this place looks so inviting!’

  Baron nodded. “That was Candy’s doing. She wants it to feel welcoming to each submissive who walks into The Power Exchange.”

  Sir scanned the large area. “I see there are no private areas for play.”

  “It was strategic on our part. Knowing our students suffer from trust issues, we want the place where they scene to be completely open. That way, there’s no need for them to fear what might be happening behind closed doors.”

  “A prudent decision,” Sir stated.

  Brie nodded her agreement. “That would be extremely important to the submissives.”

  Sir asked, “What kind of demonstration do you feel would benefit your students at this point?”

  “The thing you are famous for, Sir Davis. The importance of touch in the D/s dynamic.”

  Brie grinned, happy her pregnancy would in no way impact such a lesson.

  Glancing at Brie, Baron added, “One of our current submissives is three months along, so it will be an empowering lesson for her to observe how D/s can work in all stages of pregnancy.”

  “That is an excellent suggestion, Baron,” Sir stated. “Is there a separate area for discussions?”

  “No, we do everything right here, Sir Davis. However, we start each class upstairs in the kitchen.”

  “Really?” Brie suddenly remembering her humiliating attempts at omelets when she was going through her own submissive training at the Center.

  “We firmly believe that beginning each session with an informal gathering to share snacks and talk about their day helps break down the walls they have built up.”

  Baron turned to Sir. “We want our students to relate to us outside the formal dynamic of teacher/student, so they form a higher level of trust.”

  “You have truly created a unique program here,” Sir complimented.

  “Candy’s experience with abuse has helped us hone in on what is important to our students.”

  “I hate that Candy ever experienced it,” Brie replied, thinking back on the day she’d handed Candy the business card to the Training Center. Brie had never forgotten the haunted look in Candy’s eyes while her repulsive wannabe Dom loomed over her. “It’s inspiring that she has been able to create something beautiful out of such a terrible experience.”

  “I couldn’t agree more,” Baron said. “I’m proud to work by her side.”

  Brie was deeply touched by the difference her friends were making. It was both humbling and exciting to be asked to be part of their endeavor.

  She glanced at Sir, and her heart skipped a beat. She hadn’t seen that look in his eyes since he was Headmaster of the Training Center.

  “How long should the session be?” Sir asked him.

  “We normally do short sessions, with an extensive discussion afterward. However, you are free to take as long as you want.”

  “I think an hour would suffice.”

  “Perfect, Sir Davis. I’m certain our students will have plenty to ask you.” He glanced at Brie. “Both of you.”

  Sir put his arm around her. “We welcome all questions they might have.”

  Brie suddenly felt butterflies in her stomach. Although it was only one session, seeing the excitement in Sir’s eyes thrilled her beyond words.

  Ever since he collared her and walked away from the Training Center, she had dreamed of this day…

  His Calling

  Brie’s mom drove over to pick up Hope so they would have time to prepare for the lesson.

  Brie had shared her excitement about this rare opportunity with her mom, who understood how important it was to her. But, knowing her husband’s opinion about their lifestyle, her mother had chosen not to share any details with her dad.

  Brie secretly wished her father could accept her lifestyle, but she pacified herself with the fact that he respected Thane enough not to argue about it anymore.

  However, if Brie was truly honest with herself, it hurt that she couldn’t share exciting things like this with her dad. The “don’t ask, don’t tell” stance he enforced made her feel as if she should be ashamed of it.

  Oh, if her dad could fully accept her for who she was, it would mean everything to her. But at least her mother accepted her unique relationship with Sir and wanted to support Brie in any way she could.

  Brie grabbed the diaper bag and handed it to her. “Thanks again, Mom. You have no idea what a relief it is to know Hope has a loving place to go to whenever we need it.”

  Her mother’s light laughter filled the air. “You have no idea how much we look forward to her visits.”

  Turning to Sir, her mother took Hope from his arms. “You’ll understand the thrill when you have grandchildren of your own.”

  Sir chuckled. “That’s a long way off.”

  “I know,” she giggled. “I just want you to know that things get even sweeter with time.”

  He looked at her thoughtfully. “I never believed that was possible before Brie. The reminder is appreciated.”

  Her mom beamed up at him. “You make such a great father, Thane. I look forward to seeing what kind of grandfather you’ll

  Brie stared at Sir, imagining him with salt and pepper hair.

  Oh, God, he’s going to look even more handsome…

  She blushed when her mom caught her staring at Sir. Hopefully, she had no idea that the thought of an older version of Sir was making Brie’s panties wet.

  “Don’t you worry about a thing, you two. Go and enjoy teaching your classes together.”

  “It’s only a single session,” Sir amended, “but we will. Thank you.”

  “Who knows? I’m sure you’ll do an excellent job and they’ll insist you come back.”

  Sir glanced at Brie when he told her, “While that would be an honor, Brie’s health is my main concern right now.”

  Marcy grinned at her daughter. “Hard to believe I’ll be meeting my next grandchild soon and I don’t even know if it’s a boy or a girl.”

  “I like that it’s a mystery,” Brie confessed to her.

  “Truth is—I don’t care either way, sweetheart. I’m just glad I get to be here for the birth!”

  Knowing her mom would be there brought Brie enormous peace of mind and she hugged her tight. “You being here means so much to me, Mom.”

  When Brie broke the hug, her mother cradled her face in her hands. “I’m the luckiest mother alive. I have a talented daughter who found the perfect man to make her happy.”

  Brie smiled at Sir. “I’m the lucky one.”

  “And just look at the beautiful cherub you two created together,” her mother cooed, bouncing Hope in her arms.

  “She is a little angel,” Sir agreed, gazing at his daughter.

  “So, I’m off! I’ll see you two tomorrow before noon.”

  “Would you rather we swing by to get her?” Sir offered.

  “No, I want you two to bask in your success after your class.”

  Brie’s mom knew exactly how they would be celebrating that success. The fact she was arranging a time for them to be alone was an extremely thoughtful gift.

  Soon after she left, Sir grabbed the keys to his Lotus and held out his hand to her. “Come with me, Brie.”

  Her heart fluttered, remembering when he had said those exact words to her the night of the collaring.

  Sir was skillful behind the wheel, driving his sports car like he dominated a sub—pushing the limits of the vehicle with precision. Brie flushed with excitement as he cut sharp corners, then hit the gas when they got on the freeway.

  The rush she felt was close to orgasmic! Her heart was still racing when they reached Baron’s home. “That was fun!”

  Sir winked at her before getting out of the car. He walked around and opened the passenger door to help her out of the low-lying vehicle. It was not a graceful task at her stage of pregnancy, which made her giggle as she got out of the car.

  As he escorted Brie to the door, Sir asked, “How are you feeling about tonight?”

  She let out an excited squeak. “I can’t wait, Sir! It’s like taking our scene to a whole new level, knowing it might help some of the subs here.”

  He nodded, his eyes flashing with excitement. “I agree. It does add a unique element to the exchange.”

  Brie’s heart fluttered when she saw the glint in his eyes.

  Candy answered the door with a wide smile. Bowing her head respectfully, she addressed Sir first. “Please come in, Sir Davis.”

  Then she grabbed Brie’s hand enthusiastically, pulling her inside. “I can’t tell you how thrilled I am about tonight! Our subs are so anxious to meet you.”

  Captain joined them, wearing a stylish eyepatch and looking younger than Brie had ever seen him. “This has been a long time coming, Sir Davis.” He held out his hand.

  Sir shook it, adding somberly, “Yes. We spoke about it the day the plane crashed.”

  A chill traveled down Brie’s spine when Sir mentioned the accident. It made tonight’s session an even bigger accomplishment, considering how hard he’d had to fight to come back after that tragic day.

  “Are you ready to teach again?”

  Sir smirked at Captain. “I have been—even before that fateful day.”

  Captain’s blue eye flickered with understanding. “I’m glad to hear it. Please follow me.”

  Brie held her breath as she walked beside Candy, listening to the excited chatter of the subs in the next room as they made their way down the hallway. The group sounded so relaxed, like a group of women and men chatting at an informal gathering.

  As soon as Captain walked into the room, however, everyone became silent. “Students, I would like to introduce you to Sir Davis, former Headmaster of the Submissive Training Center and his submissive, Brianna Davis, one of the top graduates of the program.”

  The subs all bowed their heads, the casual feeling in the room suddenly becoming more reserved and strained.

  Sir chuckled lightly. “No need for formalities. We’re here as a D/s couple tonight, nothing more.”

  A few of the subs looked up and then smiled when they saw him grab a paper plate and start filling it with the snacks laid out on the counter. He commanded Brie to sit and placed the plate beside her.

  She smiled up at him, picking up a cracker from the plate. “Thank you, Sir.”

  One of the male subs joined them and asked hesitantly, “Can I ask you a question, Sir Davis?”

  “You may, but I reserve the right not to answer,” he replied with a slight smile.

  “I don’t mean any disrespect, but do other Doms make fun of you for serving your sub like that?”

  “It’s only natural that I, as her Dominant, would want to take care of my sub and the child she carries.”

  The sub nodded thoughtfully.

  “Any Dom worth his salt is concerned about his sub’s well-being as much as he is his own—if not more so,” he answered in a casual tone as he filled his own plate. “A Dom who would question my motives is highlighting their lack of understanding of what it means to be a Dominant.”

  Baron walked up and asked Sir, “How was the traffic?”

  “Not bad.” Glancing at Brie he added with a smirk. “In fact, the drive was quite exhilarating.”

  Brie nodded enthusiastically.

  As they continued to talk, the casual chatter from before returned. Brie stared at Sir, admiring how easily he had diffused the stiffness that had overtaken the room.

  He understood the needs of these students and had quickly taken the measures necessary to meet them.

  A young woman sat beside Brie as she took nibbles from her plate. “How far along are you, may I ask?”

  “I’m heading into the home stretch. Five more weeks to go,” Brie told her proudly.

  “Wow!” The girl rubbed her own stomach. “I’m only three months along.”


  She smiled hesitantly. After several moments, she confessed, “My Dom left me after he found out.” Tears suddenly welled up in the girl’s eyes. “He punished me severely for lying when I told him it was his.”

  Brie was overcome with sympathy for the young woman. “I’m so sorry.”

  The girl shrugged. “I guess I get to be a single mom—never wanted to be.”

  “That’s a huge responsibility, but there is also great joy in being a mother.”

  The girl offered her a cautious smile.

  Brie put her food down and held out her hand. “I’m Brie. What’s your name?”


  Surprised to hear the name, Brie forced herself not to flinch because she didn’t want to upset the innocent girl.

  “A lovely name,” Sir stated, placing a reassuring hand on Brie’s shoulder.

  “Thank you, Sir Davis,” Lily replied shyly, a blush rising to her cheeks.

  Sir had that effect on submissives. His natural dominance called to them, and they subconsciously reacted to it.

  “Lily was just telling me she’s three months pregnant, Sir.”

  His eyes softened. “I hope you are feeling well.”

  “I am…now.”<
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  “Let us know if there is anything we can do to help in the months ahead.” He glanced at Brie and smiled at her warmly.

  Sir’s obvious concern for Lily’s welfare seemed to boost the girl’s confidence, and she blushed an even deeper shade of pink. “Thank you, Sir Davis.”

  Brie gazed at Sir with gratitude. He had never lost his ability to read people and respond in a way that empowered them. That talent was an incredible asset in an environment like tonight.

  Baron rejoined them and asked Sir, “Will you need time to set up?”

  He shook his head. “No, tonight’s session is all about this…” He held up his hands. “No prep necessary.”

  Brie felt the butterflies start again.

  Baron slapped him on the back. “Fine, then we will start the session in five minutes.”

  Turning to the group of five women and two men, Baron said, “This is your five-minute warning.”

  The chatter increased as the subs finished their plates and quickly cleaned up. Brie glanced at Candy, who was grinning amid the chaos, looking every bit like a proud mom as she helped them.

  Captain joined Sir. “Let me take you downstairs.”

  Lily took Brie’s plate and smiled shyly at Sir as she walked away.

  Placing his hand on the small of Brie’s back, Sir followed Captain downstairs.

  The large room had been transformed for the session. There was now a row of folding chairs placed in a semicircle in the center of the room.

  “What furniture will you need tonight?” Captain asked.

  “A sturdy chair will suffice.”

  Although Captain was an older gentleman, he easily picked up a large wooden chair in the corner.

  “Let me help you with that,” Sir offered.

  “No need,” Captain assured him. Brie watched with admiration as the muscled sixty-year-old placed it in front of the row of folding chairs. “Will this do?”

  “Perfect,” Sir stated.

  Minutes later, Brie heard the group heading downstairs to meet them. For some unknown reason, she suddenly felt nervous.

  However, these weren’t the kind of nerves that she had when she was worried something might go wrong.

  No! It was more like euphoria—a feeling of everything finally coming together after years of dreaming of this.


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