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The Ties That Bind (Brie's Submission Book 22)

Page 8

by Red Phoenix

  “Are you ready, téa?”

  She grinned at Sir. “I have never been more ready, Master.”

  He chuckled softly, wrapping an arm around her as the students filed in and sat down. Captain, Candy, and Baron sat in the chairs that had been placed to the side. It was less formal than the long table the trainers used at the Center, but it still allowed the three to observe their students during the session.

  Brie was impressed by how much care had been put into their unique curriculum. She knew they wanted to ensure their students felt safe and comfortable at every point of their class.

  Once everyone was settled, Baron stood up. “As you know, Sir Davis and Brianna have come tonight to introduce you to the power of touch during a scene. Without further ado, I’ll hand over the reins to Sir Davis.” He nodded to Sir before sitting down.

  Everyone was silent as the feeling of expectation rose in the room.

  Sir turned to address the students. “I suspect for many of you, the touch of the person you gave your power over to has not always been a positive experience. It should be in all circumstances—even in punishment.”

  Someone in the group let out an audible gasp, obviously surprised by Sir’s statement.

  Another submissive immediately raised his hand.

  Sir called on him. “Yes?”

  “How is that possible? Punishment is meant to hurt.”

  “True. It is used for correction. However, the difference is the spirit in which it is given. That is something my submissive and I will be demonstrating tonight.”

  The submissive nodded his head slowly, obviously still confused by Sir’s assertion.

  “Before I begin, I would like to introduce you to my submissive.” He held out his hand for Brie to join him. “Brianna has been my sub for over three and a half years. In that time, we married and as you can see, we are expecting our second child.”

  Another hand shot up.

  Captain immediately addressed the group. “It would be best to leave your questions until the end of the session.”

  Sir gave the sub an easy smile. “Normally, I do not invite questions until the end of the scene. However, tonight, if any of you have burning questions that cannot wait, I will answer it.”

  He turned his attention to the sub who’d raised her hand. “What is your question?”

  “Why did you get married? Isn’t a collar enough?”

  Sir glanced at Brie. “It was a personal decision based on Brie’s desire to be wed and my desire for the world to acknowledge our union legally. Was it necessary? No. However, it was the right decision for us. BDSM is a personal journey that is defined by the individual partners involved.”

  “Thank you for that answer, Sir Davis,” the woman replied, bowing her head.

  Addressing the group, Sir stated, “Normally, a spanking bench would be used for this demonstration, but the physical constraints of pregnancy required a modification.”

  Turning to Brie, Sir commanded, “Strip down to your underwear, téa.”

  Her heart sped up as she slowly removed her clothes in front of her Master. Her focus was now entirely on him—no one else in the room mattered.

  Sir had requested Brie dress in the sexy but comfortable uniform he had given her for their sessions at the Submissive Training Center. She was grateful for it as she gracefully kicked off her low strapless heels. Using the chair for balance, she slipped off her skirt next. The entire time, she kept glancing at Sir seductively, inviting his gaze.

  Brie felt no shame in exposing her pregnant body to everyone in the room and she knew it had everything to do with Sir’s expression as he watched her undress. The pride in his eyes as she removed each piece of clothing and exposed her naked skin to him made her blush with pleasure.

  When she was done, Sir commanded, “Kneel on the seat, facing the back of the chair, and use it for support.”

  Brie mounted the heavy chair, her knees resting on the seat as she held onto the back of the chair, leaning her torso against it. The coolness of the basement and her own excitement caused her nipples to harden.

  Sir grazed his hand lightly over her skin. The instant he made contact, she felt a bolt of electricity course through her and moaned softly.

  “It is possible to have an entire scene that only utilizes the power of touch. First, I stimulate the skin with light touches to fan her level of desire.”

  Brie closed her eyes, a smile on her lips as his hand passed over her ass and traveled down her thigh.

  “To increase her sensitivity to my touch, I enjoy blindfolding her. Blindfolds are something my submissive responds to well, but it may be a trigger for some of you and is unnecessary for the scene.”

  Brie’s heart rate increased when she felt the material of the blindfold covering her eyes as he secured it. “Oh, yes, Master…” she murmured.

  “No area is off limits, and now she has no idea where I will touch her next.”

  Brie broke out in giggles when he tickled her feet.

  “I enjoy keeping her guessing. She never knows where or what kind of touch she is going to receive. It’s like a chess game for me. Every move strategic and purposeful, designed to bring my sub maximum stimulation both physically and mentally.”

  Sir began stroking her buttocks with his hand. She could hear the smile in his voice when he said, “I particularly enjoy spanking this fine ass of hers.”

  He caressed her ass again, soothingly, teasingly…

  Brie held her breath when he raised his hand, readying herself for the first spank. It came down forcefully but without pain. His swats were slow, solid, and controlled, meant solely to arouse. The warmth of his attention spread across her skin at the point of contact, the impact causing ripples of electricity which went straight to her pussy.

  She let out a delighted yelp.

  The sensual way Sir spanked her was an orgasmic experience. He knew how to use exactly the right pressure and intensity to make her wet.

  Prior to the lesson, he had informed her that she was not allowed to come. By the time she was quivering with the need for release, Sir took off the blindfold and switched things up.

  “As I said before, even during punishment, a sub should cherish their Master’s touch.”

  The sub who had questioned him on it before shook his head in disbelief.

  “I will give you an example, but I will preface it by saying this. Punishments should never be given in the heat of anger. A Dom must wait until they can deliver the punishment with clarity and purpose.”

  He looked at the group as a whole. “As a submissive, you may not realize that punishments are an essential part of a Dom’s duty and are just as important as rewards.”

  Sir placed his hand on Brie’s shoulder. “Punishment is meant to support your sub in their growth and to strengthen the trust and bond between you.”

  “I don’t understand,” the sub stated, sounding desperate. Brie could hear the pain in his voice and knew this was a difficult topic for him to hear. She could only imagine what scars he must carry from his past.

  Sir did not reprimand him for blurting out. “What is your name?”

  The sub lowered his eyes, muttering, “My Dom called me ‘piggy’ but my given name is Ralph.”

  Sir nodded. “Ralph, it is important that you understand, so let me explain further.”

  He turned back to Brie. “Do you remember that time you had to kneel on rice as punishment?”

  Brie had never forgotten the excruciating pain of the rice. “I do, Master.”

  “Did you understand why you were being punished at the time?”

  “I did.”

  “After your punishment was over, how did you feel?”

  “I was grateful, Master.”


  She smiled at him. “I knew I was fully forgiven. Your punishment was a gift, really. I could move forward without any shame because of my mistake. It was now part of my past.”

  Sir addressed the group again. “A
fter a punishment, a sub should feel empowered, with a full understanding of what they did wrong so they can take action without further guilt.”

  When Ralph grimaced, Sir asked, “What are you thinking?”

  “My Dom found fault in everything I did, Sir Davis. I lived in fear of the next punishment.”

  Sir looked at him with compassion. “Although there are plenty of partners who enjoy the Disciplinarian/brat dynamic, it has to be something both partners find pleasurable. I would venture to say that, in your case, you were not serving under a true Dominant. Abuse of power is not a part of BDSM.”

  Ralph nodded, looking somewhat vindicated.

  Sir continued, “Let me demonstrate what a punishment would look like for a simple infraction.”

  Focusing his attention back on Brie, he asked, “Téa, do you understand why you are being punished?”

  “Yes, Master.”

  Sir then told the group, “To verify that my sub truly understands, I ask her to explain it to me. A simple yes will not suffice.”

  “Why are you being punished, téa?”

  Brie thought back to the last time she was punished while driving to the Submissive Training Center and used that as her example.

  “I failed to keep my eyes forward, Master.”


  Sir gave her two hard slaps on her ass. The sound of it reverberated in the room. It had a completely different feel to it, which amazed Brie. There was no doubt those swats were meant as punishment as compared to the sensual ones she’d experienced a few minutes before.

  “You are forgiven.”

  Funny thing, those words had a powerful effect on Brie even though this was only a simulation. She looked up at Sir lovingly. “Thank you, Master.”

  “As you can see, proper punishment is meant to instruct and should match the level of the infraction.”

  Ralph raised his hand again. When Sir nodded to him, the sub asked, “What if it doesn’t?”

  “You would need to discuss it with your Dom. Communication and trust are key to a healthy relationship.”

  Ralph looked at Sir with gratitude. “Thank you, Sir Davis. I believe I understand now.”

  “Good,” Sir stated.

  When Sir placed his hand on Brie’s back, she felt a chill run through her. “Téa, you have done well tonight.”

  Keeping his hand on her, he bent down and picked up her clothes. He helped her into them while he explained to the students, “I feel strongly that you will gain more from speaking to my submissive.”

  While she dressed, Baron grabbed two chairs so Brie and Sir could sit comfortably while they answered questions.

  “Candy, would you get Brie a glass of water?” Sir asked.

  Candy stood up and bowed to him. “It would be my pleasure, Sir Davis.”

  Sir escorted Brie to the chair and sat down beside her. “Feel free to ask us anything. But, like me, my submissive reserves the right not to answer any question she is uncomfortable with.”

  Brie smiled at the students. She felt like a goddess under Sir’s attentive care. The two of them spent the next hour answering a plethora of questions, none of which made her uncomfortable in the least.

  One of the subs asked Brie if Sir was the exception rather than the rule as a Dominant. It was then that Brie was able to share her experience of being under the care of Master Anderson, Tono, and Rytsar. She explained that the men used completely different methods as Dominants, but each was equally nurturing and respectful to her as a sub.

  “I must say, being a student of the Submissive Training Center, I was surrounded by Dominants who took pride in their roles.” She glanced over at Candy, remembering when they first met on the commuter train. “There weren’t any wannabes there.”

  Candy smiled at her and nodded. “Unfortunately, there are a lot of them out in the world.” She turned her attention to the group, her eyes flashing with knowledge and pain. “Knowing what to expect from a Dom will give you the tools you need to avoid the wannabes in the future. You never have to give your submission to the unworthy ever again.”

  The authority in Candy’s statement hung in the room, giving Brie goosebumps.

  Talking with the other subs on such an intimate level reminded her of her days back at the Submissive Training Center when she was part of the “Three Musketeers” with Lea and Mary.

  It was empowering to visit all those feelings again.

  Gentle Release

  Baron waited until the last student left before slapping Sir on the back. “That was truly an inspired lesson, Sir Davis.”

  Sir reached out to Brie, who melted into his embrace. “It was an honor for us to be a part of the community you’ve created here.” He glanced at Captain and Candy. “We’re grateful to all three of you.”

  “I appreciate how easily you adapted to the needs of our students, meeting them where they are at emotionally,” Baron said with admiration. “You would have been right to reprimand Ralph for his interruption during your demonstration.”

  “I saw no need. He was genuinely concerned and needed assurance, not reproach. It’s obvious how difficult the subject matter was for him. His emotional scars will take time to heal, and I knew keeping to a strict protocol would only have set him back.”

  “Very astute of you, Sir Davis,” Captain stated.

  “Sir is an incredible instructor,” Brie gushed, staring up at him.

  Sir’s lips twitched. “‘Competent’ would be more accurate.”

  It charmed Brie how humble he was.

  “I agree with Brie,” Candy exclaimed. “It couldn’t have gone any better. I hope you both will consider doing another session with our group in the near future.”

  Sir glanced at Brie. “I’m certain that can be arranged.”

  Feeling a deep level of contentment, Brie leaned against Sir just before a big yawn overtook her.

  “Although I would enjoy discussing this further, it’s been an eventful evening and I need to get my submissive home,” Sir told them, looking at Brie tenderly.

  “Let me see you both to the door,” Baron insisted, walking them out. He shook Sir’s hand firmly. “You’ve made an impact on our student tonight. Thank you.”

  On the drive home, Brie was silent as she relived every detail of the night’s lesson.

  “Are you okay, babygirl?” Sir asked with concern.

  She giggled. “I’m just flying on an emotional high, Sir.”

  He smiled, his eyes flashing with satisfaction. “It was exhilarating.”

  “I had no idea how rewarding tonight would be!”

  “I’ve missed that level of interaction with students,” Sir admitted.

  Brie turned to stare at him. “Tonight has left me feeling so empowered, Sir. To be able to help other subs is extremely gratifying. At least we still have five weeks before the baby arrives.”

  “I appreciate your enthusiasm, babygirl,” he replied, placing his hand on her stomach. “But it’s important that we not overtax your body.”

  When she frowned in disappointment, he added, “However, I’m certain we can squeeze in one more session before the baby arrives.”

  She grinned. “That would make me happy, Sir.” Glancing down at her stomach, she shook her head. “It’s kind of strange not knowing if we will be meeting our little girl or little boy next month.”

  “It definitely adds a new element to the experience, but I wouldn’t want it any other way.”

  She glanced at Sir, overcome with happiness. “Being able to experience every part of this pregnancy with you has been pure heaven.”

  He caressed her cheek while keeping one hand firmly on the wheel. “I cannot express what it means to me, babygirl.”

  When they arrived home, Sir helped Brie out of his Lotus before giving her a command.

  “Kneel by the Tantra chair while I select a tool.”

  Brie nodded, eager to rekindle the flames he’d ignited during their lesson. “Would you like me to undress, Mast

  He surprised her when he answered, “No.”

  Intrigued, she headed into their bedroom to the Tantra chair and eased herself down to the floor fully clothed.

  “Keep your eyes lowered,” he directed when he entered the room. He then called out the code for the electronic lock.

  She watched covertly as the door to their secret room swung open and Sir disappeared inside. Brie waited breathlessly while he took his time selecting a tool.

  She kept her head bowed as he had commanded, even though she was dying to know what he had chosen.

  When he returned, he placed a hand on her shoulder. “Do not move.”

  Sir caressed her breasts with the instrument. With her head lowered, she was able to see he held a leather crop in his hand. However, the tongue was ornately decorated on one side with lace and satin ties in the crisscross pattern of a corset. Although she was familiar with this type of instrument, the tool was a new one in his arsenal.

  He teased both of her breasts, causing her nipples to instantly harden. It had been a long time since he’d used an instrument while she was fully dressed. There was something so erotic about the unexpected element and it made her whole body quiver.

  Damn, Sir knew how to constantly surprise her!

  He slid the crop upwards toward her throat, caressing her jawline with it. Her skin tingled wherever the leather tongue made contact, sending a cascade of shivers down her spine.

  Placing the crop’s tongue under her chin, he lifted her head. “You are mine, téa.”

  Her pussy contracted in pleasure hearing the possessive tone of his voice.

  “Yes, Master.”

  Moving her hair over one shoulder so he would have better access, he moved his attention to her back. Just as he had with the front, he trailed the crop lightly down her spine, sending pleasant chills through her body.

  It seemed unreal that he could make her gushing wet with just the light touch of the crop. “Oh, Master…”

  His low chuckle turned her on even more.

  Sir spanked both of her butt cheeks with the crop before grabbing her throat with one hand and sliding the crop underneath the collar of her blouse with the other. Goosebumps rose on her skin when she felt the sensual caress of the leather.


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