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The Ties That Bind (Brie's Submission Book 22)

Page 12

by Red Phoenix

  She set the phone down, feeling a little sad that they hadn’t been able to finish a conversation with him yet.

  After Dr. Glas had examined her, he informed her, “You’re continuing to progress, and the babe’s oxygen levels remain good.”

  “That’s wonderful news.”

  “It is, but you may want to tell your Russian friend to hurry. You’re progressing faster than the first time.”

  Brie felt an ache in her heart at the mention of Rytsar. “He’s in Russia on important business.”

  Dr. Glas looked at her thoughtfully. “Well, if you’d like him to be with you during the delivery, I’ll give your husband permission to video chat during the birth. I remember how devastated your Russian friend was about missing your daughter’s birth…and these are unusual circumstances.”

  She suspected he was talking about Kylie’s recent death and knew Dr. Glas’s offer was unusual for the hospital. To Brie, it showed his level of confidence in this delivery, despite the nuchal cord and premature labor. That bolstered her spirits more than he could know.

  “It would mean the world to all three of us.”

  Dr. Glas grinned. “Then make it so, lass.”

  His compassion touched her deeply.

  “Dr. Glas, although it’s painful to talk about, I know you did everything you could for Kylie. It’s the reason I don’t want anyone else delivering my baby.”

  He said nothing, staring at her for a moment before nodding. “I appreciate your confidence, Mrs. Davis.”

  Brie glanced at the door and smiled when she saw Sir walking in.

  “What did I miss?”

  Dr. Glas cleared his throat before answering Sir. “The baby’s oxygen levels are good, and your wife is currently at four centimeters.”

  “Then she’s progressing faster than last time,” Sir stated, sounding concerned.

  “True, but it’s not uncommon for a second birth,” Dr. Glas assured him.

  Sir nodded, then glanced at Brie. “Your parents are on their way, babygirl.”

  “Wonderful.” Brie smiled at the doctor before telling Sir, “Dr. Glas says we can video chat with Rytsar during the delivery.”

  Sir turned to Dr. Glas and held out his hand, shaking it firmly. “That is unexpected. Thank you.”

  He smiled as he returned Sir’s handshake. “Certainly, Mr. Davis.”

  After Dr. Glas left the room to continue his rounds, Brie confessed to Sir, “For the first time since my water broke, I’m starting to feel excited.” She looked down at her belly. “We are about to meet you, little one.”

  Sir laid his hand on her stomach, looking at Brie tenderly. “You are a marvel.”

  When she shook her head, he stated, “I’m serious, Brie. Your eternal optimism underscores your inner strength.”

  She blushed under his high praise. “I love you, Sir.”

  “And I love you,” he said, leaning down to kiss her.

  She felt pleasant chills the moment their lips touched. His phone started ringing, but Sir refused to break the kiss, kissing her even deeper. Brie sighed in contentment when he finally pulled away.

  He quickly glanced at his phone. “It can wait,” he told her as he slipped it back in his pocket.

  “I’ve been dying to ask if your car keys were at the front desk.”

  Sir smiled. “They were, along with a note of congratulations.”

  “That was kind of a stranger to offer to help us like that.”

  “It certainly was,” he chuckled. “Although I momentarily questioned his intentions at the time.”

  “I did, too!” Brie laughed. “Let’s call Rytsar and tell him the good news about getting permission to video chat with him during the birth. I had to cut our conversation short again because Dr. Glas walked in.”

  “Good idea,” Sir agreed.

  Brie could hear the relief in Rytsar’s voice when Sir told him he would get to watch the birth. “I am a fortunate man,” the Russian stated multiple times during the call.

  It thrilled Brie that he would still be a part of the birth.

  The moment Brie’s parents walked into the room, she could feel the heavy burden of their concern.

  Her mother walked up to the bed, carrying a gigantic purse. She handed it to Brie’s father, who grunted under the weight of it.

  “Oh, honey…” she cried as she hugged Brie tightly.

  Her dad leaned over the bed with tears in his eyes and patted her shoulder awkwardly. “It’s going to be okay, little girl. We’re here now.”

  She looked at them both and smiled. “Everything is fine,” she assured them. “Yes, the baby is coming early—but Hope did, too.” She glanced at the monitor. “And the baby is doing great.”

  Her father swiped the tears from his eye and grumbled, “Of course. Just natural to be concerned like any parent would be.”

  Her mother grasped Brie’s hand and squeezed it before grabbing the giant purse from her husband. “I’ve had this bag ready for a month. Ever since we learned you were having another baby, I started adding to it.”

  Brie stared at the huge bag and giggled at her mom. “What do you have in there, the kitchen sink?”

  Her mother winked at her. “It’s everything you could possibly want during delivery.” She started fishing things out one by one. “Magazines to pass the time, some Mad Libs, crossword puzzles—”

  “Mom, I don’t like crossword puzzles.”

  “Oh, those are for your father,” she stated, handing them to him.

  Her mom surprised her by pulling out a portable CD player. “Got some of your favorite music, too.”

  Brie giggled when her mother placed several old CDs on the bed. “Mom, I haven’t listened to this stuff since I was a kid.” But then she grabbed one. “Oh…I love Green Day!”

  “See, I know you better than you think, sweetheart.”

  She pulled out individual applesauce and gelatin cups next and explained, “These are to keep your energy up.” Then she fished out a beautiful sea-green robe and laid it out on the bed.

  “Oh, Mom. It’s so pretty!”

  “I thought you might like to wear it for your photos after the baby is born.” She patted Brie’s hand. “No reason Mommy can’t be pampered.”

  Brie stared at all of the items scattered on the bed. “You’ve thought of everything.”

  Her mom hugged her again. “I tried, sweetheart. I just want you to be as comfortable and happy as I can make you today.”

  Her dad flipped through one of the crosswords and asked Sir, “How are you holding up, son?”

  Sir looked at him with cautious optimism. “Better now.”

  “This whole birthing thing is rough on a man,” her father stated solemnly.

  “I’m fine, Daddy,” Brie reminded him.

  “You have no idea what it’s like being your father, young lady.”

  She looked at him in surprise. “What do you mean?”

  He frowned at her. “You always test my limits.”

  Brie giggled. “You act as if I’m your Domme.”

  Her father stared at her, the expression on his face so comical that she burst out laughing.

  Before he could take offense, Sir clapped him on the back. “Why don’t we get the ladies some hot tea?”

  After they left the room, her mother scolded Brie. “You really shouldn’t tease your father like that.”

  “But, Mom…”

  When her mother met her gaze, Brie stopped mid-sentence, realizing how upset she was. “Brianna, how would you feel if you heard Hope was being rushed to the hospital? After everything that’s happened, your father has been beside himself. Give him a little grace, sweetheart. He loves you more than you know.”

  “I know that, Mom. He just…has a rough way of showing it.”

  “I’ll admit he’s not sophisticated like Thane, but his heart is just as big.”

  “It is,” Brie agreed.

  Her mother gave her a crooked smile. “But I will never fo
rget the look on his face just now. It was priceless…”

  “I wish I’d had my camera out.”

  They both started giggling.

  When the men returned Brie was properly humble to her father and all was forgiven.

  The next few hours pass by pleasantly. Then the contractions started getting more intense and lasting longer.

  Luckily for Brie, the epidural made it painless. She could feel when the contractions were happening, but they didn’t hurt at all.

  “I love epidurals,” she murmured happily.

  Sir chuckled. “I must admit that this is a completely different experience from the first time.”

  Brie smiled at him, then turned to her mother. “I’m sorry you didn’t get the chance to experience how awesome epidurals are.”

  Her mom laughed. “Oh, Lord, there wasn’t time. One minute, I’m telling Bill we need to get to the hospital, and the next, I’m screaming, ‘The baby’s coming, the baby’s coming!’ as we pull up to the emergency room.”

  Her father shook his head. “I almost had a heart attack on the drive there.”

  “I’m sure my husband can relate,” Brie told her dad, gazing lovingly at Sir.

  Her dad slapped him on the back. “You got her here safely and that’s the only thing that matters. Am I right?”

  “Agreed,” Sir replied with a half-smile.

  Dr. Glas walked into the room and asked her parents to leave so he could check her. “I see the contractions remain steady and strong. Let’s see how far you’ve progressed,” he stated, positioning himself between her legs.

  Brie watched his expression with interest.

  “It’s official. You’re fully dilated, lass.”

  He glanced at Sir, “You may want to give your Russian friend a call. It won’t be long now.”

  Dr. Glas asked Brie, “Are you ready to find out the sex of your child?”

  Brie felt butterflies when she answered, “Never been more ready!”

  While the doctor left to gather the team, her parents filed back in. “I’m going to wait in the waiting room,” her father announced, leaning down to kiss Brie on the forehead.

  He grabbed the stack of crosswords and said, “I love you, little girl,” before quickly exiting the room.

  Her mother watched him go and sighed. “I’m afraid he’s not any good seeing people he loves in pain.”

  “Understandable,” Sir replied.

  Brie took Sir’s hand and gazed up at him. “Lucky for me, Sir has no issues with that.”

  He winked at her, acknowledging the double meaning.

  “I’m sorry, sweetheart, but I have to join him. Bill is trying hard to cover it, but he’s a mess.”

  “I understand, Mom.”

  She hugged Brie hard before turning to Sir, but she wasn’t quick enough and Brie caught the worried look she gave Sir.

  “Let me walk you out, Mrs. Bennett,” Sir replied, escorting her out of the room.

  When he returned a few minutes later, Brie asked him, “What was that all about?”

  “Your parents are concerned about your well-being, babygirl. They just needed some reassurance.”

  Brie could understand why they were worried, but she no longer had any doubts that both she and the baby would be fine. It allowed her to savor this moment without any fear.

  “I’m calling Durov,” Sir informed her, holding the phone so Brie could see Rytsar when he answered.

  “Radost moya!” Rytsar bellowed when the phones connected.

  “Rytsar!” she cried back. “Are you ready to become a dyadya again?”

  He stared at her with those intense blue eyes and stated, “It is my greatest honor.”

  Brie felt tingles in her soul knowing he meant it. “I’m grateful you can be here with us.”

  “While it is not the same as being there in person, this will do.”

  Sir smiled at him. “I agree, old friend.”

  “How are you holding up, Brother?”

  Sir glanced at Brie. “Better than expected, considering the start to the day.”

  “Actually, it started out perfect,” she told Rytsar. “It wasn’t until I started drinking Nonna’s hot chocolate that everything went south…”

  Two nurses walked in behind Dr. Glas. He smiled confidently at Brie and clapped his hands together. “Let’s deliver this babe.”

  The nurses moved to either side of Brie to help support her legs during delivery while Sir stood beside Brie with one hand on her shoulder as he continued their video call with Rytsar.

  When Dr. Glas told Brie to bear down, she felt an inner confidence she had never felt before and pushed for all she was worth. After the powerful contraction passed, she looked up at Sir and the camera with eager anticipation.

  “Keep pushing until I tell you to stop,” Dr. Glas instructed her when the next contraction hit. “Puuussshhh!”

  The two nurses pressed her legs toward her chest, giving Brie more leverage. She took advantage of it and was able to push even harder. Brie suddenly heard the baby’s heart rate drop and turned her head toward the monitor in concern.

  Dr. Glas ordered her in a calm voice to stop pushing. “There’s no need to worry. The baby is far enough down that I should be able to work on the cord.”

  Brie lay completely still while Dr. Glas worked to loosen the cord around their baby’s neck. Because of the epidural, she only felt the pressure of his hands inside her. Everyone in the room remained silent as the doctor concentrated on manipulating the cord.

  Brie closed her eyes she listened to the baby’s heart rate continue to beat erratically. When it finally returned to normal, she heard a collective sigh of relief from Sir and Rytsar.

  Dr. Glas looked up from between Brie’s legs and smiled. “I want you to be ready to push hard with the next contraction.”

  Brie nodded. Putting everything she had into it, she screamed from sheer effort when she started pushing.

  After several minutes, Dr. Glas advised her, “Give yourself a few deep breaths, lass, and we’ll start again.”

  Brie nodded and lay back on the bed, panting heavily.

  “You’re doing great, radost moya. Such power!”

  She turned her head and smiled at him.

  Sir swept away the strands of sweaty hair clinging to her face. “You are the essence of feminine power, téa.”

  Strengthened by Sir’s praise, she nodded to the doctor to signal she was ready. Brie braced herself. As soon as he told her to push, she growled fiercely as she powered through it.

  She was soon rewarded when she heard Rytsar cry out excitedly, “I see the head! I see the head!”

  A cry of victory escaped Brie’s lips as the pressure increased and the baby’s head was forced out.

  “Wait for the next contraction,” Dr. Glas ordered.

  Brie lay back, grateful for the momentary rest.

  “This is incredible, moy droog!” she heard Rytsar yell at Sir.

  “It is,” he agreed as he smiled down at Brie.

  Sir squeezed Brie’s hand firmly. “This is it, babygirl. Just one more push.”

  She smiled up at him, feeling like a goddamn powerhouse!

  Taking a deep breath, she braced herself again when the next contraction hit.

  “We just need to get the shoulders out and you’re done.”

  With a herculean effort she pushed again, gritting her teeth. Suddenly, the intense pressure disappeared as the baby’s shoulders slipped through.

  “Congratulations, Mrs. Davis.” Dr. Glas held up their crying baby and grinned. “Your Russian friend is right. You are the mother to a fine son.” He laid the tiny infant on her chest and the baby immediately quieted.

  Brie stared down at her son in awe. “Is he healthy, Dr. Glas?”

  “He may be small, but as you can tell from his boisterous entrance, he appears to be quite healthy.”

  “Our little boy…” Brie murmured, caressing his cheek.

  Sir leaned down to kiss he
r. “Another miracle.”

  She lifted her head to meet his kiss. “I love making babies with you.”

  Brie then glanced at Rytsar. “You were right, dyadya. We have a son.”

  He nodded. “Da, you do.”

  Grinning, Rytsar addressed Sir. “Congratulations, Brother. Are you ready to make number three?”

  Sir gave him the side-eye. “We’re not having five children, old friend.”

  Dr. Glas interrupted them. “Mr. Davis, would you like to cut the cord?”

  “Yes, I would.”

  “It’s time to let me go, moy droog,” Rytsar stated hastily. “But, before you do, I must know the name of my plemyannik.”

  Sir nodded to Brie, wanting her to share it.

  Brie smiled at Rytsar. “Naturally, his middle name is Alonzo, in honor of Sir’s father. And, to honor my side of the family, we chose to name him after my father’s favorite grandfather.” She smiled at him when she added, “The name is also a nod to you.”

  Glancing down at their tiny son, Brie made the formal introduction. “Rytsar, I would like you to meet Anthony Alonzo Davis.”

  The proud grin on his face when she looked up at Rytsar touched Brie deeply.

  “That is a strong name appropriate for a Davis,” he stated. Before he hung up, however, Rytsar spoke to Brie in Russian. “Slova ne opisat’ moyu lyubov’ k tebe.”

  Words cannot describe my love for you…

  Brie smiled and blew him a kiss with tears in her eyes.

  After putting the phone back in his pocket, Sir took the surgical scissors from Dr. Glas. The moment he cut the umbilical cord, Brie realized that the tiny human she had carried for almost nine months was now independent of her.

  She looked down at their little boy, her heart bursting with love.

  We have a son…

  Tears of Joy

  Brie watched with apprehension as the neonatal nurse left with their newborn to perform a thorough examination.

  “No need to worry, Mrs. Davis,” Dr. Glas assured her. “Your son’s vitals are good.”

  Brie smiled at him wearily. “Why did both babies come so early?”

  He shook his head. “It may be coincidence or it’s simply your normal gestation period.”


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