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The Ties That Bind (Brie's Submission Book 22)

Page 13

by Red Phoenix

  “Whatever the case, we are profoundly grateful to you, Dr. Glas,” Sir stated, holding out his hand. “You were able to bring our son safely into the world despite the complications.”

  Dr. Glas shook Sir’s hand warmly. “Given the circumstances, I appreciate the trust you both placed in me.”

  Even though the memory was painful, Brie told him, “I will never forget seeing you at Kylie’s funeral, Dr. Glas. It showed how much you truly care.”

  The doctor let out a ragged sigh. “Her unexpected death was an unfortunate tragedy, but I trust their babe is doing well.”

  Brie smiled, choosing not to mention Faelan. “Yes, the entire community has rallied together to help. It’s been a beautiful thing to witness.”

  He grinned. “That’s good to hear.”

  A nurse popped her head into the room. “Dr. Glas, Mrs. Clancy is about to deliver in room 408.”

  Dr. Glas nodded to the nurse. “Thank you, Trudy.”

  He turned back to Brie. “Excuse me. Duty calls.”

  “Please, go assist in another miracle,” she told him.

  After he left, Sir lowered the railing to hug Brie. “Your strength and determination today were a sight to behold, babygirl.”

  “I would have done anything to protect our baby.” She then whispered in his ear, “Just like you.”

  When Sir pulled away, she noticed a tear in his eye. After the terrifying start to the day, they both understood how lucky they were.

  “I’ll go get your parents. I’m sure they are anxious to see you.”

  “Before you go, Sir, can you help me into the robe?” Brie asked him.

  “Certainly, babygirl.”

  Sir helped her slip into the robe and adjusted the collar before cinching her tie. “Beautiful…” he murmured, kissing her on the lips before he left.

  Looking around the empty room, Brie immediately thought of Kylie. Instead of fear and sadness, she was blessed by a vision of Kylie smiling as she held her little girl. Brie was overcome with joy as if Kylie was in the room, celebrating this moment with her.

  You are not forgotten, Kylie…

  “Oh, Brie!” her mother cried, rushing into the room. “How are you doing, sweetheart?”

  Brie turned to her, smiling. “We have a beautiful baby boy, Mom.”

  Her father strode into the room. “I’m proud of you, Brianna. I didn’t want to let on, but I was worried about you, young lady. But look at you now! You’re positively glowing—and the baby is doing well?”

  Brie gratefully accepted her father’s hug. “He’s doing great, Daddy.”

  “Thane told us he came out hollering.”

  Brie giggled. “Yes, he certainly did.”

  “That’s always a good sign.” He patted her on the head like he did when she was a little girl. “Because you did, too.”

  “I did?”

  “Yes, your screams could be heard throughout the maternity ward.”

  Brie blushed and glanced at Sir. She could tell by his sexy smirk that he was remembering her desperate screams of “I’m not a masochist!”

  Her mother started fishing in her large purse and pulled out a wrapped gift with a blue bow.

  “What’s this? You already got me this beautiful robe.”

  “I brought something for the baby.”

  Brie carefully opened the package to find a soft, knitted blanket of sky blue. “How did you know it would be a boy?” she asked in surprise.

  Her mother laughed. “I didn’t.” She proceeded to pull out another package wrapped with a pink bow.

  Brie held up the blanket in admiration. “I love it, but I love even more that you made two of them.”

  Her mother grinned. “I just wanted your child to know how much he is loved.”

  Brie’s bottom lip trembled. She felt completely overwhelmed with happiness. “I love you, Mom.”

  The neonatal nurse walked into the room, holding their crying son. Both of her parents “oohed” and “aahed” while the nurse placed him in Brie’s open arms. “He is in perfect health but is missing his mother,” she explained.

  As Brie tried to comfort him, the nurse asked gently, “Would you like me to bring in the lactation nurse?”

  She looked up and shook her head. “No, we’ll be okay.”

  Brie then glanced at her father. “Are you comfortable staying while I feed him, Daddy?”

  In the past, her father had been squeamish about it whenever she’d breastfed Hope.

  Sucking in his breath, he let it out slowly before answering. “It’s completely natural. No reason I should feel uncomfortable.” He sounded as if he was trying to convince himself, but Brie took him at his word and loosened the ties of her robe so she could breastfeed her baby for the first time.

  The moment her son felt the warmth of her skin against his cheek, he instantly quieted and turned his head, seeking his mother’s milk. With a little guidance, Brie helped him to latch on and he began sucking hungrily.

  “Poor thing was starving,” Brie murmured with compassion.

  She looked up at Sir. “Maybe that’s why he came out crying.”

  The nurse smiled. “Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Davis. If you need anything or have any questions, please feel free to ring one of the nurses.”

  After she left, Brie turned her focus back on her son. She’d had no idea that she could love another human being as much as she loved Hope.

  “My precious little boy…”

  She gazed down at him tenderly, marveling at this perfect child in her arms. Anthony shared the same olive skin as his sister, but unlike Hope, the shape of his nose and lips were strikingly similar to Sir’s.

  “You’re so handsome,” she cooed, kissing his soft baby head.

  Once he was full, Anthony quickly fell asleep. Knowing Sir hadn’t had the chance to hold him yet, she carefully held him out to Sir. “Meet your son, Papa.”

  Sir cradled him in his arms and smiled. “Welcome to the world, my son.”

  Brie felt a tingling sensation run up her spine as a vision of Alonzo came to her mind. She could imagine Alonzo doing the same thing when Sir was born. It was as if life was coming full circle.

  “I must say, you do make handsome children,” her father told Brie, looking at their son. “I can definitely see the Bennett in him.”

  Although Brie couldn’t see it, she agreed. “Yes! He’s the best of both families—just like Hope.”

  Her mother made cooing noises as she stroked his cheek with her finger. “I think it’s lovely that the two of you chose to name the baby after Bill’s grandfather.”

  Bill nodded, stating proudly, “It was an unexpected honor.”

  Brie smiled at her dad. “It was important to us that both families were represented, and I’ve never forgotten all of the stories you shared about your grandpa, Daddy.”

  Her father’s voice was ripe with emotion when he told Thane, “I’ve never met a better man than Grandpop. He never complained, worked hard all his life, and always had a piece of candy in his pocket for his grandchildren.” He chuckled, then suddenly cleared his throat, overwhelmed with emotion. “I loved that man…”

  “I barely remember Pop-Pop,” Brie admitted, “but I do remember the candy.”

  “I was glad he had the chance to meet you, Brianna. It was important to me.” He glanced at her son, brimming with pride. “Mark my words, young lady. Anthony is going to be a leader among men.”

  Brie was deeply touched by her father’s words. For a man who was guarded about his feelings—this was unexpected. It seemed being here for the birth had changed something in him.

  Sir passed their son on to Brie’s mother. “I would like to call Nonna.”

  “Yes, I would love that!” Brie agreed, feeling a tug at her heart thinking about Sir’s grandparents.

  He dialed the number and winked at Brie when he said, “Nonna, our son came a little early.”

  Brie could hear the old woman’s delighted cry.

sp; Sir’s eyes sparkled with joy when he told her, “Yes, a healthy baby boy.”

  Brie could hear Nonna’s muffled voice as she repeated everything Sir said to Nonno. The excitement Brie heard in her voice was heartwarming.

  “His name is Anthony Alonzo Davis.”

  The phone suddenly became silent, and Brie looked at Sir in concern.

  “There’s no need to cry, Nonna,” Sir said soothingly, but the sweet old woman could not seem to stop crying.

  Finally, Sir handed the phone to Brie, telling Nonna, “Brianna would love to talk to you.”

  Brie pressed his cell phone against her cheek and spoke in Italian. “It’s okay, Nonna…”

  “I’m just so happy!” Nonna sobbed. “The tears won’t stop, Nipotina.”

  Brie understood her immense joy, so rather than trying to make the tears stop, she said, “He looks like Thane. You won’t believe the resemblance.”

  “I…I…” Nonna sobbed several more times before handing the phone to her husband.

  Nonno apologized. “Forgive her, Nipotina. She’s overcome with joy.”

  “No need for apologies, Nonno. Happy tears are a gift.”

  “Will you be coming to visit soon?” he asked hopefully.

  Brie covered the phone with her hand and told Sir, “They’re wondering when we’re coming to visit.”

  He chuckled. “Our son is not even a few hours old and they already want us to fly across the ocean to visit?”

  “It’s so sweet,” Brie giggled.

  Brie’s dad suddenly spoke up. “Take it for what it’s worth, Thane. We never know what the future will bring.”

  Sir nodded thoughtfully. “I appreciate the advice, Dad.”

  Looking to Brie, Sir asked, “How do you feel?”

  She answered truthfully. “When I think of Nonna holding our son, I can’t get there soon enough.”

  Sir smiled. “Then tell Nonno that we’ll make the trip when it is safe for both mother and child.”

  Brie loved being the one to give them the happy news and laughed with joy when poor Nonna burst out in a fresh set of tears.

  She handed the phone back to Sir. “You’ve just made your nonna the happiest woman on the planet.”

  “Not me, my dear. This is all you.”

  Sir finished the conversation, filling the hospital room with the beautiful lilt of the Italian language.

  There is one thing missing… Brie thought.

  After Sir hung up, Brie’s dad surprised them both by stating, “In no way am I trying to sound ungrateful for your choice in naming your son after my grandfather, but I have to admit I’m surprised you didn’t give him the first name Alonzo.” He glanced at his wife. “We both know how much you loved your father, Thane.”

  Sir glanced at Brie. “We talked it over extensively. You’re right. I loved my father deeply. However, I don’t want our son living in his shadow. I know my father would feel the same. Anthony will be free to make his way in the world without any expectations beyond his own talents and desires.”

  Brie’s dad gave him a look of admiration. “You are a very wise man, Thane. Much wiser than your years.”

  Brie put her hand over her mouth to hide her smile. She knew how much the word “wise” grated on Sir’s nerves but he didn’t even bat an eye. “Thank you.”

  Slapping Sir on the back, her dad told him, “Well, I’d better get Marcy home. It’s been quite an eventful day for all of us!”

  “It meant so much that you were able to share this moment with me,” Brie said as she hugged her parents.

  “It will go down as one of the greatest days of my life, Brianna,” her dad answered.

  Brie hugged him again with tears in her eyes.

  Her mother couldn’t resist giving her one last peck on the cheek before she left. “The best decision we ever made was moving to California so we didn’t miss this.”

  After they left, Brie let out a long sigh.

  “What’s wrong, babygirl?”

  She looked up at him and confessed, “I miss Hope.”

  “You’re in luck,” he said with a wink. “Unc should be here shortly.”


  “I’ve missed our little girl, too,” he admitted, laying Anthony back in her arms. “Our family doesn’t feel complete without Hope.”

  Brie cuddled Anthony against her, murmuring happily, “I couldn’t agree more, Sir.”


  “Sweet pea!” Brie cried, thrilled beyond words to see her daughter when Mr. Reynolds carried Hope into the hospital room.

  As soon as Hope saw her mother, her entire face lit up and she struggled in Mr. Reynold’s arms, wanting to get down.

  “She definitely missed her mama,” he laughed, quickly walking to the bed.

  Brie grabbed Hope in a hug, kissing her all over. “Oh, how Mommy missed you!”

  Hope giggled and then suddenly stopped when she saw Sir holding the baby. She pointed at him and started bouncing excitedly.

  Sir brought Anthony over, leaning in so Hope could get her first look at her brother. “Little angel, you have a baby brother to look after now,” he told her.

  Hope stared at the baby in silence, then looked at Brie.

  “That’s your little brother Anthony,” Brie said encouragingly, pronouncing his name slowly for her.


  Brie nodded. When Hope reached out to touch his cheek, Brie held her breath. Anthony stared transfixed at his sister as if he already knew her.

  It was such a sweet moment, it made Brie teary. When she looked up and saw Sir’s tender smile, it completely stole her breath away.

  This is the most beautiful moment of my life…

  Mr. Reynolds stood back, looking at them with an expression of profound love. Here was the man who had taken on the role of caregiver to Sir all those years ago. By Sir’s own admission, he had not been an easy child to live with after his father died, but Mr. Reynolds remained patient and loved Thane throughout those difficult years.

  Mr. Reynolds had also hired Brie after she’d graduated from college, when she was in desperate need of a job to cover her rent. It was in that tiny tobacco shop that she’d first met Sir.

  In a true sense, Mr. Reynolds helped create the family they were now.

  “Thank you,” Brie told him with a full heart.

  He smiled, shaking his head. “No need to thank me. I was happy to come as soon as Thane called. Hope shouldn’t miss this chance to meet her little brother.”

  “I don’t mean just that. You have done so much for me all these years…” Brie was suddenly so overcome with emotion she choked on the rest of her words.

  “There, there,” Mr. Reynolds said gently. “No reason to cry on my account.”

  “Brie’s right,” Sir replied. “We owe you a great deal, Unc.”

  Mr. Reynold’s chuckled lightly. “You’re wrong there, Thane. It has been my honor to be a part of your life. To see how far you have come is truly inspiring. This is the family you created.”

  “Because of your unfailing love,” Sir answered, his voice clear but tinged with emotion.

  Mr. Reynolds nodded humbly, accepting their praise.

  “Would you like to hold him, Unc?”

  It was a solemn moment when Sir placed his son in his uncle’s arms. However, it was soon broken by Hope’s excited chatter as she bounced on Brie’s chest while reaching for the baby.

  Sir rescued Brie by quickly sweeping Hope into his arms. “It seems our little girl can’t get enough of her baby brother.”

  Watching the four of them together, Brie felt the urge to take a picture with her phone. She gazed at the sight wistfully, realizing that all four of them were connected by the blood of Sir’s mother. It was proof that something of remarkable worth had come out of the love that Alonzo and Ruth shared—despite how it all ended.

  Knowing that filled Brie with a deep sense of hope for the future.

  Mr. Reynolds laid Anthony in her a
rms, stating, “I’m going to head out for a bit so you can spend time alone together. I’ll be back to pick Hope up in a couple of hours.”

  “You don’t have to do that,” Brie said, although she loved the idea.

  He gave her a kind smile. “This is our gift to you. Judy and I discussed it before I left. We want to give you time as a family.”

  Brie glanced at Sir, who nodded.

  “We gratefully accept,” she replied, squeezing his hand tight.

  After he left, Anthony started to wiggle in her arms and let out a whimpering cry. Hope pointed to him, clearly distressed.

  “It’s okay, sweet pea. Your brother is just hungry.”

  While she fed him, Sir lowered the railing on the other side of the bed and set Hope next to Brie. Grabbing a chair, he sat down and began running his fingers through Brie’s hair.

  “Oh, that feels good…” she purred, enjoying the tingles his fingers caused. She lay there in silence, enjoying this intimate moment as a family.

  While Brie was burping Anthony, Rytsar called. Hope immediately responded when Sir switched the phone to speaker and she heard, “Is all well, moy droog?”


  “Is that my moye solntse?”

  She crawled over Brie to get to the phone.

  “Hope appears eager to talk to you, Brother,” Sir laughed when she grabbed at his phone.

  Not understanding it was on speaker, she put it up to her ear and started babbling excitedly. Rytsar interjected with comments as if they were having a deep conversation.

  Brie smiled at Sir. It was too adorable for words.

  When Hope was done talking, she let go of the phone and crawled back over to Brie to snuggle up with her little brother.

  “In answer to your question earlier, all is definitely well,” Sir told Rytsar.

  “And how are you feeling, radost moya?”

  “Exhausted but happy.”

  “It’s no wonder you are tired,” he chuckled. “You have ushered another human into the world.”

  She sighed in contentment. “Considering how the day started, it couldn’t have ended on a sweeter note, including this call right now.”

  His voice was full of warmth when he told her, “I am about to begin my day knowing the people that I love are well.”


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