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After Hours Redemption (404 Sound)

Page 10

by Kianna Alexander

  It took considerable effort, but she turned her thoughts back toward the work at hand.

  I can’t wait to tell Blaine about the amazing progress we’re making on Naiya’s album. Even seasoned music veterans often needed several takes to record a song; despite her young age and relative inexperience in a professional studio, Naiya consistently delivered her vocals in three takes or fewer. This was the third single they’d recorded so far, and if they could maintain this pace, they might actually be able to meet Blaine’s rather unreasonable demand to finish the album before the month ended.

  She walked down the hallway toward Blaine’s office at the end. His door stood slightly ajar, and as she approached, she slowed. The sound of his voice filtered through the gap between the door and the frame.

  She raised her hand to knock, but let it drop when she heard a familiar name.

  Cambria. He’s talking to her on the phone.

  Resting her back against the wall, she felt the cool painted concrete against her bare shoulders. She shivered, wishing she’d brought a sweater to wear over her favorite pink T-strap maxi dress. Wondering what reason Blaine had to be talking to her former groupmate, she folded her arms and listened.

  “I’m glad you called, Cambria,” Blaine said, then paused, probably to listen to Cambria’s reply. “Yes, actually, your timing is great. Guess who I’m working with?”

  Eden frowned. I’ve got a pretty good idea where this is going. But would he really take it there? Or was she just projecting her worries onto him and his conversation?

  “No. Nope. Listen, you’re terrible at guessing so I’ll just tell you.” His tone held unveiled amusement. “It’s Eden...yes, that Eden.” He laughed. “No, no. All is forgiven. We’re both mature adults, you know.” He laughed again, this time more heartily. “I’m not going into details, Cambria. But trust me. We’re definitely back on great terms. Probably even better than before.” Her chest tightened, and a sense of dread rolled over her like a fog.

  “No, no, it’s true,” he continued. “Listen, if you don’t believe me, you can always slide through the 404 and see for yourself. When’s the next time you’re free to come down south?”

  Eden sighed, her frown deepening. Turning away from the door, she went back toward the studio. She’d heard quite enough of Blaine’s overblown characterization of their current partnership. From their chat the morning after they’d made love, she gathered their lovemaking was a means to relive the old experience the heady sensations of their former relationship, for old time’s sake. That’s where he stood...and she told herself she could accept that. But could she?

  Back then, he’d held the promise of a solo career over her like the proverbial carrot. But when the management decided Cambria was their golden girl instead, she’d been tossed aside. Eden had found it very karmic that Cambria had taken an offer from another label and gone on to stardom.

  She walked into the studio long enough to grab her purse and strode right back out. As she headed outside to her car, her annoyance grew with each step. Not only was Blaine on the phone evangelizing about how great things were between them, but it seemed like he was using her and their so-called “great relationship” as some kind of weird bait to get Cambria to come to Atlanta. By the time she flung open her driver’s-side door and climbed into her car, she could feel her body vibrating with hurt and anger.

  Naiya, in her little blue two-door coupe, pulled into the spot next to Eden. Letting down her passenger-side window, she cast a confused glance her way. “You leaving already? I thought we were going back to work on the backing vocals?”

  She blew out a breath, trying to calm herself. There was no reason to take her bad mood out on Naiya. “Sorry, but I need a little break. JD and Trevor are still in the studio... I’m sure they’ve got it covered.”

  “Okay.” Naiya’s expression showed her lingering questions, but thankfully, she refrained from asking any as she got out of her car. “I’ll see you later.”

  Eden watched as Naiya went inside the building with a cardboard carrier holding several drinks. She stuck the keys in the ignition but didn’t start the car...she didn’t even know where to go. Dropping back against the headrest, she let her mind wander back to those old days. Back when she, Ainsley and Cambria had been thick as thieves, a nearly inseparable trio. From the day they’d met at the beginning of their first year at Atlanta Tech, nothing had ever managed to come between them.

  That was, until Blaine. He’d gotten them to record together the first time by capitalizing on their obvious closeness. Then, just as everything had seemed to be coming together for Swatz Girlz, just when they thought their careers were about to take off...he’d hit them with a ton of bricks.

  And all these years later, he still couldn’t seem to acknowledge the betrayal he’d dealt her, the way he’d shattered the heart of an idealistic, starry-eyed young woman. It wasn’t just the end of her singing career; it was a death of her younger, more trusting self, an end to her naïveté.

  A tear slid down her cheek, and she angrily swiped it away. He’s caused me enough pain. I’m not about to let him cause me any more.

  * * *

  Blaine absently spun his chair from side to side, holding his phone to his ear as he listened to Cambria rambling on about her hectic schedule. He chuckled. “Okay, I get it. You can’t get down here over the next couple of weeks, it’s cool. Just hit me up when you get ready to come through.”

  “I will,” Cambria insisted, “because I still don’t believe you’re on all these wonderful terms with Eden.”

  “Why not?”

  She chuckled. “If you were a woman, you wouldn’t even be asking me that question. You’d know the answer, man.”

  He rolled his eyes. “Whatever. Anyway, I’ll let you get back to work. I’m gonna head down to the studio and look in on what’s happening with Naiya B.’s album.”

  “Later, Blaine.” Cambria disconnected the call.

  He pocketed his phone, shaking his head. Cambria Harding...the one that got away. Professionally, at least. He’d harbored no romantic interest in her, but he’d known from the moment he’d met her that she possessed an amazing voice and incredible stage presence. Her star had risen quickly as a solo artist, and after her first album, she’d moved on to a larger label, one that could get her the kind of wide exposure she sought. He couldn’t hold that against her. After all, her talent warranted the kind of massive backing she got from her internationally known label. She performed in huge arenas, drawing crowds of thousands of screaming fans wearing her custom-designed merchandise. As hard as he worked, he knew he simply didn’t have those kinds of resources.

  Standing up, he stretched his arms above his head before leaving his office. A few long strides carried him to the studio, and when he opened the door, he saw the work on Naiya’s album continued. Naiya was on the couch, while JD and Trevor sat at the soundboard. Inside the booth, two backup singers were recording vocals as the track playback echoed through the room.

  However, he couldn’t help noticing one rather conspicuous absence. “Where’s Eden?”

  Neither Jerome nor Trevor knew where she was. So he turned to Naiya. “Do you know where our songwriter is?”

  She shrugged. “Not really. I ran into her in the parking lot, on my way back from the coffee shop. She said she needed a break.”

  His eyes widened. “I’ll be back.” He left the studio and jogged out to the parking lot. For some reason, the idea of her leaving in the middle of the day upset him. He hadn’t gotten to spend very much time with her outside of the studio, and since they’d made love yesterday, she haunted his mind like a specter.

  Outside, he stepped off the sidewalk and saw her sitting in her car, her eyes closed. Was she taking a nap? Part of him didn’t want to disturb her, but he also wanted to know what had brought her out here in the first place, just in case he might be able
to help. He tapped the glass, and her eyes popped open.

  He saw the sheen of wetness in her eyes, and it tugged at his heart.

  Her expression flat, she rolled the driver’s-side window down.

  “You okay? It’s too hot outside for you to be sitting out here like this.”

  She frowned. “You picked a fine time to be concerned about me.”

  He felt his brow furrow. “What do you mean by that?”

  She scoffed, shaking her head. “Why bother?”

  “Eden, tell me what’s wrong. If there’s something I can do to fix it, I’ll do it.”

  She gave him a sidelong glance. “Oh, really? Then explain to me why I heard you on the phone telling Cambria that we’re besties now?”

  He swallowed hard. “You were eavesdropping on my phone conversation?”

  She pursed her lips. “No. Your office door was open and you’re a loudmouth. I can’t be blamed for you not knowing how to use your inside voice.”

  His hands clenched. “Whatever the case, you had no right to be listening in on my...”

  “Whatever, Blaine. I couldn’t care less who you talk to on the phone. The problem I have is what you’re saying about me, about us.”

  “And what exactly did I say that you have such a problem with?”

  “Why were you telling Cambria that all’s well between us now? And from what I heard, it sounded like you were using our new ‘liaison’ as bait to lure Cambria back to Atlanta.”

  He thought back to his conversation, and it occurred to him that what he’d said might have sounded flippant and dismissive of her feelings. “Eden, I don’t know what to say that’s going to satisfy you. But I really thought we were making great progress.”

  She released a bitter chuckle. “Why? Because we made love?”

  He wondered if his expression conveyed his confusion. “Wow. Really, Eden?”

  She sighed. “Yes, really, Blaine. You really haven’t been listening to me all this time, have you?”

  “I’ve heard everything you’ve said.”

  “But you haven’t listened. Because if you had, you’d know where I’m coming from.” She shook her head.

  He shifted his weight from foot to foot, crammed his hands into his pockets. This again? Hadn’t he told her more than once that his hands had been tied? That he’d had to make a hard decision for the sake of his business? “You can’t still be talking about being cut. It’s been years, Eden.”

  She fixed him with a hard stare. “Blaine, you’re treading on thin ice. Do you really wanna keep going down this road?”

  He sighed. “No, I don’t. At least not now.”

  She pursed her lips. “I didn’t think so.”

  “Don’t get me wrong, Eden. I’m not avoiding this argument you seem so determined to have with me. All I’m doing is postponing it because now isn’t the right time.”

  “Oh, really? So tell me, Blaine. When exactly is the right time?”

  He shrugged. “I can’t give you an exact date. All I’m saying is, can we please, please finish Naiya’s album before you proceed with chewing my head off?”

  She scowled.

  “I know you don’t think I deserve the courtesy, and maybe you’re right.” Part of him still couldn’t grasp what had her so irrationally angry, but after hearing the same thing from her so many times, he was beginning to wonder if there might be things he hadn’t considered. Still, he didn’t want to see Naiya’s project flushed down the tubes because of whatever personal drama existed between him and Eden. “But Naiya does. She’s been working so hard, grinding day and night so this album can finally come to fruition. Don’t do it for me. Do it for her, okay?”

  Eden’s expression softened, and she appeared thoughtful for a moment. Finally, she spoke. “Fair enough. After all, it was work that brought me here, and if I want to keep my reputation as a songwriter intact, I have to remain professional, no matter what.”

  “Thank you.” He pulled the handle to open her car door, then bowed.

  She stepped out, rolling her eyes. “Okay, Mr. Dramatics. Let’s get back inside and check on Naiya’s progress. It’ll be lunchtime soon, and we need to see if Jerome is hungry. He’s been with us all morning.”

  He chuckled. “Somebody’s gonna have to go down to Midtown for him. You know he’s vegan, right?”

  “I didn’t know that.” She walked ahead of him toward the door, and he found it hard not to stare at her ass, the curve of which he could see through the flowy fabric of her dress.

  “Yep. I’m full of fun facts. You’ll learn a lot of stuff if you just hang around me a while longer.” He reached out and opened the door, holding it so she could enter.

  “We’ll see, Blaine. We’ll see.”


  Eden spent the rest of the day keeping her distance from Blaine and focusing on her work. Jerome left a little after lunch to go about the rest of his day, while Trevor worked his editing magic on the backing vocals recorded by the two hired singers. Eden remained on the sofa behind the soundboard, observing Naiya’s work and giving pointers whenever necessary. Blaine came into the room a few times to converse with Trevor, but each time he looked her way, Eden made a point of turning her gaze elsewhere.

  Around five thirty, with one finished track and the rough cuts of two more committed to digital memory, Trevor stifled a yawn. “Okay, folks. Let’s pack it in.”

  “You don’t have to tell me twice.” Naiya took off her headset and placed it in its cradle. “I’m so hungry you may have to edit my stomach rumbling out of the music.”

  Eden chuckled. “Same. Come on out of there. You’ve done fantastic work today.”

  After the equipment had been shut down and secured, and the lights turned off, Naiya and Trevor left the building. Eden stopped by the restroom and was on her way out the door when she caught a whiff of expensive cologne. She stopped mid-step. Feeling a familiar presence entering her space, she slowly turned—and came face-to-face with Blaine. She let herself drink in the sight of him, for the first time today. He wore a crisp white button-down, top button undone, beneath a studded leather jacket. Fitted black jeans sat low on his hips, and the black motorcycle boots on his feet were tipped with silver toe caps. His shades were perched atop his head, and his amber eyes burned into hers.

  * * *

  “What is it?” She was perturbed at being waylaid from going home to curl up with a mug of tea and a good book, and she didn’t bother to hide that from her tone.

  “Remember what I said earlier? About putting off arguing until later?”

  She narrowed her eyes. “Yeah, I remember.”

  “Well, it’s later.” He stood there watching her expectantly.

  “Blaine, not now. I’m too tired to fight. I just want to go home.”

  He reached out and grasped her hand. “You don’t have to fight. I just want you to give me a chance to try to smooth things over between us.”

  She pursed her lips. “And just how do you plan on doing that?”

  He smiled as he guided her down the darkened hallway toward his office. “You’ll see.”

  She sighed but followed him anyway. Something about him drove her wild, made her cast aside her good sense in favor of spending time with him. He’d worked his way into her heart again, despite all the barriers and obstacles she’d erected to keep him out. And as much as she wanted to fight it, she knew it was a losing battle.

  Blaine Woodson had a hold on her, one she couldn’t seem to shake.

  He turned the knob with his free hand, pushing open the door to his office and gently tugging her inside. He’d cleared his desk, save for his thin keyboard and flat-screen computer monitor. Patting the edge of the desk, he said, “Have a seat.”

  She did as he asked, perching her hips on the desk surface. “Is there anybody else in the building?”
br />   He shook his head, then leaned in and kissed her, a soft, fleeting brush of his lips against hers. “There’s no one here except you and me. That means we can settle this right now, without being disturbed.”

  “Blaine, whatever you’re going to say, make it quick. I’m really worn out.”

  He released her hand then, sitting down in the guest chair. “Who said I planned on saying anything?”

  Her eyes widened as he scooted the chair forward, his shoulders coming in line with her hips.

  His fingertips grazed the bare skin of her ankles, then crept slowly upward as he moved up the fabric of her dress. “My mouth will be too busy for me to talk.”

  “Blaine.” His name escaped her lips on a breathy sigh as his palm blazed a hot trail over her thigh. Her legs widened of their own accord in response to his touch.

  “Yes?” he murmured into her thigh as he kissed it.

  “Oh...” A tremor worked its way down her spine.

  “Do you want me to stop, baby?” He swirled his tongue over her knee.

  Her heart thundered in her ears, and the rising passion made her whimper, “No, don’t stop...”

  As he bunched the fabric of her dress around her waist, he eased aside her silky panties. Questing fingers stroked her, teased the bud of her womanhood until she flowed sweet and wet. Moving her hips in tandem with his ministrations, she felt herself slipping off the edge of the desk.

  He steadied her with his free hand, and moments later, she felt his kiss between her thighs. She shuddered as he followed with a series of slow, deliberate licks and sweet, gentle sucks. He tossed one thigh over his shoulder, his tongue delving deeper. Her hips bucked, her back arched, and as the sensations grew to a crescendo, she screamed his name while the spreading warmth engulfed her entire being.

  She returned to awareness, finding herself laid out across his desktop, her dress in disarray. When she looked down, she saw him sitting back in the chair, looking rather satisfied with himself. Sitting up, she straightened the garment and met his eyes. “Though they lack substance, your arguments are very convincing.”


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