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After Hours Redemption (404 Sound)

Page 11

by Kianna Alexander

  He grinned. “Thank you.”

  She shook her head, smiling in spite of herself. “Damn it, Blaine. Do you have a serious bone in your body?”

  “Of course, I do.” He gave her a wicked look and an exaggerated wink.

  She licked her lips. The remnants of his masterful oral “argument” were still reverberating through her body, and she couldn’t deny that she wanted more.

  “I’ll take that as a yes.” He stood then, reaching for the zipper of his jeans.

  She felt her breath catch in her throat. “You’re not serious. We can’t really...”

  “What? Fuck in my office?” He tilted his head to the side. “Well, since I own this building, and everything in it, I’d say we can do whatever we damn well please.”

  A shiver tripped down her spine, and she bit her lip. “Oh, my.”

  By now he’d undone the jeans and pushed them down. His boxers quickly followed, and he left the fabric pooled around his hips. Moving forward, he grasped her hips, tugging her toward the edge of the desk.

  She gasped when his hardness bumped against her inner thigh.

  He worked the dress up around her waist again. Licking his lips, he leaned forward, his breath warm on her face. “Tell me again what we can’t do in here?”

  Her arousal level increased tenfold just from his tone of voice. She knew she couldn’t form a coherent sentence, so she simply purred into his ear.

  He pecked her on the lips, then hurriedly fished a condom out of his back pocket. The moment he’d covered himself, he slipped his hands beneath her ass, cupping it as he raised her hips. Then he slid inside her in one long, delicious stroke.

  She groaned, her back arching in response to him filling her so erotically. Her hands wrapped around his strong shoulders, she held on as he rocked his hips, each thrust sending her closer and closer to ecstasy.

  “” He ground out the words in time with his thrusts. “So tight.”

  The shaking began then, beginning in her thighs and spreading through her whole body, as an orgasm sprouted and bloomed. Soon her impassioned cries and his rough grunts echoed through the empty building.

  In the aftermath, he righted their clothing and pulled her into his lap, holding her close while she tried to slow her breathing.

  “You’re amazing,” she admitted with a contented sigh.

  “Does that mean you’re not mad at me anymore?”

  “It means what I said. I do need to get home, though.” She knew what he was trying to do, and now that she had her wits about her, she wasn’t about to play this game with him. Yes, Blaine was a magnificent lover. But that prowess wasn’t a get-out-of-jail-free card he could use to erase his mistakes. Maybe that’s how he is with other women, but he’s not going to do that to me.

  She knew she wasn’t perfect. Hell, nobody was. Growing up without a father in her life had made her somewhat cynical. She held on to things like the proverbial dog with the bone, and she made people work hard to earn her trust. Still, how could she be blamed for protecting her heart? If she didn’t do it, who else would?

  She stood, and finding her legs a bit wobbly, she waited for her knees to quit knocking together. Once she felt she had steady footing, she started walking. “Bye, Blaine. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  His exasperated groan followed her, but she didn’t look back.

  * * *

  When Blaine walked into his condo Thursday night, Gage was already seated on the sofa in the living room. Their typical game-time snacks were artfully arranged on the coffee table, and Blaine could tell his brother hadn’t seen fit to wait for his arrival before digging in.

  “You’re late,” Gage called around a mouthful of popcorn.

  “Good evening to you, too, bro.”

  Washing down the popcorn with a swig of cola, Gage chuckled.

  “I never should have given you a key to my place.” He shut the door behind him and hung his keys on the hook near the door. “Flattening out my couch cushions...eating my snacks...”

  “You know you love me.”

  Snorting, Blaine joined his brother on the couch. “Why are you such a pain in the ass, Gage?”

  “When we were kids, we went to the state fair one year, and you tried to trade me in for cotton candy. Do you remember that?”

  He frowned. “Not really.” Though I do love cotton candy, even to this day.

  “Neither do I, but ever since Mom told me the story, I’ve been looking for subtle ways to pay you back for it.” He winked.

  Blaine groaned. Leave it to Gage to hold something like that against me. “What did I miss?”

  “The whole pregame show and kickoff, but not much else.” He scooped up more popcorn from the ceramic bowl. “But I have to ask you a question.”


  “Why haven’t you been to the house to visit Mom? Ever since she got out of the hospital, she’s been asking about you.”

  “I stayed at the hospital all night with her Saturday. Doesn’t that count for something?”

  Gage munched for a moment before speaking again. “Of course, it does. But she still wants to see you.”

  “I know Nia, the twins and Dad have probably been smothering her with attention.” He turned his gaze toward the television, not wanting to meet his brother’s accusing stare. “She doesn’t really need me there.”

  “Oh, so now you get to decide what Mom needs?” Gage shook his head. “Why are you being so stubborn?”

  Blaine twisted his mouth into a frown. “You’ll have to excuse me for not wanting to be around the rest of the family. They’re all judging me any time we get together, and I just don’t want any part of it.”

  “Who says anybody is judging you?”

  He scowled. “Oh, please. Nia told me as much herself, and I can tell the twins are judging me by the standoffish way they act. Trust me, I’m our parents’ biggest disappointment.”

  Gage shook his head. “Blaine, you are way too dramatic. Anyway, I’m just passing a message along. If you don’t go see Mom in the next three days, she said she’s going to pluck you like a chicken.”

  He cast his brother a sidelong glance.

  Gage shrugged. “Don’t look at me like that. That was a direct quote.”

  He almost wanted to laugh, but he knew their mother was quite serious. Addison Woodson loved her children fiercely, but she never made idle threats. “I got it. I’ll go visit her soon, I promise.”

  “Meanwhile, we need to talk about the real reason you’re so distracted.”

  “What’s that?” He braced for one of his brother’s leaps to a conclusion.

  “It’s Eden, isn’t it?”

  He shifted uncomfortably in his seat. “Eden? What does she have to do with anything?”

  Gage snickered. “Oh, please! I know you’re involved with her.”

  “You don’t know as much as you think you do, Gage.”

  “Whatever. I know that when I called you yesterday, you were at lunch with her.”

  “So? That doesn’t mean...”

  “And the day before that? Trevor told me you were locked in your office with her for at least two hours, and that when he left Monday, the two of you were still at the studio...alone.”

  Blaine rolled his eyes. “You pressing my employee for information now, Dick Tracy?”

  “No, I’m not. But since Trevor and I play poker together on Tuesday nights, we talk.” Gage fixed him with a penetrating stare. “It doesn’t matter where I’m getting my information, we both know it’s true. It’s so obvious you’re trying to pick up where y’all left off back in the day.”

  “If you’re trying to make a point, just get to it already.”

  “Listen, I like Eden. We all do—she’s a great person.” Gage poked him in the shoulder with his index finger. “Don’t screw her
over this time, Blaine. Don’t break her heart.”

  “You don’t honesty think I’d set out to hurt her, do you?” He ran a hand through his locs. “Things just didn’t work out, that’s all.”

  Gage sighed. “I’m going to get some more soda.” Standing with his empty glass in hand, he said, “You’ve got a lot of things going for you, bro. Self-awareness ain’t one of ’em.”

  Blaine watched his brother walk away, shaking his head. What is he going on about now? Sure, I made some mistakes the first time around with Eden, but who hasn’t? Plus, I’m older and wiser now. Gage was the middle child in every way possible: always analyzing his siblings’ behavior, trying to outsmart them or trick them into holding hands and singing “Kumbaya.” As much as I love him, he is way too extra sometimes.

  Nevertheless, he thought about his brother’s declaration that he lacked self-awareness. What did he mean by that, exactly? He considered himself very thoughtful in general, but especially when it came to his personal relationships and his business dealings. Could a man without self-awareness have achieved this level of success in the music industry? Especially one who’d eschewed his family’s fortune and power to make his own way?

  As for Eden, she was a grown woman, and capable of making her own decisions. What’s happening between Eden and me is none of Gage’s damn business. So what if I don’t know exactly where we’re headed just yet? We’ll figure it out.


  Friday morning, Eden sat next to Trevor at the soundboard, watching proudly as Naiya recorded her fifth single for the album. Hearing the way Naiya delivered her lyrics delighted her; every songwriter dreamed of working with someone with talent of this caliber.

  Swaying along with the lilting music of the ballad, Eden couldn’t help smiling. This album is going to be a huge hit. I can feel it. Though her relationship with Blaine still had its ups and downs, she didn’t regret taking this job. In addition to being able to cover the cost of her roof in full, she knew working with Naiya would end up being very positive for her career. Then there was the glimmer of hope that she and Blaine could rekindle their romance. There was something especially sweet about the second time around... Shalamar had written a whole song about it. But she needed to know he’d changed, that he understood how to really care for her heart.

  As playback ended on the first run-through, Trevor turned on the intercom to communicate with Naiya in the booth. “Awesome take. Let’s run it back a couple more times so you can record your harmonies. You want the high road or the low road first?”

  “I’ll do the soprano, then the tenor.” Naiya adjusted her headphones, then gave the thumbs-up.

  Just as Trevor restarted playback on the track, the studio door swung open. Blaine strode in, and Eden could feel her body aligning with the frequency of his presence in the space. This was her first time seeing him today, and she swallowed the warmth of arousal rising in her chest. He wore a pair of tight black jeans adorned with thin silver chains draped through the belt loops like a metallic bunting. His black shirt was printed with white music notes, and the buttons were open to reveal the yellow tank beneath. Black motorcycle boots on his feet and the ever-present lion’s head necklace completed today’s look.

  As he moved into the soundboard suite, the scent of his cologne awakened her senses. Notes of wood, citrus and musk curled up her nostrils with each inhale, effectively undoing her concentration. She was so distracted by his handsomeness and his heady aroma; it took her several moments to realize he hadn’t entered alone.

  Blaine’s companion was a stout, pale man in a black suit. The man had blue eyes and dark blond hair combed over in an attempt to conceal a receding hairline.

  Eden stood from her chair as Blaine came near, with the stranger close on his heels.

  “Morning, Eden. I want you to meet Marvin Samuels. He’s the label liaison from Hamilton House.”

  He stuck out his hand. “I’m pleased to meet the songwriter Blaine’s been going on about. How are you?”

  She felt her cheeks warm when he mentioned Blaine’s praise. “It’s lovely to meet you as well, Mr. Samuels.”

  “Call me Marvin.” He gave her a friendly wink.

  With the introductions made, she watched as Blaine and Marvin took seats on the sofa. Returning to the soundboard, she asked, “So, what brings you to Atlanta, Marvin?”

  “I had a few meetings in town, and I wanted to swing by and see our newest star in action.” He gestured toward Naiya, who sat inside the booth, silently mouthing the words as she read over her lyric sheet.

  “I see.” She returned her attention to her own copies of the lyric sheets. In the back of her mind, she wondered what Marvin would think of Naiya. He seemed to be in a position of reasonable power at the label, and she had to assume his opinion would have some influence. Still, if he had any real experience in the industry, she figured he’d have to be pretty damn jaded to be unimpressed by Naiya’s raw, natural talent.

  She also noticed the way Blaine seemed to be reacting to Marvin’s presence. His usual relaxed posture and easy smile had been replaced by a serious, businesslike expression and ramrod-straight posture. Considering how deep and fluffy the couch is, it’s got to be taxing for him to be sitting up that straight. She smiled at the thought of the core strength he was building...strength she hoped to put to good use later.

  The four people in the soundboard suite watched silently as Naiya worked through the song. This particular track had a higher level of complexity than the ones she’d previously recorded, requiring her to record several takes of each verse. While the music played, Eden made notes on the elements of Naiya’s delivery that she picked up on.

  Blaine seemed to be enjoying what he heard. Nodding his head along to the music, he remarked, “This ballad is fantastic. She’s really bringing out all the feels on this track.”

  Eden had to agree. “She amazes me every time she steps in the booth.”

  As the session drew to an end about ninety minutes later, Naiya left the booth and came over to the soundboard suite. She walked over to the sofa and stuck out her hand. “Marvin. It’s great to see you again.”

  “Likewise.” He gave her a broad smile.

  “Me and Trevor are going to grab lunch at the deli. Does anyone want anything?” Naiya took her purse from the hook by the door and slid the strap onto her shoulder.

  They all shook their heads.

  After Naiya and Trevor left, Eden went back to her notes. Behind her, she could hear Blaine and Marvin chatting. Listening to the way he talked about Naiya, the album and her lyrics made her feel wonderful.

  “What did I tell you, Marvin? Isn’t Naiya amazing?”

  “That she is. Very impressive.”

  “I’m really excited about her project in general,” Blaine announced. His eyes were alight, his hands gesturing as he spoke. “She’s on the brink of something major—we could be looking at the beginnings of a stratospheric career. And I’m not just talking about the R & B market, either. She could go so much further than that, especially with a talented songwriter like Eden working with her.”

  “Hmm.” Marvin nodded but said nothing.

  Eden wasn’t sure what to make of his reaction, but something about it stood out to her. She couldn’t understand why Blaine’s passion didn’t seem to be rubbing off on the label exec. Is it just me, or does Marvin seem a lot less excited about all this than Blaine does?

  “I really feel like Naiya could go mainstream if we just...”

  Marvin cleared his throat loudly, effectively cutting him off in mid-sentence. “I wouldn’t worry about all that right now, Blaine. You’re broadcasting too far into the future. For now, just focus on helping Naiya do her best work and getting this album finished as quickly as possible, without sacrificing quality.”

  Even as he maintained a congenial smile, Blaine’s shoulders slumped, and the sparkl
e faded from his eyes. “Sure thing, Marvin. Don’t worry. I’ve got it covered.”

  The exec stood then. “I need to get going. I’ve got a few more meetings and then a late flight back to New York.”

  Blaine got to his feet as well, shaking hands with Marvin. “Thanks for coming by.”

  “No problem. I look forward to hearing the finished product soon.” Marvin turned and tipped an imaginary hat in her direction. “Lovely meeting you, Eden.”

  “Same here. Safe travels.” She offered a small smile.

  Not long after that, Marvin left. Alone in the soundboard suite with Blaine, she watched him. He stood in the middle of the room, staring off into space.

  “Are you okay, Blaine?”

  “Huh?” He glanced her way, his expression absentminded.

  “I asked if you were okay.” She watched him, awaiting his response.

  He remained silent for a few moments, and even though he looked in her general direction, he almost seemed to be looking through her instead of at her. Finally, he shrugged. “I’m fine.” Without any further explanation, he turned and left the suite.

  Standing alone in the empty room, Eden felt her doubts resurface. She’d just watched as Blaine went from total rapture over their joint project to utter indifference. It was as if Marvin’s lack of enthusiasm had effectively killed Blaine’s.

  * * *

  Pulling the front door shut behind him, Blaine stepped into the grand foyer of his parents’ Buckhead home. The palatial home of his youth, with its marble floors, Yoruba and Xhosa art pieces, and polished wood looked as immaculate as Lourdes, the housekeeper, always kept it. He stopped for a moment, listening for sounds that might indicate the presence of his father or siblings. He didn’t hear any chatter or footsteps, so he assumed his family members were out and about, doing whatever they did on Saturday mornings. Leaving his shoes on the rack, he headed up the wide staircase to the second floor.


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