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Wicked Fireman

Page 5

by Sam Crescent

  “So, it’s serious between the two of you?”

  “No, we’re just having fun.” To him it was serious though. She was the only woman he thought about from the moment he woke up to the time he went to sleep. It was all Blair.

  “You don’t sound so convinced by that.”

  He glanced over his cards at his friends. “I’m not talking about this with you.”

  “Fine, fine. Be a bore. You do know who you should talk to though, right?”


  “Either her brother, mother, or her father. You know, your boss.”

  “Stop being a smart ass.” There was no way he was going to ask Chief Curtis for information on how to woo his daughter or what she liked.

  They finished their cards, and the rest of the evening went by without a hitch. By six o’clock it was time for him to head home, and he did so, wishing for Blair to be with him. He crashed out on his bed for a couple of hours, and woke up at exactly ten-thirty. He’d never been a big sleeper, and always found a reason to not be asleep. Climbing out of bed, he took a shower and left his home, making his usual stop at the diner.

  He took Blair some lunch and sat with her. She had a lot of work to get through though, and he spent most of it watching her.

  “I’m so sorry that I’m a bore today. There’s just so much to do.”

  “Don’t you worry about it.”

  “Oh, I wanted to tell you. The first photo shoot is this weekend near the town hall. Will you be available then?”

  “Will you be there?” he asked.

  “Yes. I’ll be there for every single one.”

  “Then I’ll be there. Wherever you are, I’ll be.”

  “You’re way too good for me.” She leaned over the desk. “I will make it up to you, I promise. It’s just crazy.”

  “Hey, I know what you mean. I’ve not seen you for some time.”

  “I know, and I miss you at night. Just a few more nights.”

  He gripped the back of her neck, claiming her lips. “Don’t worry about it.”

  Releasing her, he left the sheriff’s office and made his way straight toward the chief’s home. He knew that his boss wouldn’t be home, and he hoped to talk to his wife, Blair’s mother.

  He picked up some flowers on the way over, and he’d never been so nervous before as he did knocking on Blair’s parents’ door.

  An older version of Blair, with long, blonde hair and kind eyes, opened the door.

  “Dwayne, are you looking for the Chief?” she asked.

  “No, no, I was looking for you.”

  “Oh. You were looking for me? Is there something wrong?”

  “I wanted to talk to you about Blair.”


  “Yes, your daughter.”

  Rachel smiled. “Of course. I’m so sorry. Come on in.”

  He stepped forward. “These are for you.”

  “They’re beautiful, thank you.” She took them, and he followed her through to the kitchen, and watched as she put them in a vase. “Now, you’re here to talk about Blair?”

  “Yes. I was wondering if you could tell me what she likes.”

  She chuckled. “Why don’t you ask her yourself?”

  “I want to surprise her. I want to get to know her. Does she like chocolates? Jewels? Vacations in some exotic location?”

  “Blair doesn’t go for big, extravagant stuff. If I remember correctly she never wanted to leave town. Life away from home and her family never appealed to her. If you also notice you’ll see she rarely wears jewelry of any kind. She’s a simple girl. She likes long walks, and times spent with people she really enjoys. I know her ex hurt her, but she wasn’t in love with him.”

  “You’re sure about that?”

  “Yes, I am. He wasn’t well-liked, but he always looked down on our ways, and what we liked to do. He’d mock her help on the calendar and at the school fairs.”

  “I guess I should be more thankful that he’s not around anymore. Do you think he’ll ever come back?”

  “No. I really don’t. He left town hated, and there’s nothing for him to come back to. Speaking of Blair, just care about her, Dwayne. Remember how she likes her coffee or the sandwiches she loves and you’ll be surprised at how touched she is by the simple things.” Rachel placed a cup of coffee in front of him. “Was I the least of three evils?”

  “It didn’t feel right talking to the Chief about his daughter. Your son’s not a big fan of mine just yet, and I wanted you to know that I do care about Blair. She always speaks highly of you.”

  “I’m her mother, Dwayne. She’s supposed to.”


  “Come on, Ben, look at the camera as if you want to date it,” Blair said, standing off to the side.

  Most of the town was watching from the sidewalk as it was one of the first shots of the day. It was way too hot outside, and Blair had removed her jacket and pinned her hair up. Her mother kept on bringing bottles of fresh water due to the heat being so bad. Blair kept on fanning herself with her sheets of paper while the photographer kept on snapping away.

  “You know that’s all I want, baby. I want that camera in my bed at night.”

  She chuckled. Ben was one of the few men who always got into it and wanted to make a show of it. He also loved seeing the women that would watch as the woman that caught his eye would be his next hot date, and when she looked at the crowd, Blair spotted his woman from the lake, watching. She looked like she wanted to fuck him so bad.

  Focusing on Ben, Blair went over his posture and where he was standing with a critical eye. She knew this was a lot of fun, but she also liked to make sure her stuff was worth paying for. The calendar had become an important project to her.

  “You look incredibly hot,” Dwayne said, coming to stand beside her.

  She chuckled, glancing at him to see he was already partially naked. “Yeah, I didn’t realize it was going to be this bad heat wise.”

  “Oh, you’re a little sweaty too, but the formal, conservative look just gets me hard.”

  “Stop it,” she said.

  “What? Stop telling you that right now I’m thinking about what you look like naked, like, completely so. That I want to lick every single inch of you because you look like a tasty treat.”

  She pressed her thighs together. “I’m trying to work.”

  “So am I, baby. When it’s my turn to have my picture done, know that my sexy look is going to be about you. I’m going to imagine you spread out on my bed, begging me to tongue your pussy, knowing you’re soaking wet.”

  “I hate you right now.”

  “No, you love me right now because all you want to do is say screw it to the set, and go and fuck me. Don’t worry, princess, I will reward you.”

  He stepped closer to her, and she felt the heat from him.

  Ben finished his session, and they got over a thousand shots. The moment he was done, he went straight to the woman waiting for him.

  “Is it my turn now?”

  “Yes, it is, but we’re not set up here for you. We’re moving on toward the station,” she said. “Dad’s been setting everything up for us to be ready.”

  “Well, would you like to walk with me?” He offered his arm and she took it, sliding her arm within his.

  “Thank you for doing this?”

  “For doing what?”

  “The calendar, it really does mean a lot.”

  “It’s for charity and for helping others, baby. Of course I’d help out.”

  She smiled at that. “Yeah, well some people don’t believe in helping others.”

  “I’m not one of them. Whatever you want to do, whatever help you need, just let me know, and I’ll be there for you, helping you.”

  There weren’t as many people at the station this time. The heat was driving people back to their shops or homes, and she could understand. Finishing off her water, Blair saw her mother was already there as the photographer got Dwayne into position.

bsp; “I think this should be the last shot of the day,” Rachel said.

  “I agree. It’s too hot.” Blair’s shirt was already stuck to her body from the heat, and she felt a little sick.

  Drinking more water, she watched as the photographer got Dwayne to turn this way and that. He really was a good-looking man, and now her mind was going toward a possible Christmas set for next year. She could ask the men to pose in the snow, but then she thought of the trouble it would be to stand outside in the cold and look sexy, and quickly scrapped that idea. There was a reason she started the calendar shots in the summer, and it was for the very reason of sexiness.

  The men put up with it for her father, she was sure.

  She didn’t want to push them too far.

  “You and Dwayne seem to be getting along just fine.”

  “What do you want to ask, Mom?” She smiled at her mother, knowing she wanted answers.

  “I’m just wondering what you’re thinking, you know, what you’re feeling. He’s the first man you’ve been with since…”

  “Richard. We can say his name, Mom.”

  “Yeah, but I don’t like saying his name. I prefer calling him your ex, or something that I can’t repeat around small children.”

  “I really like Dwayne, but it’s nothing permanent, so don’t start getting ideas.”

  She watched as the photographer got a few rough shots and wasn’t happy with them so got Dwayne to move into a different position. She checked to make sure Dwayne was okay, and he seemed to be.

  “Are you sure it’s just a little fun though?” her mother asked.

  “Why do you think it’s not?”

  “Well, feelings develop, and I’ve seen in the last few hours how you look at Dwayne. Not only that, he looks at you like you’re the most precious thing on the planet, Blair.”

  She turned to Rachel. “What?”

  “I don’t want you to not give yourself the chance to find happiness, to have a future with a husband or kids.”

  “Mom, husband, and kids are so off the list of things I want right now. I’m not … what Dwayne and I have is fun, okay, and I know it’s probably strange to think of it like that, but I don’t want to change it, and neither does he.” She hugged her mother. “It’s okay. It’s fine. Everything is fine. I’m happy. I promise.”

  She turned toward the man in question, and his gaze was on her as the photographer shot away. Everyone else fell away as she felt completely gripped by him. He wanted her, she saw that, and she wanted him too.

  It was fun, and for now, she was happy with that. She didn’t want to even think of more in case he wasn’t on the same page.

  Chapter Eight

  “You know, the last time someone asked me to cover my eyes with the promise everything would be okay, my brother guided me and I ended up walking into a wall,” Blair said. Her eyes were covered with a blindfold. “Of course, it was a towel that we’d used to cover my eyes, and we were playing around like all kids do. It was some kind of trust game, and I didn’t trust him after that.”

  “I bet. I’m not going to get you to walk into a wall, I promise.”

  He’d picked her up from work, and taken her home where he’d chosen some clothes for her. “Erik was an asshole to be honest. I had a bruise on my forehead for weeks after, but at least I never trusted my brother again.”

  “I should kick his ass.”

  “You know, I don’t think I’d mind that.” She chuckled. “Where are we going?”

  “It’s a surprise.”

  “I don’t know if I like surprises.”

  “Oh, dear,” he said, pressing a kiss to her neck. “I’ll have to make it worth your while then.”

  He licked over her pulse and heard her gasp. “I look forward to it.”

  “Are you wet for me right now?” he asked.


  “Good. Don’t expect me to touch you just yet. I’ve got an evening planned, and I don’t intend to be tempted by your body right now. Maybe later though.”

  Making her stand beside the table, he pulled out the chair and then lowered her into it, helping her to ease it under the table.

  When he was sure she was comfortable, he left her there and took a seat opposite her. Taking a deep breath, he let her remove the blindfold that covered her eyes.

  The moment she did, she gasped.

  He’d transformed his entire back yard into a romantic scene. It had taken him a full day to fit the gazebo that would also hold the fairy lights.

  “Oh, my,” she said.

  “I wanted to have something perfect and nice for you. It gave me a reason to do the entire backyard.” And he had. His hands were covered in cuts from splinters and hard work. He didn’t mind the work though. The lawn had looked more like a jungle than a yard. Five hours it had taken him to get it down, and he’d blunted the blade on the mower three times, after which he had to get it sharpened.

  He’d burned all of the dead wood that had been stored there, and he’d gotten some of the guys from work to help him.

  “This is … wow, I can’t believe you did all of this for me.”

  He grabbed an oven mitt and lifted off the lid on the casserole dish.

  “You made me lasagna?” she asked.

  “I spoke to your mom. She said that if I was going to bake you anything it had to be this. That you loved it more than anything else.”

  She chuckled. “I did, and I do, even. Dad and my brother got so sick and tired of eating it.”

  He grabbed some serving utensils and served them both a rather generous portion.

  “This is Mom’s recipe?”

  “Yes.” Dwayne watched her take a bite and loved the look on her face as she enjoyed it. “Do you like?”

  “It’s amazing. I can’t believe you’d do all of this for me.”

  “I wanted to do something special for you.” He’d thought long and hard about the advice he’d been given from Rachel. Jewels were not an option, and he was awful at picking them. He didn’t know what would go with her eyes, or if she was allergic to any kind of metals or whatnot. Then of course chocolates and flowers seemed tacky. He wasn’t about to get her a sex toy, so a romantic dinner beneath the stars seemed perfect to him. As a girl who didn’t need all of the crap around a relationship, she seemed to be really taken by his gift.

  “You know, this does feel really romantic,” she said. “I’ve never had anyone go to these lengths before to make me dinner. Did you make it or Mom?”

  “I made it. I spent all afternoon making sure it was just perfect, and then I had to make sure you’d even come.”

  “Of course I’d come. I’d be honored to come. Why wouldn’t I?”

  “I don’t know. I’ve never considered myself an expert in women, and you’ve made it hard for me, woman.”

  She chuckled. “Well, you get a good ten for this, and I’m so sorry about before. I shouldn’t have turned you down all those times, and I’m sorry.”

  “Wait, hold on a second, you’re telling me that Blair, the Blair Curtis, is offering me an apology?”

  “Yes, I am. A complete apology.”

  “I’ll take it. So, a ten, huh?”

  “A hundred percent or whatever it was that you were aiming for.”

  “I was aiming for you to be happy, Blair.”

  For a second, he was sure he saw tears glistening in her eyes, and something else, but she looked down. “Well, I’m really happy.”


  They finished their meal, and he sipped at his wine before taking her hand. He pressed a button on a remote, and soft music played through the garden. Pulling her against him, he rocked from side to side, dancing with her.

  Breathing in her scent, he felt her rest her head against his chest, and he closed his eyes. He knew that Blair didn’t want love, that she wanted something casual, but he’d fallen for her. Head over heels, and he didn’t want to give her up. Every single smile and steamy look he wanted to possess more than anyt

  The truth was, he just wanted her any way that he could get her.


  Blair couldn’t recall a time that she felt so much, and it was all because of Dwayne. The lights, the garden, everything made her feel so many different things, and it scared her. All she had wanted was to have some fun because she truly believed that would work. That she wouldn’t be able to fall for him.

  She hadn’t known Dwayne, and didn’t know that he was capable of these special moments or that he did things for her that she found so sweet. He opened doors, placed his hand on her back to help her, or took the groceries from her. He was a gentleman that happened to be wicked in the bedroom.

  “What are you thinking?” he asked.

  “I don’t know.” She chuckled, not ready to tell him the truth. She’d been the one to put a halt on any kind of relationship other than the physical. “I’m blown away by all of this.”

  “You’d have been even more impressed if you’d seen the state of my yard before I cleaned it up. It didn’t look like this.”

  “It’s perfect, Dwayne. Everything is perfect.”

  She ran her hands up his chest and circled his neck. No one had ever done anything so romantic for her before or taken the time to get it perfect. Her ex never went to her mother asking what her favorite food was, or if she was allergic to anything. Her mother had called her up and asked why he’d want to know. Blair had been just as baffled as her mother, but she wasn’t now. Now, she was excited, happy, in love.

  Dwayne gripped her ass with one hand while his other held her close at the back of her neck.

  His lips crashed down onto hers and she melted against him, opening her lips for him to take the kiss that he wanted.

  He plunged his tongue inside her mouth, and she met him halfway, kissing him back with a passion that she felt only for him. Dwayne had gotten beneath her skin, and she didn’t want to let him go.

  “Fuck, baby, I want to take you so damn bad right now.”

  “Then take me, Dwayne. Take me and fuck me.”

  She wanted it.

  Blair didn’t have to ask him twice. He had her in his arms and carried her into his home, up to his bedroom.


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