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Wicked Fireman

Page 6

by Sam Crescent

She knew from town gossip that he’d been working on the house for some time, and even though the home was more than safe and livable she saw the care being put into it. She didn’t get a chance to admire any of his handiwork now as he carried her straight up to his bedroom.

  He placed her on the floor and took her face in his hands, slamming his lips down on hers, and she melted against him, moaning his name as she did.

  Tearing at each other’s clothes, they got naked within a matter of seconds, and she cried out as he cupped both of her tits, pressing them together. His thumb ran across each tip before his mouth did as well, sucking each bud into his mouth.

  “I dream about your tits, baby.”

  She chuckled. “You like them that much they’re in your dreams?”

  “And in every single fantasy.”

  He released them, taking her down to the bed. She gripped his cock, working from the base up to the tip then down again. He was already hard as rock, and it made her ache. “I want this inside me.”

  “You want my cock?”


  She wriggled down the bed, and before he could stop her, she’d taken the head into her mouth, sucking the pre-cum right off his dick. He groaned, and his hand went to her hair, holding her in place as she sucked on him. He thrust into her mouth, and she moaned for him, wanting more, so much more.

  After a minute or so, Dwayne reared back, and he took charge, turning her so that she was on her knees before him, and she was completely at his mercy now. He could do whatever he wanted to her, and she’d give it to him, not fighting, nothing. She just wanted to belong to him in every conceivable way. She trusted him more than anyone else. Her feelings for him did scare her a little bit, but she knew he was special, that what she had with Dwayne wasn’t something she wanted to throw away.

  His fingers teased between her slit, stroking her pussy. “Damn, I’ll never get tired of feeling how wet you are for me.”

  He didn’t make her wait as he placed the tip of his cock at her entrance and thrust forward. She cried out his name as he filled her to the hilt. His hands were bruising on her hips as he fucked her hard, consuming her with a need that startled her.

  Dwayne reached between them, slamming inside her as deep as he could go, and he started to play with her clit. Blair came hard with just a few touches of his fingers. Afterward, he fucked her fast and rough, following her into orgasm.

  They both collapsed on the bed, and she did so with a chuckle. “I didn’t expect that to be over so quickly.”

  “Give me five minutes and I’ll be good as new.”

  “Only five minutes?”

  “You’re right. I might only need three.” He ran a hand down his face, and she moved toward him, resting her chin on her hand, which also lay on his bare chest.

  “I like this,” she said.

  “Me too.” He stroked her cheek, and she looked away, afraid that he’d see the love she had for him in her eyes. Dwayne was so perceptive of everything.

  “I’ve got you to myself this weekend, right?”

  “Yes. The entire weekend. No photoshoots or charity work. Just you and me.”

  “I’m going to warn you, baby, I’ve got some fantasies I want to work out, and you’re not leaving my bed until I do.”

  “That sounds incredibly promising.”

  He took possession of her mouth, and she melted for him again.

  Chapter Nine

  Sliding his hand down her back, Dwayne lifted Blair’s hips up but kept her chest on the bed so that only her ass was presented to him. Spreading the cheeks wide, he saw her puckered anus, and the wet slit that he’d already pumped his cum deep inside, of which he saw traces leaking out of her.

  He slipped his finger inside her cunt, drawing it back, and coating her asshole. She tensed up, but at the same time she released a moan almost as if she couldn’t help herself. With his other hand, he cupped her pussy and teased her clit, finding the movements that brought her the most pleasure and working her.

  It wasn’t long before she was rubbing her pussy all over his hand.

  When he was satisfied that she was at a point of pleasure that would drive her need for him even higher, he started to tease her ass, spreading more of their combined cum over her ass.

  The night had been a raging success.

  He’d worked hard to make everything perfect for her, and he had. The only thing missing was the words that would tell her how he felt, but he wasn’t ready to share them, not yet. It wasn’t time.

  Pressing a finger deep inside her ass, he began to work her, spreading her open so that she was ready to take his cock.

  Adding a second finger, he stretched them, opening her up. He continued to play with her ass, listening to her moans and gasps and finding a pace that would drive her even wilder than the last.

  Slowly, he took his time, getting her ready, teasing her body, touching her clit as the orgasm she wanted started to build. Only when she was ready, did he coat his cock in more lube, which he’d already taken out of the drawer. When he was completely slick, he pressed the tip of his cock to her virgin ass.

  Inch by inch, he began to fill her, teasing her clit as he did so. He didn’t want to hurt her, and taking her ass for the first time, he wanted her to be wild with it, to let go, to take what she wanted.

  “Push out,” he said.

  She pushed out, and he slid in deep, going to the hilt. She cried out his name, the sound echoing around the room. He soothed her, stroking her clit. He pinched the nub, feeling the responding pleasure as her ass tightened around him.

  Only when he was sure she was ready did he slowly begin to move within her, thrusting back and forth, giving her as much as she could take, and drawing her to an orgasm that squeezed his cock like a fist.

  He counted to ten to keep himself under control.

  “Do you like my dick in your ass, baby?”


  “Do you want me to stop?”

  “No. Please, don’t stop.”

  “You want me to fuck your ass?”

  “Yes, yes, I want it.”

  He fucked her ass in long, sure strokes, watching his cock spread her wide. It was such a pretty sight and something so primal knowing that he’d taken her, that he fucked her, and he was making her his.

  Dwayne would gladly fight every single man that even for a second tried to take her away from him. This was how fucking serious he was about her. He didn’t want to lose her. She was his in every single way, just as he belonged to her. Thrusting in deep, he took her ass, feeling his orgasm start to build. Over and over, he fucked her until he finally came, filling her with his cum.

  The pleasure started to ebb away, and he held her tightly against him, his own heart racing as he was consumed by love. He wanted to tell her more than anything that he’d fallen in love with her, but he couldn’t do that. Not right now, not today, just in case she wasn’t ready to know.

  During his life, he’d been hit left, right, and center by many things that had challenged him. The possibility of being rejected, of having his love thrown back, that wasn’t something he could handle, not now.

  “That was amazing,” she said.

  He slowly pulled out of her ass and went into the bathroom. He washed his hands and cock, then grabbed a cloth to bring back to clean the remnants of his cum from her ass. When she was completely clean, they both enjoyed a shower. It seemed kind of pointless cleaning her with the cloth, but he’d wanted to. He wanted to wash his woman and to take care of her. It meant a great deal to him.

  After their shower, he brought up the last of the wine from the fridge. They finished off the bottle, and when it was time to sleep, he pulled Blair into his arms.

  She held onto his hands as he did so, her ass nestling against his crotch. She felt so good, and he didn’t want to let her go, not for a second.

  “I really enjoyed tonight,” she said.

  “It’s all for you.”

  “No one has ever don
e anything that special for me before, Dwayne. It means … so much.”

  He kissed her neck. “You better get used to it. I’m a man of affection.”

  This made her chuckle. “You certainly are.”

  Blair was the first to fall asleep, and Dwayne lifted up, stroking her hair back from her face, and watching her. She looked so at peace, so beautiful, so calm.

  He kissed her cheek. “I love you, Blair.”

  Finally, he fell asleep with her in his arms. At least he got to say it to her tonight even if she was asleep and didn’t have a clue how he felt.


  “They’re really good shots,” her father said.

  Blair always made sure the chief went over the final shots that she’d picked out for the calendar. There were always so many to pick from that it could be a rather daunting prospect. She didn’t mind it though.

  She spent hours looking at one shot from several different angles, all of them of the same man. When she first started taking over the organization of the calendar, she didn’t think it would be this intense, but now she relished it.

  “What do you think? Would you like us to take some fresh ones?” she asked.

  “You and I both know, Blair, that these are perfect. I sign off on them every single year.”

  She chucked. “Only because they’re good. If you ever don’t like any of them, this is your department, and you can tell me that they’re not good enough, Dad.”

  “You see, playing the dad card puts me in a bad position. I’m doomed either way.” He winked at her.

  “You know you’re not, and besides, you had no problem when I was growing up, telling me what I was doing right or wrong.” She loved her father dearly. “You’re happy.”

  “They’re fantastic.”

  “I think so as well. I was shocked by how well they worked out.”

  “This one I find interesting.”

  She frowned as her father held up a picture she hadn’t brought along. The photographer had used her and Dwayne as a practice shot after a short break. She’d been so tired, but all it had taken was the promise in Dwayne’s voice and his hands on her body to bring her back to life. She wore a white blouse that didn’t show the sweat marks she’d been sure she had that day. Dwayne’s hands were on her hips, and the photographer had said something that made them both laugh.

  It wasn’t the joke or the fact a sexy fireman was holding her, it was the look on their faces that the camera couldn’t deny.

  “What is it, Dad?” she asked, packing away the rest of the images. “I didn’t bring that one along.”

  “Your mother did. She thought it would be interesting for me to see.” He placed it on his desk, and she tried not to look at it.

  Hope bloomed inside her chest when she saw it though. Dwayne held her possessively like he always had, and the look in his eyes—she didn’t want to give herself hope that it could be so.

  “Is there anything you want to tell me?” he asked.


  “You’re my daughter. My little girl. I love you more than anything in the world. You and your brother. You don’t think it hurt me seeing what that asshole did before Dwayne? How he would belittle you, make you feel small, mock this town. A town that you love.”

  Tears filled her eyes. She’d never taken the time to really think about how her parents had felt. They’d never liked her ex, and she hadn’t wanted to cause a problem, so for the most part, she stayed away. It made life a whole lot easier, but she’d missed her family. By not going to see them, she kept Richard off her case, but it also meant she created something between herself and her family.

  “It’s over now, and in the past.”

  “Tell me, do you love him?”

  She wiped away the tears before they could fall, and nodded her head. “Yes.”

  “I can safely say from this picture alone that you are loved, very much loved.”

  “What … I don’t know what to do,” she said. “I was the one that said I didn’t want anything serious, that I wanted to keep it casual.”

  “It’s a lady’s prerogative to change her mind,” he said. “I had to convince your mother to marry me.”

  She knew the story how her father had been a player until he caught sight of her mother, and from that moment on, there hadn’t been anyone else.

  “Love doesn’t happen like that these days.”

  “It does, Blair. You’ve just got to be willing to try it. I didn’t think I’d say this, but Dwayne, he’s a good guy. He’s one of the best men I’ve had the pleasure of working with. When he first transferred I thought he was just another city boy like the one that broke your heart. He’s not. He’s so much more. I will not be upset or offended if you decide to make this work.”

  She moved around the desk and hugged her father. “Thank you.”

  “No, thank you. These shots are going to earn us a great deal for the hospital. I am one happy man. Now, get out of here before I get accused of not working.”

  She chuckled, picking up her work and leaving his office. Dwayne wasn’t at the station as he had to go to the local nursery to talk to them about safety and to show them the fire truck.

  Love. She didn’t think it was possible for her to fall in love with him, but she couldn’t find a single reason anymore to fight it.

  She loved Dwayne more than anything else in the world. It wasn’t even about the dirty sex. He made her laugh, and he was considerate, kind, loving, loyal. Dwayne was everything she had ever wanted and more. Her family adored him. Even her brother had nothing but kind things to say about him, and of course her father, the one man who always judged everyone who tried to date his daughter, Dwayne had passed those tests.

  Pulling out her cell phone, she sent him a text saying they needed to talk.

  Dwayne (Wicked Fireman): Talk? Do I want to know?

  Blair: It’s important. Can we talk later?

  Dwayne (Wicked Fireman): Sure. I’ve just got to finish up a few things. Talk soon.

  Putting the phone away, she was happy. Tonight, she’d tell him that she loved him, the consequences be damned.

  Chapter Ten

  “What’s up, man? You look like someone just killed your cat or something,” Ben asked. “Do you even own a cat?”

  “I don’t have a cat.” Dwayne stared down at his cell phone and wondered what had gone wrong. He didn’t understand why Blair wanted to talk to him, not that it was an issue. Had something happened?

  He finished helping Ben put away the engine so everything was back in place. They’d opened it up for the kids to have a good look at, and explained what everything did. He loved kids. They were amazing to be around and to watch. They seemed to absorb everything like a sponge, and it didn’t matter what it was, they wanted to know everything.

  “Then what’s got you looking like you’ve been kicked in the balls?”

  “Blair wants to talk.”

  “Now that sounds … scary. You knock her up?”

  “Shut up.”

  “I’m just saying. A talk can be many things. She loves you. She wants to have your babies. She’s pregnant. She wants to end things.”

  “How do you even date?”

  “I’ve got a decent-sized cock, and I’m nice to every single person I’m with. Believe me, I’m considered the nicest asshole around.”

  Dwayne shook his head. “You’re a loser, that’s what it is.”

  He didn’t know why Blair would want to have a talk. Even in text talk it sounded serious, and he didn’t know what to think.

  Once the truck was ready, he waved goodbye to the playground full of kids, who all squealed at him. Ben climbed behind the wheel as Dwayne took the passenger seat.

  “You didn’t give her … anything, did you?”

  “What the hell do you mean?”

  “Well, you’ve been in the city. You’ve not, like, picked something up?”

  “Ben, seriously, just because I’m a city boy doesn’t mean I hav
e an STI or an STD. Anyone who lives anywhere can get them.” He rolled his eyes. His nerves were fucking frayed from that damn text, and it was driving him crazy.

  “Sorry, sorry, wow, I didn’t realize that, you know, you were so touchy about it.”

  “You’ve just tried to ask if I in some way gave my woman a sexually transmitted infection. I’m not that big of an asshole, but if you’ve got an itch, Ben, go to the damn GP!” He ran a hand down his face just as the chief’s voice came over the radio. Picking up the mouthpiece, he listened as the chief reported a fire out by the old warehouse. It was reported that a couple of kids had been playing with fire. It was an old textile warehouse.

  “Shit,” Ben said. “Old man Peters stays there.”

  “In an abandoned warehouse?”

  “It’s his old business. He had no choice but to close it up as the company went bankrupt, but he still owns the building. No one kicks him out or anything. He’s a drunk.”

  Starting up the sirens, Dwayne held on as Ben turned the truck around heading back into town. They were closer than the station, and he quickly geared up as Ben came toward the flames. There were several people outside, and the kids were already there. Blair’s uncle had them all.

  They looked fucking terrified.

  Dwayne was used to this, arriving at a scene, people scared. Fire had a way of doing that, and when it tore through a building, it could put the fear into most people.

  Climbing out of the truck, he went over to the sheriff.

  “Is everyone accounted for?” he asked.

  “No. No one has heard jack from old man Peters. We don’t know where he is.”


  “He could be in the building.”

  Even now, Dwayne saw the building was burning up. Fabric had a way of doing that.

  “Yeah, and they don’t know if they saw him or not.”

  He had two choices: risk going into the building and old man Peters not being there, or stay outside, contain the blaze, and old man Peters would die.

  Dwayne didn’t like either of those odds, and he wasn’t a coward either.

  Nodding at the sheriff, he moved toward the truck. “Keep it contained.”


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