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Pretty Much Invincible

Page 9

by Carey, Stephen

  “It’s not up to me.”

  “So, if it were up to you, you’d let me stay?”

  “I...” He lowered his head and thought about it. “Honestly, I don’t know. William has a point.”

  “Whatever.” She angrily shook her head.

  There was no point in going on about it anymore. Lucy had to accept it. There was always a small (really goddamn small) chance that William would change his mind. Maybe the old bastard would turn around. “You got any alcohol, Shane? Anything?”

  “Wish I did.”

  “When was the last time you got drunk?”

  “It’s been a while, that’s for sure.”

  “I miss getting drunk. George was always hilarious when he had drink in him. Wouldn’t stop talking. Not much of a talker when sober—but alcohol really got him going.” She laughed at a fond memory. “He could go on about such bullshit.”

  “Sounds like quite a character.”

  “He was.”

  “How long were you two together?”

  “Almost nine years. It all went by so fast.” So many people, gone. “I’d say that little girl of yours is really missing her mother.”

  Shane nodded. “Yes. She is.”

  “What was her name?”

  “Maria. She was...” It was a struggle to hold back his tears. “She was an amazing person.” Shane yawned. “You mind if I go back to bed?”

  “No.” The truth was, she did not want to be alone. “Two days. Two days until I’m fucked.”

  Shane stood and looked sympathetically at her. “I’m sorry.”

  “So you said.” Lucy sighed and stared into space. “Well... I’ll get to see George again, that’ll be nice. Oh, and I’ll say hi to Maria for you. Do you believe in the afterlife?”


  “What do you believe?”

  “I believe that this is it.”

  “Yeah. You’re probably right.” She lay back down on the sofa. “Goodnight, Shane. Sweet fucking dreams and all that.”

  Without saying anything, Shane returned to the bedroom.


  Morning came. Sally was still asleep as Shane got dressed. He walked into the living room, Lucy was sleeping on the sofa. Beautiful Lucy. Look at her, Shane, so beautiful. Do you really want to let her go?

  Shane decided to go out and stretch his legs, he would return later and have breakfast when everyone was awake. He left the house and inhaled the cool breeze. It appeared that he was the only one in the neighbourhood who was awake. Then, he noticed Danny tending to the chicken’s outside of William’s house.

  Danny’s not looking so good, is he, Shane? Not good at all. Look at him. Not good.

  When Danny was done with the chickens, he covered his mouth with his arm and began to cough. As soon as Danny noticed Shane staring, he turned and walked away. Danny went into the house next to William’s.

  Not good. Look at him. Not good. You can see it—inside him. Follow.

  Shane made his way down the street and stopped outside of Danny’s house. Looking in through the living room window, Shane could see Danny in the middle of a coughing fit.

  Infected? The darkness? The darkness is inside him?

  Danny had a worried look on his face. He took a deep breath.

  It always began with a cough and then it got much worse from there. Much worse. Mind, body and soul rotting away. Shane would have to keep a close eye on Danny—on anyone who showed any sign of infection. Then, it crossed Shane’s mind, once again, that eventually everyone would probably get infected. It was inevitable. No, no, no! It was not inevitable, humanity would get through this! They would!

  Danny. Keep an eye on him, Shane.


  It was about time, Sally thought, that she put together a new costume. It was time for the return of Super Sally! She stared at the thin bedroom curtains. Blue. This time her cape would be blue. Her goggles were still in good condition. She just needed gloves and something to replace her body warmer. Her hood was in pieces, some new headgear would be nice. Then she remembered—Lucy had been wearing a bandanna around her neck when she had arrived. Maybe that would do the job.

  Super Sally 2.0!

  Sally hopped off her bed and made her way into the living room where Lucy was still fast asleep. Gently, Sally rubbed Lucy’s shoulder. “Hey,” Sally whispered. “Lucy.”

  Lucy’s eyes slowly opened and it took her a moment to remember where she was. “Yeah? What is it?” She sat up and rubbed her bleary eyes.

  Pointing to the blue bandanna on the floor, Sally said, “Could I borrow that? Well, not borrow... keep.”

  “You want this?” Lucy bent down and picked up the bandanna.

  “Yes please!”

  “I see. What you got to trade for it?”

  Sally thought for a moment. “Um, let me see.” What was she willing to give up?

  Lucy held out the bandanna and smiled. “I’m just kidding. Here, consider it a thank you for taking me in.”

  “Thank you!” Sally said merrily. She took the bandanna, went into the kitchen, grabbed a knife, and ran back into her bedroom.

  Sally cut the blue curtain to her desired length and tied it around her neck. She tied the bandanna around her head and then put on her goggles. Now, only gloves were missing—maybe something to replace the body warmer, but that wasn’t a big deal. Sally looked at herself in the bedroom mirror. Not bad. Super Sally was back! Almost—just gloves!

  Sally ran through the living room (Lucy was asleep once more) and into the kitchen. She opened the fridge and thought about what she should take. Tin of beans? Rice? Bottle of water? It wasn’t really worth trading any of these things for a pair of gloves.

  She closed the fridge door and went outside. Everyone stared at her every time she left the house and it was getting really old. Sally was getting tired of seeing the fear in peoples’ eyes—people were supposed to be glad to see a hero. But then, she figured, she had not done enough to win them over. Across the street, an old woman was trimming her hedge with a pair of hedge clippers. A good place to start.

  Sally jogged over to the old woman and waved. “Hello.”

  The old woman froze out of fear.

  “Would you like me to do that for you?” Sally asked merrily. “I can get it done in no time at all!”

  “Oh,” the scared old woman said. “OK.” She handed over the hedge clippers, as though obeying a direct order.

  Sally attempted to put the old woman at ease. “If you need help with anything else today, just let me know.” She put on a big smile.

  “OK,” the old woman said, staring with big, wide eyes.

  “So, what’s your name?”

  “May,” she answered immediately, as if she would get in trouble for not responding fast enough.

  “Well, May, I’ll have this done in no time!”

  Sally went about trimming the hedge and, just like she had said, it was done in no time at all. She handed the hedge clippers back to May and said, “Do you have any—”

  “Take want you want!” May said quickly.

  “I was just looking for a pair of gloves.” She held up her hands. “To complete my costume. I can trade you something, or do something—”

  “OK!” May abruptly turned. “I’ll get you gloves!” She made her way into the house.

  Sally did not like this at all. The old lady was too intimidated to refuse any request. It was OK, Sally would win them over—soon.

  May came back out of the house with a pair of gardening gloves in her hands. “Here,” she said. “Take them.”

  Perhaps it was not right to take the gloves, May was handing them over out of fear, clearly. But Sally would do something for the old lady in return. She took the brown gardening gloves and said, “Remember, if you need anything, anything at all, just let me know!”

  “OK.” May said timidly.

  Sally put the gloves on. Her costume was now complete!


  Sally was passing
by a house when she noticed a boy, around her age, standing outside, staring into space. Sally stopped and looked down at her clothes, which were full of bullet holes. She really should get some new clothes. That boy was about her size. Sally walked up to the boy who appeared to be daydreaming. The boy snapped out of his daze and greeted Sally with a nervous smile and wave.

  “Hey, there,” Sally said cheerfully. “What’s your name?”

  “Andy,” the anxious young boy replied.

  “I’m Sally. I, um, I kind of need new clothes, as you can see. I was wondering, do you have any you can spare? I’ll do something in return.”

  “I’ll... I’ll ask my dad.”

  The boy quickly went inside the house. A moment later, Andy’s father came outside. “H-Hello,” the man said shakily.

  “Hey! My name is Sally.”

  “Andrew,” the man mumbled.

  “I was just wondering if you guys could spare any clothes? Mine are sort of...” She glanced at her hoody.

  “I see. Of course, take w-whatever you want.”

  Just like May, this man was too intimidated to say no. “Just, anything you can spare. And I’ll do something for you. Anything you need done?”

  Andrew was too afraid to ask for anything in return. “That’s OK. Let me get you some clothes. Back in a second.” He went inside.

  Sally felt uncomfortable taking anything from someone who was too afraid to turn her down. But she would find some way to return the favour. Everyone would soon see what a benefit Super Sally could be to the group.

  Andrew returned with a jumper and trousers that seemed to be the right fit. Sally took the clothes, smiled, and said, “Thank you, Andrew! If you need help with anything, just let me know. OK?”

  “Yes. OK,” he said, slowly nodding.


  It got bad. Real bad. It was like trying to listen to ten different radio stations all at once. Imagine that. And Imagine only one of those stations is telling the truth. You’re trying to listen to all that information all at once... and your trying to figure out what’s bullshit and what’s not. My husband, he also had it bad. He said that he couldn’t tell which voice in his head was his own. And later, when he got infected with the darkness, he said some things that made me want to just end it then and there. Jesus. Maybe soon I will end it. I might just put a gun to my head—I don’t want it to get inside me!


  Early the next morning, Shane stepped outside with the intention of taking a nice relaxing walk. He spotted Danny feeding the chickens outside of William’s house. It seemed as though Shane and Danny had gotten up before anyone else around here, once again—apart from a couple of lookouts either end of the neighbourhood. When Danny was done with the chickens, Shane decided to follow him around for a bit.


  Shane kept his distance so as not to be noticed. More coughing from Danny. Shane followed him down the street for a while longer. Then, Danny stopped, bent over, and went into a violent coughing fit. Shane did not like the look of this—he had to act. Shane ran up to Danny, took his pistol out of his jeans and said, “Behind that house! Now!”

  Danny quickly put his hands up. “Don’t!” he yelped.

  “Move it! Now!”

  Shane scanned the area to make sure no one was watching. Then they both went around to the back of the dilapidated house. No one lived in this house—they had privacy.

  “Show me!” Shane growled.

  “What the fuck are you talking about?”

  Shane aimed the gun at Danny’s forehead. “You’re infected, aren’t you?”


  “You’re lying!”

  “I’m not!”

  “Show me! Did you get bitten? Scratched? What?” Shane was certain he was right about this.

  “Nothing! I swear!”

  He’s lying! Look at him! You can see it! The darkness is inside him! You know it! You can see it!

  Shane looked Danny up and down as he thought. “Strip!” he demanded.


  “Do it! Now!”

  Danny slowly lowered his hands and grabbed his jumper, about to pull it up. He considered going for his pistol tucked into the back of his jeans. But then what? If he killed Shane... little Sally would probably lose her shit and go on a rampage. Danny removed his jumper, then his T-shirt. As far as Shane could tell, there were no significant marks on this young man. No darkness—yet.

  “Turn around,” Shane demanded. Danny obeyed. Shane noticed the gun. “Throw that over here.” Slowly, Danny took the gun and threw it over to Shane. Then Shane carefully examined Danny’s back. Still no marks. “The rest!”

  “What?” Danny said, turning around.

  “Take off everything! Now!”

  “I’m not infected!” Danny yelled.

  “Keep your fucking voice down.” He aimed the gun at the young man’s legs. “Off!”

  “Jesus Christ,” Danny mumbled. He took off his belt. “You’re making a mistake.”

  “We’ll see. Hurry up!” Danny removed the rest of his clothes. Nothing. “Turn around,” Shane said forcefully. Danny turned and still there was nothing.

  The young man felt so humiliated. “You fucking happy?” he growled.

  No! That cough—this guy was infected, Shane was sure of it. “Your feet, lift up your feet.”

  This time, Danny did not obey.

  “Do it!” Shane demanded. “Now!” He aimed the gun at Danny’s head.

  “Fine!” Danny showed Shane the soles of his feet. “There you go!” There was nothing. No dark marks anywhere. “I fucking told you, I’m not infected!”

  Shane still felt quite strongly that he was right. “That cough!”

  “It’s just a cough. Been sick for the past few days, coughing and sneezing.”

  All of Shane’s instincts were telling him that Danny was infected, despite lack of visual evidence. It sometimes took days for marks to appear. That was not just a regular cough, Shane had seen enough infected people to know the difference.

  Yes. You can tell the difference. Not a normal cough. It’s the darkness. It is inside him!

  “Can I put my damn clothes back on?” Danny asked angrily.

  Shane nodded but kept his gun on the young man. Shane then considered his next move.

  Infected. Get him out. Gethimoutinfectedgethimoutdarknessinfectedgethimout. Get rid of him!

  “We have to tell your father,” Shane said.

  As Danny put his jeans on, he said, “Tell him what?”

  “That you’re infected.”

  “What the fuck? You saw for yourself! I’m not—”

  “Bullshit!” Shane growled. “I’d bet all my supplies on it.”

  “Are you stupid or something?” Danny quickly put on his T-shirt. “There are no signs of the infection! Apart from a damn cough! Everyone gets a cough now and then—doesn’t mean...”

  “Hurry up and get dressed,” Shane said loudly. “I just... know. I can tell. There is no visible sign right now, but... it will show. Soon. We need to tell William.”

  Trying to convince Shane he was making a big mistake was pointless. “Fine!” Danny yelled. “Let’s go see my dad!”

  Wait. Think, Shane. Think. You have to keep this guy isolated. He looked at the abandoned house behind Danny. “In there!” Shane said.


  “You’re going to stay in there and wait for me to return. Do not move from here, at all! Don’t make a sound! If you do...” Shane wasn’t exactly sure what the punishment would be, but his eyes made it clear that it would be severe.

  “OK!” Danny said fearfully. “I’ll wait here.”

  “Don’t disobey me! You hear me?”

  “I hear you!”


  William woke up suddenly as someone banged on his front door. He slowly sat up, rubbed his tired eyes, and yawned. More banging. “I’m coming!” William yelled. He quickly got dressed, made his way to the front door,
and opened it. It was Shane, he had a strange look on his face.

  “I need to talk to you!” Shane said.

  William stepped aside and let Shane in. “What is it?”

  Shane slammed the front door closed and then looked sympathetically into William’s eyes. “I... I hate to tell you this, but... Danny...”

  Williams eyes widened with concern. “What about him?”

  “William...” Just come out with it. “Danny’s infected!”

  William opened his mouth but nothing would come out. His entire body stiffened.

  “I’m sorry,” Shane said sincerely.

  William slowly shook his head. “Not my boy,” he whispered.

  “I’m so sorry.” Shane thought for a moment. “He’s going to have to leave the neighbourhood.”

  “Fuck!” William yelled, clenching his fists. “Not my boy!”

  “I know this is very difficult, but...”

  “Where is he?”

  “I’m keeping him isolated in one of the empty houses. Sally is watching him.”

  “Take me to him!” William demanded. “Now!”

  Shane nodded.


  Danny sat in the corner of the dilapidated house, staring at the floor. What the hell was going to happen next? If Shane was adamant that Danny was infected...

  Would Danny be forced to leave his home because of Shane’s paranoia?

  Sally was sitting on the floor, across from Danny. All she knew was... she had to keep an eye on this guy. What did he do? Sally’s curiosity grew and grew until she couldn’t help but ask. “So... what exactly did you do?”

  “Not a thing,” Danny said faintly.



  “You had to have done something,” Sally said, narrowing her eyes.

  Danny coughed. “Your father seems to think that I’m infected.”

  “You’re infected?” Her eyes widened suddenly.

  “No. But he thinks I am.” Danny feared the little girl, just as much as everyone else did, so he was not about to say anything too harsh about her father. “He’s made a mistake.”

  “Really?” She did not believe that at all.

  “Yes, honestly! I don’t have a mark on me. No signs of the infection!”


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