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Crashing Hearts- The Complete Series

Page 21

by Zane Menzy

Damon giggled. He seemed to be enjoying this as well.

  “See, that wasn’t so hard was it,” Todd said, he walked back over to Damon. “Is it all good, Damo, if you let me finish teaching Matt here a lesson?”

  “Yeah, I guess that’s fine,” Damon answered, staring across at Matt.

  What’s the fucking lesson? Matt wanted to run, just bolt past them and make his way for freedom and never come back. But then he knew he couldn’t outrun them, and even if he could, then they would call the police for sure.

  Todd waved his hand. “Come with me, Matt.”

  Matt couldn’t move.

  “Come on, buddy. It isn’t anything bad.” Todd smiled.

  Matt willed his feet to move, warily stepping forward, following Todd and Damon into the kitchen. He was at a loss as to where they were headed, but it soon became apparent when they ascended the staircase and Todd led them into Damon’s bedroom.

  “Why are we in my room?” Damon asked, sounding as clueless as Matt was about the situation.

  “Don’t worry, Damo. Matt’s about to have some fun and learn a lesson at the same time,” Todd said, slapping Matt on the back with fake reassurance.

  Matt looked around the room, taking in the photos of foreign lands that decorated the walls. A collection of water-filled glasses sat beside Damon’s unmade bed.

  “Take your clothes off and get on the bed,” Todd blurted.

  The words hit Matt like an angry fist. “Excuse me?”

  “You don’t wank with all your clothes on at home, do you?” Todd laughed.

  “What the fuck are you doing, Todd?” Damon asked. “I don’t want his skungy bare arse on my bed.”

  Todd glared at Damon. “Settle down, Damo. Matt will clean up any mess he makes don’t worry.” He cleared his throat then repeated the order, “Take your clothes off.”

  Matt shook his head. “No, please let’s just drop this, okay. I will never do anything like that again.” Matt looked at Damon, his eyes begging for Damon to step in and stop this humiliation. Damon did nothing. Matt tugged on his baggy shirt, not wanting it to come off. Not wanting them to see what he looked like naked.

  “I guess we can call the police if that’s easier for you.” Todd stared him in the eyes, unflinching with seriousness.

  Matt felt cornered. He did not need a charge for something like this. He wasn’t entirely sure what the charge would even be, but he didn’t want to find out. Matt let out a muted sighed, giving in to the ultimatum at hand. He scuffed off his sneakers, revealing his white socks with holes in them. Matt lowered his shaky hands to his waist and pulled up his shirt, timidly peeling it from his body and dropping it to the floor.

  “Wow,” Todd said. He walked over and extended his hand out, touching Matt’s chest. “Check this out, Damo. Matt here has chest hair.” He laughed as he stroked the stray chest hairs around Matt’s nipples. “Somebody must have eaten all their crusts as a child.”

  Matt couldn’t tell if it was an insult or a compliment. Todd stepped back, letting Matt finish undressing. By now the intensity of embarrassment had killed his erection, he lowered his pants and climbed out of his boxers, exposing his flaccid dick and saggy balls. Matt stood rigid in front of them both, naked aside from the socks on his feet. He stared down at the floor, unable to look either of his tormentors in the eye. A quietness fell over the room and Matt knew both the boys were inspecting his body. He kept waiting for them to make fun of his appearance, but neither said a word ‘till finally, Todd piped up, “Fuck he’s got hairy legs.”

  “So do you and me, dork. It’s called being a guy,” Damon muttered.

  “True,” Todd said.

  Matt thought he was going to have a heart attack and die from the burning shame but out of nowhere Damon threw him a compliment. “This will sound pretty fucking gay but you’re in good shape, Matt. Not as shabby as I thought.”

  Matt looked up and saw Damon nodding; his eyes tracking down the length of Matt’s naked body.

  Todd agreed with the observation, “He’s right. I expected to see some belly rolls but nope, Fatty Matty lost the fat by the looks.”

  If he hadn’t been standing naked against his will, Matt would have smiled at hearing such praise from the two alpha males. His moment of ego boosting was cut short when Todd instructed him to lay down on the bed. Matt lumbered his reluctant limbs onto the bed and lay flat on his back, staring up at the ceiling.

  “Well, start wanking,” Todd spat out. “Come on.”

  “I don’t think I can,” Matt said, honestly. “Not with you both watching me.”

  Damon laughed. “Maybe close your eyes and pretend we’re not here.”

  Matt was baffled why two supposedly straight guys would want to see him wanking, but then he also knew this was not a thrill for them in the sexual sense; it was just another way for them to exert their power and be nasty arseholes. Matt took a breath and told himself, the sooner I do this, the sooner they will feel like the winners and let me go home and NOT call the police.

  He closed his eyes and lowered his hand down to his dick, gently playing with himself. His cock refused to grow at first, not buying into the pretend scenario that he was alone. He heard a quiet snigger from who he thought was Damon, followed with Todd whispering “Shush, let him do this.”

  Matt swallowed, his mouth dry. He let his Lexi daydreams come to the surface and all the things he would do with her. His sexy angel’s naked body paraded through his mind and soon he felt his dick slowly begin to harden. He tugged hard, urging his cock to grow faster. Once he felt its fullness throbbing between his fingers, he started to pick up pace, yanking harder and harder. Matt mashed his lips together, concealing his groans. He cupped his hairy nuts, squeezing them gently to help jog his orgasm along.

  Matt heard movement coming towards the bed, he kept his eyes closed, ignoring it. Todd’s breathy voice poured out sexily, “How’s that wank going for you?”

  Matt kept his eyes closed, nodding. “Good,” he panted. He began sighing, groaning the closer he got to peaking. He tried not to think about what Damon and Todd were doing, no doubt holding in their laughter at his complete and utter degradation.

  “Holy shit,” Todd’s voice whispered. “Who knew Fatty Matty was such a big boy.”

  Matt could hear Damon’s muffled laugh in the background. He soldiered on, unfazed by the comments. Matt knew he had nothing to be ashamed of with his cock size, he wondered if perhaps the two boys were jealous. He used the penis envy in the room to spur him on. He grunted with purpose, pressing his hand hard against his taint. A trickling burn buzzed his balls and he felt his dick throb and pump between his fingers. He panted loudly and cried out in a gasp as his cock finally spurted out a hot load of cum that he felt splatter all up his stomach. He let go of himself and breathed heavy, exhausted from the effort.

  “Oh gross, man. I told you he would make a fucking mess on my bed,” Damon whinged.

  Matt opened his eyes. Todd was keeled over beside the bed, laughing his arse off. Damon stood in the middle of the room, looking stressed, hands on his head, horrified by the sight of his spoof covered bed.

  Matt could feel his cum dripping down his flanks like rushing streams. He looked down and saw that he had ejaculated far and wide. Dollops of cum had left Damon’s bed a wet mess. He pushed himself up with his elbows, hoisting himself off the bed and walked over to his clothes, relieved to get dressed.

  “Wait,” Todd said sternly.

  Matt swivelled his neck around. “What?”

  “After watching such a hot show, it’s got me in the mood.” Todd winked at him.

  “Huh?” Matt shrugged.

  Todd groped himself through his boardshorts, running a hand down his smooth chest. “Yeah, I think I’d like to cum too.”

  Matt laughed nervously, using his boxers to wipe the cum from his body. “Funny.”

  “Nar, I’m serious.”

  Matt put on his soiled underwear, ignoring Todd’s latest bullshit. “No
, you’re not.” He looked over at Damon to get back up.

  Damon arched his eyebrows. “I think he’s serious, Matt.”

  “What?” Matt shook his head again. “You guys are fucking with me.”

  Todd walked over and grabbed Matt’s face, squeezing his chin hard. “I’m very fucking serious, panty sniffer. I want you to suck my cock before you do anything else.” He let go of Matt’s face and stepped back, groping himself again.

  Matt was shocked by the queer request. He hurriedly bent down to pick up his pants but was stopped by Damon grabbing his arm.

  “It won’t take long, Matt. Just suck us both off and then we’ll never mention any of this again. No calling the police, no mention of it ever happening. Promise.” Damon let go of his arm and went to stand beside Todd.

  Matt looked at the two of them standing, waiting to be serviced, unrepentant grins smeared upon their cocky mugs.

  Todd kept rubbing his cock through his shorts, licking his lips. “Come on, Matt. It’s just a blowjob.”

  “I’m not gay,” Matt fired back.

  “Neither are we.” Todd smiled.

  Matt laughed. “Umm, you’re asking me. A male. To suck your cock. I think that might make you a little gay.”

  “Not at all. You’ll be the one with a dick in your mouth, not us,” Todd replied, sounding crude as possible. “Or do you want us to tell everyone about what you get up to inside other people’s houses. Sniffing panties, wanking in beds.”

  Matt felt anger sizzle through him. “Youse told me I had to do that!” The words came out more heated than he intended them to.

  Todd laughed. “Look, just come over and suck it for a minute. That’s all I’ll need.”

  Matt stared up at the ceiling. He had no desire to suck any dick, but he also loathed the idea of these two bastards ratting him out.

  “Please,” Todd said, sweetly.

  Matt stared Todd in the eyes. “If I do this, then we’re even? And neither of you will tell anyone what happened here today?”

  Todd nodded. “I promise.”

  Matt thought it through. As much as he didn’t want to do it, he also knew that if he did, then he would have something on them. They would never dare tell a soul that they’d let a guy suck their cock, which meant they wouldn’t dare breath a word about the panty incident.

  Jason always said that sucking cock was like sucking on a lollipop—just a dick flavoured one. Matt’s stomach squirmed at the thought. Fuck sake. He raised an agitated hand, running it through his messy hair. “Okay. Who first?”

  Damon frowned, his jaw dropping in shock, or was it in arousal? Matt couldn’t tell.

  Todd smiled, unperturbed. “Me, please.”

  Matt stepped over, stopping in front of Todd who grinned greedily. Matt dropped to his knees and looked up at Todd, waiting for him to do something.

  Todd smirked at him. “Pull my shorts down.”

  Matt latched his fingers to Todd’s hips. The blond bully’s skin felt warm and firm as Matt’s fingers grazed along Todd’s thighs, lowering the swimming shorts for him. Matt dropped his eyes down to Todd’s skinny feet and hairy legs. He hesitated, scared to look up and see what was about to go inside his mouth.

  “Come on,” Todd whispered, urging him on.

  Matt warily raised his head, his face immediately greeted with Todd’s soft dick and big balls dangling only inches in front of him, a healthy crop of dark blonde pubes sprouting out around them. Todd’s dick didn’t appear remotely hard—despite his supposed eagerness to be sucked.

  Todd giggled. “Fuck, I can feel your breath on it.”

  Matt shuddered. This isn’t real, he told himself; the words echoed through his mind. Matt slackened his clenched jaw, opening his mouth to do something he never thought he would do. He leant forward prudently, scooping the tip of Todd’s dick in his gaping mouth. Just as he felt the tip tickle his tongue, Todd whacked the side of Matt’s face, knocking his mouth away from going any further.

  “Fuck off, faggot.” Todd squealed, he burst out into hysterical laughter. “Holy shit. I can’t believe you were actually going to do that. What the fuck, man.”

  Damon slapped Todd on the back, laughing. “Oh, my god. He was really gonna suck your cock!”

  Matt got to his feet and marched over to his clothes. “Well, you fucking said I had to.” He was beyond angry. He slipped his pants up and threw his top back on. In a hurry to leave.

  Todd kept laughing, readjusting his shorts so his dick was covered. “Oh, man. That was classic. I think you touched my dick with your tongue too! Fucking, gross.”

  Damon was breathless from laughing so much. “Sorry, Matt. But that was fucking funny.”

  Matt slipped his sneakers on, giving them both a filthy look. “You two are just nasty cunts!” the words fired out like bullets. He was so angry he didn’t care if they hit him.

  “Oh, settle down, dick sucker. It was a joke,” Todd snapped back.

  Damon walked over to Matt. “Sorry, bud. It was funny though you gotta admit.”

  “Not for me it wasn’t.” Matt shook his head in disgust, fighting back the urge to cry.

  Damon’s eyes glowed apologetically. “Sorry. There was no harm meant. And look, we won’t tell anyone about the whole panty thing, okay? Just in future try not to sniff Jenna’s knickers.” Damon laughed. “Or if you do, try not to get caught.”

  Matt scowled at the pair. He walked to the bedroom door and whipped around, giving them both the fingers and stormed out.

  Damon ran after him, calling out, “Oh, calm down, Matt. It was just a joke, man.”

  Matt walked downstairs, all the way he could hear Damon and Todd still laughing. He grabbed his school bag from the kitchen and stormed out the front door. Matt couldn’t walk fast enough once he got outside, his feet hitting the footpath with angry, humiliated strides. He swore to himself he would never return to the Harris house and the scene of such a fucked-up memory ever again.


  Sadistic Powerplays

  After Matt had left, Todd and Damon were in hysterics about the whole thing. They had both gone to use the shower, standing in their boardshorts under the hot spray, washing away grits of sand that stuck to their bodies from their swim at the beach.

  Todd surprised Damon when he said, “Fuck, man. I probably should have just let the faggot do it.”

  Damon cringed at hearing this. “Gross, dude.”

  Todd laughed, flicking his blonde hair back under the water. “He looked like he wanted to do it. I mean, did you see how he got down on his fucking knees?”

  Damon nodded. “Yeah. He did get to his knees pretty fucking quick, I must admit.”

  “A blowjob would have been nice,” Todd said, nonchalantly.

  Damon stepped away from his best mate, jokingly. “I dunno if telling me this while we shower together is what I want to hear.”

  Todd whacked him on the arm. “Piss off, Damo. You know I’m not a faggot. But you know what they say?”

  Damon pulled his shorts forward letting the water run down to clean his privates. “What do they say?”

  “Any hole’s a goal.” Todd winked.

  Damon burst out in laughter. “Can’t say I have heard that one. But I am definitely going to adopt that as my new philosophy.”

  Todd stepped out of the shower and grabbed a towel. He shoved his shorts down his legs and began to dry his naked body. “Yeah, man. I say it whenever I fuck a munter.”

  Damon grinned. “You have had a few munters.” He tipped his head back, letting the shower free his hair of sand.

  Todd snorted. “Yep, my standards are non-existent when I’m pissed. And this is why I live by the saying.”

  Damon turned the nozzle off, the strong flow of water coming to an end. He stepped out of the shower, taking his shorts off to join in on the drying off process. “Well, next time we have Matt here, maybe I can add cleaning your cock to his list of chores.”

  “I don’t think y
ou’ll have that panty sniffer back here anytime soon,” Todd said.

  Damon snaked the towel between his legs, drying his balls and arsecrack. “True. I think his sudden exit was him handing in his notice.”

  Todd finished drying his hair, then wrapped the towel around his waist. “Just make sure the next maid has tits and then you can add both our cocks to the list.” He winked at Damon.

  Damon laughed. “I’ll be sure to jot it down.” He finished drying himself and hung his towel over his shoulder, leading them back into his bedroom where their clothes were.

  “I hope the shower washed the little faggots tongue off my dick,” Todd said, crudely. “He was so fucking keen I wasn’t fast enough.” He jumped up and down like his skin was crawling.

  Damon chuckled. “I’m surprised he didn’t deep throat it considering how little of it there is.”

  Todd pulled his towel away, flashing his dick for Damon to see. He yanked it for show. “Nothing fucking wrong with its size, arsehole.” He laughed and bent down to pick up his underwear.

  “Talking about size, who’d of thought Fatty Matty had such an anaconda in his pants.”

  Todd frowned, nodding. “Fuck, I know right.” He shook his head, sniggering. “Some girl will be in for a treat if he ever fucking manages to score one.”

  Damon picked up his t-shirt, throwing it over his head, working it down his torso. “If he dressed a bit better and didn’t walk around like a fucking mute, he wouldn’t find it hard to get a Mrs.”

  Todd stared at Damon like he was crazy. “What are you saying?”

  “He ain’t exactly fat anymore, is he. I didn’t know he’d lost that much weight. And he’s not what you’d call a bad looking guy.”

  Todd shook his head. “I was worried this would happen.”


  “One look at me about to be sucked off and you turn all gay.”

  Damon rolled his eyes. “You fucking wish, Jenkins.”

  Todd put his top on. Laughing to himself. “But the good news is if you do fancy going queer, at least we know Matt will suck you off.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind,” Damon said, laughing.


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