Dawson, Martin 149–50
de Vries, Hugo 56–57, 57–58, 62, 63
Delbrück, Max 301, 302, 347, 352
deoxyribose 5, 111–12, 112, 161, 162, 164, 182–83, 205–6, 235, 240, 354
Dewar, Sir James 121–22
Discovering that Genes are made of DNA (McCarty) 203
DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid)
A form (‘crystalline’/’damp’) 266–67, 267, 288, 289-90, 289, 319–20, 326, 329, 336, 354, 356
B form (‘helical’/’wet’) 297, 306, 319, 322, 327–29, 328, 333, 345–46
C form (‘semi-crystalline’/‘dry’) 354
in germ cells 244
replication 347–48, 351, 351
size 4–5
species uniqueness 246, 247
see also transforming principle
DNA structure
Astbury-Bell model 160–62, 162
Avery, MacLeod, McCarty report 210–11
backbone 5, 161, 162, 260–61, 306, 336–37, 340–41, 346
base pairing see base-pairing
Beighton’s X-ray photograph 288, 289, 289
Chargaff’s Rules 246–48, 247
Creeth’s proposal 260, 261
Crick–Watson model, final 4–7, 6, 335–40, 339, 341, 346–47, 348
Crick–Watson model, first 308–10
Franklin–Gosling paper 345–46
Franklin’s proposal 306, 319
Fraser’s proposal 306–7
Furberg’s proposal 260–61, 261
Gosling’s photograph 266–68, 267, 275
hydrogen bonding 242–43, 247, 250, 253, 260, 337–38, 339, 340, 346
Pauling–Corey model 330, 331–32
Pauling’s alpha-helix 291
phosphate groups 306, 309
Photograph 51 327–28, 328
water content 306, 309
Wilkins’ refinements to Crick–Watson model 354, 355, 371
Wilkins-Stokes-Wilson paper 346
DNase (deoxyribonuclease) 217, 220, 237
Dobzhansky, Theodosius 218, 254
Dochez, Alphonse 134–35, 146–48
Doctor’s Dilemma, The (Shaw) 134
Domagk, Gerhard 175–76
dominant alleles 38, 43, 56, 58, 60
Donohue, Jerry 326, 338, 354
Doppler, Christian 41
Double Helix, The (Watson) 364–70, 385
Drosophila (fruit flies) 34, 61, 63–68, 105, 109–10, 110, 116, 223
Dubos, René 181–82
Ehrenberg, Werner 267, 358
Eichling, C.W. 36–38, 49, 197
Einstein, Albert 101, 176
electron diffraction 252
electron microscopy 259, 264
Ephrussi, Boris 220
Ephrussi-Taylor, Harriett 220, 334
eugenics 172–75
Faraday, Michael 119, 121
Faraday Society 257, 266, 280, 359
Farmer, J.B. 33
Fell, Honor 263, 271
Ferguson, Dr J. Bell 132, 138
fertilisation research
Hertwig, Oskar 53–54
Mendel, Gregor 37, 38, 41–45, 44, 46
Van Beneden, Edouard 54
First World War 102–5, 107
Fischer, Emil 77–78, 107
Fisher, Sir Ronald 59
Five Continents (Vavilov) 168–69
Flemming, Walther xx, 29–33, 31, 32, 35, 229
Flemming’s solution 30
Flexner, Dr Simon 84–85, 86, 89, 105, 111, 133, 134, 177
Fourier transformation 126
Franklin, Rosalind
background and education 278–80
Bernal, respect for 356
cancer 358–59, 360
character 294, 318, 359–60
conference presentations
Ciba Symposium (1956) 357–58
Gordon Conference (1956) 358
International Crystallography Conference (1956) 358
Second International Crystallography Congress (1951) 290–91, 292
various (1955) 357
Crick–Watson DNA model, final 342
Crick–Watson DNA model, initial 308–9
death 359, 360
Faraday Society 1958 meeting, proceedings of 358
London – Birkbeck College
poliovirus research 358
tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) research 356–57, 357–58
transfer to 321–22, 354–55
virus structure research 359
London – MRC Biophysics Unit
1951 colloquium presentation 305–6
1951 meeting on protein structure 293–94
delay in starting work 287–88
DNA Photograph 51 322, 327–28, 328
DNA research 297, 305–6, 311, 319–20, 336, 372
DNA research, write-up of 322
farewell seminar 329
joining 281–82, 284–85
opinions about colleagues 318
Watson, confrontation with 332–33
obituary by Bernal 360
overview of xx
Paris – Laboratoire Central des Services Chimiques de l’Etat 280–81
Patterson function 292
PhD at BCURA 280
photograph 278
posthumous praise and recognition 359–60
Acta Crystallographica (with Gosling) 356
Nature (with Caspar) 357
Nature (with Gosling) 342–43, 344, 345–46, 356
Randall’s letter to 277–78
Francis and Odile Crick 358, 359
Watson 357, 359
Wilkins 284–85, 294, 297–98, 315–16, 383
visit to Cavendish lab 344–45
Watson’s portrayal of in The Double Helix 365, 366, 367, 368–69, 370
Wilkins’ tribute to in Nobel lecture 363
Wilkins’ unhappiness at Watson’s portrayal of 365
World’s Fair (1958) 358
Fraser, Bruce 275, 306–7
Frisch, Otto 192
Furberg, Sven xx, 256–57, 260–61, 261, 285
Galton, Francis 60, 173
Garrod, Archibald 58
Gasser, Theodore 177
Gates, Reverend Frederick T. 83
arrangement on chromosomes 68, 234
eugenics 172–75
location identification 116
molecular weight and size 234
mutations 1–2, 3–4, 7, 34, 65–68, 109–10, 110, 116, 225, 230
replication 163, 245, 324, 352
substance of
‘aperiodic crystals’ (Schrödinger) 193, 234–35, 267
Bohr’s ideas 114
DNA identified as 208–9, 220–21, 237–38, 241, 301
nucleic acids as candidate 83, 115, 164
nucleoprotein 234–35
proteins as candidate 21, 114–15, 163–64, 165
term, invention of 59
genetic code 1–2, 3–4, 353
genetics, adoption of term 59
Genetics and the Origin of Species (Dobzhansky) 218
genome sequencing 4
genotype 59–60
germ cells 33, 43, 55, 244
Golden Jubilee of Genetics (1950) 258
Gordon Conferences 295, 296, 357, 358
Gosling, Ray
Acta Crystallographica paper (with Franklin) 356
background 264
Crick–Watson DNA model, final 342
Crick–Watson DNA model, initial 308
London – MRC Biophysics Unit
Franklin’s departure 321–22
Photograph 51 327–28, 328
reassigned to Franklin 282–83
X-ray crystallography of DNA 266–68, 267, 282, 284, 293, 297, 319–20, 327, 328
X-ray crystallography of ram semen 264–65
Nature papers (with Franklin) 343, 344, 345–46, 356
overview of xx-xxi
p; Gould, Frances 123
Griffith, Frederick xxi, 136–42, 137, 140, 212, 213–14, 215, 372
Griffith, John 323–24
Griffith, Stanley 136, 213
Kossel’s isolation of 71
pairing with cytosine 248, 324, 338, 339, 340–41
presence in animal and yeast cells 73, 74
purine base 75
structure 76, 76
see also bases
guano 77
Gulland, Masson xxi, 237, 240–44, 260
Haber, Fritz 103–4, 106, 107
Haeckel, Ernst 27, 60
haemoglobin 11, 115, 204, 272, 336, 362
Haldane, J.P.S. 163, 195
Halliday, Sir William 228
Hammarsten, Olof 74
Hanson, Jean 263
Harvey Lectures, New York 80, 81, 83, 258–59
Heidelberger, Michael 147, 211
Heimrod, G.W. 85
helices, overview of 249–51
Hertwig, Oskar 53–54
Hevesy, George 176
hexamethylbenzene 127
hexoses 74, 90, 111
Hill, A.V. 223, 225–26
Hippisley, Sir John 121
Hiroshima bombing 195
His, Wilhelm 10–11, 15, 19–20
histidine 72
Histochemical and Physiological Works of Friedrich Miescher, The (His, ed.) 19–20
histological staining 27–28, 30, 32, 33, 34
histones 72, 114, 204, 235
Hodgkin, Dorothy (née Crowfoot) 122, 255, 290, 308, 380, 381
Hoppe-Seyler, Felix 11, 13, 14, 19, 70, 72, 203
Hoppe-Seylers Medizin-Chemische Untersuchungen 13, 14
horse threadworm 29, 33, 34, 54
Hotchkiss, Rollin 220–21, 235
Huggins, Maurice 250–51
Human Genome Project 4, 385
Humani Corporis Fabrica, De (Vesalius) 17
Huxley, Thomas 27
hybridisation research
Correns, Carl 56, 57
de Vries, Hugo 56–57
Mendel, Gregor 37, 38, 41–47, 44
Tschermak, Erich von 57
hydrogen bonding 242–43, 247, 250, 253, 260, 337–38, 339, 340, 346
‘I talked with Mendel’ (Eichling) 197
Iltis, Hugo 45, 258
immune sera 86, 87, 105, 133–35
International Crystallography Conferences 288, 290–91, 358
International Genetical Conference 166–67
International Physiological Congresses 79, 106–7
Jacobs, Walter 85, 88
Janáček, Leoš 49, 51
Johannsen, Wilhelm 59
Jones, Walter 82, 89–90, 111
Journal of Experimental Medicine 141–42, 149, 150, 211, 212, 216, 222, 376
Journal of Heredity 197
Journal of Hygiene 140–41
Journal of Pathology 213
Journal of the American Chemical Society 252
Journal of the American Medical Association 22
Kalckar, Herman 301–2
Kellogg, J.H. 173
Kendrew, John 271–73, 291, 292, 302, 315, 340, 362, 364, 379
Kennaway, Sir Ernest 78
keratin 155–56, 250–51, 253
Khrushchev, Nikita 381
Klácel, Matous 40, 40
Klug, Aaron 356–57, 359, 369, 371–72, 372–73
Koch, Robert 134, 135
Kossel, Albrecht
background and education 70
Berlin – Institute of Physiology
adenine, isolation of 71, 72
cytosine, isolation of 72
guanine, isolation of 71
nuclein bases research 71–72
thymine, isolation of 72
character 78–79
conference presentations
11th International Physiological Congress (1923) 106–7
Louis Pasteur Centenary Conference (1923) 106
Seventh International Physiological Congress (1907) 79
death 113
First World War 104
Harvey Lecture 80, 81
Heidelberg – University
Levene and Jones in lab 82
nuclein bases research 73–75, 76, 76
uracil, isolation of 73–74
yeast nuclein research 73–74
Hoppe-Seyler’s obituary 72
Hoppe-Seylers Zeitschrift für Physiologische Chemie, editor of 72
Marburg – University
histidine, discovery of 72
histones, discovery of 72
nuclein bases research 72
Nobel Prize 78, 79
overview of xxi
papers burnt in Second World War 229
photograph 73
Protamines and Histones, The (Kossel) 113–14
refusal to sign ‘Manifesto of the Ninety-Three’ 104, 107–8
Strasbourg – University
nuclein bases research 71
nuclein, molecular composition 71
yeast nuclein research 70–71
Studies of Nuclein and its Breakdown Products (Kossel) 71
U.S. lecture tour 80
Kossel, Luise 79, 104
Krizkovky, Pavel 40, 40
Lamb,W.P.G. 259, 264 Lancet 213–14
Landau, Lev 362
Laue, Max von 94–97, 96, 100, 176
Leathes, B.J. 208
Lederberg, Joshua 222, 374
Lender, Joe 88
Lenin, Vladimir 170
leucocytes 10, 11–12, 26, 133, 200
Levene, Phoebus
appearance 88–89
character 88
death 179
education 81
emigration to America 81–82
First World War work 105
Harvey Lecture 83
Marburg – University 82
medical career 82
New York – Pathological Institute 82, 83
New York – Rockefeller Institute
deoxyribose, discovery of 111–12, 112
nucleic acid research 85–86, 90–91
‘nucleotide’ name coined 90–91
Pavlov, aid to 111
setting up department 85–86
tetranucleotide hypothesis 91, 91, 112–13, 112, 373
nucleic acids, conclusion about 115
Nucleic Acids (Levene) 113
overview of xxi-xxii
photograph 89
Flexner 85, 89, 111
Jones 82, 89–90, 111
tuberculosis 82
Levit, Solomon 169, 171
Lonsdale, Kathleen 127, 196
Louis Pasteur Centenary Conference 106
Ludwig, Carl 13–14, 18–19
Luria, Salvador 301, 302, 311
Luzzati, Vittorio 292
lymphocytes 26, 72
Lysenko, Trofim 170–71, 231, 257, 381
Maaløe, Ole 302
MacLeod, Colin
background 177
death 376
J. of Experimental Medicine paper (with Avery/McCarty) 212
New York – New York University
cholera research 375–76
DNA identified as ‘transforming principle’ (with Avery/McCarty) 210–11, 212
job offer 182
scientific advisor to President 375–76
transforming principle identity research 201, 210–11
New York – Rockefeller Institute
arrival at 177
McCarty taking over transforming principle project 201
sulfapyridine research 178–79
transformation research 177–78, 179–80
transforming principle identity research 180–83, 200
overview of xxii
photograph 376
quoted in Obly’s book 376
MacLeod, J.J.R. 107
magnetron, cavity resonance 185, 188, 191, 227
Manhattan Project 192–93
‘Manifesto of the Ninety-Three’ 104, 107
Martin, Archer 246
Massey, Harrie 193, 268, 269, 270
McCarty, Maclyn
background 199–200
Cold Spring Harbor Symposium (1946) 219
death 377
Discovering that Genes are made
of DNA (McCarty) 203
Eli Lily Award and lecture 218–19
J. of Experimental Medicine, editor of 376
J. of Experimental Medicine paper (with Avery/MacLeod) 210–11, 212
New York – Rockefeller Institute
arrival at 199
Avery’s secrecy 218
DNA identified as ‘transforming principle’ 205–7, 208
DNase, isolation of 217
induction with Avery 200, 201
leaving 219–20
Mirsky, feud with 217
sulfapyridine research 200
taking over MacLeod’s project 201
transforming principle identity research 201–3, 205–7, 208
New York – Rockefeller University Hospital 376
overview of xxii
photograph 376
Transforming Principle, The (McCarty) 377
Mechanism of Mendelian Heredity, The (Morgan et al) 68
Medawar, Peter 366
medical genetics 1–2, 3–4
meiosis 33
Mellanby, Sir Edward 271, 272
Melland, A.M. 196
Mendel, Gregor
appearance 44
Brünn – Abbey of St Thomas as Abbot 48–49
cross-breeding experiments on hawkweed 47–48, 48–49
cross-breeding experiments on peas 37, 38, 41–44, 44
Eichling’s meeting with 3738, 49, 197
joining 39
last illness, death and funeral 50–51
meteorological research 41
ordination 40
photograph 40
refusal to pay Bismarck’s tax 50
research in later years 50
teaching post 41, 43
theory of heredity 43, 44–45
tornado observation and paper 49
Brünn – Natural History Society 44–45
correspondence with Nägeli 46–48
education 38–39
overview of xxii
posthumous doubters of 59
posthumous praise and recognition 53, 55, 56–58, 58–59, 258
Second International Exhibition, London (1862) 44
Soviet dismissal of 257, 258
Studies of plant hybridisation paper 46–47, 49–50
theory of heredity confirmed 55–57
unlucky timing 52–53
Vienna – University 41
Mendelian inheritance, others’ research on
Bateson, William 58
Correns, Carl 56, 57
de Vries, Hugo 56–57, 57–58
Garrod, Archibald 58
Schmalhausen, Ivan 53
Sutton, Walter 54–55
Tschermak, Erich von 57
Mendel’s Laws 57
meningococcus serum 86
Mering, Jacques 280, 281, 312, 357, 359
microscopy 24–25, 27–28
Unravelling the Double Helix Page 53