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SBMC Miami Box set

Page 43

by Erin Trejo

  “Sounds good to me. They aren’t too far out from here. Maybe twenty minutes.”

  “It’s yours brother. Use it and just leave the mess. I’ve got a few prospects that can clean it up.”

  Yeah that shit isn’t happening. I never leave loose ends.

  “Appreciate that.”

  “Yeah. Follow me.”

  We follow him back to the back of the lot where he points to a van.

  “It’s all there. Check it if you want,” he says.

  “Nah. If Bones trusts you then I do too.”

  Mart tosses me the keys and glances over at Kyza. I didn’t think about how we were going to move the van and my bike.

  “Don’t worry. I know how to drive,” she smarts off taking the keys from my hand.

  I shake my head and sigh.

  “Your mouth is gonna pay for that later,” I warn her.

  “I look forward to it,” she grins as she heads to the van.

  “We’ve got a trailer if you wanna hook your bike up for the ride back,” Mart adds.

  “Hell yeah. I don’t trust the cops with her drivin’.”

  He nods his head.

  “Gimme a minute and I’ll hook it up.”

  I watch him walk away before I walk up to the window. Kyza has it rolled down. I lean in and grab her around the back of her neck and pull her lips to mine.

  “What’s that for?” she asks softly.

  “You’re mine right? That means I can do whatever, whenever I want for no fuckin’ reason at all babe. Get used to it.”

  She smiles and I can’t stop looking at her. We don’t need to talk. The silence is communication enough for both of us. Her eyes are brighter than I’ve ever seen them and I find that I like that. I like seeing her happy and smiling.

  Once the trailer is hooked up I load my bike in and usher Kyza to the passenger side. I give my thanks to Mart for handling things for us and head back to the hotel.

  Chapter 18


  He looks tense. It’s almost laughable, but then I have to wonder if the man has ever eaten lobster before. Each time he tries to crack the shell he fails. I bite the inside of my cheek to try to keep from laughing, but I fail badly when he picks it up and just throws it.

  “Fuckin’ bullshit. Who the hell wants to do all this work just to eat?” He says looking up at me as I laugh. He tries to keep his mask in place, but I see the slight smirk that’s trying to break through.

  “It’s not that hard,” I tell him.

  “Bullshit. I’m a grown ass man and I couldn’t do it,” he adds.

  “You ever eaten lobster before?”

  “Hell no. What the hell do I look like? Am I some country club brat?”

  I laugh again even louder this time. I could just picture him sitting in a country club.

  “You might look hot in a polo shirt,” I protest.

  Monster gives me a shut the fuck up look and cocks his head to the side.

  “It’ll be a cold fuckin’ day in hell before you see me in a goddamn polo shirt babe.”

  “You have to wear one. Just once. I have to see it now,” I push him.

  “Like fuckin’ hell I will. You’ve seen more of me than anyone else has. Don’t push your luck.”

  His words hit me harder than they were meant to. I know he’s just playing around, but I also know that he’s telling the truth. He doesn’t let people in, but he did with me. He lets me see the bits and pieces of him that I don’t think he’s ever shown anyone before.

  “You know I appreciate that, right?”

  He looks up as I toss a piece of fish into my mouth.


  “You letting me see you.”

  Monster shakes his head and smiles at me.

  “You didn’t give me much of a choice.”

  “You make it too easy.”

  “Too easy huh? Maybe I need to make you work a little harder for what you want?”

  I love this side of him. I love seeing this teasing, playful side. This side of him lets him shine. Don’t get me wrong, I like the darkness in him, but there are so many different versions of Monster. I want them all. I know that he’s slowly giving them to me, and I take great pride in that. Not many people can give you all of themselves. It almost makes me sick to my stomach since I’m not giving him all of me. I still don’t know how to tell him that part of my past.

  “Whatever you’re thinkin’ about just leave it be. I can see that look in your eyes. We’re havin’ a good time yeah?”

  Shit. He caught me. I look up at him, smile, nod my head, and reply, “The best time ever.”

  “The best huh? Fuck I need to up my game then babe. I thought the best time was when I was fuckin’ you into the bed?” I can feel my cheeks flush. I can feel heat rushing through my entire body. He fucking chuckles.

  “That’s better,” he nods toward me.

  We finish eating in silence before we take a walk along the water. It’s beautiful here.

  “When I was growing up I wasn’t really wanted.” I don’t know what I’m doing. I don’t know if I can handle telling him more of my past. When he gives my hand a reassuring squeeze I find myself continuing. “I think my dad always wanted boys, but he ended up with girls,” I giggle softly.

  “You have sisters?” Monster asks while looking down at me.

  “Just one. She’s two years younger than me. I wasn’t supposed to happen. Or so I was told. Mom died when we were young. I don’t really remember her. My dad raised us. Well, I guess I should say his men raised us. My dad never really wanted much to do with me. Annie was the better daughter. I saw the way she was treated, but she also followed his rules.”

  “So you’re the rebel huh?”

  “Yeah. I didn’t like the rules. I didn’t like that the guys were off doing things and getting their hands dirty while Annie and I were to stay in the house and be good little girls. I hated it. So, I’d sneak out and follow the guys around. It was dangerous but thrilling at the same time. I saw them kill someone when I was eleven. It was almost, magical.”

  “What the hell does your dad do?”

  “Guns, drugs, people, you name it and he’s probably in it.”

  “That around here?”

  “No. Louisiana.”

  Monster nods.

  “So you enjoyed it? Seein’ someone die?”

  “I don’t know if it was seeing them die or seeing the power the guys had doing it.”

  “I get that,” he nods.

  “Anyway. Dad knew I snuck out. He didn’t know at first what I was doing though. He found out later on. He didn’t say a whole lot, but once I turned sixteen he started using me as bait. I was pretty and the guys always fell for it, I could lure them in and take them out. It was easy until I met Ryan, he didn’t like me doing that stuff. He wanted to keep me at the house while the guys handled the business.”

  “Did your dad know about you and Ryan?”

  “No. It was our secret. No one needed to know anything. I thought Ryan liked the rebellious girl that I was. I was so different from Annie. She never once looked at the guys or even spoke to them. Ryan and me, well, it was just crazy. It was like the high of my life. My stepmom hated me almost more than my dad did. My dad didn’t like it when I stopped doing jobs for him. I guess after a while I just wanted Ryan. I just wanted to be happy. You know?”

  Monster stopped walking and pulled me closer to him. His hands run up and down my back.

  “Whatever your dad couldn’t see in you that’s on him. He made you different Kyza. He should have never allowed you into that world so freely. You aren’t a fuckin’ asset,” he says through clenched teeth.

  “I was and he knew that after a while. At first I was okay with it because he actually looked at me like I was something. I was someone useful. I wasn’t just a memory of an old love that he no longer had.” That was exactly what I was to him and I know it. Annie may look like me to a point, but I look exactly like my mom had. I know he
hated that part of me.

  “So you ran?”

  I nod.

  “I killed Ryan. I felt the betrayal at the same time I felt the loss. It hurt like hell to lose something I loved, but I knew my dad was going to kill him.”

  “Why run then?”

  “They thought I was helping Ryan. My dad truly believed that I had helped him get intel on him. My only options were to run or be killed. At first I really didn’t care. I thought about it all of the time, about running. I should have stayed and faced him, but at the end of the day I just couldn’t do it. I was weak, just like they always told me I was.”

  I gasp when tears spring to my eyes.


  “They raped me. Right before I left. My dad’s guys told me how weak I was. They told me that I would never have amounted to anything in the family. They told me that I should have been more like Annie.”

  “Jesus Christ,” Monster mutters and pulls me closer to him. I inhale his scent. I need him to ground me right now. I feel like I’m drifting and there is nothing I can do to stop it.

  “I’ll kill them all,” he whispers into the top of my hair.

  Chapter 19


  Her secrets nearly crushed me last night. I took her back to the hotel and did the only thing I knew to do. I loved her. I fucking loved her. I took my time showing her just how strong she truly is. She curled up in my arms and drifted to sleep peacefully. I hated the pain that she felt, the rejection and the uselessness. I fucking hated every little bit of it. She is the farthest thing from weak.

  “Are you going to do this?” she teases me as I stare at her.

  We got the prospect hand delivered. He’s now tied to a chair in the middle of the rundown shed in the junkyard. I run my hand through my hair and sigh.

  “You a little bloodthirsty today?” I ask her moving around her to look the prospect in the eyes.

  “Maybe?” she mumbles from behind me.

  I chuckle and lean down so I’m eye level with the kid.

  “Wanna tell me why you walked and no one else did?”

  His eyes widen, but he keeps his mouth tightly closed.

  “You wanna make this harder? You know the rules of bein’ a Soulless Bastard. You wanted to take that pledge yeah? Now you sit here betrayin’ the club you wanted so bad to be a part of?”

  “I don’t know why,” he finally says.

  Kyza shocks the shit out of both of us when she laughs from behind me. I glance over my shoulder and see her watching the kid with a glint in her eyes. I know she wants in. I can see it. This is her. This is who she is and she’s frightening herself. She’s struggling between the girl she is now and who she used to be.

  “By all means babe,” I say standing up and gesture toward him. She looks at me and I can see it all painted in those gorgeous blue eyes. It’s a struggle for her.

  “Be who you’re meant to be Kyza. No one can ever take that away from you again.”

  She sucks in a breath and her eyes begin to water. I step back and lean against the wall. I have my arms crossed over my chest as I wait. Kyza takes a minute to gather herself before she walks over to me and takes the knife from my pocket. I love watching her move. God, the way she holds herself.

  “You think we’re stupid? You know exactly why they set you free and not the others. You cut a deal didn’t you?” She questions the prospect keeping her tone even.

  She straddles the kid and sits in his lap. I suppress the snarl that threatens to escape because I want to see my girl in action. I want to see what she’s made of.

  “I don’t know anything,” the kid repeats himself again. Kyza hums. She brings the knife up to his throat.

  “I killed a man once with a knife kind of like this. The blade slid so easily through his flesh. Do you know why I liked that knife?’ He doesn’t move as she traces it along his skin.

  “Answer her.”

  “I don’t know,” he replies, but this time his eyes widen.

  “It was the same knife they used to cut my clothes off my body with. They thought it would be funny to see the horror in my eyes before they raped me. It wasn’t so funny once the tables were turned on them.”

  My insides clench. I want to fucking find out who hurt her. I know some of them are dead. I know she killed them. But the ones that are left? I want them.

  “There was a deal,” he starts with a shaky voice. Kyza giggles and presses the tip of the blade into his throat. He groans when it punctures his skin. I can see the spot of blood as it rushes to the surface.

  “We already know that,” Kyza reminds him.

  “I was never supposed to make it this far,” he confesses. It does nothing for her. She just sits there, watching and waiting.

  “Who do you work for?” she asks.

  “Fuck you.”

  She drags the knife down his neck toward his chest. He screams from the pain.

  “Fucking bitch.”

  “Who do you work for?” she screams louder than he does.

  “Fuck you.”

  The knife keeps moving. She slices through his skin without flinching. That’s sexy as fuck.

  “Nope, but I do intend to fuck you with this knife.”

  Fuck me my cock springs to life. Kyza keeps going and I can barely control myself.

  “Ortega. Fuck!” The kid screams again.

  My chest tightens. Kyza looks at me over her shoulder, asking me with her eyes if that’s enough. I give her a nod and she climbs off of his lap and comes to stand next to me.

  “Why?” I ask him.

  “He was going to fuck the club over. He’s pissed about some shit that happened in the past with another chapter. Fuck!”

  “What the fuck was he plannin’?” I ask moving closer to the kid.

  “To get half of you locked up and then kill the other half when the shipment was late.”

  I nod my head, pull my gun out, and shoot him between the eyes. His head falls to the side as I stand there and think over what he just told us. He’s pissed at a different chapter and taking it out on us? That doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to me, but maybe Viking has more intel on this shit than I do. I turn back to Kyza and find her looking at the dead kid.

  “You okay?”

  She pulls her gaze to mine and nods.

  “He was a traitor.”

  I nod my head. I walk over to her and pull her into my arms, she willingly comes and I just hold her against me.

  “You did good babe. How do you feel?” I ask her. Kyza looks up at me with eyes on fire.

  “I feel like I’m me again,” she responds before I lean down and kiss her.

  I don’t stop either. I back her against the wall and devour her mouth with mine. When she moans I lose it. I strip her down, lowering my jeans and boxers. Lifting her up in my arms, I plunge into her and take what we both need. Each thrust pulls me closer to her. Closer to her demons. Each time she screams my name I feel like I’m falling in deeper with her.

  “Holy shit.”

  I hear Mart’s voice grumble from behind me. I don’t stop and Kyza doesn’t either. I fuck her harder showing her who she belongs to. She’s mine and she is never going anywhere. I don’t care if I have her cuff her sweet ass to my bed.

  “Shit. Monster,” Kyza cries out for me.

  Mart grumbles behind us. He’s no doubt jerking himself off. I keep thrusting into her. Her head is pounding against the wall and there’s a dead guy tied to a chair behind us. I lower my head and suck her flesh into my mouth. I’m branding her, marking her, making her fucking mine. I feel her pussy clench and that’s when I lose the rest of my control, growling as I come inside her. She lets go and releases with me. We’re both panting and on fire.

  “Jesus. That was some kind of fuckin’,” Mart grumbles before I smell the scent of cigarette smoke. I pull out of Kyza and let her slide to the floor slowly. We both redress quickly. I turn around as I’m buckling my belt and lock eyes with Mart.

�Sorry,” I smirk.

  “For what? The free show? Goddamn man it isn’t often you find sick fuckers like you that don’t give a damn that there’s a dead guy in the room,” he says with a laugh.

  Kyza adjusts her clothes, walks past me, grabs the cigarette from Mart’s fingers, and says, “Thanks for letting us use your shed.”

  I watch her ass as it sways and she walks out of the shed.

  “Fuck me,” Mart grumbles. “What did you find out?” he motions over his shoulder with his thumb.

  “Don’t even ask. Appreciate you takin’ care of shit. Help me get him into the van?”

  “Prospects can clean this up,” he reminds me, but I shake my head.

  “I handle my own clean ups.”

  Mart nods and moves to untie the kid. It doesn’t take us long before we have him loaded into the back of the van. Kyza and I head out. We dump him along the way.

  “How do you feel?” I ask as I keep my eyes on the road.

  “Amazing,” she admits scooting into the middle seat. She rests her head on my shoulder. I throw an arm around her to keep her close.

  “That mean you’re stayin’ with me?”

  “Staying with you?” she asks as she looks up at me in shock.

  “Yeah. No more sleepin’ in that nasty fuckin’ office,” I tell her.

  “I can’t do that to Paul.”

  “Didn’t ask you to do anything to Paul. I just said no more sleepin’ there. You can work there. I don’t give a shit about that, but as for sleepin’? You’re in my bed every fuckin’ night. Yeah?”

  Kyza snuggles into my side and sighs.

  “Yeah. Every fucking night.”

  Chapter 20


  I thought that I’d be uncomfortable going with Monster to Key Largo. I wasn’t though. He makes me feel like I matter, and that’s not something I’ve found often if at all. No one has done that for me since Ryan, and we all know how well that ended.

  I’m sitting outside the gates on his motorcycle waiting for him to come back. He called a few of his guys to come and meet him. Apparently this Ortega guy is bad news. I’m a little on edge wondering what’s happening in there, but I haven’t heard any gunshots, so I think that’s a good sign. I climb off of the bike and pace in front of it until I hear laughter coming my way. I turn to see him and his guys laughing as they come toward me. When they are out of reach from the guards the laughter just stops. Their faces turn to stone and anger dances in their eyes.


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