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Page 36

by Iain Davis

  Historical, cultural, economic and political factors combined to make China the perfect state for the Trilateralist's Technate. In 2016 professor of the philosophy of science and technology at Renmin University Liu Yongmou wrote [35]:

  "Since the Reform and Opening initiated by Deng Xiaoping in 1978, any casual observer of China’s leaders might note how many of them were educated as engineers. Indeed, at the highest level, former presidents Jiang Zemin (1993–2003) and Hu Jintao (2003–2013) as well as Xi Jinping (2013–present) all studied engineering.. A number of Chinese who studied in the United States during the 1920s returned home influenced by American technocratic ideals of such figures as Thorsten Veblen and Howard Scott.. Deng, moved engineers into critical government positions.. The technocratic practice of scientific management.. offered a bridge between engineering and economics.. In China today, there exists a more favorable attitude toward technocracy than is found elsewhere."

  Many, such as Daniel A. Bell [36], have argued that technocracy delivers a more conscientious, efficient and focused society. This assumes that the people in charge are conscientious. Under the guiding hand of the Trilateralists, the GPPP and the CCP, China has evolved into a technologically advanced feudal society.

  Technocracy is a totalitarian system where individual identity is sacrificed to communitarianism [37]. The Technate citizen has no option but to act in pursuit of the common good. The Technate in China was not designed to liberate the people, either politically or economically, but rather to facilitate technocratic population control. There is no freedom of association or speech in China. While dissident groups still push for reform they need to be extremely careful [38].

  China's internet is highly regulated and with their “Measures on the Administration of Internet Information Services” the ruling CCP prohibited news bloggers [39] from commenting on any policies or political developments without a license from the Cyberspace Administration. Ensuring that only State franchise approved media are permitted to parrot State franchise propaganda.

  The Chinese have to register their personal details to use the Internet; the independent sale of SIM cards and network adapters is prohibited, and they require similar registration upon purchase and prior to use; the Chinese authorities can block foreign websites, restricting citizens access to information from outside China and it is a crime for anyone to facilitate the illegal flow of prohibited information into China. The Technate have effectively created the crime of information smuggling.

  It is not just people's use of the Internet and political activities that are controlled by China's technocratic State franchise. With their Social Credit System every aspect of citizen's day-to-day lives is monitored and directed under the technological authority of the Technate.

  Published in 2014, the State Council Notice for planning a Social Credit System [40] (SCS) stated that the purpose of their plan was to:

  "Construct a social credit environment of honesty, self-discipline, trustworthiness, and mutual trust."

  This was unadulterated technocracy. The Document stated:

  "The establishment of a social credit system is an important foundation for comprehensively implementing the scientific viewpoint of development.. Accelerating and advancing the establishment of the social credit system is an important precondition for promoting the optimized allocation of resources.. and promoting the optimization and upgrading of industrial structures."

  The idea was seen as progressive by many in the West. For example, academics at the Michigan Institute of Technology [41] spoke about the SCS in very favourable terms:

  "China’s social credit system is designed to incentivize lawfulness and integrity. Citizens can earn points for good deeds like volunteering, donating blood, or attracting investments to the city; they can lose them for offenses like breaking traffic rules, evading taxes, or neglecting to care for their elderly parents."

  It soon became apparent the Technate was not the project of self proclaimed socialist ideologues in the CCP and the Council, but rather a public private partnership between them and the venture capitalists invested in the Big Tech industries. Sesame Credit would gather and analyse the data from China's technology giant Tencent and all communications shared on their WeChat messaging platform. China's ride hailing service Didi Chuxing was also brought on board along with Baihe, China's most widely used dating app.

  Sesame Credit was created in 2014 by Ant Financial (Ant Group - who own Alipay, the Chinese payment system with 700 million users), an affiliate company of Jack Ma's Alibaba Group [42]. Through its e-commerce, financial services and online payment systems, China's Technate has an invasive reach into people's lives. Sesame Credit provides every citizen with a credit score base upon their behaviour, hoovering up data from their social media likes and dislikes, private communications, purchases, where they go, who they meet and even their love lives. But it doesn't stop there.

  To register their SIM cards and new SMART phones Chinese users must use face scan technology [43] by law. This data then informs China's already extensive and rapidly expanding national network of facial recognition cameras. This biometric surveillance grid, allowing entry to everything from bus depots to safari parks, is integrating with alleged emotion-recognition technology [44] to assess and individual's mood and "predict" their behaviour. Fingerprints and other biometric data are regularly harvested and all of it fed into the GPPP central planner's Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems.

  Today, smart cities, 5G smart grids, AI, the internet of things (IoT), cloud and quantum computing and all the other components of the 4th Industrial Revolution, described by Klaus Schwab and predicted by Brzezinski, places global technocracy within relatively easy reach of the parasite class. It is the system we are passively allowing to be constructed around us.

  For the central planners of the new normal, biosecurity based technocracy, technological infrastructure is not the problem. They have already established this system in China and stand ready to export it globally. The final hurdles they need to overcome are not technological, they are sociopolitical.

  Somehow, they needed to convince us to buy into their system of technocratic enslavement. Their motive for the pseudopandemic was to create the conditions that would deceive us, not merely into accepting technocracy but to actively welcome it. They must have been pleasantly surprised by how easy it was.

  The most notable aspect the supposed COVID 19 outbreak in China is not that it occurred so close to the Wuhan laboratory where gain of function coronavirus research [45] was underway. It is that the world's first Technate, able to control information technology with a vice like grip, should be the source of the scary images and media horror stories which propelled the global population into a state of panic and fear.

  The Chinese Technate is the model for the rest of the world. In a 2009 interview Trilateralist George Soros explained why the GPPP had done so much to modernise China [46]:

  "You really need to bring China into the creation of a new world order; a financial world order.. I think you need to have a new world order [and] China needs to be part of the process of creating it, and they have to buy in, they have to own it in the same way that the United States, the Washington consensus, owns the current order.. China will emerge as the motor replacing the US consumer.. China will be the engine."

  This was the Trilateralists plan. Their Technate would be the engine of, what they called, a new international economic order. Brzezinski was among the Trilateralists who understood that authoritarian political power sprang from economic power and that global authority would be achieved, not through the politics of nations, but by a privately owned, global corporatocracy efficiently managing economies. In Between Two Ages Brzezinski wrote:

  "The nation-state as a fundamental unit of man’s organized life has ceased to be the principal creative force: International banks and multi-national corporations are acting and planning in terms that are far in advance of the political concepts of the nation-state."
r />   We should be wary of seeking to understand the Trilateralists model of technocracy using the political and economic analysis we are familiar with. Neither free market liberalism nor Marxist theory provide an adequate framework to describe the emerging Technate.

  Technocracy is communitarian and centrally planned. The individual is subordinate to socio-economic priorities set by the technocrats. All citizens must adapt their behaviour to serve the common good determined by the soviet of technicians. Naturally this has led many critics of technocracy to see it as little more than repackaged communism.

  However, the parasite class led GPPP never intended for the Technate to be ruled by the soviet of technicians. For them, "soviet" was literally translated to mean council: a council they appoint to serve and protect their capital interests. This requires a certain degree of economic liberalisation although the Technate is very far from being a free market economy.

  Once again, just as they have with eugenics, they seized upon an idea to further their own plans for global governance. While the system they are constructing is technocracy, they rule it and engineer its policies to maintain their profits and consolidate their authoritarian rule.

  With the GPPP leading it, technocracy has been developed as a neofeudal system. It enslaves the population under the guise of communitarianism while enabling a class of crony capitalists [47] to run riot with extreme market liberalisation and capitalist monopolies. The are the stakeholders who will both order the Technate and apportion the global commons to themselves.

  Capitalism can be defined [48] as an economic system based upon the private ownership of the means of production, where private property rights are sacrosanct. Income distribution occurs through the operation of free markets and freedom is theoretically secured through every citizen’s right to private property, beyond the reach of the State.

  The stakeholder capitalists at the WEF weren't joking when they suggested we would own nothing. Their capitalist utopia is one in which they are the only people with any private property rights. This process of transition is called sustainable development.

  Critics of free market capitalism, most notably Marxists, have maintained that the dog-eat-dog nature of laissez-faire capitalism is ultimately destructive and that the free market has failed to deliver anything approaching a reasonable income distribution or freedom for the population. The problem with this critique of free market capitalism is that we don't live in a free market society [49] and haven't done so for at least 150 years. Arguably we never have.

  The alleged free market, that western politicians and the media like to exult, is a corporatocracy regulated by the GPPP's State franchises. It is a system of monopolistic crony capitalism, where the State franchise exist to serve the hoarders of capital, maintain their monopolies and exclude the wrong capitalists.

  The parasite class have always been able to rig the markets in their favour using the brute financial power they acquired from centuries of hoarding capital and lucrative tax payer funded "government" contracts. Their global system of Central Banking controls the money supply; their State franchises use fiscal policy, limiting our incomes through taxation; they determine property and commodity prices, creating scarcity or over supply as they wish; they control asset prices through regulation, monetary policy or stage managed global events and even limit our ability to build wealth for our own families through mechanisms like capital gains and inheritance tax.

  Meanwhile, they live beyond the reach of the tax system themselves. They are tax collectors not tax payers. Using very expensive corporate tax avoidance schemes including offshore banking, shell companies and tax write-offs & exemptions (such as philanthropic foundations) they continue to accrue wealth while controlling the population's ability to access any themselves. Our representative democracies are not societies which enjoy open access to a free market. There is no legal free market.

  Feudalism is the social structure [50] which results from an economic system designed to protect the right, claimed by oligarchs, to possess all resources. While this definition perhaps fails to do justice to the rather more nuanced complexities of past feudal societies, it is a fair reflection of the basic premise.

  The technocracy we are being corralled into is neither a form of socialism nor a model of free market capitalism. Undoubtedly we will be encouraged to believe the Technate serves the common good and keeps us safe from unseen dangers. However it will be exploited by our neofeudal overlords: the GPPP stakeholder capitalists led by the parasite class.

  The political ideologies we favour are of no use to us if we hope to resist technocracy. Resistance can be achieved easily enough if we unite and simply refuse to comply. For this to be effective it must be done en masse. We must set aside all divisions and devote our entire attention to resistance. We can argue about the society we want to create later, but unless we act now the Technate will crush us all, regardless of our beliefs.

  In their pursuit of technocracy the parasite class have performed another nifty trick. While they advocate a new form of responsible capitalism [51], with multinational corporations leading on environmental protection and safeguarding public health, they are both robbing and enslaving us.

  There is sometimes an uneasy relationship [52] between the appointed technocrats and the new breed of billionaires leading the technological revolution. In China the flamboyant and outspoken Jack Ma saw his planned Initial Public Offering (IPO) of Ant Group stock scuppered by a regulatory crack down [53] led by, among other CCP heavyweights, Li Keqiang.

  This move followed shortly after Ma's speech at the Bund Finance Summit in Shanghai, widely considered the catalyst for his IPO veto. Ma was addressing an audience [54] that included representatives of the world's most powerful policy think tanks and globalist institutions. Among the delegates were Jim O'Neil (Royal Institute For International Affairs), Robert Rubin (Council on Foreign Relations), Jean-Claude Trichet (Trilateral Commission), Alderman William Russel (City of London) and Benoît Coeuré (Bank for International Settlements).

  The western MSM correctly reported that his speech was controversial but misled the public in regards to the reason why. They characterised Ma's Bund address as an attack on the Chinese financial system. To a degree it was but, from the CCP perspective, he said nothing overtly controversial as he publicly supported the principle of President Xi Jinpings regulatory reforms.

  A translation of his speech [55] reveals the real reason why Ant Groups IPO was brought to heel. Jack Ma criticised the Bank of International Settlements, their Basel Accords and, most tellingly, their plans for a global digital currency. He questioned the western financial order and the Trilateralist's treasured corporatocracy asking if what they were offering was "worth having."

  He referred to the "old men" of banking not, as the western media have suggested [55], as a slight upon China's regulators, but as a thinly veiled attack on the parasite class controlling the world's monetary system. Jack bit the hand that feeds him. No one saw him for months afterwards and his company's IPO was shut down.

  The GPPP are serious about their Technate. It is inspired by a generational commitment to eugenics and population control, founded in a deeply held belief in their divine right to rule. It is the ultimate in social engineering and they have their eye on the big prize: The Earth and everything on it.

  Some upstart billionaire wasn't going to trash talk their global project and get away with it. Membership of the parasite class is by invitation only.

  The Chinese people face a harsh future in the Technate, as do we all if we allow its global expansion. While many in China have benefited from economic liberalisation the sociopolitical cost has been severe and once the full financial impact of the pseudopandemic hits, incomes for the many will almost certainly fall again.

  In 2019 China's National Public Credit Information Centre [56] revealed they had stopped the sale of 23 million travel tickets to people placed on official social credit "blacklists." This was the fulfillment of thei
r promise [57] to "stop people who have committed misdeeds" from accessing public transport. Crimes committed included "spreading false information."

  Students have been barred from university due to their parents [58] low credit scores; the facial recognition system has been used to publicly shame people for minor misdemeanours, flashing their image and details [59] on public information billboards; misdemeanours include meeting, calling or communicating online with someone who has low credit score; posting "fake news," buying the wrong products or accessing forbidden information can see you blacklisted.

  In September 2020 China completed trials of its Central Bank Digital Currency in Shenzhen. The Digital Currency Electronic Payment (DC/EP) is a digital issuance of the yuan (CNY) and Chinese online retailers are already accepting [60] it as payment.

  Combined with the Social Credit System the social engineering capability this delivers to technocrats and central bankers is almost beyond comprehension. Not only will the Technate monitor and record every transaction, once the population has no option but to use the DC/EP those with low social credit could be denied access to money unless they comply. The dreaded knock on the door will become the dreaded beep of a contactless payment refusal.

  When the pseudopandemic began in western nations the rhetoric of the politicians and the mainstream media was in full flow, claiming that China was a threat to the international rules based system and our way of life. In response to the pseudopandemic the western GPPP State franchises then imported all of China's lockdown policies and response measures.


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