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The Predestined (The Transcendent Series)

Page 2

by Brie Paisley

  Clenching my jaw, I refuse to even think that my twin is dead.

  Snapping my head up, when I hear someone approaching, I use my right hand to hover over the gun strapped to my waist. That’s at least one perk about being a guard in The Facility. When I joined the ranks, they weren’t shy about giving me protective gear and weapons.

  Not that I need them.

  Staring out into the dark night, I narrow my gaze, as I see a figure coming closer. If I hadn’t been suppressing my wolf, I would already know who’s approaching, so the gun is just an extra precaution. Sameria did tell me more than once, that there might be side effects to taking her potion, so I guess this is one of them.

  Right as I decide to kill whoever this is, I relax, once I see Reid’s wide grin. “Don’t shoot me, alright.”

  Shaking my head, I glare at him, and then ask, “Where the hell have you been? Do you realize how difficult it is to sneak away to meet you?”

  His smile widens, and I shake my head, hating how flippant he can be. “The pack is worried, so it’s getting harder to leave without The Enforcers following.”

  Huffing out a sigh in frustration, I should’ve known they would at least try and follow Reid. However, I need him, not only because he’s my connection to my pack, but because he has what I need.

  “Never mind the pack. I’ll deal with them, once I return.” As he nods, I glance behind me, making sure no one is behind us. Any other time, I would already know without having to look, but this potion is affecting me more than I realized.

  Even if I know this, and the fact that more of my senses could be dulled too, I still ask, “Were you able to find what I need?”

  One of the biggest problems with making certain potions is how damn hard it is to find the proper ingredients. Sameria is a clever witch, but the herbs she needs to make this particular potion is difficult to find to say the least.

  Thankfully, Reid reaches behind him, and then pulls out the last herb that I need to mix with what Sameria has already prepared for me. Grabbing it from him, he states, “I still think this is a horrible idea.”

  “I know, and if there was another way, I would do it.”

  “Would you?” He asks, and it catches me off guard for a moment.

  Narrowing my eyes, I claim, “If you need to speak your peace, then do so.”

  His jaw clenches, and his gaze drops for a moment, before he says, “Your place as The Alpha is with the pack, and to lead and guide us. What you’re doing now isn’t where you’re needed, Malik. The pack needs you.”

  When his gaze finds mine once more, I tilt my head to the side, as he states, “Anyone else could’ve done this job, but yet, you claimed to be the only one to be able to go through with it. I say this, only because I’m your Beta, and it’s my job to remind you of your responsibilities, and because I don’t think this is a good idea.”

  “I think you mean to say you think getting to my mate isn’t as important, as the pack is.”

  “That’s not what I mean, and you know that.”

  Shaking my head, I declare, “I know how you feel about the witches, Reid. It’s no secret that you hate them, just as we were taught, and that you hate change. However, as long as I’m The Alpha, this is the plan.”

  “And this potion is the right choice as well? You have no idea what it could do to you, and yet, you’re taking it willingly. How do we know that it won’t cause problems down the road?”

  While I understand his side, I also know he’ll never understand the need that I have rushing through me to find my mate. It’s times like this that I wish that things were different. I wish that our pasts with the covens weren’t so fucked up, but there’s nothing I can do about the past. It’s our future that I’m concerned about right now.

  Holding is gaze, I try to keep my tone even, as I say, “I don’t know if it will or not, but that’s my choice to make. We’ve been through this several times, Reid. This is the only way, and I need you, as my Beta, to take care of the pack, while I’m here. Can you do that?”

  “Yeah, I’ll do my part.” He utters, and then adds, “I just hope you know what you’re doing. I’d hate for you to end up like the others in there.”

  “I’m well aware of the risks,” I voice with more anger than intended.

  I instantly regret losing my temper with him, especially, when his head drops. It’s his job to question my decisions and to be the voice of reason. It’s just when it comes to my mate, I can’t seem to help myself. I know my wolf is on the same page, even if he doesn’t exactly like that I’m forcing him to submit to my will.

  Before I can voice an apology, Reid’s eyes snap up, and then he claims, “Someone’s coming.”

  “Go. I’ll find a way to contact you soon.” His jaw clenches, but thankfully, he nods once, and then shifts.

  Watching him disappear into the woods, I let out a sigh, as I think over his concerns. They are very valid, but I can’t stop my plan now. I’m so close to finding my mate and my twin, and as much as I hate it, I have to keep moving forward.

  Turning around, I start walking towards the two guards that interrupted us. Right before I reach them, I make sure to hide the herbs Reid gave me. If anyone where to see them, they would know what they’re used for. I’m not sure how these humans have so much information about our kind, so it’s smart to stay extra cautious.

  One can never be too careful around a group of psychopaths.

  “Dr. Stein requests your presence,” the guard on my left speaks, pulling me out of my thoughts.

  “What for?”

  The guard’s eyes narrow, as he claims, “Does it matter?” The one on the right shakes his head, as if my disregard for the doctor is unbelievable.

  Clenching my jaw, I sense my wolf rising, but because of the potion, I can fight his presence off so much easier now. Any other time, I wouldn’t have minded killing these assholes, especially knowing what they’re doing here. I also need to remember that every single person in this facility is a diehard follower. Which means, they’ll do anything to keep their precious Dr. Stein safe, while killing thousands of innocent souls. To be honest, this place and the followers remind me so much of a cult.

  “I’ll head there now,” I push out, hoping they don’t suspect anything.

  Giving the guards one final glance, I turn, and then make my way towards The Facility’s entrance. When I first arrived, I’ll admit I was impressed by not only how vast the building is, but how extensive the security is as well. It’s been difficult to say the least to stay undercover, especially knowing what they’re doing here. Every single time I’m inside, I have to fight so hard against my instincts to get my people and everyone else out of here.

  As I walk inside, my eyes track every single thing around me. People are walking up and down the long halls, uninterested in me, and I have to clench my hands at my side, just to be sure I don’t fuck up and hit one of them, because of what they’re discussing.

  Walking past them, I remind myself that their time is coming, and I’ll make sure every single person in here gets what they deserve. I’ve witnessed the heinous experiments they’ve conducted here, and I can’t believe they’ve been doing this for so long. Honestly, if it weren’t for Luna and her foresight, no one would’ve ever known that this place even exists, until it was too late.

  It’s frightening to realize that they could’ve gotten away with their goals of war, but I fully intend on taking them all down. Even if it’s the last thing I do. What they do here, it’s wrong on so many levels, and I can’t just sit by idly, ignoring the call to protect the people here.

  Making it to Dr. Stein’s office, I glance down the hall, and then frown, before knocking. For some reason, I have the sudden urge to go towards the sensation that’s pulling me away from the door, but before I can act on it, Dr. Stein opens it.

  “Thank you for coming, Malik. Please, do come in,” he says politely, and then holds out his hand, guiding me to walk inside.

the need rushing through me, I step inside of the office, wondering what he wants from me. “Please, have a seat,” Dr. Stein offers after a moment, and even if I don’t want to, I sit down in front of his desk.

  His office is smaller than I thought it would be, but then again, I’m sure they wanted to have extra space for all of the fucking rooms that’s keeping their captives held against their will. I haven’t even gotten a chance to explore the entire building, since it’s so vast. However, I know that I must figure it out soon, so that way, I can form a plan with The Enforcers on how to take it down.

  Seeing the doc walking around his desk, I narrow my eyes, when he takes a seat and then asks, “Are you aware of the crucial work that we do here?” Biting my tongue, before I say what I really want, I simply nod, hoping that’s good enough.

  My answer must pass whatever test this is, because Dr. Stein smiles, and then he grins widely. “Good then. I’ll get straight to the point.” Sitting up straighter in the chair, I swallow hard, as I get a sense that whatever he’s about to say, I’m not going to like it one bit.

  “I’m assigning you to the transport team. With your extensive background, I feel you’ll be an asset to our cause.” Keeping as still as possible, I don’t want him to see any sort of reaction from me. I’m supposed to be a dedicated follower, so any questions or resistance could get me killed.

  I also realize that I need to thank Sameria for using her skills to create a false report on my experience. It’s amazing what you can get done with a bit of magic.

  “I must warn you,” he starts, and then he glances away, as if he’s actually concerned. “The patient you’ll be transferring isn’t the usual type. It’s imperative to stay on guard at all times with this one.”

  Before I can stop myself, I ask, “What’s so special about this one?”

  Dr. Stein’s gaze snaps up, and then meets mine, as he excitedly claims, “Everything.” I frown for a moment, because I don’t fully understand his obsession. “Would you like to see her?”

  Against my better judgement, I nod, feeling as if I need to see her for myself. I can’t explain this intense sensation that’s rushing through me, but I know that if I don’t find out why, I’ll miss out on something vital.

  Keeping my eyes on the doctor, he quickly stands, and then all but runs towards the door. “Come, let me show you the most exquisite creature that I’ve ever seen.”

  Slowly getting up, I reluctantly follow behind him, as he leads me down the hall. However, the moment that I do, I realize the sensation I felt before is back, and it only gets stronger the more we walk. It’s so strong that it’s hard to remember why I’m here, and what my ultimate goal is.

  When Dr. Stein stops in front of a two-way mirror, my curiosity almost gets the best of me. Reminding myself to stay calm, like any normal human would, I slowly move closer to the mirror, wondering what I’m about to see.

  “There she is,” he utters, and my stomach drops, hearing the excitement in his voice. Is it possible that his relationship with her is more than just need for knowledge?

  Turning my gaze to the woman the guards bring inside the cafeteria, my eyes widen, as my heart begins to beat hard within my chest. Keeping my body as still as possible, as I watch her head to a table with one other woman, I suddenly realize Dr. Stein’s fascination with her.

  He’s captivated and intrigued with her, because of what she is. I don’t know if he even realizes that he’s captured the most powerful witch of our time, or the fact that I’m staring right at my mate.

  Gazing at her now, I finally understand why I felt the need to come to this exact spot. It’s because my mate is calling out to me, even if neither one of us knew it.

  Turning towards the doctor, I ask, “When do we leave?”

  With my heart pounding in my chest, he faces me, smiling proudly, and that’s when I vow that it’ll be me to end his life, before all of this is over.


  Taking a seat in front of Ruby, I frown, and then turn my gaze towards the two-way mirror. For some reason, I have the need to go over there, but I don’t understand why. This sensation is different, and I’ve never felt something so powerful before.

  Shaking it off, I turn my attention back to Ruby. Her jet-black hair flows freely around her shoulders, as her hands lay flat on the table. However, it seems she’s also distracted, which is unusual for her. For as long as I’ve known her, she’s never been the one to lose focus, especially, while we’ve been in The Facility. Not only that, but Ruby and Ivy both have a knack of finding out important information, and that’s hard to come by these days.

  Watching her closely, I turn my gaze towards the area she’s staring at, wondering what’s really going on here. But then, I notice a new face, and it’s one that I don’t recognize. Narrowing my eyes, I feel as if I should know him, but sadly, I can’t seem to place his face. When his blood, red eyes land on mine, I swallow hard, realizing he’s a vampire. Not to mention, the warning in his gaze tells me all that I need to know.

  Stay away.

  It doesn’t surprise me that his eyes are red, since all vampires have the same eye color, but what does surprise me is how enamored he seems to be with Ruby.

  Running a hand through my hair, I reach across the table, and then lay a hand on hers. “Do you know him?” I ask, hoping she’ll shed some light on what’s going on.

  After a few moments, she finally looks at me, and then states, “No, I’ve never seen him before.” I almost ask her if she’s sure, because I get the feeling there’s something more going on, but then, I remember there’s much more to worry about.

  Nodding, I push away the urge to question her more, and instead, I ask, “Have you seen Ivy? She’s supposed to be here already.”

  “She’ll be here soon.” Ruby replies, and then adds, “She got a tip from her friendly guard, so she’s talking with him now.”

  Huffing out a laugh, I pull back my hand, and then claim, “Ivy needs to be careful with him. Who knows if this information she’s getting is even right.”

  “True, but then again, all of the tips she’s gotten for us have all panned out. Plus, Ivy loves this shit, so it’s her way of having fun.”

  Nodding once more, I know all of this. It’s just I worry for both of my newfound friends, and I honestly don’t think I would’ve lasted this long without the both of them. They seem to make it easier, when I feel the darkness creeping in, and they renew my strength each time that I’m with them.

  So, if something were to happen to either of them, I might not survive it.

  Pushing out a breath, I change the direction of my thoughts, because where they’re headed, is dangerous. I’ve quickly learned that thinking and wondering about what might happen leads me down roads that I never want to face. Not only that, but it seems the more I consider losing the ones I care for, the more the darkness inside of me takes root.

  “Here she is now,” Ruby states, interrupting my thoughts.

  Thankfully, Ivy seems just fine, as she makes her way over to us, and then sits down beside Ruby. I smirk, noticing the wide grin on her face, and I already know what that means. Her source must have given her what she needs to stay strong.

  Since Ivy is a succubus, she needs to feed or take the essence of another being. She once explained it to me before, and how it all works. She claims the easiest way to get what she needs is by sex, but that can also lead to dangerous obsessions. Ivy also said that each person that she takes from has a special essence or aura that gives her strength.

  Which is why, she’s honed the art of manipulation.

  It’s a good scheme she’s cooked up, and it’s obviously still working in her favor. It didn’t take her long at all, once she got here, to find her source, so that she doesn’t feel the effects of the bracelet, like myself and many others do.

  “Who’s the new vamp?” Ivy asks, and I keep my gaze on Ruby, seeing if she’ll give away a hint of what she really knows.

  Instead of answ
ering Ivy, Ruby simply shrugs her shoulders. Realizing that she either doesn’t truly know anything, or she doesn’t want to tell us her secrets, I decide to drop the matter altogether. Ruby knows that she can tell us both anything without any judgement, so I’ll give her time to come to us, when she’s ready.

  “What does your source say today, Ivy?”

  The moment my question is asked, her gaze turns serious, and then, she can’t seem to look at me. “What is it?”

  Ruby frowns, once she understands what’s going on, and then she asks, “It’s bad, isn’t it?”

  Ivy sighs deeply, and then glances around the room, like she’s making sure no one can hear her, as she claims, “They’re going to move you to another facility.”

  Swallowing hard, I ignore the sudden drop in my stomach, and how quickly my heart begins to race. “When?”

  Her hazel eyes hold mine, as she states, “Tonight.”

  “They can’t just take her somewhere else.” Ruby cuts in, and then she turns to me, adding, “We have to do something, because who knows where you’ll end up, or what they’ll do to you there.”

  Ivy shakes her head, because she and I already know the truth. “There’s nothing we can do, while wearing these bracelets. It’s impossible to stop them right now.”

  “We’ll find a way then,” Ruby claims with a stern and determined voice.

  Looking at them both now, I realize that this might be the last time that I ever see them. As they begin to argue back and forth, I know it’s futile. Ivy is right. There’s no way we can fight back, since all of us wear the bracelet.

  If we were to try and fight back, we’d all just end up dead, or something even worse than death. People tend to forget that dying is the easy way out. It’s the living or trying to live that’s one of the hardest things to do, and sometimes, no matter what you do, it all just seems pointless.

  Right as I’m about to break up their fight, the door to the cafeteria opens, and then shuts with a loud bang. The entire room is instantly quiet, once the five guards are noticed.


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