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The Predestined (The Transcendent Series)

Page 3

by Brie Paisley

  I know they’re here for me.

  Unwilling to just accept my fate, I glance at my friends once more, before I slowly get up. Standing tall, I feel a tingling sensation, rushing through me. While I know that it’s coming from the bracelet, I ignore the warning.

  I can’t just let them take me.

  The moment I open my hands by my side, every single guard pulls out their batons. Unmoved by it, I clench my jaw, as the first electric shock pulses throughout my entire body. Pushing past the pain, I quickly raise my hand, intending on killing some of the guards.

  However, the moment that I cast the spell, I let out a scream in pain.

  Dropping down to my knees, I suck in a breath, as the electricity flows through me. Glancing at my hands, for just a moment, I swear that I can even see it running through my veins like blood.

  Everything around me sounds like I’m underwater, and I know it’s because of the pain still coming in waves. As I slowly look up, I realize that I did indeed take down one guard. The others are yelling, and some are checking on their fellow comrade, but I’m unsure, if I killed him or not, and I find that I really don’t care if I did kill him.

  They deserve to die for what they’ve done to us.

  Seeing movement out of the corner of my eye, I snap my gaze towards Ivy and Ruby. As they begin to stand by my side, I shake my head, and then order, “Stay where you are. I won’t let them hurt you, too.”

  I know it’s hard for them to listen to me, but thankfully, they do just as I say. I understand their need to protect me, and their need to fight by my side, but I can’t allow them to get hurt, or worse, tortured for this.

  Hearing the guards moving around, I frown, as I realize every single supernatural being in the room is watching closely. It’s like they’re waiting for something, but I’m not sure what that might be. Even the wolves seem to be preparing for a fight as well, and it makes me wonder why they would dare do such a thing.

  I’m a witch, and that makes me their enemy.

  So, why would they act like they’re prepared to help me in this moment?

  Unfortunately, I don’t get a chance to see how the outcome will be, since the pain is winning. I have only a few more moments left, before I pass out. Trying to stand, I feel the sweat rolling down my back, and how shaky my legs have suddenly become. Standing tall once more, I heave in a breath, preparing for another strike. I know that I’ll never win, while my magic is being blocked, but I can’t just stop trying.

  Forcing my eyes to stay open, I stand alone in a fight that I know I’m going to lose.

  Just as I begin to raise my hand once more, all four guards rush forward. Since they’re expecting me to use magic, I smile, when I punch one guard in the nose. The others stop instantly, as if they forgot that I know how to defend myself, other than using my powers.

  Sadly, the other guards recover quickly, and I do my best to ward them off. However, with each hit that I give, their force in numbers quickly gives them the upper hand. As a guard’s blow connects with my cheek, I’m instantly knocked to the ground.

  Turning my head to the side, I spit out the blood, pooling in my mouth, and then, it’s as if time rapidly slows down. I groan, feeling the bracelet beginning to send electric shocks through me, but I’m unsure why. Confusion and fear almost consume me, because I don’t know what will happen to me, if this bracelet malfunctions.

  But then, I notice the wolves moving in closer, and for a moment, I think that I’m imagining it. Not understanding what they’re doing, my eyes dart around the rest of the room, seeing that every single person here is doing the exact same thing.

  For just a second, hope fills me, because surely The Facility can’t win against us, if we all stand together.

  However, I should’ve known to never, ever drop my guard around these humans.

  Out of nowhere, a boot kicks me in the face, and the force of the hit is so strong, that it makes me fall back. Looking up at the ceiling, blood steadily runs down my face, as I blink once, willing the pain to stop. My entire body is in so much agony, and for some reason, I think about the darkness.

  Blinking once more, I understand why I thought about that dark part of me, as I gaze into the blue eyes of Wyatt. The darkness is tempting me to accept it, so that I’ll no longer feel this intense pain, but I somehow manage to push it to the back of my mind. As Wyatt towers over me with an angry look, I know he was the one to deliver the kick to my face.

  Before I can even think to protect myself, his fury begins to show, and then, he kicks me once more. His blow is so hard, that it does what he intended. Losing the battle with staying awake, I welcome the blackness, hoping that this isn’t the end.

  Waking up sometime later, I slowly raise my head, as I attempt to get my bearings. The instant that I notice I’m in a moving vehicle, I frown, and then try to figure out where the hell they’re taking me. It’s so dark out, so I give up after a moment. It’s pointless to try and find a road sign or landmark to know where I am right now, so I decide to bide my time, until I can figure something else out.

  Glancing around the SUV, I count four guards. There’s one sitting beside me, one behind me, and I clench my jaw, seeing Wyatt sitting in the passenger seat. The driver, however, is giving off a different vibe than the others.

  For some reason, a rush of calmness and protectiveness flow through me the longer I gaze at him. But what does it mean?

  It reminds me of what I felt, before the guards attacked me, but I still don’t understand what any of my instincts are trying to tell me. Thankfully, the other guards don’t pay me any mind, as I continue to stare at the driver. A part of me senses something very different about him, but then, the other part is reminding me that he’s a guard. No matter what I’m feeling, I have to be careful, if I want to survive.

  Licking my lips, I admire the driver, thinking it’s a shame someone as attractive as him could be so vile. Even if I can’t see his entire body, I know he’s built like a wall. His dark hair makes me want to run my fingers through it, and for a moment, I let myself think about something that I’ll never be able to have. I think about him, marking and claiming me, and then, bringing me pleasure that I haven’t felt in a very long time.

  But then, I remember where I am, and who this man is. He’s the enemy, and that’s something I should never forget.

  As hard as it is, I pull my gaze away from the attractive man, glancing out of the window. I wonder about Ivy and Ruby, and how they’re holding up. It couldn’t have been easy for them to watch the guards beat me like they had, and then take me somewhere else. My mind replays the scene, and I begin to run my fingertips over the bracelet, as I remember how the wolves were going to step in and help me.

  Why would they do that?

  I ponder my own question for a moment, before I sense someone’s gaze on me. It’s like a warm caress, and the sensation almost seems foreign. Glancing up to find the source of the feeling, my stomach clenches, as I meet the driver’s gaze in the rearview mirror.

  His green eyes hold mine for what feels like an eternity, and for the first time in my life, I suddenly feel safe. It’s almost as if he’s trying to tell me something with his gaze, but I’m not sure what that could be.

  That’s when I hear him.

  “How badly are you hurt?”

  Shock and confusion race through my mind, because this shouldn’t be possible. I shouldn’t be able to hear him, much less in my head. “Melena, answer me,” he demands, and I glance over to the guard, sitting beside me.

  “No one knows that I’m speaking to you.”

  “How is this possible?” More importantly, why isn’t my bracelet blocking this kind of magic?

  “That’s not important right now,” he claims with an edge to his voice. “I just need you to be ready, when it happens.”

  Frowning, I ask, “When what happens?”

  A few moments later, the SUV swerves, and then it quickly comes to a halt. Glancing out of the window, as I attem
pt to figure out what’s going on, the driver states, “I’ll check it out.”

  “I’ll come with you,” Wyatt adds, and I sigh, hoping that this isn’t the chance they’ll use to try and kill me.

  Sitting back in my seat, I cross my arms, confused and utterly caught off guard by the driver being able to speak to me. The only thing I can come up with is that he has to be some sort of supernatural creature. Maybe, he’s a witch, and he’s able to communicate on a low frequency, so that the bracelet can’t pick up on it. Another possibility is that he’s human, but he’s also gifted with a small amount of magic. I’ve heard of this happening a few times, and it’s common with humans that claim to have psychic abilities. Plus, I can’t sense what kind of supernatural he is, so I’m sticking with my human theory.

  So lost in my own thoughts, I’m completely paralyzed by shock, when Wyatt’s face is suddenly pushed into the window. Jumping away, I watch his face slowly slide down the glass, and I’m not even ashamed to hope that he’s dead.

  However, the commotion has alerted the other two guards, and they instantly take action. One yells that we’re under attack, but something feels off about this entire situation. Having no choice but to watch, I try to calm my racing heart, as I figure out what to do. Should I try and make a run for it? Whatever is out there, it’s something strong and very capable of killing me, too.

  The moment I hear gun fire, I clench my jaw, and then reach down to the door handle. “Fuck it,” I whisper to myself, and then, I quickly open the door.

  Once my feet hit the pavement, I check my surroundings, hoping whatever is out here isn’t going to attack me. Taking a chance, I move around to the back of the SUV, and then, that’s when I see the biggest wolf that I’ve ever seen before.

  His massive size is almost as tall as the SUV, and the only reason why I can see him, is because someone dropped a flashlight nearby. For a moment, shock and a bit of fear are the only things keeping me where I am, even though, I know I need to get my ass moving.

  Snapping out of my shock, I make sure to keep my movements slow, as to not alert the huge, black wolf. However, I have a sense that’s telling me that the wolf wouldn’t hurt me. No matter how loud my instincts are screaming at me to run far away, I still stay on the side of caution, because I have no way to protect myself from this animal.

  Not to mention, wolves won’t hesitate for a second to rip apart a witch.

  Swallowing down my fear, I move closer to the flashlight, hoping to take it to aid me, while I slip into the dark woods. Just as I reach the item, a cold, hard voice stops me right in my tracks.

  “Don’t you fucking do it.”

  Cutting my gaze towards Wyatt, I feel my anger and utter disgust coming to the surface. I’d love to kill him right here and now, but we both know that I’ll probably end up hurting myself in the long run.

  Holding his gaze, as he takes a step forward, I will my body to stay still. I know that I can’t outrun a bullet, and I’m reminded of that fact, as I see him holster his weapon. It’s not because he doesn’t think that I’m a threat, but it’s more of the fact that he knows that I’m not stupid. It would only take seconds for him to draw out his firearm, and then shoot me in the back, while I attempt to escape.

  While the bullet won’t actually kill me, it’ll still hurt like a bitch, and it could also incapacitate me long enough for him to capture me once more.

  As he takes another step closer, I catch movement to my right. Wyatt instantly stops, as he notices it too, and then, I stumble back, once the black wolf comes out of the darkness. Not watching what I’m doing, I trip over a fallen branch, but I don’t dare look away from the wolf.

  It seems as if Wyatt is frozen in terror, and before he can react, the wolf lunges forward. I don’t even blink, as the wolf’s teeth sink deep into Wyatt’s leg, and then, as he screams out in apparent agony, the wolf slings him clear across the road.

  Knowing that he’s no longer a problem, I turn my gaze back to the wolf, wondering if this is the moment that I’m going to die. So, when the wolf turns his bright, green eyes on me, I suck in a deep breath, and then swallow hard. There seems to be something off about this wolf, since it’s foaming at the mouth, and then it lets out a whine, like it’s in pain. Just thinking about this magnificent wolf being in pain makes my chest hurt, but I quickly realize how stupid that is. If this wolf is going to kill me, then I don’t need to be feeling sorry for it.

  However, the longer I hold the wolf’s gaze, the more I sense there’s so much more going on here. The feelings of calmness and protectiveness come rushing in, like a tidal wave, and for just a moment, it steals a breath from my lungs.

  As the wolf begins to move closer, I suddenly don’t feel any fear whatsoever. The closer the wolf gets, the more I want to reach out and pet him with loving care. My heart races with every step the wolf makes, and just as it’s within my reach, I hear a gunshot.

  I frown, as confusion rushes through me, because I don’t understand who could’ve fired a gun. Looking down at myself, I make sure that I wasn’t the one who took the hit, and then, I instantly realize it wasn’t me who the bullet was intended for.

  The wolf lets out a loud groan, and then I jump up, as he falls down on the ground. My mind races with what this might mean, once I sense all of those amazing sensations, vanish with a blink of an eye.

  Jerking my head to the side, I narrow my gaze at the guard limping closer, holding a gun. As he raises his arm, I know he intends on shooting the wolf again. Fury unlike anything that I’ve ever felt before surges forward, and I instantly know that I can’t let him hurt the wolf again.

  Right as the guard is about to pull the trigger once more, I scream, “No!”

  The second the word is spoken, I send a devastating spell his way, knowing it’s going to kill him.

  Dropping to the ground, I blink through the haze, trying to take over me. The electric shocks from the bracelet have yet to let up, but I vow not to black out, until I see that disgusting human die first.

  The guard cries out in agony, and I manage to smile, realizing that my spell is working. As he drops to his knees, I jerk from the shocks, but I know it’s all worth it, as I see his blood, running out of every orifice he has. Forcing my eyes to stay open, I don’t even question why I enjoy the sight of his blood, running down his face, and then, his ears and nose. The moment he falls face first onto the ground, I let out a sigh in relief.

  Slowly turning my gaze up towards the stars, I blink a few times, before a large figure stands over me. It takes me a few moments, until I focus enough to see the black wolf, standing over me. It’s so close that I can feel its breath and the warmth coming off of it.

  Closing my eyes, I wonder if death is finally upon me.

  Finally, losing the battle with the pain, my last thought is that death is most definitely easier than having to constantly fight in a war that I never wanted to be a part of in the first place.


  Making my way through the woods, I consider all of the facts that brought me here.

  There once was a time that I had a happy and wonderful life, but sadly, good things never last where I’m concerned. Since the moment a power-hungry witch murdered my entire coven, I swore that I would get my revenge on her. Even if I don’t know her true identity, I’ve made it my mission to end her immortal life by my own hand.

  Which brings me to my current predicament.

  I need to find Luna once more to know for sure, if the rumors are true.

  Other witches are talking about how there’s a witch out there somewhere, and that she’s supposedly the most powerful witch anyone has ever seen. If anyone knows the truth, it’ll be Luna.

  Unfortunately, I can’t just walk inside of the packs’ den without dying, so I’ll keep my cloaking spell up, while I figure out what’s really happening. It’s a shame that I can’t let anyone know my plans, but the thing is, I just don’t trust anyone.

  Not to mention, I’m the reason wh
y Luna wasn’t appointed The Foreseer of her coven.

  When I learned that her coven wanted to make her The Foreseer, I knew my chances of finding out the truth was disappearing. So, I took matters into my own hands, and I kidnapped her.

  Funny thing is, that’s the moment I learned that the end of the world is coming.

  In a way, I think things happened the way they were meant, too. I found out about an impending doom, while Luna found her mate, Ryker. Which is how I’ve also learned so much about the packs and other covens. Since Luna and Ryker’s mating, The Alpha, Malik, has decreed that wolves and witches are no longer enemies.

  One would think that means that I can drop my cloaking spell, but I know that won’t be the case. Once they all find out what I’ve done to seek out my vengeance, they’ll want my head on a platter.

  I’m well aware that I’m drawing a very fine line between myself and the pack, but I can’t seem to find a reason to care. The only thing that I want, is to see the bitch that utterly desecrated my coven, brought to my own brand of justice.

  Approaching the entrance to the den now, I slow my pace, knowing what else awaits me on the other side. Stealing myself before I walk in, I can only hope luck is on my side, and that I don’t see him, while I’m here. The last time that I was here, I promised myself that I wouldn’t return, because of what might happen, if I get too close.

  However, it seems like fate just doesn’t give a damn about what I want.

  I see him the second that I enter the cave, and the moment I get a good look at him, my entire body seems to awaken from a long slumber. I can’t even lie to myself and say that I haven’t missed this feeling, because I have. There’s not a second of the day that goes by that I don’t think about him, and what he means to me.

  My mate is literally standing inches away from me, and he doesn’t even know it.

  As his gaze turns towards me, I know he can sense me, even with the cloaking spell. My thoughts on that are the mating bonds go much deeper than any spell, but at least, I know he can’t actually see me.


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