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The Predestined (The Transcendent Series)

Page 4

by Brie Paisley

  Against my better judgement, I stay right where I am, taking in his presence, as much as I can. He hasn’t changed much since my last visit, other than the fact that his brown hair is a bit longer. My fingers twitch and then ache to feel how soft it would be to run my hands through it.

  His presence still feels the same as well, which isn’t surprising at all. Wolves are known to be alphas in their own right, and Nick is most definitely the dominant one here. His massive shoulders take up so much room in this area, and I wish for the millionth time, that things were different. In another life, he and I could’ve had the life that I used to want.

  But I’m not who I used to be.

  Who I am now, I know he wouldn’t want me like this. I’m filled with the need to kill and seek vengeance for the death of my entire coven, and I don’t care what I have to do to get it.

  As another wolf approaches, I keep my gaze on Nick, wondering if he’ll figure out that his mate is literally within arm’s reach. After a few more moments, I decide this is enough torture for one day, and then, I leave to find Luna.

  Walking away from him once more, is difficult to say the least, but I do it anyway, because this is the only way. I can’t mate with him, only to lose him in the end. I have no doubt that’s what’ll happen, so I’m sparing us both from the pain of that. With the end of the world hanging over all of our shoulders, why would I want to put us through that?

  Sometimes, the only way to show someone that you care and love them, is to let them go.

  Letting out a heavy sigh, I make my way through the intricate cave system, and I’m still impressed at how the wolves have modernized their home. Walking past the murals of their heritage, I promise myself that one day, I’ll stop and read them all. The wolves have the most interesting history, and I only hope that I can stay alive long enough to fulfil my curiosity.

  Once I reach Luna and Ryker’s room, I lean in close, hoping to hear them inside. After a few moments, I realize that they’re either asleep, or they’re somewhere else. Taking a chance, I flick my wrist, while using my magic to open the door, just to be sure that they’re not here. It only takes me seconds to realize that they’re somewhere else in the den, since I don’t sense their presence inside of the room.

  Using my magic once more, I shut the door back, as I turn around, and then begin my search. There are a few places that they could’ve gone, but I have a hunch of where they might be. Making my way towards the assembly room, my stomach clenches with sudden nerves. Deep down, I know that if I step foot into that room, and if I happen to get caught, they will kill me.

  It’s imperative to stay hidden, until I finish my mission.

  Reaching the room, I push back my shoulders, as I see most of The Enforcers and shockingly, all of The Elders, standing around the big, open room. It makes sense for The Enforcers and The Elders to be here, since this is the place where they conduct all of the meetings for pack business. This is also the main place Malik will come to discuss important matters that can’t wait.

  It’s a place of utmost importance, and even I know, it’s off limits to only a select group.

  Which is why, I’m slightly taken back, when I see Luna and Ryker, talking to Reid, the pack’s Beta. I decide to move closer, so I can hear their conversation, but I’m very careful, as I do so. No one can see or sense me, while I use this spell, but if anyone were to touch me, the spell would instantly break.

  Nick is the only exception to this particular spell, because he’s my mate.

  Shaking my head, I force myself to stop thinking about him and our mating bond. There are way more important matters at hand, so any distractions won’t be tolerated.

  As I stand right behind Luna, I smile, realizing how happy she seems. I remember when Ryker first brought her to the pack, it wasn’t exactly a pleasant experience. The wolves even blamed her, when a pup went missing, but Luna held her head high, and even found the boy. Keeping my gaze on her, I know that’s why I like her so much. She’s a strong witch, and she’ll stand her ground, making sure the right path is taken.

  “You’re sure he’s alright?” Ryker questions, and I snap out of my thoughts.

  Reid nods, and then claims, “He’s determined to find her, but he’ll call, if he needs help.”

  “He’ll find her, so don’t worry,” Luna adds, and I assume they’re talking about the witch that’s supposed to save the world.

  “Do any of you understand what Malik has done?” Frowning, I snap my gaze to Alrick, the only Elder that has a knack for undermining The Alpha at every turn. Once everyone else gives The Elder their attention, he explains, “He left the pack without a second thought, and with no regard to what’ll happen, if he dies.”

  The silence in the room is deafening.

  “I assume none of you even considered that this so-called mission is a mistake.”

  “That’s enough, Alrick,” Reid warns.

  “Tell me, Reid. Are you going to become Alpha, if Malik fails or dies?”

  Leaning against the wall, I cross my arms, wondering how this conversation is going to go. I have no idea how wolves appoint new alphas, but I have a feeling Alrick is barking up the wrong tree. I’ve never met Malik face to face, but even I know he’s strong and very capable of following through with his plan.

  His reputation is impeccable.

  “I think what we need to focus on right now, is what we’re going to do, once he finds Melena,” Luna interrupts.

  I smirk, knowing she’s trying to defuse the situation between the wolves. Even The Enforcers, seem on edge by Alrick, and I have a feeling it’s more because he’s trying to start shit that he can’t finish.

  Just as Alrick is about to open his mouth to spout out more bullshit I’m sure, Reid’s phone begins to ring. Crossing my arms, I narrow my gaze, as I realize whoever is calling, it has to be important. Reid’s entire body language changes so drastically that I would’ve missed it, if I hadn’t been paying attention.

  The call doesn’t last for more than a few minutes, but the moment Reid hangs up, his jaw clenches tight. His hard gaze finds Alrick once more, and I have to bite my lip to hold back a laugh, as he claims, “Our Alpha is alive and well.”

  It’s really hard to hold back my laughter, when I notice the shocked expression on Alrick’s face, but I somehow manage. Shaking my head, I wonder what made him like this. Something bad must’ve happened to him to make him go against his Alpha so much. Which is another reason why, I’m not surprised at all, when he quickly turns around, and then abruptly leaves the room.

  “He’s alright,” Reid states, and every single wolf in the room lets out a sigh.

  “Did he find her?”

  Reid nods, and then says, “He did, and it’s all thanks to you, Luna.”

  Ryker growls, and I roll my eyes, knowing how protective he is of his mate. “Stop it,” Luna sweetly says, but I can tell she enjoys this side of him as well. Her cheeks are a bright shade of pink, and the way she’s leaning into him, tells me she’s trying to keep him calm.

  Reid runs a hand through his hair, and I realize he seems worried about something. After a few moments of silence, he says, “I need to go see him. It sounds like he needs the extra help.”

  Hearing the strain in his voice, I move a little closer, as he adds, “I think he’s in trouble.”

  Smirking once more, excitement fills me, because I know where I’m going now. Glancing to Luna, I silently say my goodbye for now, knowing I’m about to meet the one witch that holds the key to our entire future.


  Blinking open my eyes, I instantly sit up, thinking that I’ve arrived in my own personal Hell again.

  Scanning the room, I frown, realizing that I’m not in my room at The Facility anymore. For a moment, panic begins to rise up inside of me, because I have no clue where I am. Fearing that someone has indeed taken me to another torture house, I quickly stand, and then begin to search the room.

  It’s a small area, and the room s
mells old, but I don’t let that stop me from looking around. If I’m in a dangerous place, then the least I can do, is find a weapon to protect myself.

  I refuse to be held captive again.

  The moment that I find a letter opener, the door to my room suddenly opens. Placing my weapon behind my back, as I turn around, my eyes widen, when I see the driver, standing in the doorway. For a long while, he and I only stare at one another, as I try to piece together what’s really happening.

  For some unknown reason, I’m not afraid of him.

  For some unknown reason, I want to trust him.

  Unable to stand his intense gaze any longer, I drop my eyes down to the floor, hoping that he’s not here to hurt me. I hate admitting weakness, but right now, I have to do just that. My attack on the guard earlier tonight weakened me more than I realized, and there’s no way that I can do another spell like that for a while.

  Glancing at the bracelet on my wrist, I use my fingers to touch it. As my fingers trace over it, I clench my jaw, knowing this stupid thing is holding me back. I know that I’m powerful, and that there are powers within me that even I don’t fully understand. I know that I can do many things with these powers, and I fear the longer that I’m wearing the bracelet, the more my powers will grow within me.

  Without a release, I might just be consumed by my power.

  “I know someone that can help get that off of you,” the driver claims, and I snap my gaze up to meet his once more. “I’m Malik, and I can promise you that I’m here to help you.”

  Confusion and hope bloom inside of my chest, because I want that to be true, but I’m also apprehensive at the same time. Now that I have a name to go with his breathtaking face, I swallow down the lump in my throat, and then I ask, “Why would you help me, Malik?”

  As he steps further into the room, I take a step back. For just a moment, I catch a glimpse of hurt in his eyes, but it’s gone so fast, that I think I imagined it. “I’m not going to hurt you, Melena.”

  Regarding him carefully, I grip the letter opener tighter, wondering if he’s going to make me kill him. A part of me screams in agony at the very thought, but the other part, is reminding me that he works for The Facility.

  “Why should I trust you?” I counter, needing to hear the truth for once.

  Watching him closely, as he leans against the door frame, and then crosses his arms, I try so very hard to stop staring at him. He’s probably the widest man that I’ve ever met before, and I know underneath his black shirt holds the body of a God. The instant attraction to him is throwing me off, but I have to remember he’s the enemy.

  “I thought it was clear that you could trust me,” he states, and I’m glad he did so. Now that I’m not distracted by his mouthwatering body, I meet his eyes once more. When I don’t respond, after a few moments pass, he adds, “I staged the flat tire that helped you escaped.”

  My expression must give me away, because he grins widely, and I quickly avert my gaze. That grin is doing something to me, and I’m not sure if I like it or not. No one has ever made my entire body ignite with a fire that can’t be quenched with just one smile.

  “I still don’t understand,” I finally state, hoping he’ll just explain it to me.

  “You don’t feel it?” He asks, and I frown, not understanding what he’s talking about. As he runs a hand down his face, I suddenly feel a wave of guilt rush through me. I don’t know why, but his disappointment hits me harder than it should.

  When he drops his hand from his handsome face, he looks off in the distance, as he somberly says, “I helped you, because you’re the only hope that we have for what’s coming.”

  Chills suddenly race down my back, but it’s not a good feeling. The sensation feels more like a warning, or like an omen of death. “How do you know that I’m who you’re looking for?” I have to ask, because I’m no one special. At least, I don’t think that I am.

  “A Foreseer had a vision of you, and about the end of the world,” he claims, and I get a hint of exhaustion in the tone of his voice. “She saw that you are the only one that can stop this from happening.”

  Finally, the puzzle pieces begin clicking together, and I know not to question what a Foreseer has seen. They’re the most gifted witches, and their visions are always correct. “That’s why you saved me,” I softly state, and then turn to lay the weapon down, unsure of why I feel disappointed about it.

  “That’s not the only reason,” he huskily states, and I turn around, and then jerk back, because he’s so close now. How did I not hear him coming towards me?

  Now that he’s inches away from me, my heart races, and then, I have to lick my lips, as I take in his masculine scent. A man shouldn’t be so damn attractive, or even smell so good that I suddenly want to drop to my knees for him.

  “Do you feel it now, regina meis?” Malik asks, as he brushes my hair behind my ear.

  Parting my lips, a rush of air quickly leaves me. It’s as if a force is pulling me closer to him without my permission, and for some reason, I don’t really want to fight against it. There’s something about him that calls to my very soul, and deep down, I know what that must mean.

  Shaking my head, I refuse to believe it. “I’m not your mate,” I firmly state. I would know if he were my mate, because I would’ve felt it the second we met.

  “Just because you can’t feel our bond, doesn’t mean that I’m not right.” He states with an edge to his voice. It’s strange to be able to hear him so clearly in my mind, and also, how I can tell he’s upset that I don’t believe him.

  “How can we be mates? You’re human.” He grins once more, like he knows something that I don’t. “What are you not telling me?”

  “It is possible for a wolf to mate with a human,” Malik utters softly. While this is true, it’s also very rare. “If we’re not mates, then how is it that we can communicate through telepathy?”

  “That could mean many different things, so I’ll ask you again. What are you not telling me?”

  Holding still, as he drops his hands by his side, I keep my eyes on his. For a moment, I don’t think that he’s going to answer me, but then, my eyes widen, as his eyes change, and then begin to glow. It’s the exact same color of the black wolf’s eyes, and sudden realization dawns on me, as I see the wolf within him.

  “You’re a wolf?”

  “He’s The Alpha, actually,” a woman’s voice states, and I quickly move away from him.

  Time seems to slow down, as I gaze at the man, standing in front of me. Shock and surprise fill me to the point that I can’t seem to process this new revelation. Of course, I’ve heard about The Alpha before, but I never imagined that I would be standing in his presence, much less him claiming that I’m his fated mate. The Alpha holds the highest position in the packs, and I honestly don’t envy his responsibilities.

  “Malik, you should’ve called me sooner.”

  “I was a little busy.”

  Glancing between them, I huff out a breath, and then push away my curiosity about Malik, before asking the woman, “Who are you?”

  The woman smiles, and then she quickly makes her way over by me. Staring at her, I can’t seem to utter a single word, as she reaches down, and then takes my hand. “What are you doing?” I ask, as I attempt to jerk my hand out of her grasp.

  “Don’t worry, Melena. I’m here to help.”

  That seems to be the consensus today.

  Using my free hand, I run it through my hair, as I try to get a handle over my frustration. Before I get a chance to ask her how she’s going to help, I notice what she’s doing. So, I hold still, as she gazes intently at the bracelet.

  “Are you a wolf, too?”

  Malik chuckles, and I do my best to ignore him. I’m still not so sure about him, but this woman might be able to free me from my containment. “I’m a hybrid,” she states so calmly, like it’s not a big deal at all.

  Unfortunately, hybrids have by far the worst reputation among the supernatura
l community. I’ve never fully understood why so many of us discriminate against them, since most are very powerful. Then again, I guess that’s the real reason why everyone is afraid of them. Most of them have gifts from both sides of their lineage, and a lot of people just can’t comprehend that.

  As if she can feel my curious gaze on her, she sighs, and then says, “I’m part wolf and part witch.”

  “She’s also the best option for getting that bracelet off,” Malik adds.

  Deciding to see where this might go, I simply nod, hoping that he’s right. For a long while, the woman touches and inspects the bracelet, like she’s trying to figure out how it works. Needing a distraction, I focus on the woman, wondering what her story is. She’s very beautiful, and I can tell she’s honed her gifts wonderfully. There’s also a confident aura around her that makes me have more faith in her, too.

  After a few more moments, she tucks a strand of her dark hair behind her ear, and then she glances up at me. I hold her green gaze for a moment, before she says, “I can get it off, but I need a little time to get the spell just right.”

  I nod, refusing to let too much hope fill me, while Malik asks, “How long do you need?”

  “A few hours at the most.”

  A few hours.

  In just a few hours, I might have this fucking thing off of my wrist, and my heart races with excitement. I want nothing more than to have full use of my powers again, and not feel pain, when I use them. So, a few hours is nothing compared to never knowing, if I can get it off or not.

  “I’m Sameria by the way,” she states, as she stands.

  “It’s nice to meet you, and also thank you. If you can get this bracelet off, it’ll help more people than you realize.”

  Sameria grins widely, as she declares, “I know.” At my frown, she adds, “I know all about The Facility, and what they’re doing. So, if this works, then I’ll be sure to teach you the spell as well, that way you can help free the others, too.”

  I frown, because I’m not sure why she would even say that. It’s like she knows that I do plan on saving those left behind, but yet, she doesn’t even know me. It’s almost like Malik and Sameria know much more than they’re letting on, and I’m not sure how to feel about that.


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