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Page 18

by Quinn Ward

  "No, it's you making a huge deal where there shouldn't be one." He slid his other hand higher on my thigh, dangerously close to my dick which I was busy willing to not react. The tables had completely turned, and I now understood why Enzo and Max got frustrated when I tried putting off talking with sex. I fidgeted under the intensity in his gaze. He leaned in, his face so close to mine I could feel every warm exhale across my face. "No one has a right to know what we do in the privacy of our own home other than us. It's enough for me to know I don't have to be hyper-aware every time Max comes near me when we're all together."

  "You deserve to be with someone who can show the world how much you mean to them. To me. To us," I countered.

  "Says you." Enzo placed his hand over my chest. "I don't need the world to know any of that. It's enough for me to feel the way you love me when we're all together."

  "But doesn't that make you feel like a booty call?" I skimmed my fingers up and down Enzo's forearm, watching him carefully for any non-verbal cue that revealed his true feelings if he tried lying to make me feel less shitty about the situation. I was so into him I was taken aback by his reaction.

  Enzo cuffed the back of my head. "No, you dolt. What do I have to do to prove to you I don't need public make out sessions or huge proclamations of love? It's enough for me to have you. When I first started feeling shit I knew I shouldn't for you, I thought I was disgusting and broken. Knowing you weren't turned off and were open to being with me too? It's everything to me. You have no clue how twisted up I was when you and Max started getting close, when I started listening to the two of you screwing around, wishing I was in there with you."

  "Okay, that's both a bit creepy and insanely hot," I admitted. Whatever I'd been so hellbent on talking about flew from my mind as images started taking shape of Enzo laying in his bed jerking off to the sounds of Max and me fucking. Maybe Enzo was right; maybe I was making a big deal where there didn't need to be one.

  "Knowing I can touch you when we're home like this? That's reward enough for not being able to sneak a kiss when we're out in public." Enzo's hand moved over my cock. I parted my legs, allowing him the space to cup my balls. He nipped at my earlobe before sucking it into his mouth, and I couldn't help the moan. My hips started rocking in time with the movement of his hand. "I knew I could get you to see it my way. Do you want this, Tony?"

  "Why wouldn't I?" My dick was painfully hard, and I could already feel the precum weeping from my slit. How could he doubt I wanted so much more than the tease he was giving me? With a single finger, he traced the edges of the bulge in my pants, flicking back and forth across the tip. His pink tongue peeked out from between his lips. He swallowed hard and breathed deeply. Enzo was trying his best to maintain his composure when I couldn't wait to see him lose it.

  "Do you want it to be just us for a change? We've both fucked Max without the other here, but it's never been just us." He sat up straight, his hand stilling over my crotch. "If that's the way it needs to be, I'll understand."

  "I want what you want," I told him. Forming coherent thoughts was tough when I was fighting the urge to beg him to fuck me hard.

  "That's not good enough." I whimpered when his hand slid down my leg. He leveled a domineering glare on me when I wrapped my fingers around his wrist to put his hand back where it belonged. "If you want more than we've done before, I need to hear the words."

  "Need you, Enzo. I think about what it'd be like to have you take me when I'm jacking off. Get jealous when I come home and still smell sex in the air, wishing it was me," I rambled.

  That seemed to be enough for Enzo. My hips bucked off the cushion as he tugged at the waistband of my pants. I writhed, trying to kick them out of the way so I could spread my legs wide for him. I didn’t bottom often, and here I was almost begging to for a second time in as many months. While I’d probably never be the bottom my two men were, I’d needed the reassurance of Max taking me when we’d lost touch physically. I needed Enzo to fill me for similar reasons; giving him the security he needed to believe I was in as deep as he was would be a side benefit.

  "Please Enzo, tell me you're going to fuck me." I grew self-conscious when he said nothing, did nothing. He just sat there staring at my half-exposed body. I turned slightly, shielding my erection from his view as I felt a flush of embarrassment creeping up my cheeks. "Don't just sit there, say something. Do something. Please."

  That was the magic word. With force I didn't know he possessed, Enzo dug his fingers into the back of my neck and yanked me to him. The moment his lips met mine, his tongue shoved into my mouth. I wrestled him for control, internally fist-pumping when Enzo allowed me to shove him to his back. I kissed my way up his body, savored the salty tang as I flicked my tongue over his nipple. "You're beautiful."

  Enzo writhed beneath me as I continued licking and sucking my way down his body. I smiled every time he moaned, mentally mapping the spots that got the best reaction out of him. While this wasn't the first time we'd fooled around without Max, it was different knowing we were on the same page and tonight would end up with him fucking me.

  His fingers twisted in my hair, tugging my head lower while he fumbled with the zipper on his pants. My cock twitched when I breathed in the musky scent of his arousal. My mouth watered, and I couldn't wait another second to have him in my mouth. Teasing him, I flicked my tongue over his tip, collecting the precum pooling there. He arched off the couch as much as he could with my body pressing into his. "Suck me, Tony. Get me ready for you."

  I followed his command in my own way. I wanted to draw this out, make sure he was as needy and desperate as I was by the time he buried his cock deep in my ass. Knowing Enzo, he'd try to make tonight something tender and magical, but it wasn't what I wanted from him. Not this time. Tonight, I wanted him to fuck me with wild abandon to prove to both of us we needed the other. And, god, did I need him. It seemed a cruel joke one of the men I couldn't picture myself living without had been there every minute of my life, but I hadn't realized it because of who he was. Tonight felt like a redefinition of the love we'd always shared.

  I mouthed my way down Enzo's shaft which was still mostly covered. When I came back up, I ran my tongue over the crown again. His hand slid down my spine and he yanked at the hem of my shirt, forcing me away from my prize long enough to strip me so I was completely naked on top of him. As fun as it was teasing him through the material of his pants, I wanted to feel his skin searing mine. I shoved my hands under his ass and pulled his pants down past his knees and settled back on top of him, rutting as he freed himself.

  I gripped his shaft, stroking him as I took him in my mouth, hollowing my cheeks to suck him. Enzo wove his fingers through my hair, guiding me as he fucked my mouth. His movements became frantic and jerky. He shoved me away, only to hitch his hands under my armpits and drag me up his body. We rutted together as we made out, a constant stream of I-love-yous filling the air between lingering, deep kisses. I gasped when he shoved a hand between my legs, his finger pressing against my entrance.

  My ass burned as his dry finger breached my hole. He stopped when my face twisted in pain. "Go find the lube," he instructed me, the tip of his finger still inside me. I knew it'd be better with the help of something to slicken my hole, but I couldn't bring myself to get up, scared the short distance between the living room and bedroom would give him time to rethink this. I groaned when he pulled free of my body's hold and swatted my ass. "I'll be right here. Hurry."

  I tripped over the pile of discarded clothing. As I righted myself, I spied a jar of coconut oil on the kitchen counter. I wasn't sure if it was a brilliant idea or a horrible one, but it was closer than the lube we kept safely hidden away in the bedroom after Sophia found a bottle in the living room and asked too many questions about what it was for. I unscrewed the lid as I darted back to the couch. The second my fingers hit the mass of solid white, it began to melt. This was going to be messy, but I couldn't bring myself to care.

  As I straddle
d Enzo's hips, I reached back and started fingering myself. Enzo propped himself up, pushing me higher, and reaching between my legs. The stretch was painfully wide, but not unbearable when his finger slid in beside mine. He stared up at me through hooded lids, tongue trailing along his lower lip as we worked in tandem to prep me to take his girth. "Just like this, Tony. No matter what, we do this together."

  "Yes." I dragged the word out, tossing my head back as Enzo pushed deeper, crooking his finger to drag over my prostate. Fuck, I wanted more. I lifted up, forcing both of our fingers out of my ass. He hissed when I stroked his length with my greasy hand, arching off the couch. "Hope you're ready. I can't wait any longer."

  "Take whatever you need." Enzo folded his arms behind his head, offering all of himself to me. Our gazes were locked together as I lowered myself slowly, my hole stretching wide to accept him. To join us. I didn't stop until he filled me. After taking a few seconds to catch my breath, I began rocking back and forth, feeling the slide of his cock in and out of my body. I scooped out more of the oil, reaching back to hold it against his shaft as he fucked me. It was slippery and messy and perfect.

  Enzo began thrusting, lifting himself every time I tried to pull off, sharp movements that reminded me he was in control for now even if I was on top of him. "You should see your face right now." His voice was soft, nearly reverent. He raised a hand to my cheek, and I leaned into the touch; my eyes drifted closed, allowing me to do nothing more than feel.

  Beads of sweat formed over my forehead, rolling down my cheeks. If there were tears over how right this felt, I'd never admit it. Being joined to Enzo in this way was the single most poignant moment in my life. Every sharp jab of his cock left me in awe, wondering why in the hell we'd waited so long. The faster and harder Enzo fucked me, the more off kilter I felt. I leaned back, digging the tips of my fingers into his thighs for support.

  "Love you, Tony. So...damn...much..." Each word was accompanied by him burying himself deep inside of me. Enzo wrapped his arms around my torso, pulling me flush against his chest.

  As I continued rocking against him, the ability to think or speak failed me. My dick was buried in the space between our bodies, sliding freely thanks to our mingled sweat. I curled in on myself, biting his shoulder as I fisted my cock, needing more pressure because there was no way I'd be able to stop the orgasm I could feel slamming through my body. Enzo fucked me with abandon as I came, following me over the precipice with a shout. I felt every pulse of his cock has he filled me.

  My release left me shaking and breathless. When I tried to push myself off of Enzo so I wouldn't crush him, I immediately collapsed. I tried again and failed. Enzo held me tighter, and I laid my head on his shoulder. We could just stay like this for a little while.

  Eventually, I couldn't stand the feel of my skin tightening as cum and sweat dried on our bodies. I winced at the sudden emptiness when I backed away. I needed a shower, right fucking now.

  "You okay?" Enzo asked. I stared down at him, in awe that this was our life. I waited for the panic to settle in, the restlessness that used to drive me away from partners when things got too real for me to deal with, but it never came. Instead, I felt peace. "No regrets?"

  "Not a single one." I held a hand out, helping Enzo off the couch. Our shower stall was too small for more than one person, but somehow it felt empty when I showered alone now. Besides, I wasn't ready to leave him alone to think. "You?"

  "None." We held hands as we wandered through the apartment. His steps faltered, and his fingers slid out of mine. "Well, maybe one."

  My heart sank, and my stomach roiled. I breathed deeply, promising myself I wasn't going to ruin the moment by hurling all over Enzo's feet.

  "I should've thought about what you need earlier instead of only focusing on my own feelings," he admitted. "If it's important to you the two of us do more outside the apartment, we'll do it. We don't have to go out of our way to tell anyone about the full extent of our relationship, but it doesn't mean we should hide, either. Why don't we get cleaned up and head down to see Max?"

  "Honestly? I'm beat." It wasn't a cop-out. Between the stress from earlier and a mind-scrambling orgasm, I was fighting to put one foot in front of the other. "We'll go out another night, but you were right. As far as the rest of the world's concerned, our relationship isn't much different than it's always been. As long as we remember what we are to one another, that'll be enough."

  Enzo folded his body over mine as I adjusted the water taps, kissing his way over my spine. "Thank you."

  "For what?" I reached around, stroking my hand over Enzo's hip.

  "For not pushing me away when you realized how much I love you," he whispered.

  I stood, never releasing Enzo as I slowly turned to face him. I held his face in my hands as I pressed my lips to his. "Thank you for having the courage to admit what you wanted. I'm not sure I could've been that strong, but I can't imagine life any other way."

  Chapter Nineteen


  Following the dust up with Frankie the day their mama had been rushed to the hospital, I'd done everything in my power to avoid accompanying Tony and Enzo to the hospital when it was their turn to sit with her. After three days of picking up shifts and going in to help with inventory, Tony had figured out what I was doing. He'd come at me first, suggesting I wasn't doing a very good job showing his family the united front I'd insisted would help them accept our unconventional relationship. That alone wouldn't have been enough to make me visit Mama with them, but when Tony sent Enzo into the shower to plead their case once again, I caved.

  "I get you're not a fan of hospitals, but I really don't want to sit up there alone all day today," he'd pleaded as he poured a dollop of bodywash onto the sponge. Enzo pressed his body against mine, allowing his dick to settle against the crease of my ass. He began gently rocking as he reached around to scrub my chest. "Everyone else has to be at Marino's for a huge lunch party. If you really can't do it, I'll understand, but I'd appreciate it if you could at least call and see if you can get the day off. Eli’s working you too hard lately."

  Either Enzo was so good-hearted he couldn't fathom the lengths I'd go to in an effort to give the family time to cool off a bit after we'd dropped our news on them or he was giving me an out rather than calling me on my shit. I had a feeling it was the latter, and it made me feel like a horrible boyfriend. I'd been here every night when they'd come home from the hospital after talking to Eli and telling him I couldn't work nights for a bit, but it wasn't enough. I should have been as much a fixture in the hospital room as the rest of the significant others, standing guard near the door, paying attention when the doctors or nurses came in with new information about Mama's prognosis. I should've been there with them when they were given the amazing news that while she'd have some lingering issues, the doctors expected her to recover thanks to Tony's quick action the day of her stroke.

  "If you can't, I understand." His voice was lower now and filled with sadness. Enzo's body sagged behind me, his weight pressing against my back as if he'd run out of energy to hold himself upright. "I can see if Levi or Calvin are around today. I know Peter has classes, and he's probably falling behind on his work since he's either been up at the hospital with Freddie or playing single dad to Sophia."

  "I'll go." I turned in his grasp, sliding my hands around his waist then lower to cup his backside. "I'm sorry I haven't been there with you guys."

  "You've had to work."

  I simply shrugged because it was better than seeing his reaction if I admitted I'd asked to be added to the schedule the past few days. Sure, part of it had been so I could spend some time home with them at night and go to sleep with them rather than trying to wedge myself between them when I came to bed in the middle of the night, but it had been secondary to not wanting an encore awkward scene with the brothers.

  Enzo buried his face in my neck, kissing his way from my shoulder to my ear. "Don't beat yourself up. Having you home with us has helpe
d. You know I wouldn't be asking you to go with me today if there was another option, right?"

  I nodded.

  "No one's going to be there. And even if they were, I don't care. I want them to see nothing's changed between you and Tony, and what you and I have is just as real. It takes three people to make what we have whole. If my brothers ever give you a hard time for being with both of us, you know Tony and I will shut them down, right?"

  I nodded again. Why was it suddenly impossible for me to find words? I should be down on my knees apologizing to him, and that wasn't a euphemism for blowing him so thoroughly he'd forget all the ways I was letting them down.

  "Then come with me. Frankie said Mama was awake more last night. She'd like to see you." I wasn't so sure about that, and apparently didn't manage to school my features quickly enough. "Don't look at me like that. She loves you as much as she does Calvin, Peter, and Levi. And she'll love you even more once she knows how happy you make both Tony and me. It takes a strong man to put up with both of us."

  "Loving the two of you is one of the easiest things I've ever done." I slid my hand over his stubbled jaw and kissed the tip of his nose. "I'm not so sure you're right about her wanting to see me, but I'll be there. For you."

  "You'll see." The twinkle returned to Enzo's eyes as he stared at me as if I'd hung the freaking moon. We finished up in the shower without any sexy shenanigans. Things had cooled considerably since that fateful moment in the hospital, but I wasn't worried. If anything, we'd been working on proving to ourselves what we shared wasn't limited to sex. We were cooking together, watching movies until it was time to fall into bed, even bickering about how to split up the household chores. All mundane activities on their own, but it really felt as if we were cementing ourselves as a functional triad.


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