Book Read Free

Forget Me Never

Page 13

by Sable Hunter

  I hope this excites you as much as it does me. Thank you for playing like this with me, Patrick. I think you have the best of me here. My talent lies with the written word. When we’re skin to skin, I won’t be that impressive, I promise you.

  And she had hit send. It wasn’t long before she had received this response.

  Sweet Savannah

  Damn! I loved that. I don’t think I’ve ever cum so hard. Thank you. Now, I have a question for you and I want you to answer me immediately. What the hell did you mean by that last comment?

  Savannah debated how to answer. Finally, she relented and told the truth, thinking it was better that he know what he was getting himself into. That way, he wouldn’t be disappointed later. The next email she sent had been short and to the point.

  You know I’ve never had sex. And I can’t imagine that I will be any good at it. I’m going to disappoint you. There’s no doubt about that. And letting you down just scares me to death.

  Patrick read the last email from Savannah and couldn’t believe his eyes. Hell, no. He knew she was a virgin. She had made that fact very clear. What was unacceptable to him was her insecurity and the worry he could feel in her words. “Hell, no,” he thought. It was time to settle this, because Patrick Heath O’Rourke was ready to go home – to Savannah.

  Waiting for his reaction was nerve wracking, but it had come in a form she was not expecting. Her cell phone rang. “Hello?”

  “Savannah, there is no way in hell you could ever disappoint me,” he sounded adamant.

  “Patrick! You called me! On the phone!” she knew she sounded flustered. But she couldn’t help it. “I’m so glad to hear from you. How are you?” Even though she couldn’t see him, having his voice in her ear seemed extremely intimate. “This must be costing you a fortune!”

  “It doesn’t matter about the cost. This is too important. I didn’t want to wait for that damn video chat to connect. Now, you listen to me. Okay?” His voice had dropped to an intimate level, and he spoke softly, sexily – telling her how much he wanted her. “I’m counting the hours before I can come home to you. I’m going to show you just how desirable you are.”

  “I can’t wait, Patrick. And I’m so relieved to talk to you about this. We’ve wrote such steamy detailed fantasies and I’m just afraid that I won’t be able to live up to them. It would be sad if I’m a better lover on paper than in your bed.” Savannah poured all the emotion in the world into her words.

  “You’re the only lover I want. We’re going to be perfect together. I promise. Do you trust me? Do you want me, Savannah?”

  She didn’t make him wait a second longer. “Come home to me, Patrick. I can’t wait to hold you in my arms.”

  “Well Darling, you don’t have to wait any longer; I’m leaving for home in a few hours. Email me your address and leave the porch light on. Ciara and I will be at your house for supper tomorrow.”

  A thrilling feeling of near panic filled her. He was about to fly home!

  Chapter Five

  Patrick would be here soon! Savannah had cooked all day. She had prepared gumbo, jambalaya, etouffe, fried chicken, potato salad, chocolate cake, pecan pie – everything she could think of. And she had cleaned the house, vacuumed, mopped, dusted, and rearranged the furniture. She had worn herself out making sure everything was just right. Sleep hadn’t been an option, there just wasn’t time. Now, she had to get herself ready. Standing in front of her closet, she admitted to herself that she was scared to death. And tired.

  “You’ve got to get it together, Girl,” she chided herself. This was the day she had been dreaming of and here she was too pooped to pucker. Actually, she was afraid she had sabotaged herself. To keep from thinking about all of her insecurities, she had worked herself to a frazzle. Adrenaline would save her, though. She was running on pure nervous energy.

  One outfit was too conservative and another was too casual, finally she settled on a simple cotton dress. It was soft and feminine and hopefully Patrick would like it. He hadn’t been able to tell her the exact time he would arrive, other than it would be in the evening. So she did everything she could think of and sat down to wait. Despite all they had discussed and shared, Savannah couldn’t help but begin to doubt he would come at all. What if their emails and love notes had just been a way for him to pass the time? So, here she was – al dressed up and nowhere to go.

  Maybe, if she sat down and rested for a few minutes, she could calm down. The first thing she was going to do was hug Patrick tight, kiss him and let him know how amazing he was. It still boggled her mind that he didn’t care one whit who her parents were or what disease they had suffered from. Not that he didn’t have sympathy for them, he did. Now there were drugs to control Hansen’s disease, but since time immemorial, leprosy had been feared and associated with immorality and judgment for sin. Due to that age-old misconception, Carville became one of the most mysterious and misunderstood places in the world.

  Minutes past, then an hour and soon it was all she could do to hold her eyes open. Maybe she could lie down and rest for just a few minutes. . . .


  Patrick had been unavoidably detained. Rasib had asked for a meeting in Kabul, and he had decided it was too important to miss. He had been right. Now he had the evidence in hand. Lucas had sold out mission details that had resulted in the deaths of a half dozen Marines. Now all he had to do was get it into the right hands. It was going to be tricky, however. Bringing down your commanding officer was not without risks. But the good of the country and the safety of his fellow Marines demanded it.

  His intention had been to surprise Savannah, but now he was sorry that he hadn’t kept her informed all along the way. “We’re almost there, Girl. It’s only nine o’clock. She’ll still be up.” Ciara sat calmly beside him. She had grown into a beautiful dog, and she would die for him in a heartbeat – of that he had no doubt. It had been necessary for Patrick to pull a few strings to get her approved to bring stateside, but he had done it gladly. This dog was special. He laid his hand on her front legs and she licked him.

  This part of St Martin parish was unfamiliar to him, but soon he found the farm to market road that led to Savannah’s house. The night wasn’t dark, a blue moon lit up the sky. And even though the trees were thick through this part of the state, every once in a while he could see a glimpse of the bayou gleaming through the underbrush. Savannah had said her home sat on the banks of the Teche.

  What looked to be a bat swept out of the night sky and danced in front of his headlights. For a microsecond, Patrick tensed, almost a knee-jerk reaction. Living around flying shrapnel and enemy snipers had stolen his peace. God, he was glad to be back in the states. He couldn’t say he was glad to be back home, because he hadn’t lived in his apartment long enough to miss it. Since he had found Savannah, she had been his focus. Truthfully, he had come home to her. Tomorrow he would head over to see his grandfather. Savannah might want to go with him. He hoped sonded it.&n His grandfather would love her.

  With a pounding heart, Patrick watched the odometer; he had to be getting close. “It’s right around here somewhere, Ciara. We ought to be coming up on her driveway.” A pale yellow mailbox shone in the distance. “There it is.” Turning off the road, he pulled through an open gate. Patrick couldn’t help but appreciate the beauty of Savannah’s home. It wasn’t large at all, but it looked welcoming.

  “The lights are on, Ciara. That’s a good sign.”

  Patrick got out of his Dodge truck and stretched his legs. Normally, the flight time plus the layovers would have him dead on his feet. This time, however, a combination of anticipation, lust and sheer excitement over reuniting with Savannah had his cock semi-erect and his mind whirling with things he wanted to say to her.

  Later he would appreciate the view, but tonight there was something else he’d rather feast his eyes on. “Come on, Girl.” The lab jumped out and stood by him. She was always on guard for him. Taking the steps two at a time, they reached t
he door and he tapped lightly. And waited. He tapped again, a little harder. Checking through the glass, Patrick could see that the interior lights were on, too. But Savannah wasn’t coming to the door. Assured of his welcome, he tested the door knob. It was open, so man and dog entered the strange new place.

  “Savannah! Honey? It’s Patrick.” God, something smelled good! The warmth and coziness of her home beckoned for him to sit down and rest, but he was more interested in finding its owner. “Savannah!” He wasn’t yelling, but speaking in a normal tone of voice. Scaring her was not his intent. Walking into the living area, he saw a grouping of two couches flanking a small fireplace. A breathy little sigh caused him to look over the back of the sofa closest to him. There she was. She was lying on her side with her head on her arm. Her dress was twisted under her and had ridden up so that he had an unobstructed view of the most beautiful pair of legs he had ever seen. They were smooth and tanned and imminently touchable. All Patrick could think about was the fantasy that he had penned for her – the one she said had made her cum over and over again. Now was his chance to make it come true.

  Shedding his jacket he laid it across a chair and knelt next to the couch. Lord, she was pretty. Tenderly, he pushed back a strand of hair off of her face. Poor baby was exhausted. With the back of his hand he grazed her cheek. “Hmmm,” she hummed a tiny moan of enjoyment and cuddled down in the cushions. Unable to resist, Patrick kissed her forehead and the corner of her eye. Wanting more, he nuzzled her neck and breathed in her fresh clean scent. “Kiss me,” she whispered as she turned toward him, wrapping her arms around his neck.

  “Hell yeah,” he was all for that. atrick was eager to taste more of her kisses. He had planned it all out, a slow, sweet seduction. But Savannah had other ideas. Taking Patrick’s breath away she sought his lips, blindly. And when she found them, she rocked his world. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she opened her mouth and welcomed him in – seeking his tongue, eating at his lips, consuming him as if she were starving for his touch. “God, Baby, that’s so good.”

  This time, his voice penetrated her dream-state. Savannah went completely still. She pulled back a couple of inches and opened her eyes, her cheeks flushing a warm pink. “Oh my goodness – you’re not a dream.” Licking her lips and closing her eyes as if to hide, she groaned the sexiest little moan. “I’m so sorry. I was just so hungry for you; I didn’t realize you were really here.” Putting her hands on his shoulders, she attempted to push him back enough so she could extricate herself from his embrace.

  “Don’t pull away from me – please.” He gathered her close once more. “I loved your kiss. Now I don’t have to wonder about your true feelings, you just showed me in the sweetest way possible.”

  Savannah couldn’t breathe. He was here, she could touch him. Lifting one hand she cupped the side of his face and tenderly pressed her lips to his. “I’m so relieved you’re safe and I’m so glad you’re here.” That was all the invitation Patrick needed, he captured her lips, possessed them – he literally consumed her. Savannah was swept away on a wave of passion; she clung to him and returned his kiss with all the pent-up longing in her heart.

  “Where’s your room?” Patrick asked as he picked her up like she weighed nothing.

  “Upstairs, second door on your right,” she answered. “What about supper? I cooked everything I could think of for you.”

  “I’m sure I’ll love everything you’ve prepared for me, but let’s feed one hunger at a time. Sit, Ciara. We’ll be back later.”

  “I didn’t get to meet the dog.” Savannah spoke trying to look over his shoulder.

  “You two can get acquainted later. I need you now.” He rubbed his cheek against hers as he walked. Every move he made he was trying to convey to her that he couldn’t wait to get closer to her – skin to skin. “Am I welcome in your bed, Savannah?”

  Savannah was so torn; her whole body trembled with need, but doubts about her ability to please him prevented her from relaxing. “Wait.”

  Patrick felt her stiffen and he stopped in his tracks. “What’s wrong? You don’t want me?”

  She patted him on the chest, rubbing her hand up and down his camouflage shirt. “Of course, I want you. I just needed to say that I’ll try very hard, but you’ll have to tell me what to do. I’m a fast learner; it’s just that I’m unschoolethe ways to give you pleasure.” Tentatively, she studied his face, looking at his eyes, his mouth and back to his eyes. What she saw amazed her. Her experience with men was non-existent, but she could see tenderness, concern – and yes – desire.

  “Tonight will be perfect, because you and I are going to enjoy one another.” With a quick kiss to her lips, he headed up the stairs, carrying her like a bride on her wedding night. “I’m going to make love to you and all you have to do is respond to me however you want to – there is no right or wrong. All I want to do is be with you. It seems like I’ve been waiting for this night all of my life.”

  Savannah was still nervous, but Patrick had touched her heart and given her the courage to take what she wanted. And Savannah wanted Patrick Heath O’Rourke. She laid her head against his chest and just enjoyed being carried. God, he was big and strong. And so handsome! The door was ajar, so he pushed through and sat her down by the bed.

  Framing her face, he caressed her cheeks with his thumbs. “We’ve talked more in the last month than most people do in their first whole year of marriage.” Bending near, he rubbed his lips over her face, a light, tender caress, “You can’t imagine how I’ve longed for this moment. I came home to you, Savannah.” He lifted the heavy weight of her hair and kissed her neck. “You don’t have a thing in the world to worry about, I’d never, ever hurt you.” Holding his hands between them palm up, he smiled at her. “Look, I’m trembling.”

  “Why are you nervous?” This big man walked through the fires of hell in war-torn countries; she couldn’t imagine him being hesitant of anything. She placed her hands palm up on his, offering him comfort.

  “I’m not nervous, Baby,” he whispered. “I’m desperate for you.”

  That amazed Savannah. All she could think to say was, “I’m yours.”

  “You won’t be sorry. Let’s get you out of these clothes.” She started to unbutton her dress, “No, let me.” As he began to slip the buttons through their holes, she dropped her arms to her sides. “Do you know how long I’ve waited to see you? That photo you finally sent me of you on this bed on all fours, your tits hanging down, that perky little ass of yours tilted in the air – I’ve stared at it for hours. I know you were afraid I’d show it to somebody else. That was why you let all of this beautiful hair hang down and cover your face, but you’ve got to understand something – you belong to me and I don’t share what’s mine.” He pushed her dress off her shoulders and let it fall. “God Almighty,” he breathed. “Just look at you.”

  Savannah felt her nipples tighten. She had worn a lacy bra, one that was low cut and see-through and just about the sexiest thing he’d ever seen. “I’m only a B cup.”

  Patrick rubbed his thumbs across her nipples. “You are perfect, that’s what you are. ǝ Leaning over he licked the hard tip through the thin fabric then smiled as it beaded and swelled. “You like that, don’t you?”

  “Very much,” she admitted. It was hard to be still as he finished undressing her, then as he ran his hands over her body, she found herself growing warm and wet. All she wanted to do was wrap her legs around his body and rub herself on him like a cat.

  Patrick couldn’t touch her enough. “You are so soft. I love the color of your skin; it’s like warm honey.” Smooth shoulders, suckable breasts, a waist he could almost reach around and hips that were rounded and firm were just a few of the parts he wanted to explore intimately on her body.

  “Thank you. You’re darker; you’ve been in the sun a lot. It makes your eyes look even more brilliant.” She couldn’t help but compliment him; Savannah wanted him to know he was appreciated, too. And she would have said mo
re – how sexy his dimples looked, how she loved the cadence of his voice – but she couldn’t think clearly because his hands were playing her body like a fine instrument. There was no part of her that he didn’t caress. And when he knelt in front of her to learn the shape of her legs, she was shaking so bad her knees nearly gave way. It was a good thing he had broad shoulders to hang on to.

  “You like my touch, don’t you?”

  She did. And it wasn’t just his hands, Patrick was kissing a path up her thighs and Savannah thought she might pass out from just the thought of where his lips might end up. Oral sex wasn’t something she had been privileged to experience, of course. But it was certainly on her wish list. “Oh yes,” she sighed.


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