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Forget Me Never

Page 14

by Sable Hunter

  A tiny landing strip adorned the treasure of her pussy. He could no more resist dipping his fingers into the slick folds than he could deny himself a breath of life-giving oxygen.

  “God, Patrick! I love how you make me feel.”

  “What do you want to do?” Watching her revel in his caresses was the biggest turn-on he had ever felt.

  “I want to touch you the same way,” Savannah confessed. And it was true; the need to run her palms over his body was a fever in her blood.

  “Do it, Baby.”

  He stood and offered himself to her and Savannah accepted the challenge. Never had she felt like this, her nipples were so hard they hurt. And she was panting – God, she was panting with passion. “I don’t like buttons,” she pouted her displeasure when her fingers fumbled at her task. “You have on too many clothes!”

  “Want me to help?”

  He didn’t wait for her answer; he stripped except for his briefs. And she stood there and mareled at the hard, muscled body unveiled before her eyes. Holding her breath, she allowed herself to place her palms over his pecs and just feel. “You are so sexy.” Glancing up at his face, she was surprised to see that he had closed his eyes and was biting his lower lip as if her touch was bringing him pleasure. “I have never seen shoulders as wide as yours. You’re built like a dream.” Tracing his defined muscles, Savannah could feel dampness form between her legs.

  The little minx was driving him crazy. With a little sigh of satisfaction, Savannah nestled against him and began kissing and licking his chest. What had she said about not knowing how to please a man? She damn sure pleased him. When she stood on tip-toe to nip his shoulder, her breasts rubbed against his chest. Patrick felt his cock swell even more. “I want to kiss you.” His announcement brought instant results, for she held her face up awaiting his kiss. Patrick gave it to her – hot, slow and thorough. “You were wrong,” he growled against her lips.

  Savannah backed up, confused. “About what?”

  “About being unschooled in the ways to please a man. You are a sensual, exciting, sexy woman and, Baby,” he knelt in front of her once again. “You bring me to my knees. Sit on the bed, I want to suck.”

  The opportunity to sit down was not unwelcome. Savannah was shaking with a combination of anxiety and lust. Even on his knees, Patrick seemed massive. She couldn’t take her eyes off of him. Letting her gaze wander down his body, she could see the tip of his penis peeking out of his shorts. By the size of the bulge, she knew his cock would be proportional to the rest of his body. She couldn’t wait to see it. The photo he had sent her had been too dark to make anything out much, but she hadn’t complained. Truthfully, she had wanted to wait till now. Running the tip of a finger over the slick head, she massaged in the drop of pre-cum. “Will you let me suck you later?”

  “Let you?” Patrick chuckled. “I’ll beg you to suck me.” God, there was so much he wanted to share with this woman, but first things first. “I want to lavish you with attention. Are your breasts sensitive?”

  Savannah was embarrassed to say it, but she wanted to hold nothing back from him. “I enjoy playing with my nipples. Sometimes at night, I’ll use both hands and tease and pull my nipples until I’m squirming on the bed.”

  “Damn! I want to see that sometime.” Now, to fulfill another fantasy, “I’ve been dreaming of how your tits would feel in my mouth.” Lifting her breasts, he allowed himself to look his fill. Her nipples were big and pouty, the color a beautiful coral pink. The areola was puffy and seemed to swell even bigger as he stared at them. “You’ve got baby-bottle nipples, Treasure.” Weighing her tits in his hands, he began to caress and mold and shape them, loving the look of bliss on her face almost as much as he loved playing with them.

  “Patrick, do something,” Savannah urged.

  Pushing her breasts together, Patrick smooched across the tops, down her cleavage and all around one nipple. “Is that what you wanted?” A frustrated little noise indicated that he was not giving her exactly what she needed. “Show me or ask me, Savannah,” he demanded. Patrick might be greedy, but he wanted a wild Savannah.

  Asking for what she wanted had always been hard for her, but this urgent, desperate need was also new. Patrick was here, she was touching him, and everything she had ever wanted seemed to be within her grasp. All she had to do was take it. A surge of determination flashed within Savannah, she could do this. Using both hands, she grasped his head and tried to move him toward her nipple. “Please, I want you to kiss me.”

  “Where? Here?” He nuzzled the underswell of her breast, licking the soft mound, rubbing his face over the silken flesh.

  “No, suck me! My nipple aches, Patrick,” she finally voiced her desire.

  “That’s right, Baby. Tell me what you need and I’ll move heaven and earth to give it to you.”

  Opening his mouth wide he latched on to her nipple and Savannah’s whole body lit up with pleasure. “Oh my God!” she groaned as he pulled and sucked, using his tongue and teeth and enough draw that she felt it clear down to her toes. Savannah’s clit was vibrating with sympathetic pleasure and to ensure that he didn’t stop, she held him tightly against her. God, this was good.

  Patrick didn’t rush, he didn’t skimp – the man seemed devoted to the task. And he wasn’t silent, he groaned, he growled – he praised her. “You are so sweet. I could suck on you for hours.” He traveled from one breast to the other – nibbling, laving, licking, sucking – till Savannah was mad with the need for more. She kissed the top of his head, she massaged his shoulders; she pumped her hips forward as much as she could and worked her pussy muscles in a rhythm that almost set her off like a Roman candle – almost. Pushing against his shoulders, she sought more.

  “What do you want, Baby? Tell me what you need.” Hell, he knew what he needed – but putting her first was his priority.

  “My mouth on you,” she gasped. “Lay on the bed with me.” As soon as he complied, Savannah covered him. If he had put in an order for the perfect, responsive woman from whatever power granted such wishes, he couldn’t have found better. Straddling his waist, she kissed his jaw, his neck, and scraped her teeth over his pecs. Swirling her tongue around his nipple, she took it in her mouth and sucked. Patrick was amazed. He lifted her hair and held it back, mesmerized by the lookon her face as she gave them both pleasure. What a picture she made! Her tits hung down, lush and ripe and reddened from his mouth and he couldn’t keep his hands off of them to save his life. Cupping one, he milked her nipple as she licked and loved on him.

  “Savannah, I’m dying, Baby.” If his cock didn’t get some attention soon, he was gonna burst.

  “What can I do?” she sat up. He almost lost his train of thought just watching her chest rise and fall.

  “Move over and let me get my boxers off.” Understanding dawned in her eyes and she eagerly went to his side and began helping him by pulling and tugging his briefs. As Patrick lifted his hips, Savannah tugged.

  “I’m having such a good time, thank you.”

  Her admission tugged at his heart and he sat up and kissed her hard. Clad only in a cloud of air and darkness, there was no way he could hide his rampant desire for her. “See what you’ve done,” he teased her.

  “Let me look at you.”

  Even though he was anxious to get this show on the road, Patrick lay back and let Savannah make herself comfortable with his body.

  Patrick O’Rourke was a big man – everywhere. Savannah tossed his briefs aside and swallowed hard. “Good gracious!” She laid her palm over him and measured – eight inches, maybe. “You’re beautiful,” she had to admit it. But he was so thick! The head was huge and the stalk wasn’t much smaller. “Will it fit?”

  “Oh yeah,” Patrick had no doubt. “You were made for me. We’ll fit together perfectly.”

  His answer was exactly what she needed to hear. In repayment for his consideration, Savannah wanted to show him exactly how much she valued him. Wrapping her hand around his cock
, she let out a delighted laugh when it jumped in her hand. “I can’t reach around it.” Planting a kiss on the tip, Patrick groaned at her efforts, which just made her feel worse that she didn’t have any experience. “I wish I knew what to do to make it good for you.”

  Patrick knew they’d talk about this later, but now wasn’t the time. “I could buy experience, but what I want is you.” He placed a finger under her chin. “Anything you do to me or for me is going to feel incredible. Let me take your mind off your worries. Lay on top of me and let me kiss your pussy while you do whatever you want to with my cock.”

  His suggestion made her quiver. “Okay, but I probably won’t be able to think, much less function.”

  Patrick laughed,&nbThat’s okay. We’re playing, Savannah. We’re enjoying one another. Sex between two people who care for one another is supposed to be joy – pure joy.” He arranged her on top of him, opened her legs and smiled. “You’ve got a porn pussy!”

  Good Lord! Savannah felt so exposed. Here she was splayed out on top of this gorgeous man with the most luscious cock standing at attention in front of her face and she was totally inadequate to the task. And he was looking at her! “I’m sorry,” she buried her face in his groin and hid. “Is that bad?” Her answer from him was the most heavenly sensation she had ever experienced. Patrick licked her open, vulnerable slit from the tip of her clitoris to her tender opening. “Ahhhh,” she moaned.

  “You are exquisite,” Patrick breathed as he kissed her most private area. Truly, she was inclined to just hang on to his thighs and enjoy, but staring her in the face was a bigger temptation. Taking him in her mouth, she finally understood the term double delight. As she kissed and sucked Patrick’s cock, he worked magic between her legs. Soon, she found her rhythm and as he plunged his tongue deep within her, she pumped and licked and kissed until his hips began to buck up, pushing him even deeper down her throat. Savannah didn’t know if it was the rapturous sensation of him giving her the most intimate of kisses or the knowledge that she was capable of making this big man quake, but the irresistible rush to orgasm overtook her. She tried – she really tried – to continue her blow-job mission, but it became too much. “Patrick?”

  “It’s okay, baby. I’ve got you. Just enjoy.” God, he loved this. Sweet cream was flowing from her like honey. Her whole little body was vibrating, she was about to fly apart in his arms. Pride made his heart swell. He was pleasing his woman. Taking her clit between his lips, he sucked and when she did – he felt it – Savannah exploded.

  “Patrick! God! Yes!”

  He held her down and made it last as long as he could. Bless her heart, she kissed his cock, nuzzled him and attempted to start sucking again. “Baby, I need you now,” he didn’t think he could wait another second.

  “Yes, please,” she slid off his body, and he urged her to lie on her back, placing a pillow under her hips.

  Lifting her legs, he put them around his waist, pulling her hips up close enough so that his cock was nestled in her softness. She looked at him so trustingly, but he couldn’t resist telling her how he felt. “I crave you, Savannah. I can’t wait to make you mine.” Reaching between them, he massaged her pussy, pushing one finger and then two inside of her. “Does that feel good?”

  “Delicious,” she arched up, wanting more.

  “See, from this position, I can touch you all over,” he slid one palm up her body and rolled a nipple between his fingertips. Lord, give him strength. She was a virgin; he had to be super gentle with her.

  “Yea, and I can look in your eyes,” she whispered as he continued to pet her, readying her to accept him.

  “It’s going to hurt a little, Baby, I can’t help that. But I will be as gentle as I can be.”

  “It’s okay, I’ve used feminine products.” How embarrassing! Surely, he would know what she meant.

  Taking his aching cock in hand, he sheathed it with a condom from the pocket of his jeans and pushed into her tight warmth. God in heaven! She was so tight!

  Savannah didn’t cry out, but she wanted to. She was overwhelmed – simply and utterly overwhelmed. There was pain, but it was mixed with pleasure, pure want and aching need. All she could do was look at him – he was magnificent. His eyes were closed, his head was thrown back and he was moaning with every thrust. Patrick was a warrior, a conquering hero. Romance books were full of men like him, and most women could only read and daydream. But Savannah had a hero of her own and he was laying claim to her heart and soul.

  His hands held her hips, moving her body up and down on his cock. “I dreamt of this, Savannah. I fantasized about you every single night. And as good as those dreams were, this is a thousand times better.” Her legs were draped over his thighs and he could see where they were connected. The sight of his cock moving in and out of her soft, pink pussy was something he would never forget.

  “This is so good, Patrick – so good.” He was pumping into her – churning – his hips moving like a piston, stretching and filling her. Savannah arched as the sensations swept over her like a wildfire. God, it was happening again! She could feel the pleasure building. It was like a white hot flame that radiated out from her clit and swept over her body. Reaching out for him, she held onto his wrists, looking deep into his eyes. At that moment, their souls connected – all of the anticipation, the utter joy, the first tender touches – this was their homecoming, the complete and total passion they shared. Savannah’s muscles were beginning to spasm, her vagina was clenching tightly around his cock. She shuddered with ecstasy as an orgasm overtook her, stealing the very breath from her body. She was lost – Savannah was lost in Patrick.

  Through the daze of her pleasure, she heard him groan. He picked up her legs and bent them close to her body, and began to take her with hard pounding strokes. The whole bed shook, the headboard pounded against the wall. “Cum for me again, Savannah. Milk my cock. Show me that you belong to me – only to me!”

  At his demand, a lightning bolt climax made her claw at the she and she flashed in hot eruptions of rapture. “Patrick!”

  His whole body jerked as he came. Hard tremors shook him and he threw his head back and bellowed his release. “Savannah! My Savannah!”

  As they came down from the incredible high of loving one another, Patrick held her close. “I came straight here. I’m sorry I was late. There was a meeting I couldn’t say no to.”

  Savannah burrowed against him. “I’m just glad you’re here. Sorry I was asleep when you arrived.”

  “That’s okay. Are you cold?”

  “A little.” Rearranging them, he pulled her on top of him and let her nestle down and then he cradled her with both arms. “How’s that?”

  “Much better. You’re better than an electric blanket.” She let out a long, contented sigh. “I can’t believe I’m lying here with you like this. You made love to me! To me!” Savannah rubbed her face on his chest.

  “Come here,” he pulled her up until their faces were close. “Yes, I made love to you and it was as wonderful as I knew it would be.” Running his hands from her shoulders, down her sides to her perfect ass, he counted his blessings. “You do know that you are ridiculously beautiful, don’t you?”

  She framed his face and stared into his eyes. “Patrick, you are a miracle. You see me differently than anyone else ever has. All my life I have been told I was plain. Men who had no idea of my problem, passed over me because they saw nothing in me worthwhile. So, no. Being told I’m beautiful is something I have never heard before.”

  “Get used to it,” he squeezed her tight. “I’m going to be telling you that every chance I get. Can I ask you something?”

  “Sure.” She couldn’t think of a thing in her world that she would withhold from him.

  “I just passed my physical before I flew back. I’m clean. Would you consider making love to me without a condom?”

  She went completely still. “Of course. I can’t believe you’d want to be that close to me.”

her steady, he rsed their positions until he was blanketing her body completely. “I thought I made myself clear. There is not one damn thing wrong with you. You are perfect.” At that moment, his stomach growled.

  “You’re hungry. Let’s go eat.”

  She wiggled off of him and he groaned as his body reacted to her softness sliding across his hardness. “Damn, you’re going to kill me.” She held out her hand and he took it and she proceeded to pull on him. There was no way she was going to lift him, but he rose to follow her – truth be known, he would have followed her anywhere. She picked up his clothes and handed them to him.

  “Just the pants, I’ll go commando.”

  “How am I supposed to eat when you’re sitting across from me looking all hunky and handsome?”

  She stood before him, gloriously nude with not a clue how hopelessly devoted to her he already had become. Savannah had him wrapped around her little finger. “Look at you, Cupcake,” he reached out and caressed one nipple. Desire engulfed him and he stepped close and nudged her head upward with his nose against her chin. “You’re mine, Savannah. Mine.” He took her bottom lip between his teeth and nipped. Her response was to melt into him and - God in Heaven! – she wrapped one leg around his and scrubbed her little pussy mound right up against his leg. Immediately his cock awakened with a vengeance.


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