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Forget Me Never

Page 15

by Sable Hunter

  “Patrick, can I have a quickie?”

  Her breathy little request just made him harder. “Are you sure you’re not sore?”

  “No, I’m just needy.”

  She pressed her body close and her nipples were as hard as crystals. An electric surge of arousal arced through his body and he knew he had to have her. Holding her upper arms, he walked her backwards until her back was against the wall.

  “God, I’ve always wanted to do this. Pounded against the wall. . .” She stood on tiptoe and he picked her up. His big body held her in place and she loved it – God, she loved the way he handled her. Not only did she feel precious, she felt wanted, desired, needed.

  “Wrap your legs around my waist and put your arm around my neck,” he instructed.

  Savannah mindlessly complied. Being with him like this was heaven. He licked her neck, scraping his teeth over her neck, sucking a bit. She would have a mark from his loving, she liked that. His focused, raw hunger made her quake with anticipation. “I want you, Patrick. I want you so much,” she whimpered. Her pusy was so swollen and ready. She felt desperate. Waiting. But when his touch came, it wasn’t his cock head she felt, but one of his big hands cupping her entire vulva and massaging it masterfully. “Patrick!” she moaned. “That feels so good.” The least little touch had her lighting up like a flare. Years of dreaming and wanting and wishing coalesced into an arousal so powerful that she thought she would die without him. “Put him in.”

  Her request enflamed him. Bracing her firmly against the wall, he took cock in hand and rubbed the head up and down her slit, spreading the honey around. Shivers of pleasure made her body tremble against him. “Purr for me, Baby.” Patrick had no idea what she’d do, but when she let out a little cry of passionate appeal, he almost went to his knees.

  “Now? Please?” Her big dark eyes were glazed over with pure eroticism.

  Who could resist such a sweet request? Not Patrick. Fisting his cock, he slid the head right up to the gate of glory and pushed in.

  Savannah wiggled, trying to accommodate him. God, he was big – so thick – and the way he stretched her was exquisite. “Teach me,” she asked as she hid her face in his neck. “I want to know everything about pleasing you.”

  “Being. . .inside. . .of. . .you. . . is incredible.” His hips were bucking against her, stuffing himself a little deeper with each jab.

  “Tell me,” she asked again. To learn how to please him was paramount.

  “Shit, Baby,” he huffed. “It’s hard to think, all I can do is feel.” But when she nipped his shoulder, he got inspired. “Do you know how to squeeze with your pussy muscles?” Lord, he couldn’t even think what to call it.

  “I think so.” She did what she thought he wanted. And when she did, it made her clit move and she could feel his girth perfectly. “Oh, Lord.”

  Her hands tightened on his shoulders and that sweet pussy of hers tightened around him just right. And then she did it again. And again. “Perfect – damn perfect,’ he moaned. “Now, rock your bottom just a little.” She did. He groaned. “Keep up the squeezing,” Fuck! “Good girl, now undulate a little,” he hissed a breath. “That’s it, Baby. Front to back and side to side.”

  He was getting into the teaching and she was a most willing pupil. Could anythine more perfect? He held her up easily. She was free to move, to play, to pleasure her man. And the benefits were out of this world! As she worked on getting a rhythm, he threw his head back and growled. The cords on his neck stood out and his lip lifted in the sexiest snarl she had ever seen. She upped the ante by speeding up the routine and when she did she could feel her clit and pussy begin to throb with that pre-orgasmic rush of ecstasy. “Am I doing it right?”

  “Christ!” he shouted as he lost control. Pinning her against the wall, he well and truly fucked her – pounding into her with short, hard strokes that drove them both over the edge into the oblivion of rapture. At that moment, Patrick and Savannah became one. He became the most important person in her life and she became his beloved.


  “Savannah, meet Ciara.” Savannah knelt down by the dog and held her hand out. She had slipped on a short pink robe that hid all her parts but molded them so dearly that Patrick couldn’t keep from staring.

  Ciara sniffed her hand. She was polite, but unimpressed. “Maybe she’s a one-human dog.”

  “Just pet her,” she needs to get used to you.

  Savannah rubbed the lab’s head. It was obvious that Patrick’s canine buddy merely tolerated the other woman in his life. “Hello, Ciara. I’m glad you’ve come to visit me.”

  “Speaking of visiting with you, did you intend for us to stay the night or do you want us to eat and head on back to Lafayette?” At his question, Savannah rose quickly to her feet with a semi-panicked look in her eye.

  “Don’t go. Please?” Honestly, she hadn’t considered that he wouldn’t be staying with her. As far as she was concerned, he had come to stay. That is – until he had to go back. Giving in to her instincts, she walked up to him and wound her arms around his waist. “I want you to stay with me.”

  “Good. That’s what I was hoping you’d say.” Patrick kissed the top of her head. “Now, let’s eat.”

  They went to the kitchen and she warmed up the food that needed it. “How about Ciara, does she eat people food?”

  “Just this once. I’m trying to keep her on a healthy diet. I ordered her special food through the commissary. But a chicken breast will be a special treat for her.” Patrick watched as she moved gracefully around the kitchen.

  “I’ll cut it up for her. Here you sit down and rest. I’ll take care of you both.”

  alibri">Patrick wanted to push the issue; he believed that a man should do his part around the house. But she looked so happy – and, bottom line, he just enjoyed looking at her. “I have a feeling you’re going to spoil me.”

  “I’d love to try. Cooking has always been enjoyable for me, but it’s much more fun to have someone here with me.”

  It dawned on him that she had spent most of her life alone. Little things like sharing a meal or celebrating Christmas with someone she loved was probably out of her realm of experience. Well, no more. He was in her life now and there were going to be some changes made. “Maybe, you are the one that needs spoiling. Can I apply for the job?”

  “As far as jobs go, I don’t know if you’d want it. The hours are good, but the pay is crappy.” She wrinkled her nose at it and smiled. “I like teasing you. It’s fun.”

  “I wasn’t teasing you. And I’ll take my pay in kisses and those chocolate chip cookies you promised me.”

  “The kisses are free and the chocolate chip cookies are in the jar behind you.” She had quickly cut up the chicken and put it in a bowl. Ciara was watching her intently. Kneeling down, Savannah offered the food to the dog.

  It amused Patrick that his lab glanced at him as if seeking his permission. “Go ahead, Girl.”

  “Now isn’t that something.” Savannah was amazed. “She loves you; that’s as plain as the nose on her face. All she wants to do is please you.” Wrapping her arms around her legs, she sat next to the animal, enjoying being close.

  “You please me, Savannah.”

  Patrick’s words made Savannah happy. She got up and kissed him on the cheek. “I’m glad. Do you take sugar in your tea?”

  “Yes, and lemon if you have one.” She prepared him a glass of iced tea, placed a napkin on his lap and served him a plate of food fit for a king. “Thank you.” Savannah was taking care of him. It was the best feeling in the world. Without a doubt, he was completely enchanted.

  He wouldn’t taste a bite until she joined him and then they ate together in companionable silence until Savannah laughed.

  “What’s so funny?”

  “Nothing, I’m just happy.” She handed him a canning jar full of pickles. “You ought to try these, I made them myself.”

  “A woman who puts up her own pickles? I’m in love!” H
e accepted one and enjoyed the tangy crunch. “Lord, I’m glad to be home. I only have one more tour that I’m obligated to make 0" facthen I think I’ll see how civilian life suits me.”

  A long sigh told him more clearly than her words how Savannah felt. “That would make me so happy. I’ve been so scared for you.”

  He picked up her hand and kissed it. “Tomorrow’s Sunday, do you know what we’re going to do?”

  “Go see your grandfather?”

  That touched Patrick’s heart. “He’s going to love you. Yes, I’d be thrilled for you to go with me to the nursing home. And after that – we’re going to watch the game. Have you been following the playoffs?”

  “You mean football? No, not really.” Savannah knew exactly what he was getting at – and she knew the Saints had enjoyed a winning season unlike any other. But she didn’t want him to think that she was going to hold him to all of that nonsense. It was just a coincidence. That’s all.

  “Do you mean to tell me that our future nuptials were prophesied to go hand in hand with the result of the 2010 Super Bowl and you haven’t been watching the Saints kick ass for the past couple of months?”

  “You aren’t going to marry me because of who won some game.”

  “No, when we decide to get married, it will be because I can’t imagine living my life without you.”

  The words were said and just hung out in the air like a beautiful bubble of joy. She still didn’t know if marriage would be best for them, but his attitude toward her was so wonderful she had to let him know. Savannah couldn’t resist, she got up from her chair and crawled into his lap and hugged his neck. “You’re my knight in shining armor. You’re my prince. You, Patrick, are my hero.” She kissed his face over and over again, wetting his skin with her tears. “What did I ever do to deserve someone like you?”

  “You smiled at me and my life made sense for the first time.” His simple explanation floored her. “Will you take a shower with me?”

  Her eyes widened at the prospect. “Yeah, I’d like that. Will you let me wash your hair?”

  That was a first. “Of course, if you want to. I’ll let you wash other parts of me to, if you’d like.”

  “Okay.” She bounced up. “Just let me put these dishes in the dishwasher and put up this food and we’ll play.”

  We’ll play. The way she said it just seemed right. Savannah found happiness in the least little things. He had noticed that as they had corresponded with emails and video chats. Appreciation – that was the difference. She appreciated him and anything he said food andid, Savannah appreciated life. Maybe it was because she had been dealt such a harsh hand. When things came easily to people, sometimes they take them for granted. Savannah didn’t take him or anything for granted. And that made him love her all the more. And yes, he did love her. It was too soon to push that issue, but it was true.

  “I can’t wait to play with you.” He picked up Ciara’s dish. “In fact I just got hard at the thought. I think I’ll take the dog for a walk and cool off. But - - I’ll be back.” He pinched her on the butt and she squealed.

  “Hey, you’re gonna pay for that.” She challenged him.

  “We’ll see.”

  Her eyes followed his perfect form as he put a leash on his dog and sauntered out of her kitchen. Lord, what a difference he made in her life. His very presence in her home made it an entirely different place. Thinking about being naked with him in the shower made her nipples ache. Truly, she had never cleaned the kitchen so fast. From outside she heard a shout. It wasn’t a cry of alarm. It was kids – and Patrick. She stood still for a bit and concentrated, then her curiosity got the best of her and she went to the door and looked out.

  There was a moonlight battle on her front lawn. Although it wasn’t dark, the security lights lit up the yard plain as day. Two of her regular Wednesday kids were here. Their bikes were laid over in the grass and they were in full battle mode with Patrick. Apparently they had carried an extra weapon, for he was engaged in a gun fight with the two thirteen year olds – and it was clear they were winning. “Hey, how’s an old guy supposed to keep up with you two?” A bevy of laughter rang like bells over her way and all she could think about was what a wonderful father he would make. Ciara was bounding between the three of them, trying to catch the nerf bullets in her mouth.

  “There’s my girl.” He had spotted her. Butterflies flew from her tummy to her throat. There was that ‘my girl’ phrase again.

  “Gotta go, Boys. I have to get cleaned up for bed. And it’s time you guys went home.” He handed back their toy guns and the expression on his face was so endearing that Savannah decided to pick up some toys herself – the game she had in mind might be even more fun.

  “Enjoy yourself?” She held the door open for him and Ciara. And as he went by, she copped a feel.

  “Yea, but not as much as I’m about to.” Quickly, he took the leash off Ciara and before she could dodge, he picked her up and hoisted her over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

  Savannah found the view from where she stood pretty good – and tempty, honbsp; So tempting in fact that she couldn’t resist, she began pulling his shirt out of his pants until she uncovered skin and then – she licked him.

  A growl sounded from somewhere overhead. “Savannah!” And he proceeded to nip her on the thigh. She began to giggle and Patrick swung her up and around so fast that her head spun. “Don’t drop me,” she cautioned.

  Patrick bounced her up off his shoulder, pretending to drop her. “Like this?” he teased.

  Savannah thrust her hand out as the ground came closer. “Patrick!!! She shrieked, “Noooo!!”

  He hoisted her back over his shoulder with ease, flipped up her skirt and spanked her near bare ass. “Don’t worry, Savannah Banana. You know I’d never drop you.”

  “Ouch!” Savannah yelped, but secretly she enjoyed the slight sting. “You forget how big you are. You just don’t know your own strength, do you?”

  Patrick kissed the pink handprint on her bottom. “Sorry, Baby.”

  She wasn’t sorry. The heat was on.

  He carried her to her bedroom. They had left the bed unmade, but the tangle of warm-colored sheets just reminded him of all he had to look forward to. He was about to make love to his woman and afterwards he was going to hold her all night long. Now, this was living.

  Patrick placed her on the ground and kissed her cheek softly.

  Savannah looked up at him with big doe eyes. “I’ve never showered with anyone before. This will be a new experience. Let me get some towels.” Savannah opened the linen closet and extracted two big bath towels. “Sorry, all I have is generic bath gel, I don’t have any sexy flavors or musky gels.”

  “Do you really think I care about towels and bath gel? All I want to do is tear your clothes off and push you into the shower. Let’s get you naked.”

  “I’ll race you.” She started peeling clothes off. Not exactly what he had in mind, but he joined in. Of course he only had to shuck one garment, and she had fully redressed in a short, cotton dress with frilly little undergarments. So, he naturally won. But Savannah was better at the stripping, however, definitely better. It was probably all instinctual, but she had some sensual moves. And when she crossed her arms and pulled her shirt over her head it got caught - - Damn! - - all of that lush female breast flesh just hypnotized him. The pressure in his chest mounted.

  “I’m stuck. Help me.” Her muffled voice broke his staring match with her tits. But the idea of her helpless was a little too hard to pass up.

  Patrick’s jaw fell open while she struggled. Savannah had the most gorgeous body he had ever seen and it was affecting him greatly. She wriggled from side to side, trying to free herself from the dress’s grip. It was little adorable things like this that made her so sexy to him and she didn’t even know it. Patrick watched, hypnotized as her hips swayed back and forth. His cock twitched as he followed the curve of her hips up to the tight lines of her stomach, all the way u
p to her perky tits.

  He didn’t make a move to help her. Instead he slipped a finger into the top of her wee bikini panties, right at the top of her sweet mound, pulled her close to him, and reached around her and flipped the clasp of her bra open.

  “Oh my goodness,” Savannah went absolutely still and waited.

  Patrick pushed the cups of the bra up so he could get his hands where he wanted them. “You don’t know how many nights I laid in my cot and dreamed about touching you like this.” Christ! She had no idea how much he wanted her.


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