Dire Secrets

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Dire Secrets Page 5

by Micca Michaels

  Finally their Alpha speaks, “Cian, Niall, I am glad to see the both of you made it home safely.”

  In unison, “Yes, Alpha, thank you.”

  “Guys, relax. Breathe easy. We are getting all six bodies back. I called the hotel and explained that you two had to fly back, but I had lost contact with six of my family members who went on a last minute skiing trip. Just tell us what the hell happened.”

  “Alpha, that is wonderful news!” Niall yells out, “My apologies, Alpha. Cian can tell you all that happened better than I can.”

  “Alpha, I must agree with Niall. I am so relieved we will be getting our family members back. Alpha, everything was going according to Beta Claire’s plans. We laid a trap we knew Sinead would not be able to resist. You know how Beta Claire could pretend to cry and sounded human when doing it? Well, that’s what she did. We were all hidden in the shadows of the large trees. It was darkening as well. Beta Claire waited till the main body of the pack had run past to start the crying. It caught Sinead’s attention immediately. Once she started heading our direction, we assumed that she used the mate link with Ailin to call him to help, because soon after she changed her direction, he did as well. He seemed a bit more hesitant than Sinead did, but by the time he spotted one of us, it was too late. We attacked. We made them feel pain Alpha, just as you instructed. However, right as we were going to go in for the kill, the avalanche happened. That was something none of us could've prepared for. Beta Claire used the pack link and yelled at us all to run, so we did. Then she yelled “avalanche”, and we all started moving faster. Not only to escape the avalanche, but also to grab Ailin and Sinead who had started running a mere second before we did. We got slightly distracted by the noise, it was deafening.”

  Turning red, the Alpha shakes with fury, “Are you telling me Ailin and Sinead escaped!”

  “No Alpha!” Taking a deep breath, Niall continues where Cian left off, “While we were running, Cian and I spotted a protected space, and we dove to it while calling for the others to follow. It was as we landed we saw Rian, Aidan, Shane, Rory, Shay, and Beta Claire get swept away. Only a few seconds after that, Ailin and Sinead were overtaken by the avalanche as well. We tried to find our people, but all we could smell was snow and earth. We did manage to sniff out Ailin and Sinead. They were alive when we found their scent. We stayed long enough to hear their heartbeats stop. Alpha, I swear to you, they are dead.”

  Relaxing his posture, Alpha Kieran gives a small wicked smile. With a dark glint in his eyes, “There is one more and then the list will be complete. Do we happen to know what’s happening with Raven Becca Sullivan?”

  “Alpha,” one of the Enforcers sitting in the front seat speaks up, “Alpha, we know that Brigid, Liam, and Tristan Sullivan arrived in Colorado late in the evening the day before yesterday. One of two things happened. Either the trips were already planned, as Raven turns eighteen in two in a half weeks or…” the Enforcer pauses, not wanting to continue.

  “Caleb, speak. I need to know everything,” Alpha Kieran commands.

  Sighing with resignation, Enforcer Caleb continues, “Alpha, the only other way they arrived so quickly was that Ailin and Sinead were able to get a message sent out to Brigid. She would have acted without hesitation. I also found out that Liam and his son Tristan left on a flight approximately one hour after Brigid was already in the air. I doubt they knew what had happened, but by Brigid’s quick actions, they seemed to react and follow her.”

  “It all makes sense. As much as I hate it, it seems Raven will be brought here. She has a lot more protection here, which will make getting to her a bit more complicated. Doable, but timing will be crucial. We need to watch that fecking pack and plan. Devin,”

  Looking in the rearview mirror at his Alpha, Devin awaits orders, “Yes, Alpha?”

  “Get us out of here and home as quickly as possible. We have plans to make, family members to bury, and a first Beta to replace.”

  “ Yes, Alpha. We’re headed there now.”

  After arriving back on pack lands, the Alpha told everyone to meet him in his office a few hours later. He had a few things to do before they met up, “Everyone get some rest and get something to eat. See you all in a few hours, as I said. Oh, I want all Enforcers here, as well as Betas. The exception being if they happen to be on duty. Now go.”

  Walking into his office Alpha Kieran sets his title to the side, as just Kieran, a man that’s lost his baby sister. Reflection isn’t something he allows himself to entertain often, now it felt needed. Running his large hand through his dark hair, he sits at his desk, leaning back and closing his eyes.

  I am the Alpha, why the hell am I having trouble with this. Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, my baby sister. Fuck!! That Whitewood pack will pay for all they have done to my pack and all the things they’ve caused. Who the feck do they think they are? Better than us is what they think. Well, I have a news flash for them. They aren’t, and my pack will show them just where they belong while we extract our revenge. Alright, pull it together, man. Let’s make these calls and see what information I can find out.

  After gathering as much information as he could, the Alpha sat back, crossing his large arms across his chest, waiting for everyone to gather in his office. It’s a good thing I have a large office. Hearing a knock on the door, he calls out, “Enter.”

  “Good evening, Alpha, we are all here, except four Enforcers and one Beta. We all already spoke, and I will fill them in at the end of their shift. If that pleases you?”

  “Yes, Caleb, that will be fine. Everyone, find a seat or a wall to lean on. We have a few things to talk about. First, I want to update those that aren’t fully aware of what’s happened. First, Ailin and Sinead Sullivan are dead.” Quieting everyone down by placing his hand in the air, palm out, “I realize you all are pleased about this, as am I. However, we lost five Enforcers and our First Beta.” Yelling starts then, demanding revenge and desires to know what happened.

  “Alpha, forgive us, but what the feck do you mean we lost our First Beta? I wasn’t aware Beta Claire was even going on this mission. It was supposed to be a simple attack, kill, and get out mission,” looking exasperated Caleb looks to his Alpha for answers.

  “Caleb, you of all people know that when my sister sets her mind to something, there is no altering her plans. A simple mission you say. Your first mistake is in thinking any mission is simple. Not to mention that Ailin and Sinead were both very powerful witches as well as Dire wolves. You don’t ever underestimate that combination. The Sullivans did not kill our people, an avalanche did. Cian and Niall,” pointing to the two Enforcers, “were there as well. They are the reason we know most of what we do. According to Cian and Niall’s retelling, the avalanche happened right as our people were about to go in for the kills. The avalanche caught everyone by surprise. Cian and Niall were able to take cover, obviously, but Claire, Rory, Aidan, Shane, Shay, Rian, and the Sullivans got caught in the avalanche. Cian and Niall were only able to locate the Sullivans. They could hear their heartbeats and waited around long enough to hear those heartbeats stop. Then, obviously, they had to get the hell out of dodge before the Whitewood Alpha and pack came looking for them. Questions?”

  Nessa spoke up, “Alpha, what do we know about their pup? Where is she? Who has her? And when are we going to kill the little bitch?”

  Alpha Kieran smiles wickedly, “Nessa, always so eager for a fight. As for Raven Becca Sullivan, it will be more difficult to get to her, but not impossible. Here is what Caleb informed me of earlier today and the information I found out in the last couple of hours. I know that Brigid, Liam, and his son, Tristan, arrived in Colorado the evening Raven was notified that her parents were killed in an avalanche. I also know that Brigid got to her at least an hour before Liam and Tristan. Which I have recently confirmed was because right before their death they sent Brigid a message. They know it was us that initially attacked Ailin and Sinead. They also know that it was the avalanche that actually killed them
. I have found out that the Sullivan house has been packed up, either to be shipped here or donated. Ailin and Sinead’s bodies will be arriving at the end of this week. That’s roughly three days from now. As far as my sources could tell, Brigid, Liam, Tristan, and Raven will be arriving at Shannon Airport sometime late tomorrow night. We will not have to chase that little bitch down, ‘cause they are bringing the prize right to the wolves’ front door.” Stopping to let everything sink in, Kieran has a thought, “Is Ciara in here? Apologies, I can’t fully see everybody.”

  Ciara steps forward, “Yes Alpha, I’m right here. What can I do for you?”

  Rubbing his chin in thought, Kieran asks, “Do you still know some Custom Agents at the airport?”

  Smiling, Ciara replies, “Yes Alpha, I know quite a few of them. We all hang out at the same pub. What did you have in mind?”

  With a glint in his eye, Kieran describes his plans, “Could you contact the ones you trust and see if it would be possible to place a tracking device into something Raven is likely to keep with her? That way we can always keep tabs on her.”

  “Give me till tomorrow morning, and I will see what I can do. As soon as I know something, I will report to you. It will help to know how big or small this device will be.”

  “It won’t be any larger than a nickel and no smaller than a dime. I think that size range is best for keeping it discrete.”

  “Yes, Alpha, I think that size range would do nicely. If I may be dismissed, I will get on this right now and hopefully have an answer to you in the morning.”

  “You are dismissed. I look forward to your report. Now that we are up to speed on what’s going on, we have other plans to work on. Our pack members’ bodies will be arriving tomorrow. We will need to prepare them for a ritual burial and a celebration of life. I will leave that to the she-wolves. Caleb, see that it’s done. Everyone is dismissed.”

  “Raven! Come on! This is the fourth time I have been sent to wake you up. If you don’t get that ass out of bed, I’m getting a glass of ice cold water and dumping it over your head. Plus, I will make sure there is no coffee for you. Come on,” Tristan threatens.

  Stretching and growling, “Tristan has anyone ever called you a pain in the ass before, because if they haven’t I’m willing to correct the error.”

  “Awe, come on, Raven. Don’t bite the errand boy. Gma and da sent me up here ‘cause the trucks will start arriving soon. They want you to double check everything, so nothing goes to the wrong place. The first truck is supposed to be here for the donations. Come on.”

  “Yeah, alright. I’m sorry I’m so grouchy. I haven’t been sleeping the best lately. I’m up, please have Gma make me a cup of coffee. I promise I’ll get dressed and be down in five.”

  Tristan turns to head down stairs, “I love you, girl.”

  Heading into her ensuite, “I love you too, ya pain in the ass.” Giggling she picks up her pace, so she’s not caught by Tristan. He likes to give revenge tickles. Getting dressed, brushing my hair, and brushing my teeth will make me feel more human and awake. Yummy, Gma coffee…

  “Raven! So help me, girl, if I have to…”

  “Gma, really? I am right behind you. I came into the kitchen as you were walking out. I promised Tris that I was getting up. You know I don’t make promises I don’t intend to keep.” Taking a sip of her coffee and moaning in delight, “Gma, I swear you make the best coffee.”

  “Yes, so you’ve said. Wait, did you call Tristan by his nickname? You did, didn’t you? I may be old, but I am far from deaf.”

  “I called him Tris. You heard me right. What’s the big deal?”

  “No big deal, it’s just he was wondering if he’d ever get to hear it again. You haven’t exactly been yourself. Although we all understand why, it’s just nice to hear you being, well, more you.”

  Releasing a heavy sigh, “I know Gma, but I’ll get there. I just need time.” Hearing the doorbell ring, “Uncle Liam can you get that? I want to check the boxes real quick.”

  “Sure’en, I can do that. You check your boxes,” exaggerating his accent while opening the front door, Liam is met by four big burly men with wide smiles on their faces.

  “Good morning, is this the Sullivan residence?” the one in front asks.

  “Good morning to you as well, and yes it is. Can we offer you gentlemen some coffee or would you rather get right to work?” Backing up to invite the men inside, Liam introduces everyone, “This is Miss Raven Sullivan, this is her home, and she is donating everything today. The young man to her right is my son, Tristan Sullivan. He will be glad to assist anywhere he can. The gorgeous lady to Raven’s left is my mother and those two’s Gma, Brigid Sullivan. I am Liam Sullivan, Raven’s Uncle. If there is anything we can do to help, please let us know.”

  “Miss Sullivan, Mrs. Sullivan, Mr. Sullivan, and Mr. Sullivan, please allow me to introduce today’s crew. To my far right is Ian O’Brian. Directly next to me on my right is Sean McNeal, on my left is Patrick Shannon, and I am Drake McDowel. We understand Miss Sullivan lost both of her parents in an accident,” Drake turns to address Raven directly, “Please know that we are saddened by your loss, but find you an amazing young lady. Donating all that you are will help so many families in need. For that alone you are amazing. From all the families: thank you.”

  Raven blushes a magnificent shade of red, “Please, it’s what my parents would have wanted, and it’s the right thing to do. Also, please call us all by our first names. We are not a formal bunch.” Pointing to each family member she reminds them of first names.

  “Alright, we can do that as long as you call us by our first names. Now, should we get started, and where would you like us to start?”

  “Uncle Liam, I think you and Tris are better suited for this part.”

  “Well, I would say start where you think it would be best. I don’t know how you all need to load up. If you need furniture first, then start in the house. If you need boxes first, then it’s the garage.”

  “How many pieces of furniture would you say is going? That will give us an idea where to start and if we may need to do two loads.”

  At this, everyone looks at Raven, “Well, there are four beds, 5 dressers, 4 desks, as I am keeping my father’s desk. Umm, 2 china Cabinets, dining room table with 8 chairs, a smaller breakfast table in the nook with 4 chairs, 3 televisions, 3 couches, 2 love seats, umm, appliances stay…”

  Drake considers the workload Raven described, “Ok, so I am going to say this may take three trips. We will start with the garage. Once we are finished there, if we have room, we will start inside. If not, then we will take this truck back and bring back two more trucks, that way we can speed this up a bit. I was made aware that a shipping company is also coming. Do you happen to know when they will be here, so we don’t get in each other’s way?”

  Brigid steps forward with a smile, “I am so glad you thought of that. The shipping company will be here at five this evening. I didn’t wish the two crews to have to stumble over each other. I hope that’s enough time.”

  Drake smiles at Gma, “Yes ma’am, that should be plenty of time. We are already backed up to the garage door. Sean, why don’t you go open the truck and drop the load gate. Liam, if you’d open the garage. We’ll get busy.”

  “Oh shoot!” At this outburst. Liam, Tristan, and Raven turned to look at Gma with shocked expressions. “Oh, stop it. It’s not like I cursed or something,” putting her hands on her hips which only made them bust out laughing.

  “Gods, Gma, we love you, but it’s not like you to just yell something like that. What’s the matter anyway?” Raven asks.

  “Raven, A chori, I forgot your parents lawyer will be here in,” looking at her watch, “oh shoot, any minute. I am so sorry, it totally slipped my mind.”

  “Gma, come on, relax please. It’s alright. At this point I would probably lose my head if it wasn’t attached. We have all been a bit overwhelmed. Seriously, no worries. I am sure everything will be fine.”<
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  As if the mere mention of her parent’s lawyer, “Hello, the front door was open. Raven, I am so sorry for your loss, sweet girl.” Looking to Brigid, “You must be Brigid Sullivan, Ailin spoke highly of you. I am sorry we are meeting under these circumstances. I am Michael Delaney, Ailin and Sinead’s lawyer. I guess, now I am Raven’s lawyer.” Holding out his hand, Liam and Tristan introduce themselves, “Shall we sit here or is there somewhere else you wish to speak?”

  “Mr. Delaney, I think we would have a bit more privacy in my dad’s office. His desk and chairs are still there, so we’ll be comfortable, and it’s private. Uncle Liam, Tris, do you mind staying out here to make sure everything goes alright?”

  “Yeah, sure, we can do that. If you need one of us, just holler,” kissing Raven’s forehead Liam walks out of the room followed by Tristan.

  Raven looks to her parents’ lawyer, “Mr. Delaney, if you’ll follow Gma and myself, we’ll go to my dad’s office.”

  Walking into the bare room takes Raven’s breath away. Stopping still, Gma walks around her to look into her eyes, “We don’t have to do this here. We can go into the kitchen. Don’t think that you...”

  “No, I can do this. This is where dad always handled his business, and while I am still in this house, I will do the same. If it’s alright with everyone, I’ll sit in my dad’s chair.”

  Without protest, Mr. Delaney and Brigid sit in the chairs opposite the desk. Raven walks around her dad’s desk and sits down. Running her fingers over the leather arm rests, she closes her eyes, takes a deep breath, and smiles. Opening her eyes, Raven looks right at Mr. Delaney, “Mr. Delaney, since I have no clue how these things work, would you mind taking the lead?”

  “Only if you call me Michael, I am your lawyer now,” Michael says with a smile.


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