Dire Secrets

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Dire Secrets Page 13

by Micca Michaels

  Stretching his arms above his head, the Alpha lets out a small groan, “I agree, and I don’t know about the rest of you, but I feel like I have been cooped up in this office for days instead of hours. Everyone go do whatever it is you need to do, but remain vigilant at all times. Liam, would you put the other Betas and the Enforcers on notice that there could be problems with the Blackwood pack. I know they buried Ciara Black last night. She’s the Alpha’s cousin. I have also learned that Claire, Alpha Kieran’s sister, was one of the wolves involved in the attack of and subsequent death of Ailin and Sinead Sullivan; she was killed by the avalanche. She was the Alpha’s sister. I cannot speak for his state of mind at the moment. So, everyone is to keep their head on a swivel and watch each other’s six.”

  Standing up with everyone else, Liam opens the Alpha’s office door, “Consider it done, Alpha. I will let you know when we get back from the airport with the Kelly family, that should be around eight this evening.”

  Exiting out of the Alpha’s office, Conner steps to the side, taking Raven’s hand and pulling her with him. Following right behind her and flanking her are the rest of her protectors, “My love, gentlemen, I suggest we go outside. Not only so we can all talk, but so that Raven can get some sun. You’ve been through a lot today, and you look drained. The sun will do you some good, and it won’t hurt the rest of us. Are we good with that?”

  Smiling at her protectors and realizing she was surrounded by them, “I am good with that. I know I have some adjusting to do, but guys can I get a little breathing room? We are still in the Alpha’s house, and if anyone chose to attack me now, well, they would be asking to die.” Shrugging her shoulders, at the thought. Standing at her full height, “I also need you all to understand something. While I agree with needing protection, I am far from helpless. I can and will defend myself as well. If we are attacked, I will fight beside you and not stand cowering behind you. That is not who I am, so let’s get that straight right now. If you are doubting my ability, feel free to leap, but I warn you, you will pick yourselves up off the ground.”

  Hearing laughing coming from behind her, Raven turns around to see it’s Alpha Brandan that’s actually laughing. Walking over, the Alpha grasps Conner and Aidan on the shoulder, “Gentlemen, I would hazard to say, watch yourselves. I have no doubt that Raven is quite capable of handling herself.” Releasing Conner and Aidan’s shoulder, he walks in the direction of the kitchen, still laughing.

  Reaching out before he can be seen, Tristan grabs a bit of Raven’s hair, giving it a slight tug, “She is a spitfire and not one to be played with.” Laughing and turning to lead the small group outside, “Come on everyone, let’s get outside before our Raven decides to, what is it you American’s say, oh yes, ‘throw down’, right?”

  Deciding to make things a bit more interesting, Tristan takes off running, Raven takes off to give chase, hearing her fast pace come up behind him. He doesn’t believe she is as fast and she really is though. Soon she catches up to him and jumps onto his back taking him down to the ground. Rolling to avoid hitting the ground too hard, Raven gets into a fighting stance, “You doubt me, cousin? You should know better than that. Jack and I train together. You pull this with her, and she will put you down just as easily as I am about to.”

  Jumping up, Tristan readies his stance for Ravens attack, “Oh please, you want some little girl, let’s go. There’s no one here to wet that paper bag for you, not that it would help you.” The moment all her protectors burst out laughing, Raven attacked. Throwing Tristan off guard he stepped to the left thinking he would force Raven to pass him and attack the moment she did. Instead, Raven spun on her heel, bringing a roundhouse kick to Tristan’s chest, sending him flying. Landing hard on his back, Tristan rolls on the ground and slowly gets up. Locking his eyes on Raven, “Where the fecking hell did you learn to maneuver like that, or fight like that for that matter?”

  Straightening herself, Raven just looks at her cousin, “I told you I can handle myself. I am not dumb enough to deny I need protection, but I will not let you all…” Getting interrupted, Raven hears the attack from behind her coming. She quickly spins to the left, lowers her body and does a quick leg sweep. Taking her attacker down, she twists, landing her foot directly over her attacker’s adams apple. Raven then feels an arm wrap around her, “Alright, you all want to play. Don’t come crying to me when I kick all y’alls’ asses.” Reaching across her chest, Raven grabs the offending arm’s wrist. Grabbing the pressure point, Raven applies full pressure. As the scream forms in her attacker's throat, she spins, placing her attacker in a headlock. Hearing the approach of yet another attacker she sweeps her leg out, taking the headlock guy down. Once the approaching attacker reaches her, Raven moves to duck but miscalculates and ends up in a reverse bear hug, being squeezed to death. Not knowing or caring who has a hold of her, Raven pulls her elbow back quickly, elbowing said attacker in the side of his neck. Taking a direct hit to his jugular, the attacker drops her to the ground. Rolling to the side Raven jumps up, readying herself for another attack. Although what she sees has her bent over, holding her gut and laughing. All five of her protectors are laying sprawled on the ground in one position or another. Hearing applause and laughter behind her, Raven spins to see who’s enjoying the show, only to suck in a breath of shock. With Alpha Brandan and her Uncle Liam standing in front, there are people as far as she can see. Every one of them were laughing and clapping.

  Walking up to Raven, Alpha Brandan grabs her hand and raises it in the air like the victor she is, “Whitewood Pack, have you ever seen such speed and accuracy? The day after tomorrow Raven will be our newest badass she-wolf. I declare her quite capable of any job the pack can and will offer her.” Turning to look at her protectors, who are all now standing side by side with matching shocked expressions, “Gentlemen, if there is one piece of advice you ever heed, heed this, never, ever underestimate anyone. You have no idea what they are capable of.”

  Watching Alpha Brandan walk back towards the pack, Raven isn’t paying attention to her surroundings when the real fun begins. Feeling a body crash into her back, Raven knows who has attacked her, “Let the show begin, bitch.” Giggling, Raven swirls to face her best friend Jack.

  Standing in a braced fighting position, Jack smiles at Raven, “Aw come on, sweet cheeks, I saw you playing with the boys. Why don’t we show them what you can really do?”

  Seeing Conner about to take a step forward, “Conner, this is my best friend. Jack is no real threat to me, just sit back and watch. Guys, relax and watch, you might learn something.”

  “Come on hussy, you ready?”

  Laughing, Raven looks at Jack, “Heffer, you want some? Come get some.”

  With those words the fight begins. Jack runs full speed at Raven, readying herself for a jumping roundhouse kick. The moment Jack leaves the ground Raven takes off, twisting under Jack, Raven grabs her leg and slams her to the ground. Jack throws out a leg sweep, taking Raven to the ground. Both girls perform backwards rolls to get to their feet. Taking a matching fighting stance, Raven throws a left, aiming for Jack’s chest. Jack moves into the punch, grabbing Raven's wrist, attempting to twist it. Raven folds her body around Jack, wrapping her arm around Jack’s throat. With Raven out of reach, Jack decides to flop herself backwards to land on top of Raven. Raven doesn’t fall for it. Waiting till the last minutes Raven spins around Jack’s body effectively landing on top of Jack with her right hand poised to rip out Jack’s throat. Then all of a sudden the girls burst out laughing and embrace each other in a tight hug.

  Getting up, Raven is the first to catch her breath, “What are you doing here? I thought we were supposed to pick you, your mom, and your dad at the airport in a couple days.”

  Laughing at her best friend, Jack points to Liam, “One, Miss thing, we decided to fly in a bit early. Two, your Uncle Liam picked us up. Apparently, you were too busy showing these guys up.” Leaning to the side, Jack looks at Tristan, “Hey gorgeous, how does i
t feel getting your ass handed to you by your younger female cousin?”

  As all five of the men walk towards Raven and take up their position. Tristan wraps an arm around Jack’s waist, pulling her a bit closer to him, “Well beautiful, I’ll let you know when it actually happens.” With that, everyone burst out laughing.

  Sitting in his office, Alpha Kieran lets his eyes roam around the room. Wall to wall, dark cherry shelves that are filled with books; a dark cherry door separating the two sides of the room; and a beautiful picturesque window facing the forest. The room is full of strong black leather furniture: a couch, a couple high-backed chairs, and a matching leather and wood coffee table. His desk chair even matches. His desk first belonged to his great grandfather. Being brought out of his perusal of his office, he hears a knock at the door. Clearing his throat, he calls out, “Come in.”

  Watching the door, Alpha Kieran already knows who it is from their scent. As the door opens, he sits straighter in his chair, “Good morning, Breena, what brings you to see me? We just finished breakfast, is everything alright?”

  After closing the office door, Breena walks around the chairs to stand in front of her Alpha’s desk, “Alpha, it’s the seers. We all feel we need to speak to you. As the head seer, I came in to formally request a meeting. I also believe it’s in all of our best interest that your First Beta be here as well. We are not positive, Alpha, but we feel this may include him.”

  Leaning forward Alpha Kieran grabs his phone, before placing a call, “Ask the other seers to come in and to have a seat. Also, bring in some coffee. I have a feeling it will be needed.” Scrolling through his phone and finding First Beta Damian’s name, he pushes the call button. Hearing Damian’s voice, a chill goes up his spine. Ignoring it for the moment, he speaks.

  “Damian, I need you plus two more Betas at my office as soon as possible. Also grab our lead Enforcer and have him bring two more Enforcers with him. The seers have requested a meeting, and Breena said they believe this involves you somehow.”

  “I can have everyone there within five minutes. I happen to be standing with the two Betas I will bring with me. We will grab the lead Enforcer and his two men and head that way.”

  “Great, then I expect to see you all shortly.”

  “Yes, Alpha.”

  Hanging up the phone, he sets it back down on his desk. Looking up as the door opens again, he sees all four of the seers walking into his office. They are all carrying notebooks of varying colors, “Take a seat. Leave the front two chairs empty for Damian and Breena. I want those two up front.”

  “Alpha, I heard you say my name. Did you need me to do something else before this meeting starts?”

  Looking around two of his Betas to see Damian standing at the door, Alpha Kieran waves his hand dismissing the notion, “No, I was saying I want you and Breena up here in front of me. I know your normal spot is beside me, but today I think you should be by Breena.”

  Looking a bit confused, “Alpha, if I have done something...”

  Shaking his head, “No, Damian, I am not taking your position away from you. Something tells me this outweighs rank. I have a feeling this may involve our very livelihood. Now, I can see everyone is seated. Damian, come in and shut the door. I know I am quite curious as to why this meeting was called, as I am sure you are. I am just going to hand things over to Breena for now. Breena?”

  Sitting perfectly straight, as were the other seers, Breena looks around the room till she’s again looking at her Alpha, “Alpha, the other seers and I have been bombarded with visions since you and I spoke yesterday morning. I don’t think any one of us has even gotten much sleep due to dreams. You and I briefly discussed ravens and Leprechauns. Well, there is more to that than you or I first thought. I am not sure how it happened, or why for that matter, but our youngest seer has received most of the strongest visions. Since he is quite scared of you, I will speak for him. I have spoken to him, and I have his notes. Does this meet with your approval, Alpha?

  Nodding his head, the Alpha looks at the youngest seer, “It does, as long as he answers me when I ask him a question. I am no threat to you, boy, unless you betray me,” looking back at Breena, “continue.”

  “Alpha, it seems the Sullivan pup is more important than we ever imagined. I can’t say for any certainty, but I believe it’s in our best interest not to kill her but to obtain her. Our young seer somehow believes he experienced a possession that was fully meant for Raven Sullivan herself. She did receive the message, of which he has no doubt. For the length of the message he feels he was connected to Raven. After you hear the message, you will agree when I say, we must find the Leprechaun Chieftain.

  “I am the Chieftain of the Leprechauns. This child must be protected at all costs or it will cost all. She must come to me. I must see and speak with her. Send her before it’s too late.”

  “From the message alone we know she will head there. However, we can’t say when or how. The one other thing we can say is it won’t be till after tomorrow. She has her Ascension, her first shift, and her mating tomorrow. With all that, I can confidently say that Raven will not leave till after this weekend. As for all of us seeing ravens everywhere, it has to be her. It’s the only thing that makes sense. The only way to confirm this is to see her when she is ready to shift. She will be nude. If we could see her at this point maybe one of us could see her birthmark. If Double Raven is to be taken literally then it would stand that her birthmark is a blue raven. Her name being Raven would, in fact, be a Double Raven, in the technical sense.”

  Relaxing back into his chair, the Alpha looks at the young seer, “If you were able to connect with Raven once before, do you think you’ll be able to connect with her again?”

  Turning a few shades of red while trying to sit even straighter, “Al-Alpha, I cannot guarantee that I will be able to connect with her again. However, I have a strong sense of her powers, and I should be able to lock onto her again. Almost like her power is a beacon. Unless she is somehow protected, I will do anything within my ability to lock on to her to be able to see if she does, in fact, have the blue raven birthmark.”

  Turning his attention back to Breena, “You said First beta Damian should be here, why?”

  Looking at Alpha Kieran and then to Damian, Breena hesitates. Taking a breath Breena looks at her Alpha again, “First Beta Damian must go with the team you will send to hunt her. She will not be alone. None of us have seen how many protectors she will have, but she will have them nonetheless.” Looking from her Alpha to First Beta Damian, “Damian, you cannot underestimate her. You will want to. Not only because she is a female, but also because everything is still new to her. I am warning you, don’t. Underestimating her could and will cost you and your team your lives. You must retrieve her after she meets with the Leprechaun Chieftain. I cannot say why this is important, but it is. After she meets with him, you must get her and bring her back here.”

  “Alpha Kieran?” One of the older seers sitting in the back stands up to be seen more clearly, “May I speak?”

  Nodding and waving his hand, he beacons the seer forward, “Come up here so that you can be seen and heard better. Say what you need to say.”

  “Alpha, I am not as strong as the other seers anymore, but I still possess my gift. The only thing I can add to what Breena has said is that whichever men go on the hunt for Raven, must take our most powerful witch. We cannot see what gifts Raven does possess, or what she will gain tomorrow at her Ascension. We are positive that she will not travel alone, and all of the Whitewood wolves are witches. They all have powers, and again we are unsure of who has what kind of power. If Raven is as special as we think, she will add to whatever power her protectors have.”

  Dismissing the elder with a nod, “You speak wise words. I will heed what you’ve said. Thank you. So, we have the seers watch for anything and everything. Again, the more information we can gather the better. As for a hunting party, how many do you think you will need, Damian? I know that not
knowing how many protectors she will have is a disadvantage.”

  Sitting back and relaxing his legs, “Alpha, I want to suggest two teams. Two teams of five. One team can try to get to the Leprechauns before Raven’s party does. The other team can follow behind them or track them, should we not be able to locate them right away. Both teams will meet up at the Leprechaun Chieftain's village. We will make sure we get the upper hand. I do think we should start watching her on Friday. That way maybe we can get a count on how many protectors she has. Maybe even see a pattern in their protection. As you like to say, Alpha, the more information we can gather, the better.”

  As the room falls silent, the young seer’s eyes go wide and then begin to glow. Noticing, one of the Enforcers taps Damian on his shoulder. Turning, Damian follows the extended arm and pointing finger, “Breena, what’s wrong with him?”

  Getting up from her chair, Breena walks over to the young seer. Kneeling down, Breena touches the young seer to boost his power. Seeing this the other two seers do the same. Taking a deep breath the young seer begins to speak in a voice not his own.

  “You may see what you like, it changes nothing. Only I know and only she will know. What you think you know is nothing to what there is to know. Watch yourselves, walking blindly is dangerous.”

  Taking a deep breath and releasing it, the young seer starts to fall forward, and Breena turns toward her Alpha, “Alpha, please excuse the other seers, they need to tend to our young one. I will stay.”

  “Yes, go, take care of him. One of you is to stay with him at all times. It seems we will indeed be blessed with a powerful seer. Breena, what did that riddle-speaking Leprechaun mean by all that gibberish. Jesus, Mary, and Joseph…I fecking hate riddles.”

  Sitting back down in her chair, Breena sighs, “It means that nothing we do will allow us to learn what he will tell Raven. I might be guessing, but I also take it that there is more to this than we know and that even when we do discover more information, we will still be lacking knowledge.” Sighing, “Like you said, Alpha, fecking riddles.”


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