Dire Secrets

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Dire Secrets Page 14

by Micca Michaels

  Running his large hand through his hair, the Alpha growled in pure frustration, “Alright, we have a tentative plan together. Breena, watch that young seer. Damian, get your teams together. After tomorrow, you will need to be ready to move at a moment's notice and be gone for Gods only knows how long. If anything happens, I expect to be told immediately. Is that understood?”

  With “Yes Alpha” rounding the room, Alpha Kieran dismisses everyone to do what he expects them to. Once his office door is closed, he slouches back in his chair. Heaving a big sigh and running his hands through his hair, he closes his eyes. Thinking about everything that was just said and what had happened only a few minutes prior. What am I missing? The Marked One, that’s what he said. So, if this Marked One is Raven Sullivan, what am I supposed to do with her? Obtain her, like you go out and buy a fecking lamp or something? Let’s assume she is The Marked One, what does that even mean? I still have more questions than fecking answers. When will these questions start being answered? One of the bigger questions is why does our young seer seem to have such a strong connection to Raven? Breena never even mentioned him. I wonder what changed that he seems to be, what, going through a power boost? Once again his inner thoughts are interrupted by a knock at the door. Growling in frustration and answering with more impatience than usual, “Come in.”

  Quickly opening the door, his First Beta walks in and closes the door behind himself. “Excuse the interruption, Alpha, but I think we should speak alone. I have some concerns I wish to speak with you about.”

  Sitting up straighter in his chair, Alpha Kieran runs one of his hands through his hair to try to calm it back down. Not seeming to be having any luck he stops and places his hand on his desk. Looking at his First, “Damian, when it's just you and I let’s dispense with official titles, shall we? Now, tell me what’s on your mind.”

  Walking over to one of the chairs facing his Alpha’s desk, Damian sits down, crossing one ankle over a knee, “Alright, Alph.. sorry, Kieran. I have no problem leading the two teams to capture Raven Sullivan. Not that I believe it will be a simple snatch and grab, but her protectors will not be a match for all of us. What I do have a problem with is the young seer. I’m sorry, what’s his name? I know near to nothing about him.”

  Leaning back in his chair again, “Ah, yes, young Finn Reid Hayes. He is twenty one, I believe. He was orphaned shortly after his birth. His mother died giving birth to him. A few days later his father took his own life. I assume because of the loss of his mate, but you’d think he would have wanted to live for his son. He was placed with Rory and Breena that same day. They might as well have been his parents. You can understand the loss of Rory has deeply affected him. He is quiet. He only speaks when it seems he has to. Why are you curious about him?”

  “I think he should accompany us on this mission. I know he is young and not a fighter, but it will be easier for us if he has a vision that he is with us. We will get any and all information first hand. Instead of having to wait what could be a precious amount of time to receive the information. Especially if there is a chance he could intercept another message from the Leprechaun Chieftain. We would be able to react immediately. Plus, my feeling is that he is supposed to be there as well. I don’t think he hid that information from us, but they say seers never see themselves in their visions.” Relaxing a bit with getting all that off his shoulders, now he just needed Kieran to agree with him.

  “I can see what you’re saying, and I happen to agree but not for just that reason. I believe that him going with you will force him to open up more and depend on others more than he does. Hell, it might toughen him up as well. I will speak with Breena and have him report to you. Have you given any thought to assigning someone to try to watch Raven? It might help us learn when she is going to leave.”

  Smiling to himself and to his Alpha, “As a matter of fact, I have. I have already sent a team of two to try to locate her and watch her. They are to report to me every couple of hours. The only time that schedule would be altered is if they see Raven and her protectors leaving pack lands.”

  Clapping his hands together and rubbing them, “Good, hopefully we will start getting some answers to all the questions we have. I would like to know who her mate is and who her protectors are. That would tell us for sure if two five-man teams is actually enough. Alright, I need some food, and I could damn sure use some sleep. Keep me up to date on any information that comes your way.”

  Standing to leave the office, “I will do that. Get that food and rest. I know I’ll be doing the same.” Walking out of the Alpha’s office, Damian heads straight for the pack house kitchen to get that food.

  Getting up from the breakfast nook, Damian is tired of being in his own head about things. I think it’s time to find Breena and speak to her. Walking out of the pack house, Damian sees Breena sitting on the ground under a tree. Smiling, good I’ll see if she will speak with me now. Slowly strolling over to Breena, “Breena, do you have a few minutes to speak with me? I would like to talk to you about young Finn. If that’s alright?”

  Looking up from her book and giving Damian a small smile, “I was expecting a visit from you, to be honest.” Giggling at Damian’s shocked expression, “It wasn’t a seer thing, I spoke with the Alpha, and he said you inquired about Finn. So, I concluded you would come to me since I raised him. Now, what questions can I answer for you?”

  Taking a seat in front of Breena, Damian folds and crosses his legs. Feeling the cool grass under his palms relaxes him and simply feels good, “I wanted to know if you thought Finn could handle accompanying the two teams on this mission, and if you understood why I need him with us? You know I am not one to hold tight to something that a seer says. I believe everything just happens and anything can change at a moment's notice, but there is something about Finn that makes me believe he should be with us.”

  Leaning back on the tree giving her shade, Breena closes her book and sets it to the side. Looking at Damian, giving him her full attention, “You know I am fond of Finn, but even I have to admit that him going makes sense. As I told Alpha Kieran, Finn is having so many visions he almost can’t see straight. The thing is though, he insists they make no sense. He can’t explain them, and he’s tried. I would know if he was lying, and he’s not. Besides, lying isn’t something he can do or do to another seer anyways. He still insists that Raven is going to see this Leprechaun Chieftain, nothing has changed there. He said it feels like something different is trying to come through, but for whatever reason, it’s partially blocked or just interrupted. He has also stated he feels the need to go with you and the teams. He has no explanation as to why, just that he needs to go. So, if you are worried he will not want to go, you can set that aside. I explained to him he must be packed and ready to move at a moment's notice. None of us can see when Raven will leave pack lands to start this, what, journey, I guess? Have I answered what you needed to know?”

  Leaning back on his elbows and stretching out his legs, Damian closes his eyes and tips his face towards the sun. Before speaking he takes a minute to absorb everything Breena has said, “Do you think we have time before she leaves pack lands? I realize tomorrow is a big day for her, as it is for any wolf, but apparently this Leprechaun Chieftain has an urgency as well. My opinion is she won’t want to wait. Her and her protectors will already be packed and ready to go. I have a small team watching the Whitewood pack lands, but you know we can’t get too close, so we may miss something, and that’s unacceptable. I need to know what you think, what you feel about.”

  Observing Damian in a new light, Breena tilts her head in acknowledgment, “I see that you don’t hold firm to what a seer may see, but you will not disregard what we do say. That’s smart. Seers will not purposely set you on the wrong path. If I understood the Alpha, you are sending out the first team tomorrow. They are to get in the vicinity of the Chieftain and be ready for your team to possibly force Raven and her protectors in their direction. This all makes sense, except, you must
make sure Raven actually meets with this person. Then you can take her. As the Alpha said, we need to know what he knows, and the only way we will discover that is to let him tell her. I agree with the plans, if it makes any difference. I just ask that you take care of Finn. Both of us have lost too much already.”

  Sitting up to face Breena and taking on a more serious expression, “Breena, I give you my word that I will do everything within my power to keep Finn safe. I understand his value, not only as a seer, but also as a pack member and person. I can give you no more than that. I hope it is enough.”

  “I accept your word, First Beta Damian, now I think it would be good for you to meet Finn in a relaxed setting. He was not himself sitting in front of the Alpha, and he needs to be relaxed with you, as well as trust you. Will you follow me, and I will introduce you, informally, if that’s alright.”

  Getting off the ground and dusting himself off, Damian reaches out his hand to help Breena off the ground. Taking his hand and standing, Breena dusts herself off as well. After picking up her book, she motions for Damian to follow her, “It will only take a couple of minutes to get to where he is. He goes to the same spot to meditate or to just think. He knows I might be bringing you there, so he won’t be startled to see us.”

  The winding path they are taking is located off the side of the pack house. It’s actually an area that Damian doesn’t find himself in very often. The path is approximately two feet wide at its widest point. Almost completely hidden from those passing by. Tall trees and untamed bushes sit on both sides of the path, giving it a feeling of safety and solitude. With only small breaks in the foliage for sunlight, the path is darker than the day surrounding it. Coming up to a clearing, Damian can see Finn laying flat on his back, not moving. You would think you stumbled upon a body if it wasn’t for the slight rise of his chest. Hearing the sound of approaching feet, Finn sits up, and realizing it’s Breena and Damian, he gets to his feet. Even with the distance between them, Damian can tell Finn is taller than he first thought. Looking him over from head to toe, he is well built. Finn stands at least six feet tall. He has a muscular build but seems to try and hide it. He has sun kissed skin, which goes with his heritage. Finn’s messy black hair hides part of his face, which also shades his dark brown eyes. His eyes seem to see into the depths of one’s soul. He looks familiar, and not in the sense of ever meeting him before. He resembles someone; not being able to place a name, Damian moves on. Hearing Finn speak interrupts Damian’s assessment.

  “First Beta Damian, Breena, what can I do for you? I haven’t seen anything of importance, and what I have seen isn’t clear enough to even describe. So, I don’t think it will be helpful at this point,” finally taking a breath after not realizing he was holding it while speaking. Thoughts start running through his head, calling himself to task. Come on man, what’s with me lately? They are just people, calm down. I know Breena and I have met First Beta Damian, kinda anyway. Well, okay I was in the same room he was, and he watched me as I was talking to Alpha Kieran.

  Looking at Finn, Breena widens her smile, “Finn, this is informal. You can call him Damian. There are no titles here at the moment. I thought it would be a good idea for you and Damian to meet in a more casual setting. Since you are to travel with him, it would help if you had met and spoken to each other beforehand. Why don’t we all take a seat and just talk?” Being the first to sit down on the ground, Breena pats the ground, inviting both men to sit with her. Taking the invitation, both men sit down facing one another, putting Breena on their side.

  “Finn, when we leave for this mission, I would like you to just think of me as one of the other guys. I think that would help you relax and help communication move quicker. I have already given Breena my word, but I will also give it to you. I will do everything within my power to keep you safe. I know you are not powerless and can defend yourself as well, but you are my responsibility while we are gone. I hope you understand what I am trying to say.”

  Allowing his shoulders to relax, Finn smiles at Damian, “I do get what you’re saying, and I appreciate it. As you said, I can defend myself, but I am by no means as capable as an Enforcer is. Thank you for your word as I know what it means to you, so I don’t take it lightly. Now, if only these damn visions would make some sense. I am beginning to think the visions I am having are two very different..umm, I don’t know, situations or people? It’s so frustrating. I have never had to deal with this kind of confusion before. I am hoping that the closer to Raven we get the more my visions will clear up, and they will start making more sense. Nothing has been completely clear since I was somehow brought into the message between the Leprechaun Chieftain and Raven.” Running his finger back and forth across his upper lip, Damian can physically see the mounting stress Finn is putting himself through.

  “Finn, look, I don’t know what it’s like to be a seer, that’s not my gift. However, I do know what it’s like trying to focus on something when there is a distraction and nothing I could do about that distraction. You have to let go, man. Just stop. Whatever comes to you, comes to you, that simple. I have no doubt that when it’s needed the most, your powers will not fail you or the teams. Just relax, breathe. Everything will work out.” Leaning back on his elbows, his go to position when sitting on the ground, Damian decides to change the subject to try to help Finn relax, “So, tell me, what do you like to do for fun? Wait, hold that thought. Breena, who does he look like? I can’t seem to let it go, he looks like someone I have seen before. What are you two smiling at? Come on, it’s going to drive me crazy.” Looking from Breena to Finn, Damian still isn’t getting what they are both smiling at.

  Finn turns his head to look at Breena, “I wasn’t expecting it from Damian, but I don’t think it’s fair we mess with him. Although it is fun to mess with people who don’t actually know us. Why don’t you tell him? Maybe it will click who I look like.” Turning his attention back to Damian, “You aren’t the first to notice. I’ve even been asked for my autograph.”

  Damian turned his attention back to Breena, sitting up fully. Waving his hands at Finn, “Who the hell does he look like?”

  Laughing and trying to control herself, “Ha-Have you ever seen Fifty Shades of Grey? If you have, think about it.” Totally losing control, Breena rolls onto her back laughing, “I-I can’t look at Damian’s face right n-now. Oh my Goddess, his expression is priceless.”

  Out of the blue it hits Damian, “Oh my Goddess, man, you look like Jamie Dornan. I bet you’ve been asked for autographs and other things. You lucky shit. I knew I knew you from somewhere, I just couldn’t place it. Don’t take this wrong, but I hope that you looking like him doesn’t cause us issues along the way. I bet the other men haven’t paid that much attention. Just wait till we all hit the road and they have to look at you more, it’ll hit them too.” Laughing, Damian gets to his feet, “Alright, I need to get some things done before we have to hustle out of here. Finn, make sure you are ready to move when needed and check in with me should a vision become clear and important to us getting Raven.”

  Standing as well, Finn takes Breena’s hand and helps her up, “I am already ready and can leave as soon as the word is given. If I see something, you’ll know something.”

  Setting off in different directions, Finn reflects on all that happened in the clearing. Damian seems pretty cool. I mean he at least had fun with who I look like. He’s not intimidated that I am a seer, which is nice. Think this will work out just fine. Not too sure how I feel about kidnapping someone, but I am sure the Alpha has his reasons. Then again, who am I to question him? I am sure everything will work out the way it’s supposed to...

  Happily sitting in Conner’s lap, Raven looks around the room at her friends and protectors. Protectors she hopes to be able to call friends one day. Aaron, Aidan, and Clancy are sitting in a semicircle playing a game of cards that almost looks like it’s about to turn violent, until all three men burst out laughing. Continuing her observation, her eyes land on Jack and
Tris, both smiling their biggest and most flirtatious smiles in their arsenals. Looking at them sitting together, face to face, Raven realizes their knees are touching. There’s something there, just have to see where it goes and if they can stand the separation when Jack goes home. Realizing she’s being poked in the side, she gives her attention to Conner, “Hey you.”

  Smiling back at Raven, Conner pulls her close and kisses her forehead. Keeping his mouth close to her ear, “My love, what has you so distracted that I’m forced to poke your ribs to get your attention? Are you worried about tomorrow?”

  Leaning back against Conner’s wide chest, Raven feels totally safe. Especially when he wraps his large arms around her waist and pulls her in closer. “No, I am not worried about tomorrow. I know it will be a busy day, but I am not worried. It’s what comes after that has me worried. I have so many questions that still haven’t been answered. Hell, we all have questions. I mean think about it,” with this Raven notices everyone has eyes on her and is paying attention, “Mom and Dad are attacked and end up killed because of an avalanche; I move across the world to be with the rest of my family; and in the span of one night, I find out the truth of my parents death, that Conner’s my mate, and that I am going to shift into a massive wolf, one I thought was long extinct. As if that’s not enough, I had to meet the pack’s Alpha, and I got fecking possessed by a Leprechaun. A fecking Leprechaun, and I don’t mean the magically delicious kind. I didn’t even know they were real, and now I have to go and speak to him. Oh, and don’t forget I now have five protectors who have sworn an oath to protect me or die trying. Did I miss anything? Goddess I hope not,” heaving a heavy sigh, Raven lets her head fall back on Conner’s shoulder.


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