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The Littlest

Page 5

by Sandrine Gasq-Dion

  Roane smiled and slapped Josh across the cheek.

  “Ow!” Josh massaged his cheek.

  “See? You felt that,” Roane chuckled. “We move between both worlds, Josh,” Roane said. “We are not dead. Our line never really dies. Does that help?”

  Josh shrugged. “I guess.”

  “I hope Riley’s okay.” Sam looked towards the bedroom.


  His muscles pulled and bones shifted. Riley fought it as hard as he could. The pain was excruciating. Dakota sat on the edge of the bed with Maggie in his arms, trying to soothe him. Mateo closed the door to the room and nodded to Dakota.

  “Can you take Maggie into the other room? I don’t want her to see this.”

  Dakota nodded and leaned over to Riley. “Just let it come naturally, okay? If you fight it, it hurts twice as much.”

  Mateo waited for the door to close, and then sat on the edge of the bed. He ran his fingers through Riley’s soft coat. Riley whined softly and Mateo moved to his side. They faced each other and Mateo gently brushed his muzzle.

  “Well, I guess our talk about becoming werewolves is settled now, huh?” Mateo leaned in to kiss Riley’s nose. “I have no idea what you’re going through, but I’m here. We’ll deal with this together. Just know that Matty bit you because he loves you.”

  “Yeah? Well it hurts like hell,” Riley snorted.

  Mateo’s eyes widened. “Holy shit!”

  Riley lifted his head. “You heard me?”

  Mateo smiled warmly at his husband. “Yes, I did. Look, I think you might need Dakota. As much as I would love to say I know what you’re going through, I can’t. But Dakota does.”

  Riley closed his eyes and tried to send a message to Dakota. Seconds later, there was a soft knock on the door and Dakota peeked in.

  “Need help?” Dakota closed the door behind him.

  “Yes, he does,” Mateo made room for Dakota on the bed. “As much as I’d love to say Riley only needs me, in this case, he needs another werewolf.”

  “You’re a good man, Mateo.” Dakota palmed Mateo’s face. “Riley will need you here; you’re what keeps him calm. Get up by his head and just let your fingers soothe him, okay?”

  Mateo did as he was told and Dakota took his place beside Riley. He faced him on the bed and threaded his fingers into Riley’s coat.

  “I know it hurts; God knows I do. But the longer you fight it, the more painful it will become. Just try to breathe in and out slowly, okay? Imagine your body transforming; see yourself as a human,” Dakota said softly.

  Riley closed his eyes and imagined himself as a man. He concentrated on his fingers and toes as his spine seemed to lengthen – pulling at the muscles in his back. He let out a soft whine as bones snapped and realigned themselves. Pain shot through him and then he opened his eyes to see Dakota smiling at him.

  “Is it over?” Riley croaked.

  Dakota covered Riley with the blanket on the bed and smoothed his hair back. “You did great.”

  “Thanks, Dakota,” Mateo wrapped Riley in his arms.

  “No problem. I’m going to bring Maggie in, okay? She’s been fussing for her dads. So has Matty.”

  Riley perked up. “I want to hold them both.”

  “I’ll get them.” Dakota got up from the bed and regarded Riley in Mateo’s arms. “Matty loves you. Don’t ever think he doesn’t.”

  Riley sighed as the door closed. At some point during all of the uproar, the guys had managed to tell him why Matty had bitten him. He snuggled into Mateo’s arms. He could hear everything from the room next door. Josh and Mark were talking with Sam about Kane. Conner was helping Dakota get a bottle for Maggie as Roane chased Matty through the cabin. He chuckled as Roane sighed in exasperation.

  “I think Matty is going to be a handful.” Riley smiled up at Mateo.

  A half hour later, the four of them snuggled on the bed. Riley fed Maggie her bottle and Mateo fed Matty – who had shifted back to human form to eat. Mateo looked down into his son’s eyes. They were blue again. He knew they’d change to hazel at some point. In wolf form, they would change to the orange-red color now and then – the color of a child with the sight, Wayne had explained.

  He had already grown exponentially in the last few hours. Now Matty was ten pounds. The growth spurt would continue up until 6 months of age, when it would level out. Mateo put the bottle on the nightstand and put Matty over his shoulder. A loud burp escaped and Mateo chuckled.

  Maggie wiggled in Riley’s lap, letting out little sounds that got Matty’s attention. They had formed a bond in the womb and it had carried over. Mateo had a feeling Matty would never bite his sister – somehow he knew that would be devastating to her.

  Riley leaned into him; resting his head on Mateo’s shoulder as Mateo put his arm around his husband. They were a family now.

  “I can hear you,” Riley chuckled.

  “Really?” Mateo kissed Riley’s head.

  “Yep.” Riley nodded. “It’s so weird.”

  Mateo’s nose twitched. “Oh my God, what is that smell?”

  Riley chuckled. “That would be our kids.”

  Mateo picked Matty up and held him at arm’s length. “How does something so cute make something that smells so bad?”

  “I can change him; I think Maggie has left us something, too.”

  “No, you just rest, okay?” Mateo kissed Riley’s forehead. He got up and walked to the table in the corner that Conner had set up. Diapers, wipes and powder all sat in a neat row on the shelf above it. When he turned, Matty was on the floor of the room in wolf form – his dirty diaper face up beside him.

  “Ew.” Mateo tried to grab his son, who ran under the bed. “You come back out here! You need a bath.”

  Riley chuckled and got out of bed slowly. “I’ll change Maggie; you get him into a tub.”

  “Matty Esposito!” Mateo got on his hands and knees and lifted the bed skirt. “Come out here.” Matty was at the head of the bed, right in the middle.

  “Ugh.” Mateo slid under the bed and reached for his son, who moved further back and out of his reach.

  “Oh, you want to play that?” Mateo grinned and crawled back out from under the bed. He opened the bedroom door and looked at Dakota and Sam.

  “A little help here?”

  Sebastian stepped forward tentatively. “I might be able to help?”

  Mateo opened his mouth to argue when Riley piped up behind him.

  “Thank you, Sebastian, any help would be appreciated.”

  Mateo turned and glared at his husband.

  “Stop it.” Riley narrowed his eyes at Mateo. “You can’t be mad at him, Mateo. He’s forbidden to tell anyone what he sees in a vision; you know that. It’s hard enough as it is for Sebastian; please try to understand.”

  Mateo huffed, but relented. “He’s under the bed.”

  Sebastian looked at Conner. “Do you have any of that venison jerky?”

  Conner nodded. “Yeah, I’ll grab it.”

  Sebastian stood right outside the door and waited for permission from Mateo before entering. The older man sighed and a small smile formed on his lips. Sebastian relaxed as Mateo pulled him into a hug.

  “I’m so sorry,” Sebastian whispered.

  “Don’t be. I get it and I’m sorry. I should have never gone off on you like that.” A short cough came from behind Sebastian and Mateo smiled at Nicholas. “I know, I know. We cool?”

  “Yeah, we’re cool.” Nicholas put his hand out and Mateo shook it and pulled the detective into a hug.

  “Here’s the jerky.” Conner handed the dried meat to Sebastian. “You going to lure him out?”

  “Yup,” Sebastian grinned. He entered the room and sat on the floor next to the bed with his back resting on the frame. He tore a piece of jerky off and chewed.

  “Oh wow, this is really good,” Sebastian mumbled, waving the jerky back and forth.

  Claws clicked on the wood underneath the bed, and then a little f
urry snout stuck out from beneath the bed skirt. Riley covered his chuckle as Matty’s nostrils sniffed the air curiously. Sebastian lowered the jerky just a bit so that it hovered above Matty’s nose.

  “So tender,” Sebastian groaned taking another bite.

  A paw came out, then another, and then Matty’s face. He sniffed again and crawled out from under the bed. Mateo grabbed his son who immediately squirmed.

  “Ha! Got ya!” Mateo crowed triumphantly.

  Sebastian stood up and gave the piece of jerky to Matty – who swallowed it whole.

  “Bath time, little man.” Sebastian rubbed behind Matty’s ears.

  “Oh wow,” Sam waved his hand in front of his nose.

  “Yeah,” Mateo plugged his nose. “Bath, like, now.”

  “Um, Sam?” Conner called from the living room.

  “Yes?” Sam poked his head out the door.

  “Kane is getting ready to, um, urinate?” Conner laughed.

  “We’re going to have to get a hold of Wyatt. He was the one who practically lived in wolf form growing up,” Sam sighed.

  “I’ll be dealing with that?” Nadine stood by the couch, hands on her hips. She narrowed her eyes at her grandson and pointed to the door.


  Kane whined, but padded to the door. Sam stood, jaw dropped, as his mother ushered his son outside to do his business.

  “She’s going to be a great babysitter,” Josh grinned.

  ~*Chapter Five*~

  Mateo soon discovered that bathing Matty was a two person job. The pup ran from him at every opportunity, and then splashed so much in the bath that Mateo was soaked. He scrubbed shampoo into his son’s thick coat and rubbed his belly. Matty relaxed a little and Mateo smiled.

  “Ah, so I’ve figured out what you like, huh?” Mateo rubbed Matty’s belly some more and in the blink of an eye Matty was human again. Mateo picked his son up and held him to his chest. “You smell so much better. Are you ready to eat again now?” Mateo laughed as Matty squirmed and cooed at him.

  He wrapped him up in a towel and headed for the bedroom that he and Riley were occupying. Riley was sitting up in bed with Maggie in his arms. Mateo leaned up against the doorframe watching his husband.

  “Hey,” Mateo said quietly.

  Riley looked up with a smile. “Hey, yourself.” Riley’s eyes scanned his husband’s soaked clothing. “Did you get in with him?”

  “No, but we’ll both bathe him from now on.” Mateo sat on the edge of the bed. Riley’s hair seemed especially lustrous, his eyes brighter. He looked younger.

  “Oh my God, babe.” Mateo reached out and palmed Riley’s face.

  “What is it?”

  “You look twenty-four again.” Mateo smiled warmly. Riley leaned over and their lips met softly. “I love you.”

  “I love you, too. What do we do now? I mean, we said we’d talk about it, but Matty didn’t really give us much choice. I’m a werewolf now. I can’t bear the thought of not being with you forever.”

  “I’ll change for you, babe. You know that.” Mateo leaned over and kissed Maggie on her forehead. “In all the excitement, I haven’t been able to spend much time with my daughter.”

  Riley handed Maggie over to Mateo and took Matty into his arms. The baby searched his eyes and Riley kissed his forehead. “I’m not mad at you, Matty,” Riley whispered. “I love you so much.”

  Mateo watched as their son touched Riley’s face in awe. Riley gave him a bottle and Matty sucked it dry in minutes. He was asleep seconds later. Mateo looked down at Maggie, sleeping in his arms. She was an exact replica of Riley. She was beautiful.

  “Well, at least we know who he ends up with, huh?” Riley ran the backs of his fingers over Matty’s soft cheek.

  “Mated as newborns,” Mateo shook his head. “How weird is that?”

  A knock sounded on the door and Mateo looked over his shoulder.

  “Come in.”

  Mark cracked the door open and smiled at them. He entered the room with Josh trailing after him. Mark peeked at Maggie in Mateo’s arms, and then looked at Riley with Matty. He gasped as Riley looked up at him.

  “Oh my God, Riley. You look so young!” Mark exclaimed.

  “That’s it,” Josh sighed. “Mark and I are going to become werewolves because Botox is expensive.”

  Mark looked over his shoulder at his husband.

  Josh shrugged. “What?”

  Mark sat on the bed and looked over Riley’s features. It was amazing. Any small wrinkles he had were gone; Riley looked the same way he had the day they met.

  “It’s remarkable,” Mark whispered.

  “So, Mat,” Josh looked at his buddy. “I take it you’re joining your husband in wolf land?”

  Mateo nodded. “Yes, I am.”

  “Won’t that be fun?” Josh snorted.

  “No, it won’t,” Riley sighed. “But it’s worth it.” Riley held Matty to his chest and breathed him in. He smelled like fresh rain. Another scent wafted up his nostrils and Riley’s mouth actually watered. Mateo smelled… Riley’s eyes shifted and his canines dropped.

  “Oh shit,” Mark backed away. “Um, Mateo?”

  Mateo looked over at Riley and shivered. “Um, could you guys take the kids? I think it’s going to get a little loud in here.”

  The door hadn’t even closed and Riley was on him. His wet clothes were torn off his body by Riley’s claws and then Riley was feasting on his ass, thrusting his tongue inside Mateo’s hole. Riley’s strength was amazing. Mateo was on his hands and knees as Riley slicked him up good and proper.

  “Fuck, you smell so damn good,” Riley growled.

  Mateo’s back arched as Riley slammed into him full force. His ass was aflame as Riley’s massive cock tore through him. Mateo reached for the headboard as Riley started pounding him into the mattress.

  “Have to mark you,” Riley gasped. “Want to.”

  Mateo squeezed his eyes shut. “Do it.”

  Riley’s hips snapped and he filled Mateo to the hilt. “Mine!”

  A blast of heat engulfed him and Mateo cried out, fingers gripping the headboard. Riley roared and collapsed on top of him as Mateo’s orgasm ripped through him. Pain seared his shoulder and Mateo cried out. Pictures fell from the walls as Riley kept thrusting, canines lodged in his husband’s shoulder.

  “Ohhh, fuck!” Mateo shouted. The pain was immediate; it hurt less to get shot. The heat tore through his body as Riley’s lupine bite coursed through his veins. The first bone broke in his thigh and Mateo let out a loud, garbled shout.


  Josh turned toward the room as glass broke. He raised his eyebrows at Wayne, who just shrugged. More glass broke and then there were thumping noises. Sam covered a chuckle as low growling noises came from the bedroom. He knew what the first mating was like, as well as the first shift. Mateo was in for some horrific pain.

  Shouts floated through the wooden door and Sam could hear Riley apologizing in low, whispered tones. Mateo’s thoughts became clear; the man was in agonizing pain. Sam held Dakota’s hand as they all faced the bedroom door, almost in a trance. It seemed like hours had gone by before the door handle turned and Riley cracked it open. He poked his head out and motioned them.

  “You have to see this.”

  The group crowded behind Riley into the room. Mateo was on his side, eyes closed, panting. His black coat shone in the light from the window. He was massive. The bed dipped in the middle from his weight.

  Matty ran into the room and yelped by the side of the bed. Riley picked him up and placed him on the mattress. Matty carefully approached his father, sniffing the air. He snuggled into Mateo’s side and rested his head between his paws.

  “They’re so cute!” Riley whispered.

  “One big, happy werewolf family,” Mark smiled.

  “Except for Maggie,” Riley reminded them. “She needs to stay that way. Female werewolves are essentially feral, no matter what you do.”

  The fron
t door opened and Nadine entered with Kane – who ran straight for the bedroom and his mate. Sam had to laugh when Kane tried to get up on the bed. He was still too small to make the jump. He picked his son up and put him down next to Matty. Kane sniffed Mateo, and then settled in next to his mate.

  “How long does the paw print stay there?” Sam looked over at Wayne.

  “Mine started fading when I turned one hundred. Don’t get me wrong, it’s still there, under my hair, but it’s faded. Kane will wear the mark for a long time.”

  “Yes, and you had better start reminding him who’s in charge right now,” Roane said with a smile. “Even though Wayne would take the place of alpha, I still had to show him who was boss.”

  Wayne rolled his eyes.

  “I think we better get some food going,” Conner said, eyeing the werewolves on the bed. “You guys are going to get very hungry.”

  At the mention of food, Mateo’s head lifted. Conner grinned.


  Mateo shifted on the bed, spreading his hind legs out. A loud cracking sound filled the room and Mateo whined.

  “He’s shifting back,” Wayne sat on the edge of the bed and studied Mateo’s face. “You have to let it come naturally. I know your first instinct is to fight it tooth and nail, but that only makes it harder. The babies can shift back and forth more easily because their bodies are still pliable. You don’t have that luxury.”

  Riley sat by Mateo and put his head in his lap. “I’m right here. Just breathe, babe, nice and slow.”

  “Let’s give them some privacy, huh?” Dakota picked Kane up and smiled when he whined. “You want Matty, too?” He kissed his little ear. “Don’t worry, we’ll get him.” Dakota motioned to Sam to get the other pup.

  As soon as the door closed, Mateo let out a whimper. Oh fuck, he was in for some serious pain.

  “I know. I just went through it,” Riley whispered, petting Mateo’s head.

  “You heard that?” Mateo sighed. “Of course, you did.”

  “Well, now we don’t have to discuss the pros and cons, huh? Guess Matty decided his parents should be werewolves.”

  “He had to have known if you were changed, I would change as well. There’s no way in hell I’m living my life without you in it.”


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